To the scaffold (56 page)

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Authors: Carolly Erickson

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178, 358» royal hostess training of, 40-41 sexual frustration of, 125, 139 sibling disputes settled by, 86 simplicity prized by, 161, 164,

165 speech writing of, 210-211, 230 subjects' adulation for, 89-91,

130-131, 133 subjects'resentment of, 153, 155,

163-168, 177-178, 179,



307-308, 310, 322 in the Temple, 320-324, 329-333,

336 theft of wedding ring of, 116 at thirty, 177 timidity of, 87, 127 trousseau of, 38-39 trusting nature of, 46, 48 inTuileries, 245-251, 254-256,

260-261, 268, 272, 277-283,

293, 295-302, 307-313,

315-320 virginity of, 59-62, 69 virttieof, 125-126, 142 Marie Josephine of Savoy, see

Provence, Marie-Josephine

Comtesse de Marie Leczinska, Queen of France, 52,

54-55, 67, 108 Marie Theresa of Savoy, see Artois,

Marie Theresa, Comtesse d' Marie-Th^r^se Charlotte, Madame

Royale, 163, 164, 230,

241-243,255,260, 310, 332,

344 appearance of, 154 birth of, 150-153, 156 companion of, 173-174, 255 escape plans and, 272, 274,

282-291, 330, 331 health problems of, 197-198 marriage of, 367w mother's neglect of, 366n-367n personality of, 154, 173, 366«

marriage: Maria Theresa's view of, 14, 33, 46 royal, 27-59 marriage contracts, 36, 43-44, 101 Maupeou, Ren«6-Nicolas, Chancellor,

76, 131 Maurepas, Jean-Fr6d6ric, Comte de, 95,96,97, 132, 147-149 Necker's dismissal and, 157 Maximilian, Prince of Austria, 16-17, 36, 148 Versailles visit of, 140 medicine, medical care: bleeding and, 92, 152 smallpox inoculation and, 92, 98 see also surgeons, surgery Mercier, Louis S^bastien, 99, 360» Mercy, Count Graf Florimund,

57-58,70-71,84,85,87, 127, 154, 166, 352»-353» Adelaide and, 71, 73 Antoinette's confidences to, 77, 79, 148-149, 153, 177, 200, 256, 272, 350» Antoinette's correspondence with,

201,296, 311 in betrothal negotiations, 43-44 complaints of, 164 financial crisis and, 190, 200-201 Joseph and, 177 on Louis XVI, 43, 60, 85, 209-210,

218, 350« Maria Theresa's correspondence with, 60,61,67,71,72,73,75,85, 115,125,137,147,148-149,151, 201,296, 311, 348»,350»-351» recalling of, 276 at royal birth, 151 Vermond's reports to, 44, 45 Metastasio, Pietro, 16 Miles, W. A., 362« military: Austt-ian, 12-13, 19, 304-307,

311-313 French, 45, 107, 162, 191, 195-196,

259, 306-307, 311 Prussian, 12, 19, 20, 195, 304, 311-312 Mirabeau, Gabriel-Honor^ de Riqueti, Comte de, 253-254, 259, 263-264, 272, 276, 293, 354w, 362«


Mirabeau, (cont.)

Antoinette's meeting with, 263-264, 272 mistresses, 126, 259 of Francis I, 13-14, 28-29, 67 imposters as, 120-121 of Louis XV, 42, 54, 57, 63-70, 81-84, 120-121, 168 Molleville, Marquis de, 243 Monarchists, 253, 275, 276, 293, 345 monarchy, 208, 210, 252, 261 dissolution of, 319-320 Mirabeau's views on, 253-254 Philippe's opposition to, 190-191 subjects'hatred of, 134, 181,

293-295 Turgot's criticism of, 128 Montagu, Lady Mary Wortley, 29 Montesquieu, Baron Charles-Louis de

Secondat de, 76 Montm^dy, 283, 284, 287 Momington, Lord, 276 Morris, Gouvemeur, 248, 253, 259,

361«-362w, 366« Motte-Valois, Jeanne de Saint-R6my, Comtesse de la, 169-172, 352» Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, 17

