To Have a Wilde (Wilde in Wyoming) (14 page)

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Authors: Kimberly Kaye Terry

BOOK: To Have a Wilde (Wilde in Wyoming)
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Chapter 22

he dream came softly, slowly, blowing into her mind as a lover slipped into a bed. A hard, warm arm was thrown across her breast, callused fingers toying with her nipples, one big thigh clamped over both of hers as his cock speared gently between her buttocks.

She moaned in pleasure, settling back against the even harder body attached to the arm and leg. And cock.

“Hmm,” she murmured, allowing the dream to continue, not wanting it to ever end.

With a soft sigh and lazy smile on her face, she allowed herself to drift into the sensations, taking each one in, glorying in the feel of hot, hard masculinity blanketing her body.

* * *

The dream dragged into his mind, bringing his cock to rock-hard awareness even as he slept. A woman, soft, warm, was nestled tight against his body, her sweet soft ass nestling his hardening shaft. He grasped one plump breast and thumbed it, feeling it spike against his hand in gratitude.

A throaty moan was his reward and Key brought her closer, his hand moving from one plump breast to travel down the line of her chest, past her slightly rounded tummy to tangle and nest in her soft thatch of curls, slipping his fingers inside the elastic band of her panties.

Inserting a thick finger deep inside her heat, he twirled it around and groaned when he felt her body’s response, as her walls clamped down on the single digit, tugging it, begging for more.

Desire drew an answer from his own body; his shaft hardened to granite and poked against her sweet backside, demanding attention. When she lifted up and ground on it, he felt his face tighten.

The dream was as hot as it got. He wanted nothing more than to shift that sweet little body of hers beneath him and lose himself inside her heat, her warmth.

But he wanted it to last. Even as he dreamed, he knew he wanted it to last. He knew that when he awoke, the dream would be over. If he couldn’t make it last with her in real life, he damn well would hold on to what he could in the dream.

Slowly, he withdrew his fingers from her body, satisfied when she cried out in protest.

Just as she always did.

The truth of that struck him hard, nagging at him, but he allowed the dream to unfold.

Her soft mewling cries were his undoing.

He flipped her body over and covered it with his, taking her mouth in one long, drugging kiss as he ground his body into hers.

“Hmm,” his lover moaned into his open mouth. The satisfaction he felt from the pleasure he was giving her again gave him pause.

Her pleasure came before his. It always had. It always would....

He remained silent. He would give her everything he had, if only in dream. He would show her what she meant to him. Give of himself without holding back.

He found her heat and stroked inside, giving it to her in the way he knew she had come to love, his fingers delving deep inside, grinding softly into her sweet pussy while his thumb toyed with her tight blood-filled clit.

His cock was so hard it was nearly painful, as lust and desire for her beat down on him, nearly driving him past his control. But he wanted...needed to give more.

He pulled his mouth from hers and traced her lips with his tongue.

“I love you, Key...please make love to me,” she whispered.

And that was all it took.

All it took to drag Key’s eyes open, force him to shake the embers of sleep away. This was real—she was real. He’d missed her....

As he stared down at her, he didn’t question why she was in his bed, didn’t question why she was locked in a dream, why she was so tired she didn’t lift her eyes and look at him. She was in the dreamy in-between state, just as he had been.

God, how he’d missed this woman. He’d been...lost without her. The admission didn’t make him angry, didn’t make him go running out to the woods, as she’d accused him, afraid of his emotions, afraid to admit how he felt.

He stared down at her. It was time he admitted how he felt about she made him feel. To show her that he trusted her with his life.

The grin grew wolfish. And time to give her something to really dream about.

He peeled the sheet down, away from her, exposing her body to his hungry stare.

The moonlight beaming down through the skylight gleamed on her pretty brown body, her plump breasts arched, her nipples tight...begging for his touch.

He could do nothing but oblige.

He lowered his head and swiped his tongue out across the crest of first one breast, then the other, before pulling one thickened nub deep into his mouth. Simultaneously, he lowered one hand to lift her butt, and the other slid down between their close bodies to find her center.

He toyed with it. Played with and teased it...made her squirm around his fingers.

Before ripping her panties away from her body.

“Oh...mmm...” Her strangled, garbled moan brought him satisfaction. But it wasn’t enough. He needed to give her more. He needed more from her.

He pulled away from her spot despite her protests, while he withdrew his fingers from her clenching heat.

“No, please don’t go...
,” The rest of her sentence was garbled and one long cry as he immediately went back to work, loving her.

He knew she referred to his lovemaking, but he planned to show her, in detail, that he was never going away again. This was his woman. And he was going to do everything in his power to let her know how much he needed her.

Lifting her bottom in the air, high, he brought her center to his mouth and swiftly, smoothly, stabbed her heat, suckling her deep into his mouth, immediately lost in the glorious scent, taste and feel of her.

