Titanium Security Series 4 - Extinguished (15 page)

Read Titanium Security Series 4 - Extinguished Online

Authors: Cross Kaylea

Tags: #Romantic Suspens

BOOK: Titanium Security Series 4 - Extinguished
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“A bed next time, Jordyn,” he rasped against her ear, stirring goosebumps. “So I can lay you down and do this right.”

She heard the apology in his voice, but this felt pretty goddamn right to her, and she loved that he was already thinking of the next time. “It’s okay,” she whispered, needing him to believe her. If this fast fuck against a cabinet was all she could have of him for now, she’d take it.

Blake’s hands shot to the front of her pants. He yanked the zipper down and shoved them halfway down her thighs. Jordyn stayed still. He made a low sound of approval at the sight she presented. Jordyn all but purred as he smoothed a hand down her spine, over the curve of her ass, then swept her white cotton boy shorts down with one tug.

Bent over with her most intimate parts on display for him, she didn’t move, every muscle quivering with anticipation. Warm, long fingers traced over the curve of her butt then down the sensitive back of one thigh before dipping between her legs where she was hot and melting for him. Her head snapped up, a muffled moan tearing free as he penetrated her with a finger. He hissed in a breath when he felt how wet she was, then his hand withdrew and she heard the unmistakable sound of a foil wrapper tearing.

God, yes, she urged him, swinging her head around to watch. The sight of him shot her arousal even higher. Fully clothed except where he’d opened his pants to free his erection, he was a sight to behold. He slid the condom over the thick, hard length standing so proudly away from his body, then lifted his gaze and locked it on her. The naked possessiveness and need she read there turned her to mush and revved her higher at the same time.

He reached forward to grip her hands and wrap them around the edge of the cabinet. “Hold on,” he rasped against her cheek, a command and erotic warning rolled into one.

She shivered at the dark note of hunger in his voice, her body tightening, dying for that moment when he finally drove into her. Her fingers curled around that cool metal until the knuckles turned white and she sought his mouth when he eased his upper body back.

Blake wrapped one hand around her right hip and reached up to fist the other in her hair, twisting her face up to his. His kiss was wild and desperate, matching the unrelieved pressure inside her. He pulled her hips toward him and she felt the blunt head of his cock at her entrance. Hard. Hot. Still kissing him, she tried to push back toward him more but he held her firm and slid forward in a hard, deep thrust.

Jordyn cried out, the sound drowned in his mouth as her body squeezed around the thick length inside her. She was still adjusting to the size of him, processing the sheer sensation of him stretching her when he slid a hand around to cup her mound and rubbed a finger against the aching bud of her clit. Her knees wobbled. A high, strained sound clawed its way out of her throat before she could stop it.

Blake hummed in approval. He nipped at her lower lip then soothed the sting with the caress of his tongue before breaking the kiss. She could feel the tension in him, those powerful muscles quivering as he held back. They were both panting, straining, the air infused with the scent of soap and perspiration and sex. Still stroking her most sensitive spot with his fingers, he withdrew his cock slightly and eased forward again, his attention riveted to her face to observe her reaction.

Spots danced in front of her eyes when he hit that perfect place inside her. Her head fell forward, suddenly too heavy for her to hold up. “God, Blake…”

With a deep, pleased purr he repeated the movement, sliding over that incredibly sensitive spot inside her as he caressed her clit and placed hot, open-mouth kisses down her neck. The swelling pleasure suddenly intensified, her body reaching greedily for the orgasm building deep in her core. She’d waited so long for this, had yearned for it for
. The teasing was killing her. She needed him faster, deeper, harder. Right. Fucking. Now.

With an almost feral snarl she reached back to dig her fingers into his ass and reared her hips back. He growled against her neck and tightened his hold on her hip, stilling her effortlessly with controlled strength. Ignoring her protesting whimper, he began easing the head of his cock in and out of her in a slow, devastating rhythm that had her whole body quaking.

.” She couldn’t stand this. Couldn’t take the exquisite torture.

