Top Me Maybe?

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Authors: Jay Northcote

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Top Me Maybe?




Jay Northcote




Chapter One


“So, Tyler,” Julian asked as he swept up the tufts of hair on the floor from the last client of the day, while Tyler cashed up the till for the night. “Where’s your hot policeman boyfriend taking you tonight then?”

Tyler paused in his counting to reply. “He’s invited me to his place.” Excitement blossomed in his chest at the thought of seeing Duncan again. “He’s cooking me dinner and then we’re watching a film.”

“Ooh, that sounds dead romantic.” Julian straightened up and leaned on the handle of the broom. His sharp face was wistful. “I’ve never had a bloke cook dinner for me. I’m lucky if they even buy me a drink.”

“That’s because you keep blowing them in club bathrooms, sweetie,” Shelley, their boss, cut in. “I keep telling you… you have to make them work harder for it.”

Tyler chuckled at Julian’s huff of outrage. “She’s got a point, Jules. Maybe you should try going on a date first next time?”

Julian went back to sweeping. “Yeah, maybe. But it’s easy for you to say. The only guys I’ve ever managed to meet on hook-up apps are seriously disappointing when I meet them in real life. They all claim to be super masculine tops, then they turn out to be more femme than me. You struck lucky.”

“Yeah, I guess I did.” Tyler grinned.

He’d only been dating Duncan for about a month, but it was starting to get serious. They’d chatted on the app at first, then on the phone, and when they’d finally met for real, he couldn’t believe his luck. Tall, built, and drop-dead gorgeous, Duncan was the wet dream of Tyler’s teenage years and was also a nice guy. He was the holy grail of dates.

“You’ve been out with this one a few times now, yes?” Shelley asked. She didn’t usually pay too much attention to Julian and Tyler’s gossip—she was always more interested in showing them photos of her new grandchild. “And he’s a policeman?”

“Yes, and yes.” Tyler closed the till and leaned back against the counter. He could feel the smug smile spreading over his face as he thought about Duncan. “I think he might be a keeper.”

hot, Shells,” Julian sighed. “Tyler, show her that photo of him in his uniform.”

Flushing, but enjoying the attention, Tyler got out his phone and scrolled through the pictures. He had several of Duncan now, but his favourite was the one where he’d persuaded Duncan to pose in his uniform. Tall, dark, and handsome in a slightly dangerous-looking way, his folded arms showed off the impressive width of his chest and shoulders. His face was mostly serious, but a tiny smile lurked at the corners of his mouth.

“Oh my, yes,” Shelley said. “He’s a looker isn’t he? And he treats you right?”

“Yeah, he’s a sweetheart.” Tyler took the phone back and put it in his pocket. “He’s a gentle-giant type. Looks as tough as anything, but he’s a really lovely bloke.”

“I bet he’s great in bed.” Julian’s eyes gleamed. “He looks so dominant and macho. I bet he tops the fuck out of you. Has he got a huge dick? God, you’re so lucky.”

“Okay.” Shelley laughed and pretended to cover her ears. “I’m going to check the sinks are clean for tomorrow while you boys overshare the gory details.”

“So?” Julian pressed once she’d gone. “Is he an amazing fuck?”

“Yes,” Tyler admitted. “He’s great. Kind of… gentle but still dominant at the same time. He listens, and I can tell him what I want. It’s good.”

“Do you ever miss topping though?” Julian asked. “You’ve always been versatile, but I can’t imagine
bending over for
in a million years. It would be like a whippet fucking a Great Dane.” He snorted at the mental image those words had obviously conjured up. “Do you think you can stick with bottoming for him if it turns into a long-term thing?”

Tyler shrugged. “Maybe? Who knows? I like him a lot, and he’s a great shag. I don’t feel like I’m missing out on anything so far.”



Back at home, Tyler turned on the shower and stared at his naked reflection while he waited for the water to heat. With his smooth, pale skin and peroxide-blond hair, he was almost the polar opposite of Duncan. At five foot ten, Tyler wasn’t tiny, but Duncan had at least five inches on him, and where Duncan was broad and heavily muscled, Tyler was lean and graceful-looking.

