TogetherinCyn (10 page)

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Authors: Jennifer Kacey

BOOK: TogetherinCyn
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Jared stood with one hand on the doorknob and the other in
his pants pocket. He wore his clothing with ease. I didn’t know either of them
as well as I’d thought. They were chameleons and could fit in anywhere they

The blue of Jared’s eyes sank inside me, calming me while he
joined Chris at the bar.

“Cyn?” Chris called.

“Yes Sir?” I asked softly.

“You were caught kissing one of the other employees.” Chris
spoke the words but it was Jared’s eyes that flared with menace at Nick.

I caught a flicker of Nick’s smirk as he walked to the main
door and stalked out.

Hesitantly, I faced Jared and Chris, who now wore the same

“Is it true? Did you kiss Jenna?”

I raised my chin a notch. “Yes, Master J.”

“Come here,” he commanded as he removed his hand from the

I stepped forward—no, I sauntered to them. They bracketed me
once I was close enough and I got lost in their embrace.

“Tsk, tsk,” Chris chided in my ear. “In front of all the
people at the bar, you kissed her?”

My lids closed and I tilted my head away as his breath
whispered across my neck. “Well, she kissed me, Sir.”

“But you kissed her back, I hear, or was that not your
tongue in her mouth for all to see?” Jared asked roughly.

Focused on his hungry expression, I moved closer. “It was
the least I could do to say thank you. For earlier…” I let a few beats pass
before I continued. “I kissed her and I liked it.” I swiped my tongue across
his bottom lip and he stiffened. “I liked being watched. Knowing other people
could see me wanting her mouth on mine.” I nipped at his bottom lip and he
finally captured my mouth and stroked his tongue inside. My inner harlot was
fanning herself and the night hadn’t yet begun.

“I’m glad you liked being watched,” Chris said from behind
me once again. “You’ll also be on camera everywhere except our suite. We can
call it off at any time.”

His concern surprised me again. I was expecting him to start
barking orders like when we worked at the bar together but tonight, like the
night before, he held back.

Jared’s knuckles feathered across my cheek as he kissed me
and I couldn’t help but feel cherished.

“Jenna told me about the cameras when she was getting me ready.
And as long as you guys are with me, I…don’t mind.”

Chris strode over to the table covered in books.

Jared followed a few footsteps behind, drawing me with him.
“Your punishment is to put these books away. Match the code on the spine of the
book to the shelf it belongs on. Don’t doddle. And this book here,” he motioned
to one set aside, “it’s the last one.”

I stared at the books and then at Jared. Chris had already
taken a seat. He was talking to another gentleman as if I hadn’t been ordered
to do bullshit chores so they could mingle.

“And no matter where on the table the book sits, you have to
pick it up from this side, got it?” He tipped up my chin, forcing me to look
him in the eye.

I muttered a halfhearted, “Yes.”

He raised his eyebrows in expectation.

“Yes Sir?”

A smile tugged at his mouth as he motioned at the books
again and then joined Chris.

Surely they were fucking joking.

Filing books? Uh huh, that’s what I’d thought I’d be doing

Instead of storming out, which I gave a good few thoughts
to, I snatched up the closest book and flipped it over. Took me no time at all
to stomp over to the correct bookcase and shove the bitch in place. Upside
Yeah, that’s right
, I glared at the brothers, who calmly stared

Two hours of primping…for this?
To flit around in
heels, cleaning off a damn table? At least at the bar I got paid to do this

Several more books found their home. I threw them into place
while I fumed. Snatches of conversations drifted past me as I plodded back and
forth. The men were well-educated and versed on current events. One group was
talking about a new theater production coming into town.

Eavesdropping was going to be my only form of entertainment
tonight. Hell if I was going to put out after this.

The last few books were on the far side of the table so I
had to stretch on my tippy toes to reach them. The widened opening of my shirt
exposed the skimpy red cups of my bra to the men standing in front of me.
Everyone behind me must have seen the panties peeking out from under my skirt.
It rode up a little higher and my entire body flushed with heat. In that
instant, I understood why they’d made me do this. The guys were showing me off
and I’d done nothing but stomp around and sulk.

