Tip of the Spear: Devil Chasers (Lima Six Motorcycle Club Book 3) (4 page)

BOOK: Tip of the Spear: Devil Chasers (Lima Six Motorcycle Club Book 3)
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Kat smiled. “Just leave that to me.”


“We need one other thing from you,” Jamie said.




“The date, time and location of the next intercept.”


“How the hell am I supposed to find that out?”


Jamie shrugged. “Use your imagination. But if you want Leo’s help, we have to have the info. We need proof that Lima 6 is muling. We need that information to get the proof. And when I say ‘we’, I mean the three of us. We’re all in this together now.”


Kat glared at Jamie a moment. “Fine. I’ll find out. Somehow.”


Jamie followed her to the door and let her out and flipped on the open sign while she was there. It was only five forty-five, but she was ready. Bobi and Tim would be here soon enough to bring the staff up to full strength, but she could handle it alone until then.


“You want to let me in on the plan?” Leo asked when Jamie returned to her place behind the bar.


“It’s simple enough,” Jamie said as she dumped out Kat’s barely touched beer. “You said yourself that most of the club won’t want to go along with actually muling the drugs, much less the killing of their own members. So, we get some proof that Ron’s hoods are actually muling the drugs, not just letting them pass through. If we can pick off some of the men, then we can bring up the cleaning crew. Maybe find someone in the club that knows the truth.”


“All that sounds good. But how do the women figure into all of this?”


“They’re going to be our wedge. We’ll use the women to drive a wedge between the good guys and the bad guys.”


“How do you plan to do that?”


Jamie smiled. “You just let me worry about that.”


“And if you manage to drive this ‘wedge’ between the members, then what?”


“Then? Then you take the club back and do what you need to do.”


“Why do I think it won’t be as easy as you make it sound?”


“Trust me, Leo. Remember when Will first started dating Ellen? Remember how I complained that I didn’t like the way she was leading him around by his cock? Remember what you told me?”


Leo smiled. “Yeah, I remember.”


“So, if that is how it has been for millions of years, then let’s use it to our advantage.”


“And you think this harebrained scheme of yours will work?”


Now Jamie smiled. “I haven’t hung out with the biker chicks that much, but from what little I have observed there is one thing I know for certain, they know how to get what they want.”


Leo thought that over a moment. Having been on the receiving end of that manipulation a couple of times, he couldn’t argue with her about it being true. “Seems like you have this all thought out.”


“No. Not really. I’m just following your lead with the first cleaning crew. The idea of using the woman just came to me as you were talking to Kat. I could see her make you want to help her. And as you said, this may be our best chance to crack open Lima 6. If it is, I don’t want to miss my chance to see Ron Terrill burn in hell.”




Leo was brushing his teeth when Jamie sashayed into the bathroom, her phone in hand and a grin splitting her face. Without saying a word she walked up behind him, pressed in tight, and held the phone where he could read the text.


He stopped brushing long enough to read the text, then finished up as she propped against the counter with a smug look on her face. The text contained the date, time and location of the next intercept.


“That didn’t take long. I wonder how she found out?” he asked as he wiped his hands and mouth.


“Pfft,” Jamie spluttered. “I never had any doubt. Women like Kat know exactly how to get what they want.”


“Women like Kat, or just women?”


“What do you think?”


“I’m leaning toward just women.”


Jamie grinned. Having Kat come through, and so quickly, made her buzz with excitement. She was going to use the women of Lima 6 to cut the nuts off Ron Terrill, and he won’t even see it coming. That was the sweetest victory of them all. Leo had kicked the shit out of him for indirectly implying she could provide him with sexual favors, something she had never forgiven him for. Now she was going to give him some sexual contact of a different type. A swift kick to the balls.


“Smart man. Better to just go with what we want. It makes it so much easier for you.”


“Wait!” he exclaimed with a grin. “Aren’t you the same woman that denied leading me around by my manly parts just a couple of months ago?”


“Mmmm, maybe. But tonight I’m going to do more than just lead you around by those parts. They have a much better use.”


He crossed his arms across his chest in mock indignation. “Oh you are? Maybe I don’t want to be used. I’m more than just a male harlot, you know.”


Jamie’s smile grew even wider as she accepted his challenge. She had been in the kitchen finishing up some paperwork for the bar when he started preparing for bed. She was still fully dressed, but Leo was stripped to the waist with only his boxers on. His bare chest and defiant attitude was turning her on.


