To the scaffold (54 page)

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Authors: Carolly Erickson

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Adelaide (daughter of Louis XV), 57, 66-71, 81, 120, 141, 241, 276 Antoinette's relationship with,

67-69,71,78, 189,201,229 father's death and, 92, 93, 94 father's relationship with, 55, 66, 69 Louis XVI influenced by, 69, 95 Adh6mar, Comte d', 125 adultery: Chastity Commission and, 29-31 as Viennese tradition, 29 see also mistresses Aiguillon, Emmanuel-Armand, Due

d', 69, 76 Almanacb de Versailles^ 104 Altar of the Country, 264-267 Alvensleben, Count, 196 Amalia, Archduchess of Austria, 16,

17, 33, 36, 79 American Revolution, 193, 206 French support of, 147-148, 157, 161-162, 206 Amilcar, Jean, 189, 255 Angoultoe, Louis-Antoine, Due d',

135, 138, 146, 367» Anna, Archduchess of Austria, 16, 17,

35 Antoinette, see Marie Antoinette,

Queen of France Artois, Charles-Philippe, Comte d', 57,85, 112, 124, 143, 151,209 as Antoinette's alleged lover,

126-127, 142, 146 Antoinette's correspondence with, 271, 273

debts of, 158

French Revolution and, 219, 220,

226, 228, 237, 262, 270-272,

296-298 Joseph's views on, 141 marriage of, 84, 116 Artois, Marie Theresa, Comtesse d',

84, 146, 151, 166, 229,

352»-353» labor and childbirth of, 134-135,

138, 151 pregnancies of, 124-127, 141 assassination plots, 241, 252, 258, 268,

299, 311-312 Assembly of Notables (1787),

185-186, 190, 207 Auersperg, Princess of, 28-29, 31, 49,

67 Augeard (Antoinette's secretary),

254-255 Austria, 18 Bavaria seized by, 146 France's alliance with, 19, 37, 41,

51-52, 65^66, 137, 146-149,

163 France's rivalry with, 12, 19,

304-307 French Revolution and, 276, 277,

296,297, 304-307, 311-313,

321, 322, 338-339, 340 Poland's relations with, 66, 70 Prussia's rapprochement with,

65-66, 296 Rohan as ambassador to, 168 Russia's relations with, 65, 66


Austria icont.)

wars of, 12-13, 18-20, 304-307

see also Vienna Avaux, Abb^d', 230

Baillon, Commander, 289-290 Bailly, Sylvain, 216-217, 220, 227,

231,235-236, 258,282,294 bakers, 243-244, 247-248 balls, 41, 108, 127-128, 129, 156, 165

masked, 14, 161 Balsamo, Giuseppe (Comte de

Cagliostro), 169, 171, 172, 356» bankruptcy, 158-159, 199, 359;; banquets, 32, 47, 156, 175 Barnave, Antoine, 297, 330 Bastille, 260, 360» first anniversary of storming of,

264-267 Rohan in, 171, 172, 223 storming of, 222-225, 232, 360» Batz, Baron Jean de, 327 Bavaria, 12, 137, 146 B6cu, Jeanne, see Du Barry, Madame

Jeanne B6cu beggars, 88, 203 Belgium, 18, 277, 322 Beranger, M., 121-122 Bemiyer, General, 328 Bertin, Rose, 97, 174 Besenval, Baron Pierre-Victor, 125 Biron, Due de, see Lauzun, Armand-

Louis, Due de Blacks (counter-revolutionaries), 253,

258 Blue Chinese Drawing Room, 22-23 Bohemia, wealthy landowners of, 26 Bohmer (crown jeweler), 170-171 Bouill6, Fran9ois-Claude, Marquis de,

275, 283, 288, 290-292, 364«,

365» Bouillon, Due de, 95 Bourbon family, holdings of, 18-19 Brandeiss, Countess von, 2, 17, 20,

39, 44 bread, 132, 153, 203, 220, 247, 353w price of, 129, 130, 134, 204, 217,

227, 307 Br6z6, xMarquis de, 262 Brissac, Mar6chal de, 89, 91 Brittany, 76, 148, 158, 159, 251 Broglie, Victor-Francois, Mar6chal de,