Napoleon I, Emperor of France, 358w,

365» National Assembly, 218-221, 227,


248-255, 259-264, 266, 269,

271, 277, 278 constitution and, 294-295 decrees and legislation of, 234, 270,

294 escape attempt and, 289, 291 factions in, 253-254, 258, 275,

293-294 see also Legislative Assembly National Convention, 322, 323-324,

331, 337, 339, 340 National Guard (formerly garde

bourgeoise), 227, 231, 233, 236,

239-244, 255, 262, 272-274,

276-279, 294, 324 in assault on Tuileries, 314-316 Bastille anniversary and, 264-266 escape attempts and, 281-282,

286-292, 363» Necker, Germaine, see Stael, Madame

Germaine Necker de

Necker, Jacques, 144, 156-157,

200-201,204,219-221,238, 354», 355«, 361«-362w Estates General and, 205, 206, 207,

211-214,217 National Assembly and, 251-252 petition for dismissal of, 209 resignations of, 219, 276 Necker, Suzanne, 358«-359« necklace scandal, 170-173, 175, 178 Netherlands, 18, 306, 339, 358» France's alliance with, 191-192 France's investments in, 157, 252 Prussia's relations with, 191, 195-196 Neuville, Madame, 283 Noailles, Comte de, 51, 52 Noailles, Comtesse de, 56, 77, 93, 105, 127 Antoinette's problems with, 52, 63,

73-74 resignation of, 108 nobility: court duties of, 104 parlements and, 75-76 in Second Estate, 207-208, 218, 219 Turgot hated by, 129 Normandie, Due de, see Louis-Charles, Due de Normandie Normandy, 148, 181, 254, 300

cabiers from, 207-208 Northumberland, Duchess of, 56 Notre Dame, 90, 208 Noverre, Jean Georges, 40

oeil-de-bo€uf CbulVs-cye'' chamber),

119, 150, 241-242 opera, 17, 177-178^ Orleans, Philippe-Egalit6, Due d', 76,

211 political role of, 190-194, 206, 208,

219-220, 239, 242, 252, 278

pages, 105-108, 120, 143

Paine, Tom, 231

Palais-Royal, 217, 220-221, 238-239

pamphlets, 206, 217, 269

Antoinette attacked in, 175, 189, 250-251, 269, 353w paniers ("hen-basket" skirts), 38, 110,

111, 175 Paris, 243-283, 294-345

bourgeois government of, 221


Ejiglish views on, 198-199

exodus from, 269

immorality in, 259

Joseph in, 136, 140-141, 144

parlmentoi, IS, 16, 164, 190-195,

197, 207 police in, 89, 92, 122, 155, 192,

202 riots and unrest in, 129, 192, 200, 201-202,217-227,247-248, 277,294, 305, 307-311, 314-320, 353« royal births celebrated in, 153,

155-156, 163 royal family in, 245-251, 254-256, 260-261, 268, 272, 277-283, 293, 295-302, 307-313 royal family taken to, 243-251, 252 royal presentation atjoyeuse Entree

in, 87-92 St. Louis day delegation from,

235-236 winter of 1788-89 in, 202-203 Paris, Archbishop of, 90, 92, 219 Paris Commune, 238, 320, 321, 323,

324, 329-332 parlementSy French, 75-76, 131, 164,

190-195 Pariiament, English, 75, 190, 261 Patriots, 253-254, 258 peasants, 114, 129, 158, 207, 232, 285,

331 pensions, 108, 166, 167, 186, 209,

251-252,263,296,299 Penthi^vre, Due de, 56, 77 "people's courts," 321, 365»-366» Potion, Jerome, 308, 309-310, 314 Petit Trianon, 102-103, 117, 127, 159, 178-179, 235, 239 deputies' visits to, 205, 359« gossip about, 175, 359n make-believe village at, 163-164 Pflug, Count, 32 phimosis, 60-61, 62, 139 Pitt, William, 296, 330 Pius VI, Pope, 277 Place Dauphine, 201-202 Poland, 66, 70 police, in Paris, 89, 92, 122, 155, 192,

202 Polignac, Auguste-Apollinaire de, 167 Poiignac, Camille-Louis de, 167 Polignac, Diane de, 166-167

Polignac, Fran^ois-Camille, Marquis

de, 167 Polignac, Jules de, 165-167, 226 Polignac, Louis-H^raclius Victor,

Vicomtede, 167 Polignac, Yolande, Comtesse de, 165-167, 192, 227 Antoinette's correspondence with,

