Read Topping the Domme (Crime and Punishment) Online

Authors: Trista Ann Michaels

Tags: #contemporary romance

Topping the Domme (Crime and Punishment) (3 page)

BOOK: Topping the Domme (Crime and Punishment)
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Unfortunately, even if she did speak up, she had nothing she could tell them. His face had been covered by a leather mask and hood, and on his hands had been latex gloves. He’d even gone so far as to wipe her bite mark down with hydrogen peroxide, then alcohol, making sure to clean away any trace of DNA evidence. She could still feel the burn as the alcohol seeped into her wound. The Dom covered his tracks well.

Dear God, was the man who’d attacked her still out there doing this?

“Was there DNA evidence?” she asked. “Surely the bite mark—”

Brayden shook his head. “He cleaned it. There’s nothing. About all we can do is match the bite mark to any possible suspect.”

Karina swallowed and felt her knees go weak. She grasped the back of the chair to hold herself up right.

“Karina,” Brayden said, as he studied her.

“We should probably get back out there,” she said, not wanting him to watch her too closely.

He knew something was up other than her sorrow. He was that good.

She started for the door, but Brayden grabbed her arm and stopped her. “I promise, Kay. We’ll find who did this.”

Karina swallowed, but couldn’t bring herself to look at him. If she did, she would fall into his arms and cry like a baby. Hardening her resolve, she glanced over at him. “I’m okay, but the second that plane takes off for Atlanta…”

“My lap and shoulder are yours,” he murmured.

Karina gave a nod, and with her head held high, she left the office.


Chapter Three

Brayden stood in the Director’s office where he could watch Karina without appearing too obvious. Her stance was rigid, her face pinched in pain and sadness, all of which could be considered a natural reaction to an acquaintance being murdered. According to NCIS, it was okay to investigate an acquaintance; a friend as close as Shandra, absolutely not.

They would see her as compromised and unable to think clearly. Brayden knew Karina worked best under stress. If anyone could do this, she could.

“So the two of you will join Club Fetish. One will get to know the Doms, one the submissives,” the director said as he rifled through the paperwork on his desk as though looking for something.

Karina’s head came up. “Excuse me?”

The director looked up, the wrinkles around his green eyes deepening. Today, even the gray in his hair seemed thicker—like a man dealing with way too much on his aging shoulders. “Brayden will go in as a Dom. You a submissive.”

Karina shook her head firmly. “Absolutely not.”

“We need both, Karina. He can’t go in as submissive,” the director said as he pointed to Brayden.

Brayden winced.

“Who says?” she demanded.

The director stood and laid his hands flat on the desk. Staring straight at Karina, he gave her a look that said he dared her to argue this point. Brayden, however, knew she would. And who could blame her?

“Agent Jeffries. What exactly is your problem?” the director growled.

“My problem is I’m a Domme,” she snapped. “You obviously know absolutely nothing about BDSM if you think I can just flip at the drop of a hat.”

“Granted, I’ll admit I don’t know much, but the two of you are all we have. I can send someone else in, but Brayden has already shot that idea down, saying a novice sub would be spotted right away. You, however, are aware of the various protocols and whatever else is necessary to—”

“It’s not that simple,” Karina yelled.

“Karina,” Brayden interrupted.

“Shut up!” she snapped.

Brayden’s eyes narrowed angrily. He understood she was upset, but he’d be damned if he’d let her fly off the handle and get herself thrown off this case. He walked over and stood between her and the director. With his back to their boss, he glared at her.

“I can help with this, Karina. You know how this works. You go in as my sub. Only I can touch you. No one else has to. All you have to do is play the part and talk to the other subs.”

He gave her a pointed look he hoped she caught and heeded—that if she didn’t stop screaming about this, she’d be off the case.

“Fine,” she snarled, anger blazing in her blue-green eyes. He already found her attractive. Damned if now he didn’t think she was stunning. “But if you come at me with a ball gag, I’m going to castrate you in your sleep.”