228, 301

Brunier, Madame, 230, 283 Brunier, Monsieur, 230 Brunswick, Charles William

Ferdinand, Duke of, 312, 321,

322, 338-339 Burke, Edmund, 91-92 buttons, 176, 199

Cagliostro, Comte de (Giuseppe

Balsamo), 169, 171, 172, 356» cabiers (lists of grievances), 207-208 Calonne, Charles Alexandre de, 163, 179, 180-181, 192, 271 reform plan of, 184-185, 195 Cambr^sis, 251

Campan, Jeanne-Louise, 108, 122, 135, 140, 189,254,268,299 on Antoinette's despair, 179, 188,

230 and assault on Tuileries, 315-316,

318-319 on Castelnaux, 116, 117 escape plans and, 272, 274, 363»,

364» on Louis XVI, 182, 295, 363» memoirs of, 66-67, 70, 74, 94, 116, 117, 120, 141, 165, 178, 182,210,212, 226-227,230, 231,241,244, 248,250,256, 268,271,290,293,295,297, 298, 315-316, 318-319, 321, 335, 352«, 354«-357«, 359», 363«-366» on royal pregnancies and

childbirths, 151, 154, 155 Campan, Monsieur, 116 Caroline (Carlotta), Archduchess of Austria, 16, 17, 33, 79, 350« marriage of 36-37, 59 Castelnaux, M. ("the Queen's lover"),

116-117, 269 Castelot, Andr6, 355»-356« Castries, Charles, Marquis de, 95 Catherine the Great, Empress of

Russia, 254, 300 Catholic Church, 54 adultery and, 29 French Revolution and, 269-270,

277-280,296,299, 321 sale of lands of, 259-260, 272 Chamilli (servant), 262 Champ de Mars, 264-267, 294, 295 charity, 202, 203-204, 262


Charles, Prince of Lorraine, 27 Charles I, King of England, 261, 300,

325 Charles IV, King of Spain, 248, 296 Charles VI, Holy Roman Emperor,

12, 13,25,27 Charles X, King of France, see Artois,

Charles-Philippe, Comte d' Chartres, Duchesse de, 59, 80, 97 Chastity Commission, 29-31 Chaulnes, Duchesse de, 177 childrearing, 16-18, 20, 154, 173-174,

229-230 children, 189, 255 abandoned, 88, 202, 203 at Versailles, 72-73, 117 Chimay, Princesse de, 108 Choiseul, Due de (fils\ 283-285, 290,

299, 365» Choiseul, Etienne-Franjois, Due de, 19, 37, 42, 53 failures of, 65-66 fall of, 69-71,75 memoirs of, 53-54 Choisy, 95, 105, 118 Christina, Archduchess of Austria, 16, 17, 34, 229 marriage of, 35-36 Versailles visited by, 176-177 Civil Constitution of the Clergy

(1790), 270, 277 Clarendon, Edward Hyde, Earl of, 261 clergy: in First Estate, 207-209, 218, 219 French Revolution and, 269-270, 277-280, 296, 299 clothing, 26, 32, 38-39, 175-176 of Antoinette, 38, 56, 73-74, 97, 99, 126, 127, 177, 190,212, 241,242,272,274, 320-321, 337, 340, 344, 347», 357« of children, 16

Estates General meeting and, 208 mourning, 97 politics and, 175-176, 199, 257,

303, 305 of servants and attendants, 110, 111, 112 Clovis I, King of France, 131 coaches and wagons, 23-24, 46-50, 118, 156,211-212, 326 in escape plans, 273-275, 282-286, 363»

Coblentz, mock court at, 296-297,

304, 309 Coburg, Prince of, 338-339, 340 Coigny, Fran9ois-Henri, Due de, 143,

167, 282, 299 color, importance and use of, 15, 39, 97, 105, 140, 175, 231,249, 303 Committee of Finances, 251-252 Committee of Public Safety, 332, 336,

339, 340, 341 Committees of Vigilance, 332 Compile, 237 chateau at, 55, 62, 105, 311 forest of, 52-53, 180 Compte rendu au rot (Necker), 157, 355» Conciergerie, Antoinette in, 333-341 Cond6, Lx)uis-Joseph, Prince de, 56,

76, 107, 209, 226 Conquerors of the Bastille, 225 constitution (1789), 205, 294-295,

