Touched by a Thief (4 page)

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Authors: Jana Mercy

BOOK: Touched by a Thief
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She kissed him back, giving in to her body’s natural response to his expert touch. He was no stranger to a woman’s body, knew how to make her body sing.

“Gerard,” she breathed when he trailed kisses over her neck, down her chest to where he traced the outline of the necklace with his tongue. “I don’t want food.”

Slick as silk, his lips brushed over the swell of her breast, pushing the loose material aside. Had he had this in mind when he’d chosen the dress? The lack of a bra? The underwear she hadn’t bothered to wear?

Of course, he had.
“What do you want?” He blew hot breath over the nipple he’d bared.
“You. Inside me. Fucking me. Now.” She pushed his face into her bosom and he immediately sucked her into his mouth.

Monty had never been one to wait for what she wanted. She took. At the moment, she intended to take the pleasure Gerard could give and to take it now.

With ease, she slid her hands inside his dinner jacket, found his belt buckle and with a flick of her wrist, pulled the fine leather free from his pants.

His pupils darkened, but he didn’t speak, just let her finish what she’d started. Wasting no time, she undid his pants. Pausing only long enough to squeeze the hard penis jutting upward, she shucked his pants and boxers down.

Gerard grasped her hands. “Slow down.”

“No.” She grabbed hold of his cock and slid her fingers over the smooth skin, toyed with his balls. “I won’t slow down. We both know why you brought me here. Now do it. Fuck me.”

Gerard’s expression tightened. He didn’t like being told what to do. Of that, she was sure, but he also wanted her and thrilled at her need.

She did need him.

Inside her.

Between her legs ached with feminine need. Reflexively, she clenched her thighs, knowing she was wet and ready, aching to be pounded hard and deep and fast.

While she held on to his hardness wither her fingers, they battled with their gazes.

Monty decided to take advantage of the fact that from ankle to waist he was stripped bare. Never breaking eye contact she dropped to her knees.

Without hesitation she took him deep into her throat, sucking him while pushing against his bulbous head with her tongue. His fingers latched onto her hair, tangling in the upswept style.

He tasted clean, strong, wonderfully male. A man like Gerard would never do otherwise.

Feeling his cock thicken even more between her lips wetted her inner thighs to the point she expected moisture to trickle down her legs, to drip to the floor.

She bobbed her mouth back and forth, faster and faster, loving it when he tensed, gripped her hair tight, and she could tell he fought coming. Fought it damned hard.

Although wanting him stretching her vaginal walls, the thought of his cum bursting forth, of making such a refined man lose control, appealed. If she didn’t throb so intently down there she’d suck him dry.

She pulled back, ran her tongue over his tip, and smiled at the salty taste of his pre-cum. “Still want me to slow down?”
Laving her tongue over him, she nodded. “Absolutely.”
With an intensity on his face that probably struck terror in his enemies, Gerard took her hand and pulled her to her feet.

“I’ve waited a long time to have you again. I don’t intend to take you in a heated rut in the dining room while our dinner cools.”

Heated rut worked for her.

“Perhaps you weren’t listening, I’m not hungry.”

His hand slipped beneath her dress, his eyes showing only the merest hint of surprise when he discovered she wore no panties in lieu of the ones he’d set out for her. Gerard wasn’t used to being disobeyed, but other than a raised brow, he didn’t comment. Taking his finger, he dipped between her swollen lips, spread the dampness up and down her clit, and pushed inside.

Monty moaned, wanting more, wanting him inside her with a fierceness that left her head spinning. She arched into his touch, giving him easier access to that part of her.

Instead of accepting her invitation, Gerard withdrew his finger. “Perhaps you weren’t listening.” Placing his finger in his mouth, he sucked it clean. “I’m starved.”

Oh! Men.

She wanted to throw him down on the floor and ride him until she came. Heated rut, indeed. Something told her he’d let her, but she’d be better off to play this game by his rules no matter how frustrated she felt.

