Read To Love a Shifter: A Paranormal Romance Boxed Set Online

Authors: Marian Tee

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To Love a Shifter: A Paranormal Romance Boxed Set (30 page)

BOOK: To Love a Shifter: A Paranormal Romance Boxed Set
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            “And you made me suffer for nothing? The old man offered his help and you rejected it?” He didn’t know if he was exasperated or touched.


            “I thought you didn’t want any special favors. I did it to prove I trust you,” she said earnestly.


            “Misty…” He sounded like he was about to die.


            “I’m sorry,” she mumbled.


            He shook his head with a wry smile. Not caring about the people looking at them, Domenico bent down and kissed her, easily persuading her lips to part and let his tongue in. He branded her with his kiss, and let her brand him with hers.


            When he lifted his head, his wife looked at him in a daze.


            He said softly, “Don’t ever change, Misty.”


            After dinner, the dancing began. Domenico excused himself, told Misty to enjoy herself, and got to work. It soon became apparent to him that everyone was fascinated with his wife. They either loved her or were suspicious of her, but they were interested in her.


            At this point, it was more than he could ask for.


            “You seem happy,” Dio murmured when he joined Domenico at the side of the ballroom. Before them, couples swirled around the dance floor.


            “Just enjoying my wife’s success,” he said. Something burned inside him but he tried to suppress it. “She’s not a pack princess, but she’s a lot better.”


            Dio’s voice was bland when he asked, “Is that so?”


            “I have the Cavaliers and Castellanos as well as the Fontabellas and Buenaventuras on my side,” Domenico stated. “These packs were never your allies.”




            The burning in him intensified and he knew he had to go. “It was nice talking to you, Father, but I have to go…business to do,” he managed to say.




            He nodded to his father and left. He still could not make himself forgive Dio for what he had said all those years ago.


            Misty had watched the tableau between father and son and excused herself when Domenico walked away. She caught hold of him when she reached the balcony.


            Domenico tensed at the light touch but relaxed when he heard his wife murmur his name.  He smiled down at her. “Come join me for a bit.”


            “Of course.”


            The night breeze was cool and deliciously refreshing on their skin. There was a light scent of seawater in the air and the sound of distant waves lapping against the shore lent a rhythmic beat to the evening. The Fiarinos’ mansion sat atop a barren white cliff, giving them a breathtaking view of the sea.


            Domenico leaned against the balustrade and pulled her close so she could rest against him. He clasped his arms around her, settling his hands above hers.


            “Are you enjoying yourself?”




            “I’ve done my work.”


            She frowned. “Is this night about work?”




            Misty wanted to tell Domenico not to focus too much on his work because it wasn’t healthy. He was too obsessive about it, and she feared it had more to do with his old feud with Dio than with his devotion to his duties.


She couldn’t – not now at least. It did not feel right. She asked casually, “How was your talk with your father?”


            “The same as before.” Domenico’s tone was dismissive.


            Misty decided not to take the hint. “Will you never forgive him?”


            Domenico sighed. “Why am I not surprised that you know the story about us?”


            She wisely kept silent.


            “I’ve forgiven him, I suppose. But I can’t forget.”


            “Can’t…or won’t?”


            “Is there a difference?” he asked somewhat edgily.


            She turned to him with an earnest look of appeal on her face. “Yes, there is. Because I love you and I know I can forgive and forget anything for you.”


            “Big words, Misty.”


            “I mean it though.”


            “It’s easier said than done. Leave it be.”


            She nodded, knowing she had pushed him enough for tonight.


            On their way back, Domenico received a phone call that had him frowning. But he did not say what it was about. When they reached home, she was not altogether surprised that Domenico was not going inside.


            Misty did not like the cold glitter of fury mingling with triumph on his face. She didn’t understand what was happening, but she understood him because she loved him.  “Domenico?”


            He looked at her.


            “Whatever it is, wherever it is you’re going, promise me you’ll take care of yourself.”


            Misty’s words touched him and he drew her close, loving how she instantly and trustingly curved around him, her arms going around his neck.


            “Don’t worry about me.” He kissed her forehead. “I don’t intend to make you a widow anytime soon.”


            “You better not.” Her arms tightened around him. “I love you, Domenico.”


            “I love you,” he whispered back.


            She watched him go with tears in her eyes, scared without knowing why.








            Domenico was greeted by Ricardo and surprisingly, his daughter Rafaella, the girl he was supposed to marry. He was uncomfortable with her presence but tried not to show it as Rafaella greeted him with a kiss on each cheek. Both landed dangerously close to his lips, something he and Ricardo both chose to ignore.


            Domenico looked at the older man. “What has come up?”


            “We found a suspect.”


            “Have you already interrogated him?”


            “I was waiting for you.”


            Inside the interrogation room, Domenico swiftly hid his shock when he realized who the traitor was.


