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Authors: V. K. Powell

To Protect & Serve (12 page)

BOOK: To Protect & Serve
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Refusing to be manipulated into a late start, Alex sat down at the table next to Beth, her back to the door. She faced the chalkboard. “Okay, everybody take your seats.”

Once the team was settled and the shuffling had ceased, a few heads turned and Alex heard footsteps at the end of the hall. When the door opened, Beth’s body morphed into attack mode. She pushed back from the table and slowly rose to her feet, eyes narrow and focused. As Alex stood, the woman behind her spoke.

“Good morning all, sorry we’re late. We were detained by an accident on the interstate. I’m Captain Helen Callahan from Layton PD and these are my officers, Renee Siler and Mike Fields.”

Muscles knotted throughout Alex’s body. She set her expression and prepared to face the woman she’d avoided for over a year. Never again would she permit Helen Callahan to make the rules. From now on their dealings would be on her terms alone.

Keri’s nerves prickled. Except for the incident in the gym the other night, she had never seen Alex’s eyes so dark. Her face was void of emotion, cold and determined as she turned to greet the late arrivals.

Captain Callahan stood well inside Alex’s personal body space and seemed oblivious to the others in the room. She was dangerously beautiful in a black business suit, gray satin shell, and blond hair that flowed past her shoulders. Her blue-gray gaze swept over Alex like a caress and lingered on her lips. She offered her hand. From the look on Alex’s face, Keri thought she’d rather shake the business end of a rattlesnake.

Alex took in Helen’s beauty with a cynical smile. Gorgeous but deadly.
She should really travel with a caution sign and flares.
She clutched Helen’s hand in a two-fisted grip, and using her superior strength, forcefully backed Helen out of her body space and toward the row of chairs against the wall.

Helen’s eyes never left her face, but Alex saw a flicker of surprise. “It’s a pleasure to see you again, Lieutenant. It’s been entirely too long.”

Keri disliked Captain Callahan immediately. The possessive way she looked at Alex and assumed a position close to her made Keri uncomfortable.
Maybe Alex and this woman…
Keri couldn’t finish the thought. Something hot and foreign rose in her throat. Helen Callahan was gorgeous, elegant, refined, and certainly sexy. All the things Keri knew she’d never be. But there was something off with her.

Beth cleared her throat. Eyes burning with contempt, she said, “We didn’t realize you’d be joining us this morning, Captain.” Her tone was cold and unwelcoming. “Let me find you a seat.”

“That won’t be necessary, Sergeant.”

Keri thought Callahan’s emphasis on “sergeant” relayed a definite dislike for Beth. It was obviously mutual, and if Sergeant Price didn’t like her, that was good enough for Keri.

Helen grabbed an empty chair and indicated that Keri should make room for her. “You don’t mind, do you, sweetie?” Without waiting for an answer, she rolled the chair close to Alex and sat down.

Keri took several deep breaths to slow her pulse. She wasn’t sure what was causing more anxiety, waiting for her assignment or watching Callahan’s doe eyes fawn all over Alex as she introduced the team members. She knew the look of lust, and Callahan wore it like a badge of honor. Keri was thankful that Alex seemed completely unimpressed. The thought made her cross and uncross her legs beneath the table. She would have been jealous, she realized, if Alex had returned the alluring captain’s interest.

Alex refused to be shaken by Helen’s proximity. As she looked around the room at the officers gathered to do battle under her command, confidence flooded her and she pushed away from the table enough to avoid Helen’s body grazing hers “accidentally.”

“Our target is probably the biggest and most dangerous drug dealer in the tristate area,” she said. “And it’s entirely possible that his dope is responsible for the deaths of some of our college students recently. This isn’t simply a drug case anymore. There’s a homicide investigation as well, and the chief has agreed to let us handle all of it. That’s a huge honor and an enormous responsibility for each of us. Detective Spagnola of the homicide squad will bring us up to speed on their investigation after our briefing.”