Brayden’s lips twitched. “Deal.”

“Do I even want to know what a ball gag is?” the director asked drily.

“No,” he and Karina replied in unison.

“That’s fine. I probably didn’t want to know, anyway.” The director eyed both of them firmly. “Are we good?”

Brayden turned to look at Karina. She gave a disgusted nod, her lips set in a firm line of aggravation. It would’ve been cute if not for the whole sad situation.

“You’ll work closely with the FBI on this one. Based on what Brayden suggested, you’re an engaged couple exploring your sexual side.” He handed them each a file. “The address where you will be staying is in the file, as well as all the new necessary credentials and credit cards. Make sure GPS tracking is enabled on your phones, just in case. Other than that, you both know the drill. Now get out of here, the plane’s waiting for you.”

Karina climbed aboard the Lear jet and dropped into the white leather seat. She felt bone tired and emotionally drained. She’d spent the last two hours holding back her tears, and she couldn’t do it anymore.

Putting her elbows on her knees, she buried her face in her hands and sobbed at the loss of her friend. What a terrible way for anyone to die, especially Shandra. She was always so sweet—always had a smile on her face. She didn’t deserve what that monster had done to her.

No woman did.

And was this man the same one who’d attacked her?

That was ten years ago. When did he go from torturing women to killing them?


Brayden said her name so softly, she wasn’t sure she’d even heard him. She glanced up and stared through tear-filled eyes as he took the leather seat across from her.

“My lap is still yours if you need it,” he whispered.

What Dom wanted to be cuddled? She did. Karina sobbed and without a second thought moved to his lap. She gripped his light blue shirt and buried her face in his warm neck. Sobs shook her whole body as she cried.

Brayden wrapped his arms around her and held her tight against him. The feel of his embrace made her feel safe. God, when was the last time she’d really felt safe?

She’d learned so long ago to take care of herself. Her parents were no help. She was nothing but a disappointment to them. Even now, her relationship with them was strained, at best. Men were things she’d learned to control, not rely on. She never wanted to be in that vulnerable position again…ever.

But right now, with Brayden, it felt different. It felt good. Confusion tightened her chest and made her cry harder.

“I’m so sorry, baby,” Brayden whispered.

That was twice now he’d called her baby, and the sound of that endearment on his lips made her stomach flutter. Subs didn’t call her baby. They called her Mistress. They never touched her unless she allowed it. And not once had they made her stomach flip. Not like Brayden did.

“Sir,” the flight attendant said. “We’re ready. She needs to be in her seat now.”

Karina tried to pull away, but Brayden kept his arms around her. “Be still,” he commanded.

Typical Dom. He didn’t believe she was ready to pull away, therefore kept her there, and in truth, she wasn’t. She liked it here…more than she expected.

“Give us five minutes,” Brayden said.

The flight attendant nodded and walked back to the galley.

“For once, Kay, let someone take care of
for a minute.”

Karina sighed, but snuggled closer to him anyway. It felt too good not to. This wasn’t about being dominated, right? This was about comfort, which she sorely needed right now. She wasn’t giving away any control, sharing any secrets, she was just letting him comfort her…hold her.

She closed her eyes, savoring the feel of his arms, inhaling his soft, musky, woodsy scent. Ever since meeting Brayden, anytime she was out in the woods, she thought of him, imagined his smile and teasing, his laughing eyes. She tightened her lips into a firm line. What was she doing? She had no business fantasizing about the Dom. Any Dom.

She sniffed and raised her hand to wipe the tears from her face. “I must look a mess.”

Brayden allowed her to sit up, but still kept her on his lap. “You look just as gorgeous as you always do, kitten.”

Karina snorted. “Kitten? I’m not one of your subs, Brayden.”

“More’s the pity,” he drawled.

She grinned and slapped hard at his shoulder, just a little grateful for his teasing tone. “We are still on the job, and there is this thing called sexual harassment.”

