To Sell Is Human: The Surprising Truth About Moving Others (30 page)

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Authors: Daniel H. Pink

Tags: #Psychology, #Business

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reputation of salespeople, 46
touching of prospective buyer, 78

CarMax, 60–62

caveat emptor. See
information parity

caveat venditor. See
information parity

chameleon effect, 75–79, 88–89

Chauvin, Ralph, 131

choice, limited, 135–36

Cialdini, Robert, 95, 134, 150

Cisco, 32


blemished frame, 139–40
contrast principle, 133–34
curation of information, 132, 136
discovery of alternative problem, 124–27
experience frame, 136–37
information parity and empowerment of buyer, 127, 130
label frame, 137–38
less frame, 135–36
making partner look good, 197
potential frame, 140–41
specifying course of action, 141–42
in Twitter tweets, 170

clarity tips and exercises

curation, 147–49
“Five Whys” technique, 151–52
focus on essence, 152
irrational questions, 145–46
jolt of unfamiliar, 146–47
presentation technique, 181
Question Formulation Technique, 149–50
recommended reading, 150–51

Clark, Brian, 167–68

Coats, Emma, 171, 178

Cochran, Johnnie L., 164

Coenen, Valerie, 36

collaboration, 158

Collins, Jim, 87–88

commission sales, 226–27

commonalities, discovering, 95

Conference Board, 132

“Content Curation Primer,” 149

contrast principle, 133–34, 146–47

conversation, starting, 87–88

“Conversation with a Time Traveler” exercise, 91–92

Covey, Stephen R., 195–96

Creating Conversations
(Sawyer), 204–5

Crossan, Mary, 189

Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly, 128–29

curation of information, 132, 136, 147–49

Darvish, Tammy, 55–57, 214–15

Davidson, Adam, 30

defensive pessimism, 122

door-to-door sales, 11–15

Dytham, Mark, 181

E Test, 69–70

eBay, 31

Ed-Med sector, 37–42, 43, 58

elasticity, 32–37, 43

elevator pitch, 156, 159

Elsbach, Kimberly, 157–58

e-mail subject-line pitch, 166–68, 174, 180–81

emotionally intelligent signage, 228–31


awareness and display of, 118
mood map, 93
in typical response to salespeople, 45
See also
empathy; negativity; positivity


through contrast, 134
emotionally intelligent signage, 229–31
envisioning personal connection with buyer, 57, 231–32
in medical settings, 74, 210–12
versus perspective-taking, 73–75, 79
through servant leadership, 219
viewing buyer as human being, 210–12

empty-chair perspective-taking technique, 89–90

Encyclopædia Britannica
, 15

entrepreneurship, 27–32, 42

“enumerate and embrace” rejection strategy, 120–21

Etsy, 31

Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation, 29

experience frame, 136–37

explanatory style, 109–12, 118–20

extraversion, 80–84, 90–91

Farruggio, Giuseppe, 213–14

Ferlazzo, Larry, 37, 39, 40–41

Fisher, Roger, 195

“Five Whys” technique, 151–52


blemished frame, 139–40
contrast in, 133–34
experience frame, 136–37
label frame, 137–38
less frame, 135–36
potential frame, 140–41

Fredrickson, Barbara, 105–6, 107–8, 118, 121–22

Friedman, Walter, 186

Fuller, Alfred

on avoiding argument, 198
Fuller Brush Company, 12–14
on Fuller Brush salesmen, 62, 84n
on service, 220–21

Galinsky, Adam, 70–72, 73–74, 76–77

Gawande, Atul, 217

Getzels, Jacob, 128–29

Gilovich, Thomas, 136–37

Girard, Joe, 50–55

GlaxoSmithKline, 227

Glengarry Glen Ross
(movie), 67–68

Godin, Seth, 228

Goldberg, Jay, 120–21

Grant, Adam, 81–83, 215–17, 218–19

Greenleaf, Robert, 219–20

Guéguen, Nicolas, 78

Haas School of Business, University of California, Berkeley, 132

Habyarimana, James, 208–9

Hall, Norman

belief in product, 106–7
Fuller Brush career, 14–15, 98–99
optimistic explanatory style, 111–12
perseverance despite rejection, 99
positivity ratio, 103–4, 108
reluctance to face customers, 100
sales approach, 9–11, 96–98