304, 308 Conti, Lx)uis-Fran5ois-Joseph, Prince

de, 57, 76, 107, 209 Convention, National, 322, 323-324,

331, 337, 339, 340 Cordeliers, 293-294, 312 corsets, 73-74, 177 corvie, 129, 184 Coss6, Duchesse de, 108 court, Bourbon:

Antoinette's problems at, 63-74,

137, 148 expenses of, 97, 119, 127-130, 132, 133, 141, 144, 158-159, 179, 180-181, 185-186, 196, 262, 353w fashion in, 38-39, 97-99, 110, 111,

112, 119, 127-128, 140, 141 imposters and tricksters at,

120-123, 169-172 jokes at, 83, 86, HI Joseph's visit to, 136-145 moving of, 95, 108, 117, 118, 179,

183 mythology of, 123, 158-159 presentations at, 63-64, 70, 110 rivalries and factions in, 57-58,

63-71, 80-81,95-96 see also Fontainebleau; Versailles court, Hapsburg: entertainments of, 16-17, 21, 23, 26 hereditary offices of, 21-22


court, Hapsburg {cont.)

informality of, 25

moving of, 23-24

wealth of, 25-26

see also Hofburg, court at; Schonbrunn, court at courtiers, 55, 118-123, 192, 203, 277, 316

ambitions of, 118-119, 123

Antoinette as viewed by, 57, 95, 215

Antoinette's contempt for, 137

bankruptcy of, 158-159

and death of Louis XV, 92, 94-95

expenses of, 119, 158-159

flight of, 226-229

in Hapsburg court, 12, 15, 16, 23, 24, 25, 47

Joseph and, 144

Louis XVI's struggles with, 143

royal births and, 12, 15, 16, 134, 135, 150, 152

Turgot's policies and, 129-130 crime, 116, 129,259, 305-306 Cunigunda of Saxony, 34 customs restrictions, 129, 168

dancing, 40, 85, 177, 178 d'Argenson, Ren^-Louis de Voyer,

Marquis, 347w Daudouins, Captain, 286 Daughters of Charity, 202 debt: national, 157, 163, 184-185, 196 personal, 158-159, 168, 170-171,

199-200 Declaration of Pillnitz (1791), 296 Declaration of the Rights of Man and

theCitizen(1789), 234, 323 dentistry, 11, 40 Desmoulins, Camille, 221 diamonds, 56, 127, 170-171, 175,

358» diet, 17-18, 80, 146, 153, 336 Dillon, Arthur Richard, 306-307 Dillon, Henriette-Lucy, see La Tour

du Pin, Henriette-Lucy Dillon,

Comtesse de dogs, 115

of Antoinette, 49, 72-73, 81, 115,

320 kennel for, 115 of Madame Du Barry, 82

Dorset, Duke Charles Sackville of,

178, 360« dowry, 43

Doyle, William, 358» Drouet, Jean-Baptiste, 286-289 Du Barry, Guillaume, 63 Du Barry, Jean, 63 Du Barry, Madame Jeanne B6cu:

Antoinette's acknowledgment of, 81

Antoinette's rivalry with, 63-71, 75, 115

background of, 63, 68

court presentation of, 63-64, 70

decline in power of, 82-83

divorce sought by, 83

Joseph's visit to, 141

as Louis XV's mistress, 42, 54, 57, 63-70, 81-84

marriage of, 63, 83

songs and jokes about, 83, 86 Duquesnoy, Adrien, 213 Duret (servant), 183 Durfort, Emmanuel-F61icit6, 46-47

Edgeworth, Henry, 326-329, 366» education: of Antoinette, 17, 44-45, 68, 80,

84, 189, 347»-348» of Louis XVI, 96, 182 of pages, 106-107 Disabeth (sister of Louis XVI),

164-165, 167, 187, 229, 241, 299, 336, 337, 344 Antoinette's clashes with, 271-272 and assaults on Tuileries, 308, 309,

315, 317 escape plans and, 272, 275, 282, 330 Elizabeth, Archduchess of Austria, 16,

17, 33, 35 Doff, Madame, 177 England, 157 France's attempted conquest of, 19 France's rivalry with, 19 France's wars with, 146, 148, 153,

191, 330, 339 Parliament of, 75, 190,261 Prussia's alliance with, 19 English vogue, 102-103, 176, 190 entertainments, 26-27, 179 of Hapsburg court, 16-17, 21, 23,