The image of Stacey Chambers’s contorted features and lifeless body flashed through Alex’s mind. Her stomach churned and she fisted her hands into tight balls in her lap to regain focus. “This is criminal investigation one-oh-one. I want it played by the numbers. Background checks, criminal histories, DMV runs, water and sewer listings, wanted persons checks, IRS histories, the works.” Alex looked directly at Helen when she added, “There’ll be no shortcuts on this one, folks. I want surveillance, night and day. I want to know where this guy goes, who he sees, for how long and why. I want to know how many wives, girlfriends, boyfriends, children, and relatives he has. I want to know where he eats and how often he takes a crap.” A laugh from the officers broke the gathering intensity in the room.

“In other words, I want us so far up this guy’s ass that when he burps, we know what he ate for lunch.” Alex concluded, “Sergeant Beth Price will be your immediate supervisor. She’s going to make the assignments based on our evaluation of your abilities and the operation profile. Sergeant Price, if you would.”

Beth moved to the chalkboard. “Here’s what it looks like. Agent Paige Hunter with DEA has generously agreed to provide the technical equipment and expertise we need for all surveillance. Detectives Mike Fields and Renee Siler from Layton PD will provide long and roving surveillance when needed.”

Helen scooted her chair over, placed her hand on Alex’s forearm, and leaned in. The swell of her breasts against Alex’s upper arm and the hot breath on her ear sent electricity shooting down her spine. She rolled her chair away, breaking contact. “If you have a concern, Captain, share it with everyone. We’re a team.”

Helen gave her another sweltering gaze before standing. With a long, seductive stroke, she smoothed an invisible crease in the front of her thigh-revealing skirt. “I assumed Mike and Renee would be lead detectives since they have the most undercover experience.”

“That’s not possible, Captain. I’m sorry to disappoint you.” Beth almost sneered.

“I think you should take advantage of their longevity. They know drugs better than anyone here and can work under pressure,” Helen fired back.

Alex felt her ire rise at Helen’s veiled insults. “Captain Callahan, what Sergeant Price says is correct.” She stood, towering over Helen. “We thought about your officers for the lead position, but our target is a racist white male. He doesn’t mind selling to African Americans, but he won’t let them into his inner circle. We needed someone who can get close to him fast.”

Helen locked stares with Alex and her look changed from defiance to acquiescence. “Very well. As you wish, Alex. So who takes the lead?”

“If you’ll allow Sergeant Price to continue, she’ll finish the assignments.” Alex motioned for Beth to resume. Helen Callahan would not come onto her turf and insult her officers, past lover or not.

Keri suppressed a childish urge to stick out her tongue at Helen, give her a “so there,” and slap a high five with Alex. She’d watched the exchange between Helen and Alex with increasing annoyance. Everything about Helen Callahan screamed sex. Alex was obviously trying to remain focused, but Helen had a different agenda.

“Our primary team is officers Steve Alston and Keri Morgan,” Beth continued. “We’ll try to insinuate Morgan into an undercover role with an informant.”

Keri felt a shock charge her body. She hadn’t expected to be a lead officer on the case, just being assigned was enough. But everything had just changed. The stakes were much higher now.

Helen shook her head, a disapproving frown crinkling the space between her perfectly plucked brows. In a steely calm voice, she said, “You’ve got to be kidding. Look at her.” And everyone did. “She’s obviously as shocked by this assignment as I am.”

Keri’s initial surprise and excitement turned quickly to anger as Helen unapologetically expressed her dissatisfaction in front of everyone.

Helen continued with the verbal assault. “Have you ever worked undercover? Have you even made a single drug arrest, ever?”

Before Keri could assemble a reply, Alex said matter-of-factly, “Officer Morgan has extensive drug experience and
serve as one of our lead investigators.”

Keri could see the anger on Alex’s face, but this was her fight. “Lieutenant, if I may?” She knew how to deal with bullies. Helen was playing her game now.

Secretly pleased, Alex nodded her approval.

Helen caught the exchange and her eyebrows arched.

Keri drew a deep breath and began. “Captain…Callahan, is it? You’re right on two counts. I am a little shocked. And I’ve never worked undercover.”

The corners of Helen’s mouth curled into a self-satisfied grin.