“You don’t want to make love to me?” she pouted as she turned to face him, kissing first his neck, then slowly down his chest. “Don’t you want me anymore?”


Jamie’s breathy pout was like lighter fluid on an open flame, his desire roaring instantly to life. But if she wanted to play the game, he would play it, and it looked like it was going to be damned pleasant game indeed.


“I’m more than just sexual machine for your pleasure, you know.” He heard her snicker briefly before she gathered herself and got back into character.


“Please, Leo. Please make love to me. I want you
so bad,”
she cooed as she began to softly caress his penis through his boxers. She stepped back and formed her mouth into a sexy pout as she slowly began unbuttoning her blouse. “I
you Leo. I need you to make love to me. Please? Won’t you please make love to me,” she continued as she slowly removed her shirt. She was putting everything she had into her little act and it must be working considering Leo’s rapt attention and steel hard member. Not only was she turning him on, she was turning
on as well. She had no idea that being a sex kitten could be so much fun!


Leo was mesmerized by Jamie’s act. He knew it was all just an act for his benefit, but that didn’t make it any less effective. He had always seen Jamie as strong and self-assured, but having her
for him, even in just an act, was perhaps the most alluring thing that had ever been done to him. Swallowing hard, he remained rooted to his spot, unwilling to move,
to move, captured by the display before him.


Jamie was working hard to not burst into giggles at the look on Leo’s face, a mixture of desire held in check and wide eyed wonderment. Top and bra removed, she slowly slid her pants and panties down, stepping out of them as she moved in close. “Please baby, I need to feel you inside of me,” she breathed on his neck as she pressed in tight and then began to kiss down his body, cooing and purring as she went. As she arrived at his manhood, she slowly slid his boxers down, panting in exaggerated desire a she kissed him there. She settled more comfortable on her knees on the cool tile floor as she touched herself. “I’m
hot, baby. I need you, I need to feel you touching me, making love to me. Please, Leo, baby, please make love to me,” she murmured between fleeting touches of her lips to his cock.


He groaned as Jamie twisted him tighter and tighter, her words and lips making his blood roar. He wanted to let the game play out, wanting to see what she would do next, but he was lost in a red fog of lust and desire like none he could remember. As he reached for her, intending to pull her up and into his arm, she swallowed him in one swift movement, making him bark out in surprise and pleasure.


She felt him move and sensing he was going to take control, she instantly took him into her mouth, forcing him deep, moaning low and deep, delighting in his sudden stiffening and harsh grunt of pleasure. She worked him over, moaning as if he tasted of the finest chocolate, thrilling in the power she was holding over him as he hissed and groaned.


He could stand it no longer. With a hiss he pushed her away then pulled her roughly to her feet. She stared into his eyes, opening her mouth slightly in invitation, but making no move to kiss him. He stared back, determined to force her to make the next move, but his own resolve crumbled first and he pulled her lips to his for a deep and passionate kiss.


She waited for Leo to decide the next move, never doubting who was in charge. She didn’t resist as he placed a hand behind her head and pulled her gently, but inexorably, into a kiss, sighing in pleasure as their tongues danced. His breathing was like a bellow, his excitement and desire for
ramping up her own needs. As he pulled back from the kiss, he swooped her into his arms so quickly she barely had time to bite off her squeak of surprise.


He stepped out of his boxers as he carried Jamie to the bedroom, tossing her into the center of the bed and catching her and pinning her down with his body before she could complete her first bounce.


“You want me?” he growled, his breathing harsh and ragged.


Leo’s desire poured over her, amping her up, making her feel like the sexist woman in the world. “Yes,” she whispered, as her mouth unconsciously reached for his, inviting him to take her lips for his own. “I want you to fuck me. I want you to fuck me long and hard.”


He groaned as he tried to reel in his rampaging desire. He was going fuck her, and hard. But for how long, he didn’t know.
had he wanted a woman as much as he wanted Jamie at this very moment, and he felt like he was on a hair trigger.


His groan was the sexiest sound she had ever heard, the sound of a man caught in the teeth of his desire, trapped between his need and his desire to please her. She had started out playing him, leading him around by his cock to show him that she could, but she became snared in her trap. She wanted him. Wanted him desperately. “Take me,” she whispered as she pulled his lips to hers.


