To Disappear (13 page)

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Authors: Natasha Rostova

Tags: #chimera, #erotic, #ebook, #historical, #fiction, #domination, #submission, #damsel in distress, #corporal punishment, #spanking, #BDSM, #S&M, #bondage, #master, #discipline, #Slave, #mistress, #Louisiana

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Closing the door behind them, Preston snapped his fingers and pointed to the foot of the bed. ‘Go and stand there,’ he ordered.

Hating the fact that she reacted to his orders so seamlessly, Lydia crossed the room slowly and stopped precisely where he indicated she should. She waited uncertainly, and realized then that they were alone for the first time in weeks, without either Kruin or Gabriel to counterbalance his obsessive streak. Her apprehension increased as she recalled that she was due several punishments.

Her breathing shortened and she grasped one of the bedposts to steady herself, then remembered to part her legs a little. She had once dreaded the idea of receiving one of Preston’s punishments with Kruin and Gabriel in the same room, but now she longed for their presence.

‘Lydia, do you remember that youth in our neighborhood who made all the girls want to cream in their panties?’ Preston asked with a strange air of conversational crudity as he pulled open the doors of the closet and began rummaging inside. ‘He was always in trouble – tall fellow with longish brown hair. Wore a leather jacket, rode a motorbike. The classic bad boy. What was his name?’

His evocation of the memory was so unexpected that Lydia almost couldn’t speak. She swallowed hard, fighting the erotic images that pushed at the back of her mind. ‘Um, A-Alex,’ she stumbled. ‘Alex Walker.’

‘Ah yes, Alex.’ He looked over his shoulder at her, nodding and smiling. ‘You knew him rather well, didn’t you?’

‘I… um… not really.’ Consternation gripped her; if Preston truly had been keeping track of her for all these years, delving into her past, then there was no telling what he might know about her.

He turned and moved back to her, then without warning he snatched a fistful of her hair and gave it a sharp tug, sending pain prickling through her scalp and yanking her head back. He moved into her line of vision, his eyes like chips of ice.

‘Don’t lie, Lydia,’ he admonished, his voice steely. ‘There were rumors, you know.’

‘What… what rumors?’ she stammered, her scalp screaming for a reprieve.

Preston’s mouth twisted into an unpleasant smile. ‘That Alex Walker was the one who finally popped your sweet cherry,’ he said.

Color flooded Lydia’s face at the bluntness of his accusation. She tried to pull away from him but he gave her hair another vicious tug, causing tears to blur her vision.

‘Well?’ he pressed. ‘How true were those rumors?’

‘T-true,’ Lydia gasped. ‘They were true.’

‘Tell me more,’ Preston demanded. ‘This I want to hear.’

‘Preston, please, I can’t—’

‘Tell me!’

‘I… I was seventeen,’ Lydia choked, stunned by his aggressive demeanor and the rush of memories. Alex had been one of those young men who exuded sexual confidence with every movement. He had also been several years older than her and far more experienced.

‘Did you seduce him?’ Preston asked, his voice infused with husky curiosity. ‘Did you wear skirts so short he could practically see your pussy? Is that what you did?’

Lydia tried to nod, but his grip on her hair was so restrictive she couldn’t move. ‘Yes, I had a crush on him, and I… I wanted him to notice me. He worked at a garage as a mechanic. I’d stop there several times a week, hoping he would at least pay me some attention.’

Lydia blushed again as she recalled how she’d flirted in front of the youth in short skirts and tight T-shirts. The garage where Alex worked was located right next to a junkyard filled with rusting old cars and trucks. The place was filthy, stinking of gasoline and motor oil, littered with crushed cans, cigarette butts, deformed engine parts and broken bottles. Several beat-up cars were always in the garage, their hoods flipped up to expose their grimy innards.

And Alex, he was always in torn jeans and a grimy old T-shirt, both his clothes and his skin stained with black grease and oil. Just walking towards that place, catching a whiff of gasoline and rust, had caused Lydia’s excitement to surge.

‘And when did he finally decide to fuck you?’ Preston asked with a nonchalance that intensified the directness of it.