26 of Versailles, 83, 116


Ernestine (companion of Marie-

Th^rdse Charlotte), 174, 255 Estates General, 197, 199, 201, 227

cahiers and, 207-208

calls for revival of, 185, 190, 192

meetings of, 205-219 Esterhazy, Count Balint, 125 Esterhazy, Nikolaus ("Nikolaus the

Magnificent"), 26 Elsterhazy family, 26

Falkenstein, Count, jef Joseph II, Holy

Roman Emperor famine, 197, 203-204, 217 Favras, Marquis de, 257-258 feathered headdresses, 127, 131 Ferdinand, Archduke of Austria, 12,

16, 36, 47 Versailles visited by, 174-175 Ferdinand of Naples, 36-37 Ferdinand of Parma, Don, 79 Fersen, Axel, 185-189, 219, 271, 279,

360», 362« Antoinette's correspondence with,

297-298, 312, 313, 355»-356» Antoinette's relationship with,

160-162, 166, 175, 186-187,

189,247,258, 331, 355»-356«,

361» escape attempts and, 275, 281-284,

296, 298, 300-302 on financial problems, 185-186, 259 on politics, 206, 233, 247, 258 on winter of 1788-89, 203 Fersen, Frederick Axel, 161 Fersen, Sophie, 162 Finance Ministry, 128-130, 144,

180-181, 184-185 First Estate, 207-209, 218, 219 fishwives, 135, 138, 235, 243 Flanders regiment, 238, 240, 243 Fontainebleau, 115, 117, 179-181,

183, 184 food, at banquets, 32, 47 forge, of Louis XVI, 183 forgers, 121-122, 169 Forges-les-Eaux, 232-233 Foundling Hospital, 88, 202, 203 Fouquier-Tinville, Antoine Quentin,

332, 340 France: American colonies supported by,

147-148, 157, 161-162, 206

army of, 45, 107, 162, 191,

195-196,259, 306-307, 311 Austria's alliance with, 19, 37,41,

51-52, 65-66, 137, 146-149, 163 Austria's rivalry with, 12, 19,

304-307 Church lands appropriated in,

259-260 disorder in, 57-58; see also French

Revolution Dutch alliance with, 191, 195-196 England's rivalry with, 19 England's wars with, 146, 148, 153,

191 fiscal crisis in, 75-76, 97, 128,

156-159, 163, 180-181,

184-193, 199-204,251-252,

259-260, 269, 303-304 Maria Theresa's views on, 48 necessity for reform in, 75-76, 128,

181, 184-185, 196 parlements in, 75-76, 131, 164,


Poland's relations with, 70

political crisis in, 190-195, 197,

238 Prussia's relations with, 147, 148,

296,297,304,311-312, 321, 322, 339 Turgot's reforms in, 129-130 in wars, 18-19, 146, 148, 153, 191,

304-307, 321, 322 see also specific cities and topics Francis I, Holy Roman Emperor, 12-17,27-31,49, 146 death of, 35, 78 infidelities of, 13-14, 28-29, 30, 49,

67 Joseph compared to, 137 personality of, 27-28 Francis I, King of France, 182 Francis II, Holy Roman Emperor,

304-305 Franklin, Benjamin, 148, 199, 354ii,

362n Frederick the Great, King of Prussia, 12, 19,20,41, 137, 146-147, 148, 199 death of, 196 Joseph and, 65-66 Frederick William II, King of Prussia,

196, 296, 297 Fr^minville, Madame, 230


French Revolution, 217-345, 358»,

360«-367» betrayal perceived in, 304, 307 Civil Constitution and, 270, 277 counter-revolution of, 248, 253,

257-258, 277, 296-297,

300-302, 330-331, 332 foreign powers and, 275-276,

296-298, 300-301, 304-307,

311-313, 321, 322, 330,

338-339, 340 "Great Fear" in, 232-233,

360«-361« guillotine in, 305-306, 324,

327-329, 332-333, 345, 367» lawlessness and, 259 march on Versailles in, 239-244 songs in, 262-263, 265, 305, 312,

313, 333, 336, 362« start of, 217-225 storming of Bastille in, 222-225,

232 war in, 304-307, 311-313, 321,

322, 330-331, 338-339, 340 French West Indies, 148

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