“Fine.” She picked up her glass off the table and downed the entire contents in one bothered sip, while he did up his pants. “Let’s eat.”


Gerard Kincaid liked things to happen exactly according to plan. He’d learned long ago that curbing his own appetites and sticking to the plan reaped rewards. Venturing away from the plan often presented unforeseen pitfalls.

He planned to wine and dine Monty before taking her to his bed. Once there he’d give her all the pleasure she desired. All, and more.

They’d skipped out on the fineries during their brief interlude and he wanted that mistake corrected. This time, she belonged to him and he wouldn’t let her go.

He wouldn’t have to because he was going to insure she wanted to stay.

Thus, his refusal to take her like an unsophisticated heathen. Patience and strategy got him to the pinnacle of success. He wanted Monty with the same vigilance he’d wanted power.

Gerard got what he wanted. Always.

Picking at the food one of his maids served, Gerard watched Monty savor every morsel placed in front of her. No picking at her food or dieting for a woman like Monty. She burned off every calorie she took in and prison had dropped a good ten pounds from her already lean frame. Still breathtakingly beautiful, sinewy strength replaced the softness to her features that had belied her muscled build.

He’d give her back that feminine softness.
After her time in prison, Monty needed a man’s pampering. He could pamper like no other.
She needed her senses seduced. He could do that, too. Would do that.
By the time he was through, she’d want him every bit as much as he wanted her. More.

Physically, their chemistry worked. Why wouldn’t it? They were both healthy, attractive people with greedy sexual appetites. But he wanted more than just her body. He wanted her loyalty, her heart, her all.

He would have her body, mind, and soul.

Perhaps purposely teasing him, she closed her mouth around her spoon. Her eyes closed and she looked like she might cum on the spot. His cock stirred, demanding to be sheathed inside her sweet wetness. Never had he wanted a woman the way he craved this one.

Gerard drank a long swig of wine.

Soon, very soon, he would be what her body closed around.


Had Monty died and gone to heaven? No, hell, she’d died and gone straight to hell because this chocolate soufflé was positively sinful.


She opened her eyes and smiled at Gerard. He’d served her favorite things for their dinner. Her favorite sweet for dessert. Chocolate.

And all throughout the meal, he’d taken his pleasure in watching her eat. She’d known and, yes, she’d even made her movements more sexual, more seductive. Nothing he didn’t deserve for delaying their gratification.

She’d never been a patient woman.
“Delicious.” She licked chocolate from her lips. “As you would know if you’d take a bite.”
His eyes glittered as he watched her and tingles of awareness shot from her core to the tips of her fingers.
“Perhaps you recall I have something else in mind for dessert.”
Despite his earlier refusal to give her what she wanted, he wanted her body with the same fervor she craved sexual release.

So, why had he insisted upon this scene of seduction? Gifts of clothing and jewelry, good wine, gourmet food, soft music. Definitely, he seduced. Question was, why? He’d had her from the moment he arranged her release from prison.

Gerard didn’t do things without wanting something in return. But what did she have to offer beyond her body, which she was already willing, eager even, to give to him?

“You’re scowling.” Gerard’s finger brushed over her brow, smoothing tension lines. “What’s wrong?”

She set down her spoon, pushed the remainder of her dessert away. “You’ve cleaned me, dressed me, wined me, dined me, but, Gerard, I’m beyond all this. I ache for you.”

Her words pleased him a great deal if the light in his eyes was any measure.

“Tell me where you ache, Monty.” He traced his fingertip over her face, slow, torturous movements meant to sensitize her flesh all the more.

Tiring of his games of seduction, emboldened by her sexual needs, Monty stood, reached to the side of her dress and tugged the zipper down. “Let me show you.”

She halfway expected him to stop her again, but perhaps his patience had worn thin as well. He watched her with unguarded eyes.

Desire licked through his blue orbs and blazed across the distance to caress her.

Standing naked except for the slinky designer heels and the necklace he’d given her, Monty slowly turned, allowing Gerard full view of her body. Had she not already been on fire, the light in his eyes would have sent her up in flames.

