Tip of the Spear: Devil Chasers (Lima Six Motorcycle Club Book 3) (7 page)

BOOK: Tip of the Spear: Devil Chasers (Lima Six Motorcycle Club Book 3)
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“Shhh, babe. Don’t cry. It’s going to be okay,” Leo murmured as he kissed her gently on the neck and shoulder.


“I don’t know what I will do if something were to happen to you! First Will, and now you! I don’t think I could stand it.”


“I still here,” he reminded her.


“I know. But if the club tries to kill you…”


“They’ve tried before.”


She gasped. “I know, but how many times before they succeed?” She sniffed and swallowed hard as she tried to gather herself.


“Not this time.”


“How can you say that? You don’t know! You can’t know!”


“I’ve told you before, I’m not that easy to kill.” He scooted away from her and rolled her to her back so he could look into her eyes. “I can’t die now. I have this thing I need to do.”


She gasped out a laugh and sniffed again before wiping her eyes. “What’s that?”


“This,” he smiled as he leaned down and kissed her gently.


“But what about tomorrow. And the next day?” she asked softly as their lips parted. “I worry.”


He kissed her again. “I’ll need to do this again tomorrow. And the next day. And the day after that.”


She stared at him a moment then sniffed again. “I’m serious.”


“So am I.”


He leaned down to kiss her again but she pushed up against him. “Stop. Just stop. This isn’t funny, Leo. This isn’t a game. You could be killed.”


“No, it’s not. I’ve lost too many friends already. But if Ron comes for me, he had better bring his A-game because next time I won’t stop at just kicking his face in. I will fucking rip off his head and shit down his neck.” He could feel the anger welling up in him again as he thought of all the good men, and their families, killed at Ron’s behest. Ron may not have pulled the trigger, but he was just as guilty.


She watched as Leo’s face grew dark with barely contained rage. The pain was back, if not the darkness. She pulled him to her, holding him tight as he gathered her into his arms, moving over her. She wrapped her legs around him and pulled him down. He didn’t enter her, but settled lightly onto her, his weight making her feel safe and protected.


“I’m sorry Leo. I’m sorry for all you have had to endure. But I know you can do this one last thing.”


“Yes,” he murmured into her shoulder. “For Will, and Tuck. For Two-Tone, Wade, Boggs, Jeff, Roger, Slick, Tater, Randy, Rudy, Marlin, Riggs, and all the others. I will see they get their justice and that they didn’t die for nothing.” He paused and she could sense his pain. “I’m so, so, sorry I couldn’t protect Will. I—”


“Shhh…” she murmured as she pulled him tighter into her. “I don’t blame you. It wasn’t your fault.” Her tears threatened again and she fought them off, knowing that if she broke down now, she would pull him into her grief. She needed him to be strong for her, to be her strength for when she weakened. She loosened her grip and gently nudged him so he would look her in the eyes.


“You did all you could,” she whispered as she kissed him softly. “You couldn’t have known.”


“I should have expected it.”


“No. No one would have guessed that fucker would have stooped so low as to kill members of his own club, his brothers. No one.” Jamie could feel her own rage beginning to surge again and her tears vanished. She and Leo, they were going to make Ron pay for his treachery, and nothing was going to stop them. She wanted to rip and tear, she wanted to kill Ron with her bare hands for what he had taken from her. She began to burn with a potent rage, her wrath coiling inside of her, preparing to strike at the first target that presented itself. But it was only her and Leo in the room and she couldn’t release the fury that was twisting her tighter and tighter. She heard Leo gasp as he twisted, her fingernails digging hard into his back as she churned, choking on her rage. Ron was
going to escape her and Leo’s righteous vengeance. Not this time!


He grimaced as her fingernail bit even deeper. “Oww! Easy!”


“That fucking Ron isn’t going to get away! Not again!”


“No. We’ll get him,” he promised as he tried to extract himself from her grasp.


She let him go, suddenly aware that she was hurting him, but the knowledge did nothing to cool her fury. “That
she shrieked as she pushed hard at Leo, her rage spiraling out of control, all the pain and fury she had kept inside being released in a torrent. “I’ll fucking kill him!”


“Jamie! What’s wrong?” he cried as he grabbed her, trying to understand what was happening.


Her rage found a target, Leo. As he held her she jerked away convulsively, her face twisting into an ugly sneer. She wanted to hit him, and go on hitting him until she was exhausted, but she couldn’t. Not Leo. He was her rock, her harbor of safety. She could never hurt him. As her fury took her, she flung herself at him, kissing him savagely, her anger converting into lust unlike she had ever felt before. She couldn’t beat the shit out of him, but she could fuck the shit out of him. She drove at him, powering him to his back with her legs, her lips never leaving his as she rode him to the bed. She grabbed roughly at his cock and tried to insert it into her, but he wasn’t even semi-erect.


He was still trying to adjust to what Jamie was doing as she manhandled him roughly. With one particularly hard jerk he cried out softly in pain. “Shit! Jamie! What the fuck?” he cried as he tried to hold her down and break whatever spell had come over her. But that seemed only to inflame her more and she struggled violently, pushing furiously at him with arm and leg. He let her go but rather than break free, she turned on him again.


This is what she needed,
the clash of wills and a struggle, something, anything, to expend the rage that was consuming her. She pushed him over on the bed again, his head banging against the headboard as she rode him down once more, but she didn’t care, so lost in the fog of lust and range nothing matter except her need. She forced his mouth to her breast, holding him there as he finally figured out what she needed and began to suckle her with near painful intensity.