Keri kept her breathing steady and continued. “But you’re wrong about my drug experience. I’ve made over two hundred drug arrests in the past two years and I’ve got an informant who can probably get us into Davis’s inner circle.”

Gasps sounded as the other officers calculated the amount of time and focused attention that accomplishment required. Even Alex looked surprised and gave Beth a questioning glance.

“Now, if you still don’t think I’m capable of running point on this operation, I’ll defer to the better officer, whoever that may be.” Keri’s knees shook under the table but she forced herself to remain steady and confident.

Helen seemed taken aback. “I still think your lack of undercover experience will be a detriment, sweetie.” Helen’s condescending tone and lingering appraisal only slightly diminished Keri’s feeling of victory as she leaned back in her chair.

“It looks like we’ve already got a foot in the door since Keri has an informant who may be useful,” Beth said. “I’d like to break for a long lunch so you folks can get to know each other better. We’ll meet back here at fourteen hundred hours.”

The officers gathered their paperwork and immediately hovered around Keri, escorting her out like a team of bodyguards. She was elated that her colleagues had taken to her so readily, but she couldn’t help glancing back over her shoulder. What was going to happen when they left Alex alone with that woman? Beth must’ve been thinking the same thing because she hung back, taking far too long to get her notes together and tidy up the room. Alex watched as Keri was swept down the hallway.

“Lieutenant, you’ll be joining us for lunch, won’t you?” Beth asked. “The troops need to get a sense of both of us.”

Helen spoke before Alex could respond. “Actually, we probably need to talk privately.” She smiled up at Alex and licked her lips slowly. “Don’t you think, darling? I still have questions about the operation and this new kid.”

“Well, if you have questions about Keri, you need to talk to me.” Beth glared at Helen. “I’m her immediate supervisor and know more about her than anyone.”

“I’m sure that won’t last long,” Helen continued, eyeing Alex suspiciously.

“Just what the hell does that mean?”

“I knew it…you’ve already got the hots for her. Have you fucked her yet?”

Alex felt Beth bristle beside her. She knew her friend wanted to throttle Helen, but she shook her head, murmuring, “Let it go, Beth.” She nodded toward the hallway. “I’ve got this. Close the door on your way out.”

Helen gave a patronizing smirk and fired another slam. “It’s gratifying to see such devotion from the women who want to fuck you. We’re certainly a loyal though small group of thwarted rejects. I hope Little Miss Innocent can stand the heartbreak when it’s over.”

Alex cautioned Beth with another sharp look and waited for her to leave, then Helen purred, “Thank God, alone at last.” She scooted up on the conference table, spread her legs, and reached for Alex.

“Don’t even think about it.” Alex’s words sounded much more confident than she felt as she tried to step back from Helen’s grasp.

But Helen caught her around the waist in one swift motion and guided her between her parted thighs. She wrapped her legs around Alex and locked her in place. With her right index finger she traced the outline of Alex’s lips. “I’m way beyond thinking about it, darling.”

Alex squirmed backward, trying unsuccessfully to free herself from Helen’s clutches. “We’re in a police facility, for God’s sake, Helen. Anyone could walk in.”

“And I know how you love that fear of getting caught.” The fingers of Helen’s left hand slid up the inside of her leg and disappeared under her short skirt. “I’m already wet…feel.”

“No, damn you, I won’t. Let go of me.” But in spite of her words, Alex’s physical responses had already begun. Her neck and face grew warm. Moisture gathered between her legs and her mouth dried. It happened every time Helen unleashed her ultimate weapon. Something about the way she just took charge, with no doubts and no hesitation, like no one could possibly refuse her. And Alex never had.

“You want it as much as I do,” Helen whispered into her ear. “I can feel you getting hot. I can smell it.”

Sparks shot through Alex’s body as Helen’s tongue rimmed her ear and stroked down the side of her neck. Her mind was screaming, “Snap out of it, get control of yourself,” but the sensation felt so good, she heard an audible moan and feared her body had betrayed her out loud. Helen’s soft chuckle provided confirmation.

BOOK: To Protect & Serve
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