touch my heart (16 page)

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Authors: wayne jordan

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“What do you want me to do?” he shouted.

“All I know is that that young boy needs someone and he doesn’t have a clue what’s going on in his life. He’s reaching out to you.”

“I’ll have to think about this,” he snapped. “I’m going to my workshop.”

“Running away is not going to stop you from feeling what you feel.”

“And what am I feeling?”

“You already love that boy. In him you see your best friend. And you’re scared, because you know if you let that boy in, you won’t be able to look at his life and do nothing.”

“Along with being a therapist, you’re a psychologist, too,” he said, shrugging his shoulders.

“Of course not, I just know you.”

He picked up his cane, nodded at her and walked away.

When he was gone, she poured a glass of wine and walked out onto the patio. She took a sip, though she wanted to gulp the whole bottle down.

Life was so strange. She couldn’t believe that so much had happened to her in such a short space of time. It had barely been a month and already she’d immersed herself into the household.

She couldn’t imagine leaving the island when she was done. She didn’t expect anything else from Dominic. While she was here, she expected that they’d continue to make love. However, she didn’t expect more. She could see already that Dominic had a problem with commitment.

Even now, the anger still boiled inside her. She could see things so clearly and he couldn’t. It frustrated her that he couldn’t see Brandon’s need. But she knew she was being unreasonable. Dominic was trying to deal with his own issues and she was forcing something else on him. She was being idealistic. She didn’t even know if Dominic could take care of himself. While he’d been making great progress, it would take months, years even, for him to regain full use of his hand and leg. While she could tell his hand was healing well and responding to the therapy, his leg was another matter. But she knew miracles did happen. While she’d only been a therapist for a short time, as a nurse, she’d seen amazing things that made her even more convinced that miracles still happened.

While Dominic and his relationships were worrisome, her own relationship with him scared her. At present she had no expectations, but each day she wanted more.

Did he have more to offer? He was affectionate, but she knew that he would always see his injury as a burden to whomever he was involved with.

She was the other problem. What was she going to do with her life? She’d not thought of what would happen after she left the island.

The obvious would be to return to the hospital, but she wasn’t sure if that was what she wanted. She wasn’t sure if remaining on the island was an option. But she couldn’t leave the island knowing how she felt about Dominic.

She was slowly but surely falling in love with him. She didn’t want it to happen and didn’t think it was a sensible thing to do. But one thing she realized was that she didn’t have control over her feelings. That was love. It crept up on you and slammed you in the face.

What she felt for Dominic was so different from Andrew. Her marriage had been comfortable. With Dominic, things were different. His lovemaking was different. Even though his leg and hand weren’t functioning well, his lovemaking was off the charts. She’d been pleasantly surprised when she’d realized that his leg injury hadn’t affected him in bed much.

The ringing of her cell phone drew her from her musings. She glanced down. It was Eboni.

“What’s wrong?” she said as soon as she connected the call. “It is time?”

Eboni laughed. “No, Aaliyah. You know I have another month to go before the babies are born. I can’t believe you’ve been there all that time and you haven’t given me a call, except when you first arrived. Is the job keeping you that busy?”

She wondered what would be the best way to calm her sister. Time was moving so fast. She couldn’t believe she had not thought about calling.

“It has been so hectic here. I was planning to call you over the weekend.”

“But you didn’t even have to call. Remember social media? There are so many ways we could’ve kept in contact.”

“I’m sorry, Eboni. There is no excuse for not calling. How are the babies?”

“They were doing fine my last checkup. They are doing much better than Darren is. He’s a wreck. Worrying about everything. He went to his first Lamaze class with me and almost fainted. But he’s a trooper, he came back and endured it. He has even bonded with some of the other fathers-to-be, so they seem to be commiserating with each other.”

“I’m glad to know you are both doing fine. Please make sure he calls me when you go into labor.”

“I’m going to call. I know he’s not going to be in any state to make phone calls until these babies are out.” She laughed.

“So how are you doing? Who’s this mysterious boss of yours?”