234, 235, 255, 297 Antoinette's friendship with, 151, 154, 160, 165-167, 173, 178 critics of, 165, 166 emigration of, 226, 228-229 Polignac family, Antoinette's favoring

of, 165-167, 262 political clubs, in Paris, 190, 258-259 Pont-Sommevel, 283-285, 299 poor, poverty, 132, 259-260 collections for, 112 in Paris, 202-204 royal birth and, 153 prostitutes, prostitution, 63, 88, 117,

243, 362» Provence, Marie-Josephine, Comtesse de, 69, 115,229,284,298 appearance of, 76-77, 84 husband's relationship with, 76, 83-84, 146, 350n Provence, Stanislaus Xavier, Comte de, 57, 85, 102, 112, 146, 151, 228, 241, 261, 262, 301 Antoinette's relationship with, 86,

189 escape of, 284, 296-298, 331 Favras as agent of, 257-258 Joseph's views on, 141 Louis XVI's rivalry with, 66, 86,

124, 189 in Louis XVI's will, 231 marriage of, 69, 76, 83-84, 350» Prussia, 41, 137 Austria's rapprochement with,

65-66, 296 Austria's wars with, 12, 19-20,

146-147 Dutch relations with, 191, 195-196 Elngland's alliance with, 19 France's relations with, 147, 148,

304, 358» French Revolution and, 296, 297, 304, 311-312, 321, 322, 339 punishment, 120, 305-306 of servants, 105, 106


Remi, Saint, 131

remise ceremony, 52, 348«

Revolutionary Tribunal, 332, 333,

339-343 Rheims, Archbishop of, 57, 59,

132-133 Rheims cathedral, Lx>uis XVI's

coronation in, 131-133, 353» Richard (concierge), 334-336 Richelieu, Mar^chal de, 64 riots and unrest, 197, 200, 331, 332,

339 in Paris, 129, 192, 200, 201-202,


305, 307-311, 314-320, 353» Turgot's policies and, 129-130 Robespierre, Maximilien, 277 Rochambeau, Jean de Vimeur, Comte

de, 162, 306-307 Roche-Aymon, Monsignor de la, 94 Roederer (departmental official), 316,

317 Rohan, Louis-Ren6, Cardinal de,

45-46, 223 Antoinette's relationship with,

168-173, 175, 178 arrest and trial of, 171-173 Romeuf (Lafayette's aide-de-camp),

289-290 Romilly, Sir Samuel, 101 Rothe, Lucie de, 109, 110 Rotondo (would-be assassin), 268 Royal Session, 193-194, 218, 358« Russia, Imperial: Austria's relations with, 65, 66 Sweden's war with, 186

Sachsen-Hildburghausen, Prince of,

26 Saint-Charles, Gabriel de, 121 St.-Cloud, 263-264, 269, 272-273,

278 Antoinette's acquisition of, 164-165 Sainte-M6n6hould, 283, 286-287, 291 St. Louis, cathedral of, procession to,

208-212 Saint-Priest, Comte de, 186-187 Salpetri^re, 202, 321 Sanson, Charles-Henri, 328, 329, 345 Santerre (brewer), 310, 314, 315 Sartines (police lieutenant), 89 Sauce, Jean-Baptiste, 287-291

Sauce, Madame, 290 Saxony, Crown Princess of, 20 Schonbrunn, court at, 17-23, 25, 27, 55, 145 description of, 22-23 Schwartzenberg, Madame de, 84 Second Estate, 207-208, 218, 219 servants, 18, 21-24 bedchamber, 105, 108-111 French Revolution and, 234, 238, 260,262,289,293, 308, 318, 319, 364», 367» health of, 108-109 honor of, 104-105 in King's household, 105-108, 119 mistakes of, 105 punishment of, 105, 106 in Queen's household, 105-106,

108-113, 189-190 of royal children, 229-230 in Versailles, 58-60, 64, 72-73, 85, 93, 117-118 Service of the Royal Buildings, 186 Simolin (envoy of Catherine the

Great), 275, 300 Simon, Antoine, 336 smallpox, 18, 33,41, 115

inoculation against, 92, 98 Smythe, Lillian, 357» Soderjhelm, Alma, 356» Solages, Comte de, 224 Sophie (daughter of Louis XV), 55, 57,66-71,236, 361» father's death and, 92, 93, 94 Sophie H^l^ne Beatrice, 176, 177,

