Read To Seduce an Omega Online

Authors: Kryssie Fortune

Tags: #paranormal romance, #shifter romance, #urban fantasy, #Menage

To Seduce an Omega (10 page)

BOOK: To Seduce an Omega
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Trembling so violently she could barely stay on her feet, Viola clenched her fists. “The timeline fits, but I’m Lykae even if I can’t turn into a natural wolf. At least”—her voice trembled—”I always thought I was.”

Titus’s inner wolves bayed for Zebadiah’s blood. The Rock Prowler alpha had hurt their mate, and he’d take his throat for that.
Mate. Viola. Elves’ blood, I like the sound of that
. Still, whatever her origins, he needed to get her out of here.

For once, the way Jilly had walked out on him didn’t make him want to punch the walls or drink himself into oblivion. He couldn’t find any love left in his heart for her now. The sense of freedom was exhilarating.

Whatever Viola for felt him—and it couldn’t be good—he wouldn’t give up until he won her heart and claimed her. “Viola, look at me. None of this is your fault, but I honestly don’t think you’re Lykae.”

Viola shook her head and turned away.

Titus growled. “Damn it, woman, look at me. It’s not like I can come to you. Whatever species you are, you’re beautiful inside and out.”

The curve of her spine and the way she lifted her head and faced her fears tantalized him. He wanted her to pirouette and show him the full perfection of her lush curves. The solitary ray of sunlight that had crept into their cell silhouetted her body. Even though she kept her back to him, seeing her like this would give him wet dreams for years.

Her round, well-muscled ass and slender thighs tormented him, but more than anything he wanted lift the hair from the back of her neck and let it flow through his hands. Holding her close while he planted tiny kisses on her soft skin would be sweet medicine to tame the wildness that had taken root in his soul.

He needed to pull her close and kiss the frown from her face. Instead, the silver burned at his wrists and reminded him he was chained and helpless. In his dreams, she turned around, leaned over him, and let him suck on one of her nipples. The way his body craved Viola amazed and delighted him. His inner wolves chuffed in agreement and went back to salivating over Viola’s curves.

Titus rattled his chains. “My money’s on her father being Fae. She’s got their coloring, and her eyes are as bewitching and beautiful as theirs. Not that I’d describe Fae warriors’ eyes that way, but even theirs are startling. Unfortunately, Fae women can’t access their powers until they have sex. So, hedgewitch, have you been getting any lately?”

He held his breath as he waited for her answer, ready to take the throat of any male who’d touched her.

She blushed and shook her head. “I’ve never… I mean… I haven’t… Just your kiss and my fingers. God, I can’t believe I just said that out loud. The thing is, Zebadiah would kill anyone I took to my bed.”

Tansy and Daniel exchanged startled glances; then Tansy strode across the cell and wrapped her arms around Viola’s waist. “Then you should lose your virginity in this cell. Those Sphinx things said their menfolk would take us by force. Better to have your first sexual encounter with a Lykae, whatever your species. Titus will at least be kind.”

Viola wrapped her arms across her chest, and when she hung her head, her brown hair fell over her face. “Here? Now? I can’t. Can I?”

Tansy hugged her tighter. “You should.”

Tansy whispered something neither man heard, and although Viola turned away, Tansy pulled her back. More whispers, then Viola nodded slowly. “I don’t have a choice, do I?”

Daniel smiled grimly. “No. Not if it gets us out of here.”

Titus’s breathing turned hot and heavy. “We won’t force you, but I guarantee that neither of us will hurt you. It’s your most sensible course.”

Titus swallowed, suddenly dry-mouthed as she unfastened her blouse. He groaned, then almost panted when he watched that scrap of fabric fall to the floor. Her skirt followed, and when she kicked off her shoes, he wondered why one had a built-up sole. Then she distracted him by removing her panties.

Mated wolves never got cockstands for anyone but their true-mate. He looked down and grinned when his erection stood like a flagpole and tented his trousers. He almost asked her to relieve the throbbing in his balls—with her teeth and tongue perhaps—but he didn’t want to embarrass her…or himself.

Finally totally naked, she shivered and wrapped one arm over her breasts. She used her other hand to cover her cunt.

For once, Titus’s inner wolves chuffed in delight as they settled back and drooled at Viola’s slow striptease.

Her voice came out breathy and tremulous, so sexy Titus almost shot his load on the spot. Cheeks scarlet, Viola kept her gaze on the grille high in the wall. “I’m ready.”

