Read Topping the Domme (Crime and Punishment) Online

Authors: Trista Ann Michaels

Tags: #contemporary romance

Topping the Domme (Crime and Punishment) (6 page)

BOOK: Topping the Domme (Crime and Punishment)
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Brayden swallowed at the sight of Karina in a leather pleated skirt that just barely covered her ass. A matching black leather vest covered her torso and squeezed her breasts up and out. Her fair skin glowed against the black, and her thick strawberry blonde hair cascaded around her shoulders in soft curls he was dying to bury his hands in.

Black stiletto sandals completed her ensemble and made her legs look incredibly long and defined. God, she looked good.

“You’re just missing one thing,” he murmured, then held up his hand so she could see what dangled from his fingers.

Her eyes narrowed, and her lips formed a stubborn, firm line. “You are not going to collar me,” she growled.

“Yes. I am,” he replied.

“The engagement ring isn’t enough?”

“Nope.” Brayden walked around to her back. “Raise your hair,” he ordered.

Karina sighed and lifted her hair, holding it on top of her head with one hand. “You’re just loving this, aren’t you?”

Brayden smiled as he wrapped the silver choker around her neck and closed the clasp. He placed a kiss at the top of her spine and grinned as he traced the tip of his fingers over the goose bumps that covered her skin.

“I don’t know what you’re worried about.” He pulled her hand away from her hair, forcing her to release her grip. Her curls fell around her shoulders and down her back. He brushed his fingers through the soft strands as he spoke. “The collar suits you.”

“The color might. The meaning does not.” She turned to face him and tugged at the collar as though it choked her. “When did you get this, anyway?”

He removed her fingers from the collar with a grin. “It’s the collar I use at the club on the new subs to show they’re not quite ready for someone else’s attention.”

She twisted her lips. “So, yet another piece of borrowed jewelry.”

Brayden fought his amusement at her impish attitude. He had a feeling Karina was going to be a handful, and he looked forward to it more than he probably should. He kept having to remind himself this was all for show.

“Your ass is going to look so good with my hand print on it,” he drawled.

Karina scrunched her nose at him, almost making him laugh. “Save it for the club.”

He crossed his arms. “Save it for the club,

Her mouth dropped open, then closed, then dropped open again. “Oh my God! You are not going to make me call you Master.”

He raised an eyebrow. “What do your subs call you, Kay?”

She scowled. “Mistress.”

“That’s right, kitten. And I’m who?”

“You son of a… Fine. Master.”

She turned to grab her coat. Brayden smiled as he let his gaze travel over her long legs.

“This is going to be so much fun,” he murmured with amusement.

Karina scowled at him over her shoulder. “Enjoy it while you can,

He strolled up behind her and smoothed his hand up the side of her thigh. When his fingers slid under her skirt, she tried to jerk away, but Brayden grabbed her arm and held her in place.

“You can’t do that, Kay,” he whispered.

“We’re not at the club.”

Her voice sounded just a bit breathless.

“I know,” he whispered. “But you have to get used to my touch.”

He brushed his lips over the side of her neck, pausing briefly over her pounding pulse. “Are you nervous?” he asked, then gently bit her flesh in the hollow where her shoulder met her neck.

“A little, but probably not for the reason you think.”

She shivered, and then drew in a slow breath, as though to calm her nerves. He feathered his palm over her hip, smiling slightly as the cheek of her ass quivered beneath his touch.

“It’ll be fine, kitten.” He slapped her butt cheek, making her gasp in surprise. “Just remember when we get there, you can’t jerk when I touch you.”

“I know, but try to give me a little warning first. And stop slapping my ass.”

He snorted and gave her a gentle shove toward the door. “No.”

By the time they arrived at the club, Karina was ready to jump out of her skin. The whole ride over, Brayden had teased her leg, slowly running his hand up and down the inside of her thigh. She would push him away only for him to return.

She glared, and he just grinned back. “You have to get used to my touch, kitten.”

