Total Immersion (3 page)

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Authors: Alice Gaines

BOOK: Total Immersion
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“We were lovers,” she said, “out in the real world.”

“Hey, man. No one told me any of that.” Jeff got off the bed. “I don’t want to get between you and your girlfriend.”

“Were,” Susan said. “Past tense.”

“Still, I don’t know about this,” Jeff said. “I work for you, Adam.”

Adam leaned back in his chair and stared right into Jeff’s face. “You work for Madeline, and Madeline has assigned you to take care of Ms. McGraw. I think you’d better do it.”

“If you say so.” Jeff blew out a breath. “But how is watching us going to make you feel?”

“I’ll tell you.” Adam rose slowly.

For a moment, the room went deathly still. Even in her drugged state and with her sex aching to be filled, Susan held her breath and waited.

“It’s turning me on,” Adam said finally. “My cock is going to bust my fly in a minute. If the lady wants you to fuck her, I suggest you do what she asks.”

“Do you want that?” Jeff asked Susan.

He had to ask? Her body was still on fire, nerve endings screaming for more. Even after that fabulous oral sex, she needed a stiff cock moving inside her until she shattered again. She slipped her fingers between her thighs and stroked her damp pussy. “Oh, yes.”

“Okay.” Jeff unzipped his pants and quickly undressed.

Susan took one look at him, and her mouth went dry. He was as finely sculpted as he appeared from under his clothes. A perfectly hairless chest gave way to flat abs, and then down at the base of his torso, a rigid shaft rose from a thatch of golden hairs. His cock was thick and long, enough to frighten an innocent. Susan was no innocent, and with the drug still roiling in her blood, her body craved every inch of him.

“Do it in a position where I can watch,” Adam said.

“You got it.” Jeff opened a drawer in the bedside table and found a square packet. Quickly, he tore it open and unfurled the condom over his cock. Then he grabbed her hips and tugged her toward the edge of the bed. As she wrapped her legs around him, he positioned himself with the head between her pussy lips and eased himself inside her.

Oh, yes. Yes.
This was what she’d craved since she’d sipped the wine and waited for Adam to appear. A man’s stiff penis filling her. She sank into the mattress, melting out of pure pleasure as her inner walls adjusted to his size.

From the corner of her eye, she watched Adam as he rounded the bed for a better view. He stood as if transfixed, his gaze on Jeff’s cock disappearing into her sex. His hand went to the front of his pants, and he gripped his own erection through the layers of fabric.

“She likes it slow at first,” he told Jeff. “As if you’re in no hurry and could fuck her all day.”

True, but she’d never told him that. She’d hardly realized it herself until he mentioned it this very minute. He’d figured out her preference on his own.

“Like this?” Jeff asked, as he slowed his pace to a leisurely rhythm.

“Exactly,” Adam answered.

And, oh, he was right. She didn’t have to hurry to orgasm. She could let it come in its own time. For now, she’d indulge herself in memorizing the girth of him, the passage of the thick head, and the feel of each inch as it penetrated.

And she could have all this while Adam looked on. He’d see Jeff’s cock sliding in and out of her, moist from her pussy. What a sense of power to take her pleasure with a stranger and make her former lover squirm. Two men doing her bidding.

“Pace yourself,” Adam said.

“I am,” Jeff said. “But man, she feels good.”

“Of course she does,” Adam said.

She turned her head and gazed at him out of eyes that didn’t quite focus. The drugs, maybe. Rising arousal, certainly, as another orgasm neared. Already, she was having sex good enough for fantasy, and she hadn’t even had Adam yet. Once Jeff had finished, Adam could take his place. And later, Jeff would have rested. She could go on for hours. She let out a groan.

“There,” Adam said. “She’s ready for more now.”

“Right.” Jeff moved faster, his thrusts more forceful. Each movement pushed her into the mattress, and she kept her legs fast around him to hold herself in place. She’d become so wet for him. So hot. Her hips rose to meet him, straining for more connection, more friction. Just more.

“Go as deep as you can,” Adam said. “Make her want to come. Make her crave it.”

