touch my heart (17 page)

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Authors: wayne jordan

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* * *

When Aaliyah woke next morning, the bed was empty. Between the curtains of the patio door, she could see the first glimmer of light. She rose from the bed, placing a robe around her before she walked over to the door and slipped between the curtains.

Dominic stood, leaning against the railing, looking down the sloped area that led to the gardens and the ocean in the distance.

He was naked, and she felt the familiar stir of desire. She could not get enough of him and wondered how she could ever leave and return home.

He turned at the sound of her feet and smiled, a smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes. Something worried him, and she hastened toward him.

“What’s wrong?” she asked.

When she reached him, she pressed her body against him. Slowly his arms came up and held her.

“Don’t hurt your hand,” she said.

“I won’t. I know I must be careful, but I have to try to use it as much as possible.”

“You’re okay?” she asked.

“Yes, just thinking. A lot of things have been happening.”

She nodded, encouraging him to speak.

“I was thinking about Brandon. What’s going to happen to him? He only has his grandmother.”

“I’m sure his grandmother must be worried about him and what will happen once she is gone. She did tell you to come see her.”

“I don’t even know how to take care of a child. I haven’t particularly liked them in the past.”

“But he really isn’t a boy anymore. In no time he’ll be sixteen.”

“What if I want to get married? What woman would want a ready-made son?”

“A woman who loves you. I just think you’re finding excuses where there really are none. My suggestion is to talk to his grandmother first.”

He nodded. “I’ll try to see her as soon as I can.”

“No, let’s go tomorrow. I can drive you into the village.”

She could see his hesitation.

“Okay, I’ll go. Just so I can put my mind at rest.”

“You said there was something else.”

“Yeah, but can we talk about it later today.”

“No problem.”

He reached for her and gently guided her to stand in front of him. He placed both hands around her until her body curved into this.

“This is the time of the day I love most on the island.”

She gazed ahead of her. The sun, asleep for most of the night, had peeped its head out.

Aaliyah knew the sunrise could be a wonderful display of nature’s colors, and this morning did not disappoint. They watched as the final shades of gray disappeared to be replaced by dull shades of blue, until the shades of the sun mixed with the blue. Dominic pointed to the left and there, nestled among the trees, a rainbow arched, and its kaleidoscope of colors was as vivid and alive as the skies.

“It’s so beautiful,” Aaliyah screamed in joy. “I’ve never seen anything so beautiful.”

“I have.”

“What do you mean?”

“You. You are beautiful.”

She giggled, feeling her body warm with pleasure again.

“I am?” she said coyly.

“Yes, you are beautiful. Outside.” He placed a finger under her chin, tilting her face so she looked up at him. The other hand he pressed against her head. “And inside.”

She placed her hands around him, hugging him tightly. She wanted to say so much to him, but she didn’t. She wasn’t sure what she wanted to say, and neither did she think he was ready to hear it. She knew that his feelings were one of the things on his mind, as they were on hers.

He lowered his head to kiss her, but she placed a finger to his lips.

“I would suggest we go inside if I’m right about where this is going. You are naked, you know.”

“I’d love to make love to you out here someday, but I’m sure that Mrs. Clarke wouldn’t approve. You might be surprised, but Mrs. Clarke has a gentleman friend who drops by on occasion. She doesn’t even know I know he sleeps over from time to time.”

He laughed at the incredulous look on her face. “Now come let me take you inside and show you how much I love to make love to you.”

“You do? You’ve never told me.”

“No need to tell you. I assure you, I’m much better at showing.”

She turned to move into the bedroom and he followed her inside.

He wanted to make love to her so badly. It had taken all of his power to control himself.

Chapter 15

ater, when Aaliyah awoke, the humming of rain greeted her. She could not believe that the early promise of sunshine had dissipated. She walked to the bathroom, took a quick shower and went in search of Dominic. She headed to his workshop first, knowing that he would either be there or in the gym.

She chided herself. She’d missed their usual morning session. Why hadn’t Dominic awoken her?