Aaliyah breathed in deeply. She didn’t want to gush or sound overenthusiastic. While she would eventually share her relationship with Eboni, she didn’t want to be presumptuous about their current status.

“I’m doing fine. The work is nothing that I can’t manage. In fact, I only do my sessions with him in the morning and that’s it until the next day.”

“So who is

“Are you sure you’re ready for this?”

“This has to be a big one...”

“Dominic Wolfe.”

“Dominic Wolfe? Are you kidding me?” Eboni screamed.

“No, I’m not.”

“Girl, let me sit down so I can hear all the juicy details. The man is the bomb. I’d get on a plane right now to let him scratch my tummy.”

Aaliyah giggled.

“Is he as gorgeous in person as he is on television and in magazines? Lord, he’s the only man that could give Darren some competition.”

“Eboni, stop kidding. You know you’re totally devoted to Darren.”

“Yes, but I can fantasize, can’t I? Darren fantasizes about Kerry Washington all the time. I told him the other night that if he doesn’t stop watching
with his eyes glued to her, I’m going to divorce him. You know what he told me in response? If I did he’d probably go marry her. The nerve of that man.”

They both laughed.

“But I’m still waiting. Is he just as gorgeous?”

“Yes, and more. He’s one of the sexiest men I’ve ever met, but he’s hurting and troubled.”

“He is?”

“Yes, when I first met him, I’m not sure I was impressed at all. Did you know he was hurt in a fire?”

“I think I’d heard about it. Didn’t he save some girl’s life and become a big hero?”

“Yes, he did. But it doesn’t appear many knew that he was hurt trying to save the girl. The building fell in on them and he was pinned under debris before someone came to his rescue. It pinned his left side, so his left hand and leg were damaged. He couldn’t walk for weeks, but he’s recovering now.”

“Your hands have the magic touch...even when you were just nursing. I’m glad to hear you’re enjoying your job. Maybe you can really help him. I’m sure he must be all down and depressed.”

“Not really. More angry with the world and about the blow that fate dealt him. But I guess I would be, too, under the circumstances.”

“Anger may be his motivation for working at healing. Now, I need to give you some news. The private investigator, Carlos, just called. Seems like he has a good lead on Cindi and Keisha’s whereabouts.”

Aaliyah sat up immediately, unable to say anything. Tears welled in her eyes.

“Aaliyah, are you all right?”

“I’ll be fine. I’m just so happy. I couldn’t have heard better news.”

“He promised to call back as soon as he talks to them.”

“Please tell them to call me as soon as you talk to them.”

“You know you don’t have to ask that. We’ve been waiting for this so long. I wanted to get on a plane and go with Carlos. Of course, Darren would hear nothing of it.”

“Are you crazy? Of course you can’t get on a plane. You’re too far along.”

“It was worth a try.”

“You have to trust Carlos. He’s done good work. Didn’t he find me?”

“That’s true. Oh, Aaliyah, I can’t contain myself. I hope I can convince them to get on a plane and come see me. They may have to wait a bit to see you.”

Sadness washed over her. “I didn’t think of that.”

“You’ll be fine. Your time in Barbados will be up in no time and you’ll be back home celebrating with all of your sisters.”

“Eboni, that sounds so good. I can’t wait to see them. I wonder what they’re doing. If they’ve married, had kids or are still studying...”

“We’ll get all of those answers in time. Well, my husband is calling me, so I’ll have to go. He says hi and tells you to find a sexy Barbadian and get married.”

“That’s not what I’m here for.”

“Maybe you can jump Dominic’s bones. That would be worth all the effort.”

She did not reply to her sister’s comment. If Eboni only knew that she’d already jumped his bones, and more.

“Okay, this conversation needs to end right now. He’s my boss and that’s it.”

“If you say so. He’s your boss, but that doesn’t stop him from oozing sexy. If I were you, I’d make sure you get some. I’m sure he’d be worth every minute. And before you respond, I’ll say goodbye. Love you. I will call as soon as I hear from Carlos. Good night, sister of mine.”

With that, she disconnected the call, leaving Aaliyah feeling frustrated and bothered.