* * *

The orgasm began low in Sonia’s belly, rolling and crashing in on her in one glorious tidal wave, on and on and on....

Her body shot up, eyes open as she stared down at the dark head buried between her thighs.

“Oh God, oh God, oh God, oh God,” she cried, her body no longer hers to control, yet the reality that she was not dreaming beating against her, just as the incredible orgasm was.

“How...” She stopped, panting. Drew in a breath. “Why, wha—” Her incoherent babbling was cut short when his long, thick fingers stroked into her heat at the same time that talented tongue circled and hollowed, suckling her clit into his mouth with a sweet ferocity that was nearly painful in its intensity.

When his finger slanted deep inside her channel, he slowly, oh, so slowly released her clit, and the orgasm she thought was over swelled and crested, nearly drowning her in its intensity.

She fell back on the bed, allowing the incredible sensations to simply...devour her.

When he applied direct pressure right above her mons, his fingers still playing her, his mouth opened wide and clamped down over her entire center, and she screamed.

The orgasm broke completely free when he lifted her bottom high in the air and continued his sensual assault.

The feel of his tongue, teeth and fingers against her aching sex in alternating sensual strikes was her undoing. Her body went up in flames.

As she crested the peak and she felt unable to give any more, her spread her lips and added yet another finger.

“No, no, no,” she babbled and begged, the pleasure too intense for coherent speech.
Her strident cry ended in one long wail of release and her entire body slumped down on the soft mattress, every bone in her body useless.

She kept her eyes closed, allowing her body to calm. Eventually she felt her heart return to a beat that didn’t make her afraid she was in the throes of a heart attack, yet she was too sleepy, too listless...too satisfied to open her eyes.

“We’re not done, baby.” Key’s deep-voiced pronouncement brought Sonia back to full wakefulness. She inhaled deeply and opened her eyes.

Her eyes roamed over his beloved features one by one. Although it was dark, the light from the moon the only light, she could make out his features. But she really needed to see him. There could be no mistakes this time.

Memories of how badly she’d misjudged the situation with him once before echoing in the recesses of her mind.

She slowly rose, scooting up on the bed until her head hit the padded headboard.

“I think...I think we need to talk first, Key,” she began, her eyes scanning his face for any signs of residual anger...mistrust. A mistrust she knew she had every right to see. But one that if she did see, if he still felt that way, she knew that despite the good sex, their sexual chemistry would do nothing for them in the terms of a relationship. She wanted it all.

“Home. I want to go home,” she whispered.

“Is that what you want, Sonia?”

Chapter 23

is question brought her up short, and her gaze flew to his. She hadn’t realized she’d spoken aloud. She swallowed the lump of anxiety down. Embarrassed, yes, yet she knew it was all on the line now. They were past the getting-to-know-you stage. Way past that.

The fact that he knew what she meant by saying she wanted to go home confirmed what she already knew—that they were on the same wavelength as well as the same path. Fate had decided that long before they’d ever met.

And after all they’d been through, honesty was the only way to go. No more hiding away, not for either of them.

She tugged the sheet up on her body and forced herself to keep his gaze. “I won’t settle for anything else, and if that’s not what you want, I’m okay with that. But if you want a relationship, I won’t be happy with anything, Key, but the real thing.”

A small smile played around his sexy lips, and she felt her heart skip a beat. Yet his next words brought her up short. “You know that just about killed me when I thought you had betrayed my family...betrayed the trust we were developing.” He spoke bluntly, straight to the point, and although his voice was low, modulated, Sonia heard the catch in it and felt her heart react at what she knew was pain.

Did he still mistrust her? After what they had just shared?

She kept her eyes shut, afraid of what would be reflected in them should she look his way. Silently she nodded, waiting for him to continue. Maybe that had been his way of saying goodbye, she thought, squaring her shoulders and preparing for whatever he had to say.

She couldn’t stay there and take his anger. She couldn’t take going through the pain she had endured over the past two weeks. She felt indignant. She was not going to wait for him to lower the boom.

“Been there, done that. Got the heartache ribbon to go with it,” she said aloud, and gathered the sheet around her body.

She turned to face him, tears running down her face. “Look, I know I was the cause for your father having to go to the hospital, and that is something I will never, ever, forgive myself for. If he had...” She allowed the sentence to dangle, not wanting to put voice to the fear.

“I would have never forgiven myself for the pain it would have caused you and your family. I don’t know what else to say. If you still don’t believe I had nothing to do with it, there’s no point in any of this. I—I only came back to speak to your family and give a personal apology on behalf of the studio for what Patricia did.”

She turned, with tears clouding her vision, to leave, not sure where she was going, only knowing that she had to get out of the cabin before she completely lost it and broke down. She ran toward the door, grabbing her clothes along the way.