health care

empathy of professionals, 74, 210–12
job sector, 37–39, 43, 58
non-sales selling, 39–42

hearing offers, 189–92, 202–3

Heath, Dan and Chip, 150–51

Heneghan, Lainie, 201–2

Hershfield, Hal, 125–27

Hill, Napoleon, 100

Hofmann, David, 215–17


pitch process, 157–58
Pixar pitch, 26–27, 170–74, 178

Howard, Daniel, 162–63

human element

accountability, 212–15
awareness and display of emotion, 118
betterment of individual lives and world, 210, 220, 232–33
emotionally intelligent signage, 229–31
empathy versus perspective-taking, 73–75, 79
envisioning personal connection with buyer, 57, 231–32
humility, 79, 219–20
idealism and artistry, 221
servant leadership, 219–20
servant selling, 220
social cartography, 93
viewing buyer as human being, 210–12

humility, 79, 228

IDEO, 151–52

“I’m Curious” exercise, 197–98, 203–4

Impro: Improvisation and the Theatre
(Johnstone), 188, 204

Improv for Storytellers
(Johnstone), 203

Improv Wisdom
(Madson), 205

Improvisation for the Theater
(Spolin), 204

improvisation tips and exercises

“I’m Curious” exercise, 203–4
pausing to listen, 201–2
questions, 203–4
recommended reading, 204–5
thumb exercise, 205–6
“Word-at-a-time” exercise, 202–3
“Yes and”/“The Ad Game,” 202

improvisational theater

“Amazing Silence” exercise, 190–91
hearing offers, 189–92
history of, 187–88
“I’m Curious” exercise, 197–98
making partner look good, 196–98
mirroring exercise, 185–86
relevance of, for salespeople, 185–88
structure and rules, 188
“Yes and” exercise, 193–95

Influence: Science and Practice
(Cialdini), 150

information asymmetry

consequences, 48–49
decline of, 50, 55–58
power position of salesperson, 72
scripted sales presentations, 186–87
win-lose dynamic, 196

information parity

ABCs of moving others, 68–69
in car sales, 55–57, 60–62
curation of information, 132, 136, 147–49
in Ed-Med sector, 58
empowerment of buyer, 49–50, 57–58, 127, 130
in job search, 57–58
as traditional economics assumption, 47–48
in travel industry, 57

Instant Influence
(Pantalon), 146


interrogative self-talk, 100–103, 117

irrational questions, 145–46

Iyengar, Sheena, 135

Jack, William, 208–9

Jia, Jayson, 140–41

Johnstone, Keith, 188, 202–3, 204

Jones, Shamus, 28

Judson, Jan, 37, 41–42

Kanter, Beth, 147–49

Katz, Lawrence, 30

Kauffman Foundation, 29

Keltner, Dacher, 72–73

Kenyan road safety initiative, 207–9

Kickstarter, 31

Klein, Astrid, 181

Kopelman, Shirli, 104–5

Kramer, Roderick, 157–58

label frame, 137–38

learned helplessness, 109–10

Lepper, Mark, 135

less frame, 135–36

Libera, Anne, 205

listening, 189–92, 201–2

Losada, Marcial, 107–8

Maddux, William, 73–74, 76–77

Made to Stick
(Heath and Heath), 150–51

Madson, Patricia Ryan, 189, 205

Mandino, Og, 100

maps, social, 74–75, 92–93

“Market for ‘Lemons,’ The” (Akerlof), 47–49

Martin, Gwen, 79

McGlone, Matthew S., 164–65

McKinsey & Company, 18–19, 159

medical services

empathy of professionals, 74, 210–12
job sector, 37–39, 43, 58
non-sales selling, 39–42

microblog content value, 169–70

Microchip Technology company, 226–27


mirroring exercise, 185–86, 192
strategic mimicry, 75–79, 88–89

Mindless Eating
(Wansink), 151

“Mirror, mirror” exercise, 94

mirroring exercise, 185–86, 192

moneygrubber myth, 62–63

Monthly Employment Report, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 37–38

motivational interviewing, 145–46

moving others

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