Brayden chuckled. “I haven’t even begun to sexually harass you yet. Besides, considering where we’re going to be spending a lot of our undercover assignment, I’m not sure that applies.”

“Oh, man,” she breathed and covered her face with her hands. “I can’t believe I have to play a submissive.”

“It won’t be so bad.”

She lowered her hands from her face and frowned. “It’s not you that’s having to do it, now is it?”

“Granted, I’ve never been tied up, but you know me. You know how I am. I’m not going to hurt you, Kay.”

“I know,” she murmured.

That was truly the only good thing about this. She did know Brayden, probably too well. She’d seen him with other subs. She knew he was great at what he did. She knew he could make her feel incredibly good, but the whole bondage thing had her stomach tied in knots. She would have to tell him. She wouldn’t have any other choice.

Brayden pulled something out of his pocket. “Here. It’s not something the agency thought of, so…” He shrugged as he handed her a ring. “We are supposed to be engaged, after all.”

Karina took the engagement ring in stunned silence. She admired the oval cut diamond in a white gold setting with two smaller round diamonds flanking it on either side. It was actually very beautiful. “Oh, Brayden.” She put her hand against her chest and sighed in an overdramatic gesture that had amusement flickering in his blue eyes. “I don’t know what to say.”

Brayden’s lips twitched. “Smartass.”

She smiled slightly, then frowned. “This isn’t like some other girl’s ring, is it?”

He frowned. “Seriously?”

She giggled softly as he took the ring and slid it on the third finger of her left hand. It felt odd, and for a second, Karina held her breath as the strangest sensation worked its way through her chest.

“For your information, it was my mother’s.”

Her eyes widened. “Really?”

He nodded and smiled slightly. “Yeah. I think she’d be okay with this, though. It’s for a good cause.”

“Yeah, it is.” She raised her hand and studied the ring on her finger. It actually looked good against her skin. “It’s beautiful.”

She lowered her hands and stood before she started envisioning the two of them walking down the aisle. She moved to her own seat across the aisle from him and fastened her seatbelt. Sitting on his lap had felt way too right and left her feeling off kilter. Not sitting there didn’t leave her feeling any better. She just couldn’t win for losing.

“I’ll take care of it,” she said as she leaned her head back against the seat and smiled sadly at him across the aisle. “I promise.”

“I know you will,” he replied, then turned to the flight attendant, who watched them a bit impatiently from the galley. “We’re ready now.”

The flight attendant nodded and lifted a phone, alerting the pilots.

Chapter Four

Karina stepped into her hotel suite and glanced around the small, two room pad where she would spend the next few weeks. First thing to the left was a small kitchen with a table and two chairs. Not much in the way of cabinets and dishes, but it would be enough for the short amount of time she would be here.

Next was a living area with a love seat and recliner. On the wall to her right were the television and a DVD player, as well as the door to the adjoining suite. Separating the living area from the bedroom was a bathroom with a large shower and vanity, then in the bedroom sat a king size bed, a dresser, and another television.

Karina dropped her bags at the foot of the bed and glanced at her watch. It was now almost three. She and Brayden were supposed to meet with the manager of Club Fetish in ninety minutes to take a look at the club and go over the rules.

She walked into the bathroom and stared at her ragged expression in disgust. At least the puffiness in her eyes had gone down. She walked back into the bedroom and grabbed her make-up bag. She felt much better after refreshing her mascara and powder, then running a brush through her hair.

Grabbing a clip from her bag, she lightly pinned her strawberry blonde locks to the top of her head. Her hair was so thick, and it was much cooler to wear it up, especially since she couldn’t bring herself to cut it short. Her hair was the only thing about herself she liked.

A soft knock sounded at the adjoining door, and she quickly opened it. Brayden’s smiling face stared back at her from the other side, and she was once again struck with just how handsome he was. She’d always been a sucker for dark haired men with just a smattering of gray at the temples. And the way those blue eyes of his crinkled at the corners made her heart skip a beat in excitement.

BOOK: Topping the Domme (Crime and Punishment)
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