She didn’t like lying to her sister.

Chapter 14

ominic placed the finished sculpture on the table on display and went to the sink to wash his hands. He looked at the piece and was pleased with what he saw. He glanced at the clock. It was just after three o’clock in the morning. He hadn’t been able to go back to sleep, so he’d decided to try his hand at another project. It had not been difficult to visualize Nugget, and the finished piece captured the energy he’d wanted it to. The fingers of his left hand hurt a bit, but Aaliyah had promised that the exercise would cause no harm, if he took it easy.

He headed to his room. When he opened the door, he stopped abruptly. Aaliyah was lying in his bed, fast asleep. He noticed the tearstains on her cheek. She’d been crying. He ached to comfort her, but decided he really needed to take a bath before he did.

When he came out the bathroom, she was still fast asleep. About to head to his dresser to find a pair of shorts, he changed his mind and crawled into the bed. He noticed that she, too, was naked under the covers and marveled at her lack of inhibition. After they’d made love and showered, she’d asked him for a shirt, but he’d pulled her into the bed naked and she’d blushed, her innocence refreshing. He still could not believe she’d been married. Her air of innocence still fascinated him.

When he drew closer to her, she stirred, her eyes opening slowly.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you.”

She stared at him, confusion on her face, and then she smiled.

“I’m glad to see you smile. You were crying?” He raised his hand to press a finger where the tearstains remained.

“My sister Eboni called. The private investigator has found our sisters.”

He struggled to contain his excitement. He was happy for her.

“You’ve spoken to them already? Where did she find them?”

“I haven’t spoken to them yet. When Eboni called, the investigator had just left New York to find them.”

“You’re sure he’s not pulling a con on your sister to get more money?”

She looked at him in shock. “Carlos? Definitely not. Carlos is the epitome of honesty.”

“As long as you’re sure.”

“I’m sure,” she replied. “Carlos came highly recommended. I’ve had no problems with him.”

“So your tears are of joy?”


“I know.” He could hear the tiredness in her voice. “Let’s go to sleep. I know you’re tired. I didn’t mean to wake you.”

“It’s fine. I’m not sleepy anymore.” Her voice was soft and husky.

“You aren’t?”

“No, I’m not.”

“So what do you want to do?”

“I’m not sure. Maybe read a book.”

“I can think of something a lot more fun than reading.”

“You can? But reading is lots of fun for me.”

He eased closer to her, pressing his body against her side.

“Something’s poking me in the side,” she said. “Let’s see what it is.” He felt her fingers trace along her leg until she gripped his erection in her hand.

She shifted on the bed, urging him to lie on his back. He complied, his excitement intensifying with the anticipation.

She raised herself over him, lowering herself onto his body, careful not to hurt his arm or side.

She slid her body upward and downward until his penis strained against her, hoping for release.

Her lips covered his boldly. She moved from his lips and slowly worked herself downward.

When she reached his chest, she placed her hands on his nipples, kneading them between her fingers. Heat surged through him as her tongue explored his nipples. She squeezed one and he shuddered with the pleasure.

Her mouth explored every inch of his body as she moved downward. His penis jerked in anticipation, but when her lips covered the hardness of his erection, he heard his cry of pleasure fill the room.

As he lay there, she worked her magic, taking him to the point of release only to pull him back again. His body bucked and shuddered. And when he could bear it no more and felt the pressure build inside, he screamed.

When they were done, he reached for her. “Take a shower with me.”

She followed him.

In the shower, they kissed, water cascading around them, and then the unexpected happened.

His body hardened again, and he turned her to face the wall, bending her slightly to maximize his entry. When his penis slipped inside the moistness of her vagina, her cry of pleasure filled the room. He stroked her hard and fast.

Soon his body tensed and as he felt the hot surge along the length of his manhood, he slowed to a circular grind, letting her feel every inch of his thick, turgid length. When his release came, he bellowed her name, resting against her back, as she cried out with the intensity of her own release.

When his head hit the pillow after they’d showered, he fell instantly asleep.

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