“Stop calling me that,” she growled, although deep down she actually thought it was cute. “Why kitten, anyway?”

“Because you’re a wildcat.” His smile widened. “Especially at the club.”

Karina rolled her eyes, but inside she could feel herself blushing. Had Brayden watched her like she’d watched him?

She climbed from the car and wrapped the coat a little tighter around her body. Now that the sun was setting, and they’d ventured from the city, the temperature had dropped dramatically. The cold wind blew up her legs and across her ass, making her shiver.

She took a step forward and wobbled slightly on the gravel. Brayden was there to steady her and offer his arm. She smiled gratefully and held onto him as they strolled toward the front door of the massive mansion.

She should’ve told him how handsome he looked in his black fitted slacks and deep blue shirt. The color really made his eyes pop, but she had a feeling if she said anything like that, she’d never hear the end of it. Brayden already knew how good he looked. He didn’t need her to tell him.

They hadn’t talked a lot today. They’d each been studying the files and what the FBI had on their unsub. Unfortunately, it wasn’t much.

Maybe it was gut instinct. Maybe it was the cuts across the first victim’s stomach that resembled hers. Or the identical bite marks on all of them. Whatever the reason, Karina now believed, without a shadow of a doubt, their serial killer and her attacker were one and the same. That was a thought that scared the hell out of her.

“Are you ready?” he asked as they stepped through the front door.

“Ready as I’ll ever be,” she grumbled.

Master Delacroix smiled a welcome from behind the reception desk. Just like yesterday, his light brown eyes sparked with mischief and humor. His white silk shirt clung to his wide shoulders and was open down the front, exposing a muscular chest with just a smattering of coarse hair. Subs probably flocked to him like bees to honey.

“Good evening, Master Brayden.”

Brayden nodded. “Master Delacroix.”

He turned his gaze to Karina before letting it drop lazily along her body. “Karina… Very nice.”

Karina smiled slightly at the appraisal. She was used to Doms and subs alike looking her over. “Thank you, Master Delacroix.”

Despite Delacroix’s obvious Dom demeanor, she had a feeling he would be an interesting person to hang out with.

“This is one of our receptionists, Candy. She’ll take your coats and check your badges.”

Karina handed her coat and badge to the young submissive standing beside the desk. The young girl smiled and said, “If he gives you any free time, come find me, and I’ll introduce you around.”

“That would be great,” Karina replied.

Brayden slid his hand under her skirt and smoothed a hand over her ass. Karina jumped slightly, then turned to glare at him. “I’m sure I’ll give her some free time later.” His lips twitched as he met her angry gaze. “Unless, of course, she misbehaves.” Brayden gave her behind a squeeze. “You’re not going to misbehave, are you, kitten?”

“Of course not,” she snarled through clenched teeth.

“Who?” Brayden said softly.

“Master,” Karina snarled.

She heard Master Delacroix’s soft snicker and turned to glare at him as well. “Please don’t encourage him.”

He smiled and the lines around his eyes deepened. “I plan to stay very close to the two of you tonight. I have a feeling you’ll be very entertaining.”

Candy giggled as she walked away to take Karina’s jacket to the coat closet. Brayden and Delacroix shared a chuckle, while Karina sighed.

This was going to be a long night.

Chapter Seven

Karina followed Brayden around the crowded club, smiling politely as they were introduced by Delacroix to those he called “key players.” Several of the Doms looked her over with appreciation, but thanks to the collar Brayden had insisted she wear, none of them touched her.

Although she would probably never admit it to Brayden, she was actually thankful to have it. At her own club, the only men who touched her were her subs, and that was only if she gave them permission. At least here, the only man touching her would be Brayden, and she felt she could handle him. Someone else, not so much.

She glanced over at one of the scenes. She often watched them at her club. There, she was the Domme. She was in charge, and the man did what she said. Here, Brayden would be in charge. Could she let him do that to her? Tie her up? Fondle between her legs? Kiss her there?