He continued with the slow in and out glide as though he wanted to savor every moment, sliding over that internal hot spot with each motion of his hips. The soft, slick sounds of him stroking in and out of her were the most erotic thing she’d ever heard. And when he punctuated them with low, nearly inaudible groans that vibrated in his chest and told her just how agonizingly good it was for him too, the first tremors of impending release hit her.

Blake let go of her hip to reach up and turn her face toward him again. Jordyn forced her heavy lids apart. His expression was intent, focused, so full of heat she should have combusted on the spot. “Need to see your face when you come for me,” he gritted out.

The words, the sheer possessiveness behind them, pushed her to the precipice of that towering cliff. Helpless in the grip of the most powerful pleasure she’d ever known, Jordyn lost the battle to keep her eyes open. Blake’s mouth was there to capture her cry of surrender, hot and damp against her lips, her neck. “Jordyn. My Jordyn,” he muttered.

The finger between her legs pressed harder as he finally sped up his thrusts, and everything inside her clenched tight. She let the wave take her, crying out her pleasure into his mouth as he caught her lips beneath his and rode her through her orgasm. It blasted through her in a series of shockwaves that went right to her toes before eventually softening into ripples.

Boneless, gasping, she tore her mouth free from his and slumped forward. With her hot, damp cheek resting on top of the cabinet, she felt him drive deep and stiffen, every muscle pressed against her rigid as his own release hit. His tormented groan filled the small space.

She had no idea how much time passed before he curved over her limp body to nuzzle her neck and press a soft, lingering kiss to the corner of her mouth. His tongue eased across her lower lip in a tender caress, as though he couldn’t stop tasting her. At last he eased up and back, bathing her spine and hips in a cool wash of air as he withdrew and pulled his pants up.

She’d just found the strength to get her arms beneath her and push her torso up from the cabinet when he caught her around the waist and raised her with nothing but the strength of his arm. God that was sexy, knowing he could overpower her if he chose but only using that strength to cherish her.

He helped her get her pants back up, then turned her around and enveloped her in a protective embrace. Holding her tight he sank to the floor where she straddled his thighs as he cradled her, one hand cupping the back of her head.

Still floating, she moaned a protest when he eased her away from his body and stood, pulling her to her feet with him. He tugged her bra and shirt over her head. She blinked up into his handsome face as she made herself presentable, amazed by the love shining in his eyes. He let her see it, held nothing back as he ran a thumb across her cheek. “You all right?”

Was he kidding? The man had reduced her to a puddle of bliss and she still couldn’t speak. She nodded instead.

His eyes glowed with tenderness, his expression full of regret. “I hate leaving like this, but I’ve gotta get moving. Let’s get what we came in here for, huh?”

What? Oh, the ammo.

They came out with two packed duffels a few minutes later and headed back up to see Claire, Jordyn’s thighs trembling slightly with each step. Blake had literally left her weak in the knees. If Claire knew what they’d been doing when she saw them she didn’t let on, and instead handed her phone to Blake. “Alex just called me. Wants to talk to you.”

Blake pulled out his own phone. He dialed, spoke to Alex briefly, then his eyes shot to her. Jordyn swallowed at the shock she saw written there, and braced for more bad news as Blake ended the call and stared at her.

“What?” she whispered. Was it Dunphy?

“Alex wants me to link up with the ground team by nightfall, and he wants me to bring you along. Apparently you’re my new spotter.”




Chapter Eleven



Sean dragged his strangely weighted eyelids open and struggled to focus on his surroundings. The light was too low for him to see anything at first. His mouth was dry and he was groggy as shit, like he’d been drugged or something. Wherever he was it was dim and smelled slightly stale, the air overlaid with the sharp sting of antiseptic.

As his eyes slowly focused on his surroundings he became aware of faint, shuffling footsteps beyond the room he was in, and the pain radiating up his back and arms. He blinked, made out the shape of the small rectangular room, then saw the rails on either side of him and realized he was lying in a hospital bed.

In an instant, everything slammed front and center into his brain. The winding Khyber Pass, the explosion, coming to as someone hauled him from the burning wreckage. Trying to scream and not being able to. Regaining consciousness again later to see Gage’s frantic attempt to stop the bleeding in his legs—


He shot up on his elbows and craned his neck down the length of his supine body to get a better look. He could see the outline of them beneath the blankets, but he couldn’t feel them so he blinked again, praying he wasn’t imagining things. Cold sweat popped out on his face and chest. Maybe the doctors had frozen him during the surgery. It looked like there were two long lumps beneath the covers down there.

