Torn (Torn Series) (20 page)

Read Torn (Torn Series) Online

Authors: K.A. Robinson

BOOK: Torn (Torn Series)
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“Drake, I’m a woman. Yes, it’s going to be a distraction for me.”

He smirked as he stood up and walked back to the bedroom, returning a few minutes later fully clothed, “Better?”

“Much, thank you. Now let’s get started.”

We spent the next hour studying. Or rather, I spent it studying, he spent it staring off into space with a pissed off look on his face. I finally gave up and
slammed my book shut as I glared at him, “That’s it!
What’s wrong with you today? You’ve been crankier than normal ever since I got here.”

“Nothing’s wrong with me, just back off ok?”

I continued to glare up at him as he tried to walk past me and out of the room. I caught his arm and dug my nails into the hard muscle. “No I will not just back off. Tell me what the hell is bothering you.”

He jerked his arm out of my grip and backed away. “You don’t want to know the answer to that, just leave it alone Chloe.”

I threw my hands up in the air and stomped my foot, “Tell me what your fucking problem is Drake, I’m not letting it go until you do.”

He spun around to face me. “Fine, you want to know what my problem
is? I can’t fucking stand to watch you with him every single day, watching him hug you, kiss you, when it should be me!” he yelled at me as I stood frozen on the spot.

“What are you talking about? You were the one who told me I couldn’t have you, that told me to be with Logan even when I wasn’t sure! You don’t want me
Drake, you just want to fuck me!”

He walked to me and shoved me up against the wall. “You’re
right, I do want to fuck you. I want to pick you up and carry you to my room and slam into you until you scream my name over and over again as you shatter to pieces underneath me, but I can’t. I won’t do that to Logan. I’m an asshole, but I won’t be that guy.” He punched the wall beside my head and I jumped.

“I don’t know what you want me to say. I made myself clear before and you pushed me to him.”

“I know I did, and I’ve been living with it ever since that day. I want you so bad Chloe, I just gravitate to you,” he whispered quietly as he rested his forehead against mine, “I don’t understand any of this, I just know I have to have you or I’ll never be able to let go.”

The words slipped out of my mouth before I could stop them. “Then take me.”

He pulled back and looked me in the eye, “What?”

I leaned forward to wrap my arms around his neck and pulled him back down to me, not sure what I was doing, but unable to stop myself. “If you want me, take me. If this is what it takes for us to get each other out of our systems, then we’ll do it and move on.”

He hesitated, “What about Logan?”

I closed my eyes as guilt took over. “I can’t move on with him until I can stop thinking about you. Please Drake, I need this, give it to me.” My lips went to his and I kissed him hungrily.

He responded immediately with a groan as he kissed me back. “God Chloe, you always taste so good.” He went back to kissing me as he lifted me off the ground and I wrapped my legs around his waist, feeling him already hard against me. He moaned as I shifted my hips to rub myself against him.

Walking backwards, he carried me to his bedroom and threw me on the bed before climbing on top of me. His lips sought out mine again as his hand slipped under my shirt. I sighed and threw my head back as his fingers went to my nipple and started rolling it gently between his thumb and fingers. I arched my back up so that I could press myself closer to him as he slipped his tongue into my mouth. Now that I knew about his tongue ring, I was ready for it as I sucked on his tongue, the metal hitting against my teeth.

He groaned again and pressed into me. “I need you naked. Now.”

He lifted me up long enough to rip my shirt off and unclasp my bra before unbuttoning my jeans and pulling them and my underwear off together. I reached for his shirt, but he took it off before I even touched it. My hands fumbled with his jeans as he threw the shirt across the room. As soon as I had the buttons undone, I slipped my hand inside and wrapped my fingers around his length.

He shuddered, “Chloe, you have to stop or I’m going to blow before I even get inside you.”

I continued to run my hand up and down his shaft and he started panting. He grabbed both my hands and pulled them above my head. “I’m not kidding, I’m about to blow and I’ve barely even touched you yet,” he kicked his jeans off and crawled up over me so that he was staring directly into my eyes, “Move your hands and I’ll tie them to the bedposts.”

My body shuddered in delight at the thought of Drake tying me up and having his way with me. “I’ll be good, I promise.”

He lowered his head and slowly kissed my lips, then moved to my neck. He nibbled a path from my neck down to by breast before sucking first one, and then the other into his mouth and swirling his tongue ring around them.

“Oh god, don’t stop,” I moaned as I arched my back.

He released them and slowly licked his way down my stomach, stopping at my hips to suck on them too. My body convulsed and I felt my orgasm building. He grabbed my legs and threw them over his shoulders as his tongue flicked across my throbbing clit over and over, his tongue ring adding to the sensation. He slid a finger inside me as he continued to lick and I felt my body tensing around him.

“Drake. Oh God, please.”

Shhh, come for me baby, I want to feel it.”

His words were all it took to send me over the edge. I screamed out his name as my legs clenched around him, holding his mouth tight against me as he continued to lick, prolonging my orgasm.

Finally the waves settled and I groaned, “That was amazing.”

“I’m glad you liked it, but I’m not done yet.”

I raised my head off the bed to look at him, “I’ve never… I don’t think I can go again.”

He smiled wickedly, “I don’t think I’ll have any problem getting you there again,” he kissed his way back up my body before positioning himself between my legs, “You’re on some kind of birth control right?”

I nodded, but stopped him before he could penetrate me by rolling him over until I was straddling him. I started kissing my way down his body, stopping at each nipple ring to flick my tongue across them. He ran his hands down my back as I dipped my head lower, but something caught my eye and I pulled back.

“You really weren’t kidding about being pierced everywhere.”

His laugh was cut short as I lowered my head and ran my tongue up and down his length several times, causing him to jump. “Stop teasing me woman and get on with it!”