He wouldn’t be turning her away again.

“You want to know where I ache?” Monty ran her hands across her belly, stroking her skin. “Here. Here. And here. Every inch of me aches.”

His fingers gripped the armchairs. “This isn’t what I planned,” he warned, appearing torn, but she knew she had him, that soon she’d have release. “I wanted us to finish dinner.”

“I am finished with dinner, aren’t you? Forget your plan and take what you want,” she tempted, splaying her fingers lower, her nail dipping into the shaved rectangle guarding her privates.

Gerard pushed his chair back and stood. The crotch of his designer pants pushed out, giving notice of just how much he wanted.

“I want you, Gerard. Inside me. Filling me. Making me remember what it feels like to be a woman.”

“Have you forgotten?”

“Feminine pleasure is a faint dream that haunts my memories.” She cupped her breast, liking how his eyes zoomed in on the action. “Please fuck me.”

He growled and replaced her hand with his. “I wanted to take things slow.”

“We are not on the same page. I want you inside me, hard and fast, pounding me.” She arched her hips, brushing her sex against his bulging crotch.

“Monty.” He pulled her to him, flattening her breasts against the crisp material of his shirt.

His belt buckle ground into her stomach, but she didn’t care. Urges, strong and necessary, rushed through her, demanding she fulfill her body’s needs. She needed release.

“Kiss me.”

And then he was.

Forgetting the thin layer of civility that coated the man who faced off with world leaders and war lords, Gerard’s hands took on a life of their own. His mouth crushed hers, battling for a control she wouldn’t let him find.

She didn’t need or want his control.

She clasped the cream material of his shirt and jerked, causing the buttons to shoot off in rapid succession. Pop. Pop. Pop.

Sliding her hands beneath the gaping material, she shoved the shirt and his dinner jacket down his shoulders. Gerard shook the clothing free from his arms and the expensive fabric fell to the plush carpet.

She’d forgotten what a beautiful body he had. Muscled, but not overly so, his smooth chest boasted definition most men would be proud to claim.

Manly flesh filled her palms, and she kissed him. His mouth. The strong beat at his throat. His collarbone. His flat nipples. She licked and supped, tasting his salty skin.

His hands gripped her shoulders. “You make me forget why I wanted to go slow.”

She reached for his belt buckle. “I know what I want. You. Naked. Now.”

Monty pulled his belt free a second time that night, tossed the expensive leather somewhere across the room, and immediately went for the waistband of his pants.

He attempted to kiss her, but she pushed him away. With his assistance, she released him, took him in her hands and squeezed.

“Do you have a condom?” she asked.

Gerard’s jaw tightened and Monty gave his cock a jerk. Too bad if he thought he was doing her without protection. She wanted sex, but not enough to risk her life.

“In the nightstand next to the bed where I planned to make love to you,” he ground out.
Monty glanced at where his pants sagged at his ankles. “Don’t you keep one in your wallet?”
His eyes danced with bedevilment and he nodded.
She dived for his wallet and quickly removed the condom and sheathed him with the rubber barrier.

“Will we be disturbed?” She hadn’t given much thought to his staff. Well, she’d given a lot of thought to his
, but not his household help.

“They wouldn’t dare.”

“Good.” Monty wrapped a leg around his waist, guiding him inside her, not as deeply as she wanted, but the stretching sensation provided a wonderful start. “Very good.”

Cupping her bottom, Gerard lifted her, set her on the table, knocking away anything in their way.
He thrust, she hugged his hips with her legs, and his cock went deep.
“Oh,” she cried. It had been too damned long since she’d felt a man between her legs.
“You like that? I feel good in your hot pussy?”
She met his thrust, welcoming his thick intrusion into her body. “Oh yes.”

Sliding to the edge of the table, she positioned herself to where she could ride him while helping to support her weight on the table. Taking him as deeply within her as she could she swiveled her hips, over and over. At first she made slow motions, but as the tempo of his thrusts increased, so did the intensity of her movements.

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