The mirror started to steam up, so Tyler got in the shower and washed himself until he was squeaky clean all over. As he soaped his cock and balls, his mind turned back to the conversation that he’d had with Julian earlier.

He pictured himself on his back with his legs up on Duncan’s shoulders being pounded. That was how they’d done it last time, and it had been amazing. Tyler’s dick thickened in his hand at the memory and he squeezed it, enjoying the sensation as he began to stroke.

He wondered what they’d do tonight. Maybe they’d suck each other off? Tyler loved the tight stretch of Duncan’s cock in his mouth. It was even better if they sixty-nined and he could fuck Duncan’s mouth at the same time. Or maybe Duncan would do him standing up again. That was how they’d fucked the first time, when they’d been seeing each other for a couple of weeks. Before that they’d only done oral. But that night—the same night they’d agreed to be exclusive—Tyler had begged for Duncan’s cock after sucking him to hardness in the kitchen. Duncan had bent him over the kitchen counter and fucked him with his trousers still caught around his thighs.

Tyler shivered with pleasure at the memory and stroked his cock harder. Then Julian’s words popped into his head.

I can’t imagine
bending over for you….

Tyler gasped as that mental image filled his brain. Apparently Tyler’s imagination didn’t have the same limitations that Julian’s did.

He closed his eyes and could see it as clearly as if he were doing it. Duncan on his hands and knees, his powerful thighs spread, and his arse held open by Tyler’s hands. He’d rimmed Duncan once, so he could picture his hole, pink and tender between those hairy, muscular arsecheeks.

He made a tunnel with his fist, squeezing tight, and pushed his cock slowly in and out of his wet, soapy grip, pretending it was Duncan’s arse. How tight would he feel? What sounds would he make? Tyler braced himself against the wall and fucked his fist hard, hips jerking as he cursed and shot. The thick, white strands swirled and disappeared down the drain as he panted, legs shaky.

As Tyler finished up in the shower, he felt a small pang of regret that he was unlikely to ever get to act out that fantasy. Duncan’s profile on the app where they’d first connected had clearly said
. Tyler had listed himself as
, but Duncan had never hinted that he’d be up for switching. Tyler wasn’t brave enough to suggest it in case it messed with their budding relationship.



“Hey, gorgeous. How are you?”

Duncan greeted Tyler at the door of his flat with a hug followed by a kiss on the lips. His short, well-groomed beard scratched Tyler’s smooth chin.

“Hi. I’m good, thanks. I brought wine.” Tyler held out the bottle of red and Duncan took it.

“Thanks. I’ve already got some open to breathe though, so we can keep this one for later. Do you want a glass now?”


Tyler followed Duncan to the kitchen, admiring his arse in worn jeans. Duncan obviously hadn’t dressed up for the occasion, but he looked gorgeous just as he was. The faded denim hugged his hips and thighs, and a white T-shirt showed off his biceps and powerful shoulders. Tyler was glad he’d worn something casual too—skinny indigo jeans and a teal coloured polo shirt that brought out the green of his eyes.

“Here you go.” Duncan passed Tyler a glass of wine.

“Cheers.” Tyler took a sip, eyeing Duncan over the top of his glass.

Duncan smiled, and Tyler’s belly did a little flip.

Damn, Duncan was getting under his skin. Normally Tyler lost interest in the blokes he dated after a couple of weeks, but Duncan was different.

Tyler had been nervous about dating a copper. He’d had all sorts of preconceptions about what Duncan would be like: tough, unemotional, laddish, closeted, a dominant top. But on meeting him, Tyler had been proved very wrong on most counts. Duncan was even out of the closet at work. Tyler was impressed by that—he couldn’t believe it was easy to be an openly gay police officer.

“So how was your day? Were you out fighting crime and chasing robbers? Or was it more of a day for helping old ladies across the road?”

“A bit of both.” Duncan chuckled. “I was involved on a drugs raid on a flat on the Beckwith Estate this morning, then this afternoon I was in a primary school talking about stranger danger.”