Jeff reached behind him, grasped her legs, and guiding her feet upward, placed her ankles on either side of his neck. The position squeezed her sex around his and allowed him maximum penetration. He felt so damned big as he thrust into her. Incredible.

“This is too good.” Jeff closed his eyes, and his face contorted with pleasure. “I’m going to lose it.”

“Stay with her,” Adam said.

“She’s tight,” Jeff grunted. “Aw, shit.”

He moved like a wild man now, gripping her hips as he slammed into her. She caught his madness as the pressure built inside her. She was going to climax again, this time with her whole being. She rode the currents upward into arousal that was spiraling out of control. Too much. Too intense. And yet she needed more.

Suddenly, more appeared. Something butted against her clitoris. She opened her eyes long enough to discover a hand there, a finger on just the right spot. Adam’s hand where he’d slipped it between her body and Jeff’s. He knew exactly what she needed, and he was giving it to her.

With that knowledge, she closed her eyes and surrendered to his touch. The orgasm swelled inside her, squeezing her heart. All consciousness blinked out except for the one place where Jeff’s cock moved inside her and Adam’s finger kept rubbing.

She arched her back as she came, releasing a shout toward the ceiling. This time, her inner muscles gripped a stiff cock rhythmically. Jeff’s answering roar joined her voice, and he plunged into her a few more times before going rigid with his own climax. A perfect coupling with a perfect ending.

Adam’s hand withdrew, and Jeff lowered her legs before leaning over her, his weight held up on his elbows. Her pussy still fluttered around him in postorgasm pulses. Proof that he’d satisfied her. For now.

drag himself away from the sight of Susan with a sated smile on her face and went to the lanai doors that led to the terrace. Still erect, still aching for her, he could almost blot out the reality that Jeff was lying beside her, looking just as happy as she did. Another man had given her the orgasms that had let her drift off into heaven.

No, not right. Yes, Jeff had made her come the first time, and Jeff had been inside her for the second climax, but Adam had directed their coitus. He’d instructed Jeff in the way she liked to have sex. He’d fingered her clitoris at the crucial moment. He was still in charge here. Manager and teacher. Lover. Jeff wouldn’t . . . couldn’t . . . take his place in her heart, if indeed Adam had any right to make that claim now given their six months of separation.

Damn, this was hard. Just seeing her again after missing her so much. All the days and nights as he lay in bed alone, blaming himself for hurting her. Searching his brain for something he should have done differently. He shouldn’t have become involved with her to begin with because a job like his didn’t mix with a traditional relationship. He should have done more to make her feel special so she wouldn’t feel threatened by his clients. He should have listened to her complaints and dealt with them rationally instead of yelling back and escalating the arguments.

On the other hand, maybe he couldn’t have done anything. Maybe their problems just sucked and nothing could have made them better. And maybe allowing himself to hope for a better ending would only hurt him more in the end. Still, he’d be a fool not to take this chance. If, indeed, it was a chance and not just an illusion created out of blind hope.

He stared outside, hardly noticing the hot tub and the city beyond. Late afternoon. The sun would be going down soon, and the city would switch over to night shift. How many nights had he stood in exactly this place, with another woman in the bed resting after sex with him and anticipating more? And how many of those times had Susan been in bed at their apartment, waiting for him to come home?

He’d make it up to her tonight. He could accomplish that, at least. He could give her his best work, better than anything he’d done for even his best clients. To do that, he’d have to share her with Jeff. She’d asked for two men, and he’d make sure she had every sexual experience she could dream up. There was no room for jealousy in this exercise. He needed to treat it as professionally as he had all his other encounters at the club. Complete detachment when she wanted Jeff and complete devotion when she wanted him.

He’d do everything in his power to make the joining so perfect she’d never get it out of her memory. In fact, he had a plan on how to accomplish that exact goal. Something he’d worked on for the last several weeks with Jeff’s help. This suite was outfitted with all the sound equipment he’d need. He had a few extra things to order, but the kitchen and the spa could provide those within a few minutes.

He hadn’t planned on using the technique himself but to teach it to the other men. Still, he and Jeff might as well try it out now, with Susan as the recipient. He could make her happy, no doubt about that. And he could bask in her smiles and share her orgasms, and that would make him pretty damned happy, too.