She liked oral, but she didn’t know how she would feel about oral when she was the one tied down.

A shiver ran up her spine, and she wrapped her arms around herself. Brayden must’ve noticed, she realized, as he put his hand at the back of her neck and leaned in to whisper. “Cold?”


Brayden placed a soft kiss against her temple in what Karina believed was an attempt to appear like a loving couple. “Good girl,” he murmured.

Karina had to bite her tongue to keep from snapping, “Don’t treat me like a child.”

That’s how she felt. Is that how her subs felt when she rewarded them? Like children who’d done a good job? They’d always seemed to like her praise, and she’d always praised them no matter how small the good behavior, but to be on the receiving end of it just felt way too odd.

Keeping her eyes down, she glanced around the crowded club. Most all the scene areas were taken. Every possible scenario was played out, even a few that had her raising her eyebrows. The one with four men was quite interesting. One Dom was fucking a submissive in the ass and two other submissives had joined in, one sucking the first submissive’s cock while another stood on a small ladder so that his cock was in the mouth of the first submissive.

Beside that scene was a threesome—one girl, two guys. Karina bit her lip at the sound of the young woman’s moans of delight as both men moved in tandem in and out of her body—one in her pussy, the other in her ass.

She’d never done that, but had often thought about it. She just wasn’t sure how she felt about being sandwiched helplessly between two men.

Brayden again slid his hand under her skirt and gently rubbed her behind, making Karina jump. She turned to meet his narrowed stare, and she swallowed. “I’m sorry, Master. My mind was on the scene, and you startled me.”

He studied her for a second, then stepped closer. She glanced around at the four other Doms watching them closely before dropping her eyes back to the floor.

“Which scene had you so enthralled, kitten?” he murmured.

“The…uh…” She swallowed again and tamped down her desire to slug him for this. “The threesome.”

He glanced around her shoulder at the scene, his lips twitching. Karina didn’t find this the least bit amusing. “I see,” he purred. “Perhaps that’s an idea for another evening?”

She frowned up at him. “I didn’t think you liked to share, Master.”

He slid his hand between her legs from behind. Karina held still as a stone as he teased her now wet opening with his fingers. The way he looked at her, the heat from his gaze searing her, if she moved at all, she wouldn’t be able to stop herself from wiggling her hips and trying to get his finger deeper. To her, it was safer to appear indifferent, even though indifference was not at all what she felt.

“If it’s something my little sub wants, how can I possibly say no?” He leaned in and whispered, “And from the feel of things, my sub wants.”

Karina glared up at him from the corner of her eye. Damn jerk. She was wet, and he made sure to throw it in her face that he knew. Well, hell. What did he expect? Dom and sub alike would get aroused in this place. It was a living, breathing, live-action porn show.

Delacroix chuckled. “Karina is a sassy sub. I have a feeling we’ll be seeing her on the spanking bench before the night is out.”

Her whole body flushed at the image of Brayden spanking her ass and the realization sent a wave of heat over her cheeks. Brayden removed his hand from her pussy. Keeping his gaze glued to hers, he brought his fingers to his lips and licked them clean. Karina’s stomach flipped at the hunger in his eyes, the way he watched her with that all knowing grin. Yep, definitely Satan’s grin.

“You’re father’s name was Lucifer, wasn’t it?” she mumbled, half teasing, half serious.

Brayden lifted a brow. Delacroix and two others chuckled.

“Yeah, you’re definitely going to be on that spanking bench,” Brayden drawled.

“Come on, you two,” Delacroix said. “I’ll take you over to the bar and introduce you to our bartender, Master Trey.”

Karina followed behind Brayden. Delacroix had been introducing them as friends of his that had just moved down from Virginia. Brayden was independently wealthy, therefore didn’t need to hold down a job, and the two of them were currently staying in a hotel while they looked for a house.

BOOK: Topping the Domme (Crime and Punishment)
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