“Problem?” Chris asked directly behind me. He sounded amused
and I wasn’t about to let him see how much his voice alone affected me.

“No Sir,” I answered a little more breathlessly than I would
have liked. I hauled the book closer and picked it up. I walked to the right
place and slid it home but sliding it into place took on a whole new meaning.

My nipples rasped against lacy fabric that teased every time
I moved. The silkiness of the thigh-highs hugged my legs. I heard much more of
the conversations around me as I moved back to the table.

“Did you see her ass when she bent over?”

“Damn, that peekaboo bra. Shit, that’s hot.”

“And those legs…they go on for miles.”

“I’d love to have them wrapped around me tonight. Damn lucky

Only one book remained, and as I reached across the table
for it, someone approached me from behind. I stiffened and held my breath,
knowing things were about to change. I was hot, needy and desperately trying
not to show it.

“Need some help on that last book, baby?” Chris asked,
blanketing my body.

“No Sir,” I whispered as he ground his hips against my ass.
A whimper moved past my vocal cords as he nipped my ear.

“Get that last book put away. I’m not waiting much longer to
have you. You’re gonna come on my cock. You’re going to spread those sweet legs
for me and Jared while our friends watch us claim you.” He continued a steady
rhythm and I couldn’t help but think a few too many layers were between us.

He backed away before I was ready. My head fell forward onto
the table with a soft thud and I stretched barely enough to grab the end of the
book. I checked the location of the book and found it was on the highest shelf
of the bookcase the ladder happened to be attached to.

I stepped over and grasped the rung next to my stomach,
clutching the heavy book to my breasts. The ladder was tilted at an angle but I
was still worried about biting it in front of everyone since the steps were so
far apart.

I climbed to the top and found the spot I was looking for. I
took a couple steps lower and jumped when someone touched my calves. I exhaled
noisily and glanced down. Jared and Chris stood next to the ladder, looking up
at me.

“My shoes aren’t exactly made for ladders, Sirs. What if I

“We won’t let that happen.” Jared fell silent. Aching
sincerity had filled his words and I had the sudden urge to bawl.

He was right. They’d never let me fall. They were always
there to catch me whenever I stumbled and I finally grasped how much I’d needed
to know that. Everyone else I’d ever depended on had walked away. But them?
They were my rocks. They’d been with me through everything and I wanted to
please them more than anything in the world.

“Careful, baby,” Chris said as I descended. Their hands
dragged across the silk covering my legs. I shivered, sucked in lungfuls of air
as they gripped my naked thighs. They stopped me from taking the last step to
the ground.

“I’ve waited for years to see this, baby,” Jared whispered,
moving underneath the ladder to stand in front of me. We were at eye level
since he was so much taller.

He stroked my side and I felt more than heard the teeth on
the skirt zipper snick open. The material fell and caught on my ankles and I
couldn’t so much as blink. “Raise your foot.”

Chris lifted one of my slender feet, removing my shoe,
followed by one of my stockings. He watched the progress of my skirt sliding
along my leg. “Next,” he growled. He guided the sole of my bare foot to the
flat rung of the ladder, careful to avoid my skirt, which was hooked on my
other foot.

We repeated the process and I flinched when my shoes
clattered to the floor. The whoosh of my clothes being tossed aside followed. I
gripped the ladder to keep from swaying.

“Seeing our collar next to your skin…” The muscles in his
jaw flexed. His eyes turned dark. Black with need. Lust.

“I love feeling it on my skin, Sir.”

Chris peeled my blouse away, revealing their other present.
In the center of a space full of aroused men, all I could think was
bring it

Jared slicked the glasses off and set them on the bookcase
next to us.

Hard, fast, frenzied sex was what I’d believed I’d need to
feel ravished. But by going slow, unwrapping me for the other men to see, they
stripped me of everything. Everything but wanting these two men to possess me
so fully I wouldn’t remember a time before them.