“Wait, damn it, woman!” he shouted, close behind her. When he grabbed her by the waist and lifted her, turning her around to face him, his face was red with anger.

“Just where do you think you’re going?” he demanded as he held her by her waist, suspended in air inches from his face.

“I let you get away from me once, and that was enough,” he said, and lifted her higher, throwing her over his shoulder and spinning back around.

He swatted her on the backside and she yelped in surprise.

“What the hell was that for?”

“Never again will you leave me,” he said, and tapped her bottom again. She squirmed against him. The swats weren’t hard enough to hurt, but hard enough that she felt their slight sting against her sheet-covered bottom. Embarrassed, she felt her body react and had to clench her legs together.

He swatted her a third time, this one softer, his hand caressing the slight sting. She moaned against the sweet sting.

“And never again will you leave me alone,” he said, and turned with her, laying her on the bed.

“You said that one already,” she said, staring up at him. Her breath caught at what she saw in his light blue eyes, the sheen of tears too real, the stamp of emotion so raw on his face it brought an answering emotion.

She swallowed and said nothing. She couldn’t say anything. She waited for him to continue.

He sat next to her on the bed, slowly unwrapping the linen from her body. With his voice neutral, stripped of emotion, he began to speak.

“After you left, I went and talked with my father and my brother. Although the shock wasn’t good for my father, it wasn’t the reason for the infarction. He didn’t suffer a second stroke, just what the doctors called an infarction,” he began, and she drew in a breath, guilt washing over her anew.

He drew her close, hugging her body to his. “It wasn’t your fault, Sonia. I know that Patricia was behind it all. After you left, we pieced it all together.”

“But if you didn’t think it was me, why did you let me think you blamed me? Why didn’t you tell me?” she asked, pain in her voice

* * *

Key drew in a breath.

That was a question he’d asked himself, one both his brother and father had asked. He was man enough to admit the real reason for accusing her of the betrayal.

“I was afraid.” He made the admission, his jaw tightening.

Afraid of what?

“Damn, baby, this isn’t easy for me. I was afraid of, what it meant.”

“I’m not following,” she replied, her voice anguished and low, and he knew it was now or never. He had to tell her what he felt, how much she meant to him.

“I love you, Sonia. I’ve loved you for so long, it’s as though I loved you before we even met,” he said, and knew she heard the catch in his voice. “With the first volley of emails between us, I knew you were a woman to be reckoned with.”

He stopped, a bittersweet smile on his face. “In a lot of ways you’re like my mother. Strong, independent. Capable,” he said. “I started to like you even then, though I fought the show, fearing what it would do to the ranch. The notoriety I could deal with, but once I knew the true legacy of Nick’s parentage, and mine, I knew I had to protect more than the Kealoha Ranch. I had to protect my family.”

“And that’s why you started being nice to me?” she asked in a low whisper. He heard the hurt in her voice.

“Sweetheart, if you recall, there wasn’t anything...
...about some of the things we did,” he said, and laughed lightly when his comment met a fiery blush.

He bent down to kiss her softly on the top of her head.

“I told myself it was to see what you knew, what you and your crew were up to, but I wanted more than that. The show had nothing to do with how I felt, even if I didn’t want to admit it to myself. At first I thought I’d get you out of my system while making sure you were on my side, just in case you did know my family’s secret. But I was only fooling myself. You were already under my skin by then. And it scared the shit out of me,” he admitted frankly.

She leaned away from him to catch his gaze. “Why?” she asked softly, her eyes locked with his.

He drew in a breath.

“Because I was scared as hell you couldn’t possibly love me half as much as I was head over heels in love with you,” he finished, and covered her surprised mouth with his.

He broke the kiss and placed both hands alongside her face, staring intently into her eyes. “I don’t deserve you, baby, but, God, I love you, Sonia. I love you more than anyone or anything in this world,” he said, his voice breaking as he saw tears falling down her eyes.

He felt an unexpected emotional tug and the sting of tears in his own eyes at her reaction.

His gaze took all of her in, from the sheet now loosened, hanging around her waist, to her curly mop of hair, gathered into a haphazard knot on top of her head, wild strands sticking out everywhere. She wore no makeup, and her eyes were tinged red from tears.

To him, she was the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen. And she was his.

“Please tell me you forgive me, baby. Please,” he said, burying his face in the hollow of her throat.

He knew she had to love him. It was in her face, had been in her face for him to see. He’d been so damn stupid, refusing to admit what both his father and brother already knew. Not only did he love her, was crazy about her, she felt the same way about him.

She had every right to tell him to go to hell after the way he’d treated her, what he’d accused her of. And if she did, he’d keep right on loving her, until she admitted what he already knew.

He held on to her and waited. Her body’s reaction to his also alerted him to the fact that she loved him. He felt the stab of her sweet nipples against his bared chest. He released a heartfelt groan of relief when he felt her small arms wrap around his neck.