After that, who knew what would happen? He ran his fingers through his hair and blew out a frustrated breath. How would she feel when she came down from the drug? She might be embarrassed. She might regret coming here. Dear God, not that. The mere idea that she could wish she hadn’t given herself to him tore at his gut. He’d have to make this the best experience for her. And he’d have to do it soon because the postorgasm glow would wear off in another minute or two, and then the real work would begin.

Chapter Two

Adam jealous, after all. The thought penetrated the postcoital glow. He’d certainly appeared jealous at first, resisting Madeline’s order to recruit a second man. Then, he’d seemed to glower with disapproval. After all that, he’d admitted to getting turned on by watching Jeff eat her, and he’d asked to watch as they fucked. In the end, he’d helped her achieve a world-class orgasm.

The fact should have disappointed her. But did she really want to hurt him? The breakup had been brutal, probably because they had cared so much for each other. She’d come here to try to heal some of that pain and to prove by facing him at the club that she didn’t hate him because of what he did for a living. She hadn’t planned on being drugged.

Then lust had taken over, and now she could have two talented lovers at her disposal. The fact that she still had feelings for one of them would make all the difference between really nice sex and something transcendent.

She untangled herself from Jeff and sat up on the bed, her knees pulled up under her chin and her arms wrapped around her shins.

Jeff sat up, too, next to her but not touching her. His gaze went from Adam to her and back to Adam, but he didn’t say anything.

Adam stood at an open doorway to the terrace. Floor-to-ceiling gauze drapes billowed around him in a warm breeze. He stared outside, not moving or speaking.

“Talk to me,” she said.

He turned, and the intensity in his dark eyes took her breath away.

“You said having sex with Jeff was okay,” she said. “You wanted to watch.”

“I said it turned me on,” he said. “There’s a difference.”

“Are you still turned on?” she asked.

“Hard as concrete,” he answered.

“Well, then?” she said.

“Of course, nothing’s worrying you now.” He rubbed a hand over his face. “I hope you don’t regret it later.”

“I’m not going to regret anything.” She climbed off the bed, went to him, and burrowed her way into his arms. After six months, the heat of his body and his personal scent felt like home.

He rubbed her back. “You’re still high, aren’t you?”

“That was some drug.” She couldn’t suppress a giggle. “Maybe I should find out what it was so I can get some more.”

“This isn’t you, Susan.”

“Maybe it’s a new me. I feel normal. Just . . . I don’t know . . . happy.”

He kissed the tip of her nose. “Then, happy lady, let’s keep you that way. You up for more, Jeff?”

“Always, boss,” Jeff called from the bed.

“There’s a terrace,” Adam said, “with heaters. Club Ecstasy thinks of everything.”

“There’s a hot tub.” Jeff came up behind her, making her the filling in a delicious man sandwich. Unless she was mistaken, he was becoming erect again—already—a stiffening cock pressed into her buttock.

She could have both of them at once. Her drugged mind couldn’t handle all the permutations and combinations, but she could happily work it out as she went along.

“You two get started,” Adam said. “I’ll be out in a minute.”

She glanced up at him and lifted a brow.

“Nothing underhanded,” he said. “I want to order a few things. A surprise.”

“Okay,” she said.

“You thinking what I am?” Jeff said.

“Possibly.” Adam didn’t elaborate, but the two shared a knowing look.

The twinkle in Jeff’s eyes promised fun. “All righty, then.”

Still nude, Jeff went outside. Adam turned her toward the threshold and patted her behind. “Go on.”

She swatted his arm before heading outside, as naked as Jeff. She needn’t have worried about anyone seeing them. Club Ecstasy sat at the top of a hill, and this suite occupied part of the top floor. Someone would have to train a telescope on them to see anything. Frankly, with the way she felt now, if someone cared that much, they could watch. She was going to have sex with two men, and the whole fucking world could look on if it wanted.

She danced on her toes across the tiles as currents of warm air from the hidden heaters washed over her. San Francisco lay below them, steep streets leading down to the bay and the bridge in the distance. As darkness fell, the lights of the city were starting to blink on. She was in a romantic place at a magical time. What on earth could get better?

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