            It was Gardo Fiarino, nephew to the pack leader of the Fiarinos, the very same pack who held a ball in his honor and Misty’s. Gardo’s capture revealed that treachery existed even in the innermost circles of Lyccan society. Could it mean that even members of the Lyccan Council were to be distrusted?


            The interrogation was over in an hour, with Gardo giving up the location of the vampire he had paid to execute the murders. Domenico led the hunt for the vampire, and when it was apparent that Gardo’s mercenary would not reveal anything of import, Domenico killed him swiftly and ruthlessly.


            When Domenico came back home, a bad taste remained in his mouth. He wondered if Misty would still love him if she knew just how ruthless he could be.


            Entering their bedroom, he was surprised to see Misty waiting for him.


            “Welcome home,” she said softly.


            They made love without words, Domenico savoring the healing power of her touch. She murmured her love for him over and over, and he shuddered in her arms as they came together.


Misty stroked his hair, wishing she could do more to draw out his pain. Because she loved him, his hurt was palpable and it made her heart bleed as well.


            Out of the blue, he said, “I killed someone.”


            She slowly pulled away and there was a part of him that wanted to snatch her back. But he let her go.


            Misty asked slowly, “Did he deserve it?”




            “Do you regret it?”


            “I don’t know. Not now.”


            “I’m not in a position to judge you, Domenico. But I trust you and I know you’ll always do the right thing. Why did you kill him?”


            “He no longer had a purpose.”


            She flinched.


            “He was a vampire.”


            She knew by now how vampires were made. They were born Caros but had taken human lives in exchange for immortality. “Then you did the right thing. He wasn’t human any longer. I’m not talking biologically, but I’m talking about what’s in here.” She pointed to her heart.


            Misty cupped his face. It humbled her that someone like Domenico chose to confide in her, things that she knew instinctively he did not share with anyone else. It humbled her to know that he needed her approval.


            “Anything that troubles you, Domenico, let me know. I will do what I can to help you, okay?” She smiled tremulously. “I love you.”


            He answered her with a kiss that showed the depth of the love he felt for her.



Chapter Thirteen



Dear Diary,




 A girl is always supposed to have her secrets, but what about a man’s? Is it bad that I want to learn everything there is to know about Domenico? I feel like the more I know about him, the more hidden layers I discover, and they’re not all pretty. Some of them are dark and treacherous, like snakes waiting to poison me.




Yesterday, I managed to get the story out of Domenico about how he lost his virginity. He said it was his piano tutor. She was twenty-four and he was fourteen. I think it’s rape, but he says it’s not. If anything, Domenico told me she was the one who was used because he had later used his newly learned sexual skills to persuade her to let him play hooky with his lessons without telling his parents.




He told me how he had bent her to his will completely, so much so that she would give him a blowjob on the rare times he would practice the piano.




Sometimes, I’m scared at how manipulative he can be – how unapologetically ruthless he is when he thinks it’s the right thing to do.


            “You’re going away again?” They were having breakfast in their bedroom’s private balcony when Domenico shared his plans with her.


            Domenico patted his mouth with a napkin. “I have to. Just for a few days. I have to hunt down some vampires.”


            “But…” She put her coffee cup down because her hands were shaking too much. Yes, Domenico was strong. But so were vampires. She had asked the twins about it, and they had not hesitated to tell her the truth since they also feared for Domenico’s life. Vampires were no longer bound by their conscience and were wont to do whatever it took to satisfy their greed and thirst for blood.


            “I have to do this myself, Misty. For Matteo.”


            She didn’t argue after that. “Just please don’t do anything rash.”


            He laughed. “I’m not rash in any way.”


            She held her tongue even though she so badly wanted to argue. He wasn’t rash as a rule, but he did tend to do things unthinkingly if it meant giving him another point to score over his father. The twins had told her that Dio was against Domenico’s involvement with the hunt, and that alone had been enough to make her husband decide to join.


            Misty bit her lip. “Can’t I go --”


Domenico whitened. “No, Misty. I will worry endlessly about you and I could lose my life in the process.”


            She stared at him miserably. “Please don’t go.”


            “Misty, for Matteo.”


            “But is it really for Matteo?” she cried out.


He stiffened. “What do you mean?”


            “Domenico, I love you, but I’m not blind. Or stupid. You can go after his killer without being a part of this hunt.” She grabbed his hand and held it to her heart. “I don’t want you to be a part of this just because your dad --”


            Domenico took his hand away at her words. “You forget that I am not a child, Misty. I’m over thirty years old. Do you think I still let old family quarrels rule my decisions?”


            Yes, because he was still hurting.


            But she couldn’t say that, not when he was looking at her so coldly. “Forgive me,” she said softly and took his hand again, laying it on her cheek. Turning around to kiss his palm, she said, “Just be safe, please?”


            “I will. But you have to promise me the same thing.” Domenico looked out at the scenery before them. On the horizon, it was easy to spy the mansions of the twins, of the girls, and at the center of it all, his parents. All the Morettis lived on a single estate, but the land was expansive enough to give everyone as much privacy and space as needed.