“Never a dull moment. I did a perm, two lots of highlights, a cut and blow dry, and reorganised the shelving in the stock room. Then I got quizzed by Julian about my sex life. He’s fascinated by you.”

“Oh yeah?” Duncan raised an eyebrow.

Tyler grinned, deliberately flirtatious. “You’re totally his type. He really goes for big butch tops. I should never have shown him that photo of you with your chest hair showing. He won’t shut up about you now.”

Duncan laughed. “I’m flattered.”

“He says he wants your number if we break up.”

“Well, I hope that’s not going to happen anytime soon.” The warmth in his smile looked like an invitation.

Tyler stepped closer to where Duncan was leaning up against the kitchen counter and put his glass down. He put his hands on Duncan’s hips and leaned up for a quick but dirty kiss. “Well I’m not planning on it. I’m not done with you yet.”

“Oh yeah?” Duncan kissed Tyler’s lips again and then brushed a line of kisses down Tyler’s neck and sucked on the skin at the base of his throat. “You got plans for me?”

“Uh huh.” Tyler pushed under Duncan’s T-shirt and slid his hands over the soft hair that covered the hard muscles of his abs and up to his chest where the hair turned coarse, tickling his palms. “I was going to start by sucking you off. Have we got time for that now, or is there anything that’s going to burn if I occupy you for a little while?”

“Nope, you’re good.” Duncan’s breath hitched as Tyler pinched his nipples. “The salad’s all made and the steaks will only take a few minutes.”

“Perfect.” Tyler dropped to his knees in one fluid movement and started to open the fly of Duncan’s jeans. “I’ll have your first load of the night as a starter then.”

Duncan was already half hard when Tyler pulled his cock out and sucked it into his mouth. He firmed up quickly as Tyler used all his best tricks, stroking the sensitive head with his tongue. He looked up at Duncan as he sucked, loving Duncan’s reactions as he bit his lip and started to make small sounds of appreciation. In this, as in other things, Duncan was gentle and considerate. He put his hands on Tyler’s head and slid his fingers into his hair, but only to stroke and caress him, never to guide Tyler or force him to take more than he could handle. Tyler wouldn’t have minded if he had. He could handle being on the receiving end of rough sex, even if it wasn’t a particular kink of his. But he couldn’t deny that he loved the gentle touch of Duncan’s hands on his face, the way Duncan’s own mouth dropped open in a moan as he thumbed along Tyler’s bottom lip where it was stretched around the girth of Duncan’s thick cock. He looked so wrecked, utterly taken apart by what Tyler was doing to him, and it was such a fucking turn on to watch.

If he hadn’t already wanked in the shower earlier, Tyler would have got his own dick out and jerked off with his mouth full of Duncan, but he wanted to wait. He knew Duncan would fuck him later, so this was foreplay for Tyler, the appetiser before the main course in more ways than one.

“I’m close now,” Duncan warned him, his voice husky and raw. “God, Ty. Your
… feels so good.”

Tyler grunted encouragement and sucked harder until Duncan’s cock pulsed and he clutched hard at Tyler’s hair, losing control as he gasped and came, his whole body jerking as he spilled into Tyler’s mouth. “Oh, yeah.”

Tyler let Duncan’s cock slip free as he swallowed, and Duncan dropped to his knees. He kissed Tyler hard, pushing his tongue between Tyler’s lips, licking out the taste of himself before pulling back and giving Tyler a dazed smile. “Wow.” He brought a hand down and cupped Tyler’s bulge through his jeans. “Your turn?”

“I can wait.” Tyler said with a smile. “I rubbed one out in the shower earlier.”

“Did you think about me while you did it?” Duncan found the head of Tyler’s cock with his fingers and rubbed, sending hot sparks of sensation through Tyler, lighting him up.

“Uh huh.”

“Was I good?”

Tyler had a flash of his earlier fantasy: Duncan on his knees, taking Tyler’s cock as Tyler pounded into him. He pushed that thought aside quickly. “You were awesome. Now why don’t you feed me, and after that you’ll be ready to go again, and you can show me exactly how awesome you are.”

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