He sought the nirvana of her lips before he forced himself away.

“I’m sorry, baby. So sorry... Please tell me that you forgive me,” he begged. When she nodded her head almost shyly, he felt a rush of relief.

Unceremoniously he flipped her body so that she lay beneath him on the bed, and he laid siege to her mouth. Between muffled kisses and intimate sighs, he murmured against the sweetness of her lips.

“I don’t know how long I can last, baby. It’s been so damn long and I’ve missed you so damn much, I ache,” he admitted freely.

“I’ve missed you just as much, shut up and make love to me, boy,” she quipped, and he laughed lightly along with her. All laughter came to a halt when he slipped a hand between them, slipping his fingers past the nest of curls at the juncture of her thighs and testing her readiness for him.

He lifted his finger and brought the evidence of her readiness to her attention. Keeping his eyes on hers, he licked her cream from his finger.

“Oh, God, baby, please make love to me,” Sonia begged, and Key laughed roughly.

He tried to be gentle, knowing that in his rush he might hurt her. But he was as randy as he’d ever been and hoped for the best. Guiding himself to the center of her vagina, he carefully fed her small inches of his shaft, nearly coming when her walls clamped down tight on his cock.

“Easy baby, it’s been a while,” he said, his voice rough, low.

Closing his eyes, he clenched his jaw and pushed swiftly, embedding himself inside her until he felt his sac tap against the seam of her butt.

Home. He felt as if he was home.

Making love with Sonia made him complete.

After adjusting her on him for their mutual pleasure he slowly began to rock inside her body, holding on to her hips as he made love to her. Although impatient, he wanted to make it last.

Wanted to make up for mistrusting her.

He wanted to relish and treasure her.

When he felt her wrap her legs around his hips, he knew that she had given in to the pleasure and was giving as good as she got.

“I’ve missed this, baby. But, God, I missed you even more.

* * *

“Oh, yes, Key...I missed you...missed this,” Sonia cried as he stroked deep inside her willing body. Realizing he was holding back, feeding her
enough of his thick cock to tease she placed her hands on his hard, muscled butt and squeezed.

Not enough to hurt.

Just enough to feel good.

He shouted, his stroke picking up with deadly intent.

“That’s what I’m talking about.” She laughed, her body on fire from the heat of his touch.

“Oh, like it rough, do you?” he asked, grinning at her, sweat dripping down his face as he continued his deep strokes.

“Hmm,” she said, tightening her hold on him. “Just enough to feel good, Key,” she said, and shifteded one of her hands below his butt.

“Oh, God, baby, where’d you learn that?” he asked, his shout so loud she was afraid anyone who happened to be within one hundred feet of the cabin would hear him.

She smiled up at him, her body on fire and the strength of his strokes making coherent thought a soon-to-be-impossible thing.

“Only from you, baby, only from you,” she whispered, love in her eyes as she stared up at her man.

Her words made him pause fractionally and glance down at her before he continued. What she saw in their light blue depths told her more than mere words could ever tell her. He loved her.

“I love you, Key!” she cried out, her orgasm sweeping over her.

As she allowed the tide to sweep and engulf her, she heard him shout at the same time, declaring his love for her again.

With two more corkscrew thrusts, she felt his seed burst inside her body, and she closed her eyes, welcoming him inside her as together they climbed the summit and went over, reaching their peak in unison.

* * *

“Do you love me enough to marry me, Sonia?”

Sonia’s eyes opened slowly before she shut them quickly, the sunlight from the cracks in the blinds blazing directly into her face.

She turned to face Key to find him intently watching her, one big leg thrown over hers as their bodies lay close together.

He toyed with one of her long curls, twirling it around his finger.

“Did you hear me, Sonia?” he asked, and although he said it nonchalantly, she heard the tension in his voice.

For some reason his nervousness acted as a calming agent for her. She smiled.

“You might as well give in and say yes. I’m not letting you out of this bed—off this ranch, until you do,” he said, and she opened one eye to peek at him.

“Yeah, is that a fact?” she asked, keeping the laughter out of her voice.

“Damn right it’s a fact. We’ll just have to figure out the mechanics of it all. I’m not trying to take away your career—”

“Oh, thanks, that’s a relief,” she murmured, biting the inside of her cheek to stop herself from laughing.

“But I figure with you producing the second season of the show, you’ll be here for another six months—”

“You all want to do another season?” she asked, astonished.

“I can travel back to L.A. with you during the off-season of the ranch. Nick can cover for me.”

“There’s an off-season for ranching?” she asked, but he continued to ignore her, outlining his plan.

“I can use the time to buy cattle from a couple of the auctions in that area. I figure between that and you taking time off, we can make this work,” he finished. If she didn’t know better, she would swear Key was nervous.

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