He didn’t exactly see stars when he crashed into the headboard, but it still hurt like hell. He didn’t know what had come over Jamie and he was becoming angry at her rough treatment, but even more than that, he was concerned. He had never seen her like this and he didn’t understand why she was lashing out at him. She pulled him roughly to her breast, holding his mouth tightly to her as he opened his lips and began to lash at the nipple with his tongue. She hissed and pulled him even harder into her breast and he increased the intensity of his sucking, flicking the erect point with his tongue before dragging his teeth gently across it. She gasped and held him with one hand, reaching for his cock with the other. He was still soft, but as realization began to dawn, he began to firm up. He didn’t understand
she was acting this way, but she obviously wanted to be taken roughly, her anger with Ron morphing into some strange desire for intimate combat. He grabbed her hair and jerked her head roughly back, exposing her throat to his hard kisses. He released her hair and, with a grunt in effort, he forced her over onto her back, following her tumble before pinning her arms to the bed.


“This what you want?”


“Yes. Give it to me.”


He stared into her eyes, seeing the challenge there before he took her lips forcefully, kissing her with a much heat and passion as he could muster. She strained against his grip, whimpering softly in effort as she met the fervor of his kiss with her own. He released her hands and she wasted no time grabbing his back and pulling him even harder into the kiss.


As soon as he released her hands, she pulled him close then tried to reach between them, straining to reach his cock and steer it into him. She could feel his hardness pressing against her and she wanted it inside. As she tried to worm her hand between them, he pressed his hips harder into her, preventing her from reaching him. She broke away from the torrid kiss with a gasp, trying to move him, trying to get some space between them, but he was fighting her, making her struggle for what she wanted. She twisted as hard as she could, digging a leg into the bed for additional leverage. She could feel Leo begin to turn, but he stiffened and pressed her back over on to her back.


He heard Jamie gasp as he sucked hard at her neck. He moved to a new place each time so to not give her a hickey, holding her down as she squirmed and struggled beneath him. She was surprisingly strong, but he outweighed her by fifty pounds or more, and she couldn’t match his strength. As her hands wrapped around his back and neck, holding him to her as he sucked and bit, she pushed up against him with her hips. With a quick movement he released his hold on her, and scooped her leg over his arms, forcing her legs up and back over his shoulders as he moved in. He entered her slowly, unsure if she was ready to accept him, but as her wetness surrounded him he finished his insertion with a hard jab.


She strained against him, the struggle to get free of his grasp enraging her even more but exciting her at the same time. With a sudden movement he was pushing her legs back. She tried to prevent it by pushing back against him, but he had caught her off guard and removed all her leverage before she stop him. As he drove hard into her, pounding into her with savage intensity, she seized his head and held it tight. She stared into his face, gritting her teeth, her lips pulled back into a feral sneer as he took her. This is what she needed, and she was going to fuck him into submission.


Watching Jamie’s face twist into a mask of lust, fury and resolve was perhaps the single most erotic thing he had ever seen. She made no sound as she stared hard into his eyes, her face working as some deep emotion played across her features. Suddenly she released his head and flung her head back with a deep gasp, arching her back as she grasped his arms and held tight as her nails bit into his skin. But he didn’t care. He didn’t understand what she was feeling, what was making her act this way. But his understanding was not required, only that he met her need.


Her orgasm came from nowhere and wrapped her in its warm embrace. But it served only to whet her need as her desire for him became razor sharp. Her fury was gone, replaced by a need so deep and profound that she didn’t think it could ever be met.


As she came out of from under the spell of her orgasm, she began to thrust her hips in time with his, growling softly as she met his strokes. He pulled out of her and roughly flipped her to stomach then placed his knees to either side of her hips as he entered her once again. He fell across her back, tucking his arms under her, supporting himself on his elbows as he clasped her to him. Burying his face in her shoulder, he began to drive into her again, hard and fast.


This! This
is what she needed! Wrapped in Leo’s embrace as he panted into her shoulder while he slammed into her furiously, grunting in effort as he took her with sweet violence, made her grimace as her second orgasm began to form.


“Come on,” he growled. “Fuck…”


She didn’t know if he was talking to her or to himself, but it didn’t matter. The strain of his voice as he snarled and panted made her flash hot as if she were standing before a giant kiln.


“Yes, yes…” she grunted, encouraging him on.


“Fuck!” he snarled again as his grip tightened down on her even more, pulling her in tighter.


She was completely under his control and she made a loud savage growl, a primitive sound of anger and lust. She was burning as her orgasm swelled within her, rising higher and higher, every nerve in her body tingling with the explosive power of the approaching release.


He couldn’t stop his orgasm, but he could feel Jamie tightening up underneath him. Growling, deep and feral, he began to curl up as his orgasm began to take him. With an explosive grunt he came, his essence spilling from him with such power that ever pulse burned along the length of his cock. He cried out in erotic pain as he drove into her, shuddering in pleasure so intense that he could barely stand it, but so caught up in his lust that he was unable to stop his thrusts.


Leo’s cry of completion was the shove she needed. She bit the linens of the bed, each breath a growl as she stifled the scream that threatened to escape her. As she strained in pleasure, she fought to ride out the release, unable to move, frozen in place by her position and the orgasms that caused every muscle to strain against the others.

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