He entered her, a slow insertion that made him shudder and groan in pleasure. He held himself deep inside, pressing hard as he ground himself into her, her own quiet whimper of pleasure sending his desires even higher. He began to move, a slow and easy thrust, but the pleasure began to overwhelm his control almost immediately.


“Don’t stop,” she whispered as she kicked at his ass with her heels.


“I’m going to come.”


“I don’t care! Just don’t stop!”


He paused just a moment longer, giving himself time to recover, but he knew there was no hope. He began to move again, driving into her slowly at first, then faster and harder, driving himself headlong into his orgasm.


“Oh, fuck!” she gasped as she began to grasp at him, first his back, then his ass, as she pulled at him, demanding he go harder and faster.


Leo could feel his orgasm coming, scalding him with its white hot heat as it bore down on him. He began to growl as he slammed into her as hard and fast as he could, his cock burning as he began to twist up, his body coiling up for an explosive release. He shuddered as he fought against the coming climax, pushing up on his hands, trying to hold it back, but he may as well have been trying to hold back the ocean. Another shudder racked him and he gasped as his orgasm swelled in power.


Her orgasm was coming and she bit down on her lips. She could feel Leo twisting up under her hands and she forced her eyes open, watching his face twist as if in agony. With a painful sounding gasp, he lunged into her once last time, falling onto her as he buried his face in her neck, shuddering briefly before thrusting once, twice, three more times, hard savage thrusts that made him whimper. Hearing him come so hard, his quiet gasps of pleasure as he shook and thrust, pushed her over the edge. Her orgasm rushed through her, the cleansing fire of her climax burning away worry and doubt, leaving her feeling fresh and renewed as she sighed softly.


Leo lay gasping from the power of his orgasm. With a long relaxing exhalation, he rose to his elbows so he could look into her face. She smiled at him as she touched him on the face in the way he liked so well.


“Are you okay?” she asked, her smile softening slightly.


“I think you made me rupture something,” he teased, making her giggled in delight. “I didn’t last very long. Did you come?”


“Yes,” she sighed. “And no you didn’t. But I enjoyed it all the same. Having you get so worked up was… intense. It really turned me on having you wanting me so badly. It made me feel sexy.”


Leo pulled his rapidly softening manhood from her and flopped onto his side. “That’s good, because I’m spent for the night. Jesus, I’m not sure if I have ever come so hard.”


“Mmmm…” she purred. “I may have to remember this for another time.”


“Oh god…” he groaned and then chuckled as he pulled her in close and tight.




“Would you look at these assholes?” Leo muttered as he and Jamie watched Ron, Gigolo and Carson chatting up two members of the cartel. At least Leo assumed they were cartel. He sure couldn’t tell from the way Lima 6 was acting.


Leo and Jamie were sitting in her car in the parking lot of a gas station and convenience store at the edge of town. Lima 6 and the cartel were about a block away in the parking lot of a fast food joint. If they didn’t have the information for the time and place of the exchange and know what was going down, it looked like nothing more than five guys shooting the shit after having lunch.


“I see,” Jamie said as she snapped another picture. The exchange was pretty far away and she hoped you would be able to tell who was in the pictures. “They aren’t even pretending anymore,” she added as the camera clicked again. “It’s like they don’t care if anyone knows.”


“No. I guess they think that—here we go,” he said as the group began to break up. The cartel had brought two vehicles, leaving one and the two men leaving in the other. Carson and Gigolo hopped into the car left by the cartel, while Ron climbed behind the wheel of Lima 6’s Suburban. Leo started Jamie’s car while he waited to see which way the drug car would go.


Leo waited until the Suburban passed by before he backed out of the parking space and turned right onto 118 and heading away from town. He followed at a discreet distance, staying far enough back that they wouldn’t be noticed. It wasn’t like he could lose them out here in the middle of nowheresville.


As they approached Alpine, Leo dipped his toe into the throttle a little and closed up the gap, but still kept enough distance that Carson and Gigolo hopefully wouldn’t pick up their tail. He worried slightly about losing them in Alpine, but he needn’t have worried. He followed them as they turned on Highway 67 and headed back out of town without a stop.


“Where they hell are they going?” Leo muttered as they followed the truck. Lima 6’s territory ended at Cathedral Mountain Road, about halfway between Vallecito and Alpine.


“I don’t know. I figured we were stopping in Alpine.”

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