Lydia tried to close her eyes against his taunts, but another sharp tug warned her not to shut him out. She forced herself to look up at him, reminding herself that every insubordination was cause for further punishment, and the expression in his eyes, a mixture of harsh amusement and satisfaction, hit her with the power of a physical blow.

Oh, how she hated this! She had agreed to Preston’s use of her while she was under his protection, but the mere idea that he was demanding access to her most intimate secrets made her blood boil with fury and shame. He intended to pillage her deepest memories until she had nothing left for herself, until there was nothing to which he hadn’t laid claim.

She trembled. ‘Please,’ she whispered, ‘please don’t do this.’

Preston’s mouth stretched into one of his cruelly beautiful smiles. ‘I love hearing you beg,’ he said quietly. ‘Did I ever tell you that? It makes my cock even harder than usual.’ He began rubbing the obscene bulge in his trousers against her hip. ‘Feel that?’ he tormented. ‘See what you do to me, my Lydia? See what you’ve always done to me? You’d flash your cunt for someone like Alex Walker, but not for me. You’d shake your tits for an ignorant grease monkey like him, but you looked down your nose at me. Don’t you think I remember that? Eh, don’t you? I remember it all too clearly. But I wasn’t good enough for you, was I?’

Lydia stared at him in shock. She had been aware of and did remember his early attraction to her, and Gabriel had expanded her knowledge of just how deeply Preston had been fixated with her, but she hadn’t thought he harbored such an extreme amount of resentment towards her too.

‘Preston, I…’ she began meekly.

‘Are you going to beg again?’ he demanded. ‘Soon you’ll be begging for my cock as well, won’t you? I might not have been good enough for you back then, but now you can’t even exist without me, can you? Without me you’d be totally, utterly ruined.’ He laughed. ‘How delightfully things can change around.’

He let her go so suddenly that Lydia instinctively tightened her grip on the bedpost to retain her balance. He moved away from her and snapped an order for her to take her clothes off.

Her hands shaking, Lydia fumbled to unfasten the buttons of her dress before slipping it from her shoulders. She heard Preston removing something from a drawer, but she didn’t dare turn around to see what it was.

‘Give me your wrist,’ Preston ordered, holding two sets of leather handcuffs, an evil leer on his face.

Lydia bit her lip and held out her arm, wincing as he clamped one of the cuffs around it and fastened the other one high up on the bedpost so that her arm was stretched to its full extent. He repeated the same with her other wrist, but only when he clamped the second cuff around the opposite bedpost did Lydia receive the full import of her position.

Her skin flamed with embarrassment as she grasped the bedposts and realized that she was incapable of moving from this position until he chose to release her. Her breasts were lifted and thrusting forth, her back arched, her full bottom vulnerable. Her legs quivered, the tendons stretched as she strained on tiptoe, her buttocks hollowed with the effort.

Preston murmured his satisfaction as he strode around to examine the result of his handiwork. He amused himself by slapping her bottom several times; stinging spanks that made her jerk in response.

She tried to console herself with the hope that perhaps he had forgotten his interrogation about Alex Walker, but her hope died when his fingers delved into the shorn apex between her thighs, and he chuckled when he discovered just how wet she already was.

‘So just the thought of Alex Walker makes you hot, hmm?’ Preston mused. ‘Go on, then, when did he fuck you? And don’t omit any of the juicy details.’

Lydia knew to the core of her soul that he would not release her until she told him everything, and he would know if she was lying, so she gripped the posts tightly and tried to gather the courage to recount the memory, cruelly distracted as Preston’s fingers slipped into her sex from behind and began toying with the slick folds.

‘I… it was after school one day,’ she stammered, her voice edged with the physical and mental strain he was putting her under. ‘I dashed home and changed, and then I went to the garage.’

‘Changed into what?’

‘A short blue skirt and white blouse, and I wasn’t wearing a bra.’

‘Panties?’ he pressed, and Lydia nodded.

‘Hmm… describe them.’

‘They were… they were white cotton with little pink flowers embroidered on them. I rode the city bus to one of the stops near the garage and walked the rest of the way. It was hot that day, I remember, and I was perspiring from just that short walk. Heat seemed to hang like a curtain in the air. I saw Alex when I stepped onto the lot. He was bent over working on a car outside in the sun, his arms all bare, tanned and muscled… oh, Preston, please stop teasing me and making me tell you all this.’