Yeah, so am I, baby.

Chapter Ten

Viola backed off until the dungeon’s wall blocked her retreat. Suddenly nervous, she thought maybe she’d misunderstood. “Tansy, you did just suggest I have sex? It’s just that I’m not experienced. I mean, like I said, I never…”

Chained to the other wall, Titus growled and yanked at his chains.

Daniel slid his arms around Tansy’s waist. “Then I’d say we’re screwed. Only that’s the worst sort of pun.”

Tansy relaxed into his embrace then nodded toward Titus. “It’s him or a sphinx. If it was my first time, I’d screw Mr. Bulge In His Trousers over there.”

Another growl reverberated from Titus’s throat. “I found Jilly, my true-mate, over a century ago, but things didn’t work out well between us. That’s why I thought I could marry Zebadiah’s daughter and take over the pack. I changed my mind once I’d met Fleur, of course.”

Shame brought a flush to Viola’s cheeks. She’d stripped off to screw one of the men, but neither of them wanted to fuck her. Besides, Daniel couldn’t get a hard-on for anyone except his true-mate. Titus, well, he was alpha. She remembered how her father claimed his second wife was his true-mate and still screwed any women he could lure into his bed. At least alphas not being physically bonded to one woman meant Titus could screw her. That had to be a good thing, she supposed.

Titus growled whenever Tansy suggested Viola screw him. Still, given the ugly scars on her knee, she wasn’t surprised. She understood how little he wanted her, but like Zebadiah, Titus’s sexual prowess wasn’t limited to his true-mate. Head down, she sniffed and stared at her feet.

Her heart stuttered, and she took a deep breath as her dreams shattered. She’d lusted after Titus in ways that embarrassed her, but now she felt far too naked. Exposed, even. Her body steamed for him, but she had no future with a Lykae who’d already found his true-mate. Hell, they were lucky he could get a cockstand for anyone but the woman who
things hadn’t worked out well with
. Maybe, if he thought of another woman, he’d be able to screw her after all. Yesterday, the touch of Titus’s lips against hers had been like a slow-burning enchantment, filling her with burning needs that blistered her heart. When he told her he’d brought down a gazelle for her, her heart had leaped to stupid conclusions. She should have known an alpha wolf like Titus would never court an omega like her.

The way he stiffened and yanked his chains when he spoke about his mate showed the pain he held inside. Some she-wolf had hurt him, and no matter what insults or derision he threw at Viola, he didn’t deserve the pain of losing his true-mate. Only, where the hell did that leave her? She wanted to consume his thoughts while his cock filled her body, but only an idiot would dream of things like that.

Yesterday despite his harsh words, her heart had insisted he was hers. Then his sweet gesture—hunting down fresh meat for her—touched her in ways she hadn’t expected. He must have revised his first impression of her to do something as thoughtful as that.

She glanced up at him from beneath lowered lashes, but seeing him heave at his chains almost broke her heart. Even chained and helpless, his anger swirled around him like a bullfighter’s cape.

She hated that her friends—and Titus—would be sacrificed for the pleasure of the sphinx race. Whatever it took to help them escape, she’d do it—even have sex with a man who thought about another woman while he screwed her.

Tansy seemed to have regained her composure now that there was a chance they could fire up Viola’s Fae powers and escape. She shimmied out of Daniel’s embrace, leaving him stranded at the far side of the cell, and sped to Viola’s side. “Maybe it’s an alpha thing, but Titus is rock-hard for you. Your impromptu striptease appealed to his body if not his heart. Honestly, Viola, your first time should be with him, not some bastard sphinx who’s guaranteed to hurt you.”

Viola hid her face in Tansy’s shoulder. “I never… Okay. I mean if I have to, but I always thought I was Lykae. Suppose Titus is wrong, and my father’s not Fae?”

Daniel had hung back, but drawn in by Tansy’s words, he moved in close enough to skim his hand down Viola’s spine. “It’s a risk worth taking. At least we can make your first time better than if a sphinx forces himself on you.”

Titus’s frustrated howl echoed around the cell.

Daniel jerked away from the women, but Tansy wouldn’t let anyone bully her mate. “We need to get out of here, and Viola needs us to light her blue touch paper so you can screw her without hurting her. I’m not thrilled at my mate touching another woman, but you don’t see me turning all possessive here.”