“Naked, Cyn. I want you in nothing but our collar.” Chris
ran his lips along my backbone and gently bit my neck. The constricting
sensation of the bra disappeared when he flicked the two little hooks open. I
took a shaky breath as he slowly pushed the straps until they caught on my

Someone muttered something about, “Not taking this shit
anymore.” The men who’d been speaking when I came in sat on the left. One of
them unbelted his pants, slid the zipper down and extracted a hard-on that made
blood pulse in my clit. He was young, attractive and this stranger was staring
at me. Aroused by me.

“See what you’re doing to them, baby?” Chris asked behind me
as if he’d read my thoughts. “They want these.” He stroked his way around my
rib cage and settled them on my breasts.

A moan escaped me as the rest of the men took their cocks
out and stroked them. Chris pushed me forward against the ladder. My surprised
shriek filled the room when the cold hit my collarbones and stomach. A warm,
wet mouth captured one of my nipples. Jared.

Chris removed my bra the rest of the way. Jared continued to
lick and suck on the stiff nubs topping my heavy breasts. They puckered up
tight as he sucked them each into his mouth. Goose bumps raced over my skin.
All that shielded me from half a dozen fully clothed men was one small pair of
panties that were getting wetter by the second.

Chris cupped my sex. A whimper crept from my throat as Jared
raked his tongue across one of my nipples.

“Are you wet?” Jared asked.

“Yes,” I answered as he yanked me closer to his mouth.

“Let’s see how wet,” Chris added, moving my feet as wide as
they could go and rubbing my shaky thighs. “Jesus. Hot and wet. You’re pulsing
against me.” He reveled in my cream and teased my entrance before pulling away.

“What a naughty submissive,” Jared accused as he stood
again. He replaced his brother’s hold on my sex and wasted no time invading my
core. “You’re dripping wet,” he confirmed with a groan as I panted in front of

“Please, Sir, I need more. I need you both.” My hold on the
ladder kept me upright as he pumped his fingers inside me.

Other men could see him filling my pussy. The thought of
being watched hadn’t appealed before now. But with the brothers, I wanted them
to own my body for the world to see. One of the voyeurs groaned long and steady
and my pussy gushed cream at the sound.

“Oh baby, don’t worry. We’re going to fill you until you
can’t take any more.” Chris tore the panties from my body and someone on the
other side cursed.

As I glanced to the right, I felt the ripple of tension
amongst the two men on that side. They weren’t watching us, they were part of
the scene. The frantic kiss they shared left me needy and on edge. They weren’t
gentle. It was nothing close to my shared kiss earlier with Jenna. These men
used teeth and suction strong enough to leave a mark. They were primal with
each other and it echoed my need for Chris and Jared

The man on the left peeled off his shirt and threw it to the
ground. An amazing tattoo of someone on a cross stretched from his shoulders to
his waist. The other man wore no collar but his Dom had power over him without

They undressed, nearly tearing zippers in their haste.

When their cocks came into view, the blond dropped to his
knees and sucked the other guy’s dick deep into his throat. I moaned when he
licked the pre-cum off the tip and the guy still standing gripped the hair on
his submissive’s head and guided his mouth exactly where he wanted it.

“Suck me hard, Kyle. You know how I like it.”

Murmurs of his instructions tickled my ears as arousal
pulsed through my veins.

“Like that, don’t you? Seeing a guy on his knees pleasuring
his Master. His Master is going to fuck him, like we’re going to fuck you. Do
you want to see that, you little voyeur?” Chris asked, behind me now, totally
naked. The light mat of hair on his chest tickled my spine and his bare thighs
brushed the backs of my legs. His voice was dark and edged with the promise of
liquid pleasure.

“Fuck yes, Master C.” I milked J’s fingers before he pulled
them from my body and circled my clit several times.

“Your ass is ours tonight.” Chris spoke against my neck.
“I’m going to bury my cock inside you and feel you squeezing me so tight as J
tries to fight his way inside your pussy.”

I should have been offended. Disturbed that he thought he
could take what he wanted. Neither of those emotions had any place here. My
pussy wept from being empty. My fingers dug into the wood of the ladder to keep
me from collapsing.

“Please, Master C,” came from my mouth as I stared at him.
The moans from across the room intensified as the other submissive sucked his
Master into his mouth, toying with his balls. “I want you inside me. I want to
fuck you both so everyone here knows who I belong to.”

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