When she reached his workshop, she pushed the door open gently, not wanting to disturb his creative process.

He sat among the shadows, the only light a single bulb over his head. He was engrossed in his project, and from where he stood she could tell he was using both hands, but she hoped he didn’t overdo it. While she was concerned, she could not help but admire his determination.

She realized he’d not noticed her and started to step forward when she halted. The floor creaked and he turned immediately, shifting his body to hide what he was working on.

“Did you have breakfast?” he asked.

She took another step forward and he raised his hand up.

“I’m really sorry, but I’m working on something very special. I promise you’ll be the first one to see it.”

She stepped backward as if she’d been slapped in the face. She hesitated. His comment had hurt her, though she knew he was working on something special.

“Don’t be hurt. I promise you, you’re going to love it when you see it.”

She smiled, wanting to reassure him, but knew the smile didn’t quite reach her eyes. Why was she being so silly?

“I’ll go downstairs and have breakfast. I’m a bit hungry.”

He placed a white sheet of plastic over the sculpture and rose, walking as fast as he could toward her.

“I should be done later this evening. I’ll come for you then. Please tell Mrs. Clarke she can bring my lunch here.”

He bent his head to touch her lips with his. The kiss was slow and searching. Hers yielded and her body shivered in response.

When his lips left her she felt empty. She ached.

“I promise I’ll come to you later.”

She smiled, realizing he needed her reassurance.

She reached a hand up and caressed his cheek. “We’re fine,” she said. She tilted her head upward and kissed him on the cheek.

She smiled again, turned and walked through the door. The only sound she heard was the soft click of the door as it closed.

* * *

Dominic walked toward the worktable. He stared at the project he’d started a few nights ago. Every night after Aaliyah fell asleep, he would come to the studio for about an hour and work on it. He was working in clay. While he could work with several other materials, clay was his favorite. His preference was something he couldn’t explain. Under his hands a piece of clay came alive until he could feel its warmth and power.

It was like his acting. When he took on a new role, he became that character, as if the character was alive inside him and the breath he took was theirs and not his.

He knew that he needed to take a break. His hand was feeling sore and tired, but he didn’t want to stop. He’d promised Aaliyah she could see it this evening, so he had to be finished.

He also had to give Brandon a call, find out if he was still coming over on the weekend.

He also needed to go see Mama.

He picked up his cell phone and dialed the number.


“Brandon, it’s Dominic. How are you doing?”

“I’m fine. Just here doing some studying. I have an assignment to submit on Friday. Just wanted to have it done early.”

“That’s good. Sorry to disturb you.”

“It’s fine. I was planning to give you a call, but...”

“Brandon, let’s just make this clear now. You can call me anytime, and as long as your grandmother says it’s fine you can come over.”

“Okay. I’m just worried you’re doing this because you’re my dad’s friend and feel sorry for me.”

“I’ll be honest. You are my best friend’s son. But I like you. You’re a decent young man. You need someone. I want to help, if it’s all right with you.”

“I’m fine with it. Just make sure you let me know when I’m being a nuisance. I like hanging with my friends, but I enjoyed hanging with you and your girl.”

“My therapist!” Dominic emphasized.

“Oops, I forgot,
your therapist.

Dominic could hear the amusement in the boy’s voice.

“Good, let me talk to your grandmother now. I hope she remembers me.”

“Oh, she does. She’s your biggest fan. She’s watched all of your movies. Don’t tell her I told you this, but she has a scrapbook of photos and newspaper and magazine clippings. She also has the DVDs of all your movies.”

“I won’t tell,” he promised.

“Okay.” The phone went silent for a moment and he heard Brandon shouting for his grandmother in the distance.

He heard the phone shuffling, and then Mama’s voice.


“Hi, Mrs. Johnson.”

“Who you think you calling Mrs. Johnson? I was Mama when you were a little boy and I’m still Mama.”

He laughed. A warm feeling bubbled inside. Mama was the same old vibrant outspoken Mama.