Titus looked away, clearly having trouble controlling his temper. Viola realized he hated having to screw her as much as she craved having his cock inside her. The attraction she felt for him was one-sided, but that didn’t stop her wanting to run her fingers through his hair or nibble on his solid chin. Given half a chance, she’d taste him somewhere lower, like that interesting bulge Tansy had noticed in his trousers.

Knowing any sex they shared would be for practical reasons, not their mutual delight, choked her, but she’d take whatever he offered. It wouldn’t be easy, not with Daniel and Tansy watching. Viola had thought her first time would be with love and laughter, not dirt and disgust, but they needed her supposed powers to escape. Like her, Titus would just have to accept the inevitable.

Behind her, she heard Daniel move toward Titus. When she lifted her head, he crouched at Titus’s side. “You up for this? Yeah, I can see you are, so let me help you off with those trousers.”

He reached out, planning to unfasten the leather thong holding Titus’s pants in place, but Titus shuffled his hips out of reach. “She’s a virgin. Do you really expect her to just impale herself on my cock? It’ll freaking split her in two.”

Great. The only available cock donor doesn’t want me
. Viola hated that to escape she’d have force herself on Titus. Only, he had a cockstand already, so maybe his body was willing even if his heart belonged to some idiot woman who didn’t care that
things hadn’t worked out well.

When she looked at his tense jaw and the anger glowing in his eyes, the enormity of what they planned overwhelmed her. “I can’t do this.”

Tansy stroked her hair. “Of course you can. Titus, tell her it’s okay; then me and Daniel will help prepare her body. Viola, once you’re good and wet, then you can slide down his cock and set your powers racing. We’re relying on you to do this and get us out of here.”

Before Viola could refuse again, Tansy pulled her in for long, slow kiss. Initially, Viola froze, but the soft touch of Tansy’s lips offered comfort, friendship, and hope. Eyes closed, Viola gave herself up to new pleasures.

When Tansy’s tongue slid between her lips, Viola moaned, wrapped her arms around the other woman, and tongued her in return. Tansy’s lips were fuller and softer than Titus’s, more determined to please and tease. Viola felt as though a hummingbird sipped at her lips.

Back in her hut, Titus’s kiss had been about punishment and passion, but he’d aroused her body in ways she hadn’t known existed. Everything about him from his broad chest and quick wit to the way he tasted of her favorite herbs delighted her. Then his lips had overwhelmed her inhibitions like soldiers swarming an enemy fort. She’d surrendered her heart and part of her soul into his keeping.

Tansy’s kiss filled Viola with warmth and sunshine, but she jerked free when Titus growled again. He rattled his chains and glared as Daniel tried to rid him of his pants. “Watch where you’re putting your hand. That’s a female-only zone you’re feeling up there, pal.”

Viola grinned as Daniel shot backward, his whole body shaking. She’d been on the receiving end of Titus’s orders, and she knew resisting an alpha’s inbuilt power came hard. As omega, she’d had nothing to lose and stood her ground.
Not omega. Not Lykae. Never truly part of the pack. Damn it. I don’t belong anywhere
. Daniel turned his hands palm up, and if he’d been in natural form, Viola thought he’d have rolled on his back and exposed his belly.

Titus must have realized it too. He narrowed his eyes and snarled. “Forget the power games and concentrate on getting us out of here.”

Daniel still trembled, but he croaked, “We need you naked and aroused too.”

Titus’s lopsided grin blossomed as he looked right at Viola. “Hey, little hedgewitch, hot as that girl-on-girl action is, I need you over here.”

She limped to his side, her gait ugly and lopsided since she’d kicked off her shoes.

“That’s it,” Titus encouraged. “Come here and help me out of these pants.”

Sweet Lord, that means touching him—down there
. Plucking up her courage, she sank down between his legs, her bad knee stiff and fully extended. Her hand trembled as she unlaced the thong Titus had refused to let Daniel touch. Every eyelet she opened revealed more of his cock. Long, red, and pulsing, it reminded her of seedpods on a magnolia tree. She felt as though her gaze was superglued to it, but she hadn’t expected it to be so thick or so fascinating.

Tansy rested her hands on Viola’s shoulders. “Go on. Look at his pretty dick. Feel it. Stroke it. Taste it if you like.”

Viola finished unthreading the thong and stared at the solid length of him. Stiff and hard, his cock jerked when she reached toward it. She pulled her arm back so fast her elbow banged into Tansy’s thigh. “I think that thing’s alive. It’s never going to fit inside of me.”

BOOK: To Seduce an Omega
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