            “While I’m gone, I want you and the others to move in temporarily with Dio and Elena.”


            Misty straightened in her seat at that. “Why?”


            “Just a precaution. It’s the most protected area on the estate. Can you promise you’ll do that?”


            When Domenico left, Misty and her siblings moved in with her in-laws as promised. The first day, she didn’t see Dio at all, but they were able to join Elena for dinner. She was pleased to see her siblings and Domenico’s mom getting along well. The twins and the three girls visited as well, and the meal turned into a full-fledged party.


            The next day, Misty caught sight of Dio in the garden and impulsively approached him. “Good morning.”


            “Good morning,” he returned civilly enough.


            An awkward silence fell.


            ‘So…we’ve been married for almost a month,” she ventured.


            Dio nodded, his gaze remaining on the plants he was watering.


            She played with the hems of her floral blouse nervously. “Domenico’s too busy these days so I didn’t think I should bother him with this but…”


            Dio switched the hose off. “Do you need money?”


            She shook her head, wiping her suddenly clammy palms on her white shorts.


            Domenico’s father frowned at her. “What, then?”


            “What do I need to do as his wife? What are my responsibilities?”


            “Whatever he says they are,” Dio answered brusquely, turning his back on her.


            “He has no time to teach me. But you could – could you let me know what you had your wife do at the start?”


            Dio looked at her again, a scowl on his face. “I told you, there’s no need to curry favor. Your position will not be threatened.”


            Misty wanted to stomp her foot in frustration. “I am not doing this to curry favor. I’m Domenico’s wife and I want to be of service to him.”


            “Then divorce him.”


            She flinched but rallied quickly, “Anything but that.”


            “Then I don’t have anything else to say.”


            “Why do you hate me so much?” she demanded.


            “I don’t hate you. But you’re different. Human. And you haven’t mated --”


            Misty couldn’t believe it would be that simple to solve the issue between them. She started to laugh. “Is that it?” She beamed at Dio. “But we did!”


            Dio seemed surprised. “You did?”


            “Domenico told me people would ask about it, but I never thought you’d care to.”


            “Because we’re estranged?” he snapped.


            “We’ve mated,” she said diplomatically instead. “Does that mean you’ll accept me then?” Privately she wondered how he could even think they wouldn’t mate, considering how sexual his son was.


            He looked at her thoughtfully. “I thought you wouldn’t be here for good.”


            “I’ll be here as long as Domenico wants me to be.”


            “Do you truly love my son?”


            Misty said simply, “Yes.”


            Dio’s eyes misted, surprising her.




            He smiled at her, the first he had given her in all the time she had known him.


            It made her cry, too.


            “I had been so afraid you were yet another choice he made to spite me,” Dio confessed.


            “Even if it was,” she said gently, “we fell in love with each other. The past doesn’t matter – as it shouldn’t between the two of you.”


            Dio’s training for Misty to take her rightful place as the next pack leader’s wife began the next day. It involved lessons on physical defense and the social arts of being a Lyccan. During the first full moon, Dio promised, they would try transformation. At the moment, it was better if they didn’t try, since she still seemed too weak.


            Misty didn’t say anything but she was privately surprised to realize that she had been turned without knowing it. But she didn’t mind. She liked the fact that she and Domenico would have another thing in common.


            “Tomorrow is the Foundation Day of the Lyccans,” Dio told her. “It’s the day when all the packs made a vow to unite for the defense of our race. I want you to accompany me so that I may properly introduce you as my son’s wife.”


            “Are you sure I’m ready?” she asked doubtfully.


            “I trained you, did I not?”


            “Now I know where Domenico gets his arrogance from,” she teased.


            The moon was blood red the following night, which had the entire Moretti brood skittish. “I thought that was a good sign,” she ventured.


            Alessandro shook his head. “It’s the opposite. The very worst omen, like seeing a black cat cross under a ladder while a mirror crashes into pieces and all that,” he said darkly.


            She squeezed his arm. “Nothing will happen.”


            When they arrived at Lyccan Hall, Misty tried to pretend she didn’t see the speculative looks being shot her way.


            “You look beautiful tonight, daughter,” Dio murmured gruffly.


            “Thank you. You’re looking great at well.” she beamed at him. She had selected the black gown, with its heart-shaped bodice and full skirt that fell just below her knees, specifically to please Domenico, knowing it was his favorite color. But she was glad that she was able to do Dio proud as well.


            “Very nice to see that you’re on good terms with your daughter-in-law, contrary to the rumors I’ve been hearing,” Aurelius remarked as he appeared at their side and shook hands with Dio.


            “You know rumors.” Dio ignored Misty’s pointed look.


            “Glad to know it wasn’t true. They worried me for a while, especially when I heard that Domenico has been seen with the Hernandez princess.”

BOOK: To Love a Shifter: A Paranormal Romance Boxed Set
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