“They’re still there.”

His head snapped around at the sound of that soft, familiar voice. Zahra was walking toward him from where a chair sat next to the window. His heart clenched in terror at the tear stains on her cheeks, the sorrow in her wet, puffy eyes. Zahra was one of the strongest people he knew and she didn’t cry easily, but clearly she’d been bawling for a while. His pulse echoed in his ears. Oh, shit, he didn’t think he could bear it but he had to know.

He reached out blindly for her hand, relieved beyond measure when she gripped his tight and brought it to her damp cheek. The panic was clawing at him, threatening to close his throat off. “What happened? What did the doctors say?” He was panting, his body reacting to the fear with a surge of adrenaline.

Zahra pressed her lips together and looked up at the ceiling, blinking rapidly for a few seconds before she found her composure and met his gaze once more. “They stopped the bleeding and fixed all the fractures when they operated. The breaks were bad enough that you needed pins, plates and screws, which is why you’ve got the metal external fixators on both of them, and you’ll need at least one more surgery. But so far you’re not going to lose your legs.”

That should have made him sag in relief but he could tell from her tormented expression that she wasn’t telling him the whole truth. He knew he wasn’t numb down there from meds or whatever kind of freezing they’d used during the surgery. “I can’t feel them. I can’t
them. What did they
?” His heart was in his throat, choking him.

Rather than answer, Zahra leaned in to press her forehead to his, cupping a hand around the back of his neck as she spoke. “Shhh. They don’t know yet. It’s too early.”

Fear snaked through his gut, cold and stark. He went rigid in her embrace, realized he was holding his breath even as his brain screamed in denial.

Paralyzed. He was fucking

“Sean, please,” Zahra whispered, her voice ragged with unshed tears. “Please lie down and try your hardest to stay calm. I’m right here and I’m not going anywhere, so please…”

It was the anguish in her tone that reached him through the fog of panic and terror. And though he wanted more than anything to jump out of that bed and prove this was just a fucking awful nightmare, he couldn’t move from the waist down. Nothing, not even his toes, no matter how hard he tried. His horrified gaze landed on the catheter bag they had him hooked up to and his stomach went into freefall.

Fucking Christ, he was supposed to go the rest of his life sitting in a goddamn chair with a tube in his dick and a colostomy bag hanging out of him to collect his shit? No walking or running, or even standing. His dick probably wouldn’t work either. Horror and denial swamped him. He started to shake—his upper body, anyway—tremors he had no hope in hell of controlling.

“Sean, shhh,” Zahra pleaded, wrapping her arms around his shoulders and burying her face in his shoulder as his head fell back onto the pillow. He could feel and hear her distress but the numbness was creeping in, his system’s defense against the stark realization that this could be his new reality. And he didn’t think he could take it.

“I told you, it’s too early to know what will happen,” she continued. “I know you’re scared and I am too, but we have to give it time and let your body heal, okay? They’ve got you on massive doses of corticosteroids right now to help with the inflammation. When the swelling in your spine goes down we’ll know more.”

Sean glanced down at the IV tube plugged into the back of his right wrist, followed it up to the bag hanging from the pole. They were pumping him full of methylprednisolone, among other things. He looked away. It took everything he had to calm down enough to uncurl his fists and force a series of slow, deep breaths in and out of his frozen lungs. He kept thinking that any second now he’d wake up from this hellish dream and everything would be fine again.

Zahra raised her head to kiss his chin, his cheeks, her smile wobbling as she gazed down at him. “I love you. Hear me? We’re going to take this one day at a time and get through this together, no matter what. I promise.”

Shit, he was barely holding it together as it was, and that nearly broke him. Squeezing his eyes shut against the sudden tears burning there, he wrapped his arms around her slender back and held on tight, glad he could at least do this, feel her up against him. What the hell was he going to do? He was fucking terrified. “My family?” he croaked.

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