She tried to close her legs in desperation; she would never be able to stop herself from succumbing to the increasing pleasure if he continued to work her so diligently with his fingers. She expected him to reprimand her for pleading again, but to her surprise he just lifted his hand away from her sex.

‘Wait until I tell you to continue,’ he ordered, and Lydia groaned inwardly when she heard him rummaging through a drawer again. When would she learn that she could never rely on the hope of his mercy?

Without a word Preston bent down to fasten another set of cuffs to both her ankles, fastening them to each of the bedposts so that her legs were forcibly spread apart. Tears of humiliation stung Lydia’s eyes. She had never felt so utterly exposed.

‘Go on,’ Preston commanded. ‘Tell me more.’

Lydia tried to speak past the tightness of her throat as Preston knelt on the bed in front of her, his forehead creased by a frown of irritation.

‘I told you to continue,’ he said, reaching out to flick his fingers painfully across her erect nipples. ‘He turned you on, did he?’

Lydia shuddered and forced her voice to work again. ‘Alex was… he was… yes, I looked at his tight jeans and became aroused almost immediately. I walked p-past him, but he didn’t even look up from his work.’ She inhaled deeply and tried to steady her voice.

‘One of the other mechanics was also working that day, so I hung around asking stupid questions until he left. Then I started getting bored and rather annoyed because Alex was ignoring me; he’d been ignoring me for weeks. I poked around the garage a little while longer, even though it was stifling inside and reeked of oil and grease. Then just as I was getting ready to leave, he came inside to get a screwdriver.

‘I leaned against a car hood, my arms behind me intentionally to push my breasts out. I thought he’d just ignore me again, but then he turned and looked at me, and when his gaze lowered to my breasts I realized I’d been sweating so much inside the garage that my blouse was sticking to me, highlighting the curves of my breasts and nipples, and even though I’d been deliberately flirting for weeks, I suddenly became very unsure of myself and nervous with the way Alex was looking at me. Maybe I’d gone too far after all.’

‘Didn’t you want him to fuck you?’ Preston asked bluntly, tracing her nipples with the tips of his fingers.

‘I don’t know.’ A wave of dizziness swept over Lydia as the muscles of her arms began to strain, as she fought the spirals of pleasure induced by Preston’s touch. ‘I th-think I did, but right then I realized he was not only older, but a lot more experienced than I was. I’d only really been involved with Cassie. I think I got scared. There was no one else around, and then he came closer.

‘“Nice tits”, he remarked arrogantly, which made me hot all over again because no one had ever spoken to me so explicitly. “Take off your blouse and let me see them”.

‘Well, I bristled at his attitude because I wasn’t used to following orders, so I crossed my arms defiantly and shook my head. “No way”, I said, “you’re not worth it, and you’re not to speak to me like that”.

‘A flash of anger appeared in his eyes, which scared me all the more, but I didn’t move, because I didn’t want to back down in front of him. Then he stepped even closer and he was just so imposing, and without warning he grabbed the front of my blouse and tugged it right open so that my breasts were exposed, a couple of buttons wrenching free and falling to the filthy floor, and then he grabbed one of my breasts in his greasy hand and twisted my nipple. I was…’ she blushed shamefully at the memory, ‘well, the thrill was exquisite.’

Preston gazed appreciatively at the delicious breasts in his hands. ‘Go on,’ he encouraged.

‘“Nice, but I’ve seen better”, Alex said contemptuously, pawing my other breast and smudging oily black marks on my skin. “You seem to think there ain’t no better though, you little slut”.

‘Even though I’d never been so turned on, I pretended that I didn’t like being called a slut, and I pushed his hands away and covered myself with the ripped remains of my blouse.

‘“You don’t deserve me”, I snapped. “A grease monkey like you? You only wish you could have me, but you never will”.

‘“Yeah, that’s why you’ve been parading around here in your skimpy clothes, huh?” he scoffed, then grabbed my hand and pressed it against his crotch so I could feel the hard bulge of his erection. “Teasing girls like you better not mess with things they can’t handle”.

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