“So when you planning on come see me? I can’t believe you live in that old plantation house and haven’t come and visited me yet. But I forgive ya. Brandon says you got hurt in a fire trying to help a little girl. I always knew you were the one who had heart. I’m really proud of you.” He loved her use of the Bajan dialect. It made him feel warm and at home.

“Thanks, Mama.”

“You ain’t got to thank me. You work hard to achieve all you have. Not like some of these lazy-ass boys who went to school with you and still ain’t work a day.”

“I’ve been trying,” he responded.

“So when you coming to see me?”

“I’ll get my driver, Desmond, to drive me over tomorrow.”

“Desmond!” she screeched. “You mean that sweet talking playboy? He ain’t know what he want out of life. ’Bout time he settled down. Still running behind all the skirts. You won’t remember him, but he was a young boy when you left the island. But he’s a good boy. He hardworking.”

“I didn’t even know he was from the village. Who’s his mother?”

“Don’t you remember Margo? She’s the woman with quite a few children, but she always made sure she took care of them. I’m sure she had a son close to your age. What’s his name now?” There was a pause. “Yes, his name is William. He was tall and handsome just like Desmond.”

An image of a boy he played with flashed in his mind. No wonder Desmond had always looked familiar.

“Well, this boy here wants to talk to you again. Looks like he wants to take the phone from me.”

“I’ll see you when I pass by tomorrow.”

“Yes, I’m looking forward to seeing you, too. Want to see if you as handsome as those photos.”

With a final good-night, she was gone.

“Thanks for chatting with her. It made her day,” Brandon said.

“It was great to talk to her. She was always kind to me. I wanted to ask you what you were doing over the weekend.”

“I have a football match on Saturday morning and nothing else for the rest of the weekend. I go to church with Mama on Sundays.”

“I’ll talk to her when I drop by tomorrow afternoon. How would you like to spend the weekend here?”

“You’re serious?”

“If you grandmother agrees.”

“I’m sure she will. She lets me go spend the weekend at my friends’. But I don’t want to intrude.”

“What did I say to you? You want to come and spend the weekend?”

“Yeah, I’d like that.”


“You sure your gi—therapist won’t mind?”

“I’m sure she won’t. She likes you.”

“She does? She is pretty.”

“She thinks you’re a fine young man,” Dominic emphasized.

“She does?”

“Yes, she does. Good, I’ll talk to you tomorrow. You have a good night, son.”

There was silence and he realized what he’d said.

“Good night. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

The phone disconnected and he stood staring at it before he finally put it down. The boy was already working himself into his heart.

* * *

Aaliyah watched Dominic from the corner of her eyes. He was reading, but she could tell his thoughts were elsewhere.

“A penny for them,” she said, drawing closer to where he lay on the bed.

He looked up, perplexed by what she’d said. And then it dawned on him.

“Just thinking about things?” she asked.

“About Brandon,” he replied.

“What about him?”

“I asked him if he wanted to spend the weekend here.”

She could not hide her joy.

“I knew you wouldn’t have a problem with it.”

“I’m going over to see his grandmother tomorrow. Want to come with me?”

“Are you sure?”

“She told me to make sure I brought
my girlfriend.

She laughed.

“And of course, you emphasized that I am your therapist?”

“Yes, I was sure to. Of course, Brandon doesn’t believe a word I said about you.”

“Unless he sees something definite, he can only assume. I am going to sleep in my room when he is here.”

“I’m going to put him in a room at the other side of the house.”

“You will do no such thing. I’m sure you can live a few days with...”

“I’m going to come to your room during the night, and no one’s going to stop me.”

“Don’t I have a say in this since it’s my room we’re talking about?”

“If you say so, but remember I have all the keys to the kingdom.”

She smiled. “That is true, but there is one thing you can’t lock or unlock.”

“And I’d like to know what that is,” he teased.

“I’m sure you know exactly what I mean.”

“If you do mean what I’m thinking about, I can unlock it with a simple touch.” He pressed the palm of his hand against that special place between her legs. Flames ignited, making her feel hot and tingly.

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