178, 180, 187 Soucy, Madame de, 229-230 Spain, 18, 261 speculation, 129, 157, 204 spies and informers, 60, 61, 71, 89, 138, 351« in French Revolution, 234, 258, 268,271-272,278,281,298 spinning wheels, 103 stable pages, 107-108 Stael, xMadame Germaine Necker de,

180, 252 Stanislaus Xavier, see Provence,

Stanislaus Xavier, Comte de Starhemberg, Prince, 38, 39, 51 "steel fever," 176 Stormont, Lord, 97


stoves, Swedish, 186

surgeons, surgery, 107, 109, 120, 125,

145, 187 Suze, Marquis de, 262 Sweden, Russia's war with, 186 Swieten, Gerhard von, 18, 20 swindlers, 121-123, 167, 169-171 Swiss Guard, 221, 223, 224, 257, 313,

315-319, 321

Talleyrand-P^rigord, Charles-Maurice

de. Bishop of Autun, 264 tapestries, 52, 179, 180, 348» taxes: in cahiers, 207-208 French system of, 75, 90, 96, 128,

131, 156, 184, 197 tax farmers, 199 Temple, royal family in, 320-324,

326, 329-333, 336 Terray, Abb6 Joseph-Marie, 75, 76,

96, 97, 109 Teschen, Duke Albert of, 35-36, 176,

177 theater, 37-38, 59, 177 Thibaut, Madame, 254 Thierry (Louis XVI's chief valet), 72,

262 Thierry, Madame, 73 thieves, 116, 129, 259 Third Estate, 207-208, 213-214,

216-219, 227 see also National Assembly Tilly, Comte de, 161 Toulon (Antoinette's guard), 329-330 Toulon (city), 269, 339 TourzeL Madame de, 229, 234, 237,

240,241,254,262,279, 312 and assaults on Tuileries, 308-309,

310, 317, 319 escape plans and, 272, 273, 275,

282-288, 364« imprisonment and release of, 321,

365»-366» tradesmen, 25, 153, 155, 260 Trautson, Countess, 31 Treves, Dector of, 296 trousseau, 38-39 Tuileries, 91, 289 assaults on, 307-311, 314-320, 365» monarchists vs. republicans in, 249,


National Assembly in, 251-254 public visits to, 249-250, 255-256,

259, 262-263, 293 royal family in, 245-251, 254-256, 260-261, 268, 272, 277-283, 293, 295-302, 307-313 Turgot, Anne Robert Jacques, 128-130, 132, 184,261 Turkey, 238

unemployment, 204, 260 United States, 206, 252 see also American Revolution

Valy (farmer), 163 Varennes, 283, 287-291, 299, 365» Vaudreuil, Due de, 166, 167, 356» Vauguyon, Due de la, 61 Vendue, revolt in, 331, 332, 339 Vergennes, Charles Gravier, Comte

de, 146-147, 148, 185, 191 Veri, Abb6, 133 Vermond (accoucheur), 146, 147, 151,

152 Vermond, Mathurin, 49, 59, 146, 226 as Antoinette's confessor, 61, 68, 71 as Antoinette's reader, 108 as Antoinette's tutor, 44-45, 73, 80,

84, 347»-348» threats to power of, 70, 80 Versailles, 55-95, 101-131, 137-179, 182-243 Antoinette's apartments in, 58,

72-73, 77, 146, 186 Antoinette's arrival at, 55-56 cavagnole playing in, 40 Christina's visit to, 176-177 desertion of, 95, 137, 178, 226 dinners in, 101-102, 113 dirt and disorder in, 55, 72-73, 114-118, 165, 351«-352w Du Barry's quarters in, 64, 69-70,

83 Estates General meetings in,

205-214 Ferdinand's visit to, 174-175 Fersen's visits to, 161, 162, 356n foreign visitors to, 66, 91-92, 111, 114-115, 116, 137-144, 155, 161, 162, 174-177, 196, 354» Galerie des Glaces in, 56, 57, 106, 112


Versailles (cont.)

inconveniences in, 118 Joseph's visits to, 137-144, 155 library in, 182-183 Louis XVFs apartments in,

182-183, 241-242 march on, 239-244 procession to the chapel in, 111-112 royal births in, 134-135, 150-153,

155-156 royal session in, 193-194 servants and staff in, 58-60, 64,

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