I laughed, “Impatient much?”

“Ver… Fuck me!” he shouted as I wrapped my lips around him and took him as deep as I could without gagging. I began sucking on him gently, rolling my tongue over the tip of him, enjoying the taste as he moaned. Suddenly, he pulled me off of him and flipped me on my back before positioning himself at my entrance again.

“Enough of that, are you ready for me baby?”

I nodded as he slowly slid into me, inch by excruciating inch. Once he was fully inside me, he stopped for a moment to give my body time to adjust to his size.

“Dear God Drake, you’re huge.”

He chuckled as he slid out and slammed back into me repeatedly, his piercing rubbing against me in a way that made me scream.

“Drake, please….”

“Please what baby? Tell me what you want.”

I threw my head back against the pillow as he continued to slam into me. “Fuck me harder Drake, please! I need it harder!”

He quickly pulled out and flipped me over. Raising my hips, he slammed into me from behind. “God you’re so fucking tight, so fucking hot Chloe!”

My fingers grabbed the sheets as I threw my hips back, trying to take him deeper. I felt myself building again.

“Are you ready baby? I want to go together,” Drake asked as he continued pumping into me.

“Yes, please don’t stop.”

He reached down between my legs and flicked my clit, sending me over the edge. I screamed out his name as I came and I felt him explode inside me.

Drake collapsed on top of me and stayed there for a minute as we tried to control our breathing. Finally, he pulled out and walked to the bathroom to clean himself up. I rolled to my back as he returned to the room and
laid down beside me.

“You’re amazing Chloe.”

I closed my eyes as I curled into him, resting my head on his chest, enjoying his warmth.

He wrapped his arms around me and kissed the top of my head. “You should probably go.”

My body tensed at his words and what we had just done finally sunk in. I pulled away and started throwing my clothes on as quickly as I could. “You’re right, I’m glad we got that out of our systems.”

Drake sat up, the sheet falling down around his waist, “Chloe, that’s not what I….”

“Save it Drake, I know what you meant.” I all but ran from the room and out to my car, tears streaming down my face as I drove away.

I didn’t return to my dorm. Instead I drove around the city, pulling into an empty parking lot as guilt and anguish crippled me. I rested my head against the steering wheel and let loose a torrent of tears. After a few minutes, I managed to pull myself together enough to sit up. I’m not sure how long I sat there watching the passing traffic, hiccupping and shaking. I had really screwed things up this time. Instead of getting Drake out of my system, having sex had only amplified my feelings tenfold. Obviously it hadn’t had the same effect on him, seeing how he tossed me out of his bed the minute we were done. I closed my eyes and let my head fall back onto the seat. Things were ruined between us and I knew it.

It was my fault after all, he had tried to push me away and I had thrown myself at him. I knew from the beginning the only thing I would get from Drake was a broken heart and I had walked blindly into it. Logan’s face crept into my thoughts and I started crying again. How could I face him after this? I had cheated on him. He was too good for me and I knew it, this just drove my point home. I’m not sure how long I sat there wallowing in my thoughts before my phone went off with a new text message. I grabbed it, secretly praying it was Drake. Instead, a message from Logan was waiting for me.

Hey babe, you still with Drake?

I took a deep breath, debating on telling him the truth. Instead like a coward, I pushed my guilt away.

I am, but I’m leaving now. I’ll see you in a few. Xoxo

Ok, stop by my room, I ordered us Chinese.

Will do.

I wiped my eyes as I started my car and made my way home.


Chapter Fifteen



The next few weeks passed in a haze. Drake was back to avoiding me at all costs, and I was only speaking to him in the class we shared with Logan so that he wouldn’t become suspicious. I was depressed and hurt over how my life seemed to be spinning out of my control. When Logan asked what was bothering me, I gave him a vague excuse about classes and my job draining me. He didn’t seem completely convinced but he left me alone about it after a while.

Drake stopped sitting with us at lunch and I was relieved until I started seeing him with other women again. Every time I saw him, he was always with a different woman, and I knew just how little I meant to him. I picked up the Friday night shift at work just so I could have a valid excuse as to why I had stopped showing up at Drake’s shows and spent almost all of my free evening immersed in my studies, avoiding everyone as much as possible.

Logan had finally managed to find a job at a local repair shop, doing tune-ups and tire rotations. It meant that we saw each other even less than before and secretly, I was glad. I could barely look at him without the guilt of what I had done eating me alive. I knew I should tell him what had happened, but I couldn’t bring myself to do it. I was well aware of the fact that I was a horrible person, and I felt like I needed to suffer by myself, or maybe I was simply a coward. I knew once I told Logan about Drake there was no going back from all of this and I would not only lose my boyfriend, but my best friend as well and I wasn’t ready to give him up yet, regardless of how selfish that made me.

The only bright spot in all of this mess was the fact that I had spent so much time holed up in my room and the library studying, that when finals came, I knew I had passed every single one of them with flying colors.

Winter break was upon us and I decided to go home with Amber to her parent’s house to spend Christmas. Janet was actually pretty cool about me missing so much work when I asked her for the time off. She explained that with most of the college students leaving, business would slow down and the rest of the employees would be able to handle it with no problem.

The night before we departed, I had all of my things that I was taking with me packed up and loaded into Amber’s car that, as well as the presents I had bought for her and her parents, Dave and Emma. Since Logan had just started his job, he decided to stay here over break to pick up extra hours even though his boss told him it wasn’t necessary. I was slightly disappointed by this, despite the fact that I had been trying to avoid him. It was our first Christmas together as a couple and the first Christmas since I had met him that we wouldn’t be spending together. It seemed like an omen of our future, being together would be what kept us apart.

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