Transcendence (8 page)

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Authors: Michelle Madow

Tags: #Teen & Young Adult, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy, #Science Fiction, #Children's eBooks, #Science Fiction; Fantasy & Scary Stories, #Fantasy & Magic, #Paranormal & Urban, #Romance, #Friendship, #Reincarnation, #England, #love story, #Young Adult, #Witchcraft, #past lives, #teen, #high school, #Time Travel, #curse, #YA, #Regency, #spells, #regression, #New Hampshire, #past life, #regency era, #travel abroad, #regression past life, #regression past lives, #taylor swift, #england 1800s

BOOK: Transcendence
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Stephenie Meyer – Edward and Bella (book series)


Lizzie read the first Twilight book in 2005
when it came out, and she was hooked! She loves the romance between
Bella and Edward, and is 100% Team Edward. But while she loves the
books, she wasn’t a big fan of the movies.


The Iron Fey
by Julie Kagawa – Meghan and Ash (book series)


This is also one of Lizzie’s favorite book
series. She enjoyed the first one, but for her the love story
between Meghan and Ash really bloomed in the second book of the
series, The Iron Daughter. This series has an amazing love story
with some heartbreaking moments!


4) Titanic – Jack and Rose (movie)


Because the love story in Titanic is
heartbreaking and intense. It’s too bad Jack has to die at the


by Cassandra Clare – Clary and Jace (book


The love between Clary and Jace is so intense
in this book, because it’s forbidden and yet the reader is rooting
for them anyway! Hopefully the movie will be a good representation
of the book. Luckily, Lizzie discovered this series over the
summer, so she was able to read them straight through.


6) Moulin Rouge – Christian and Satine


Lizzie and Chelsea watch this movie together
all the time when they have sleepovers. The music is wonderful, as
is the love story. If only Satine didn’t die at the end!


7) Downton Abbey – Mary and Matthew (TV


Lizzie loves this television series, and
watched it in a marathon over the summer. The love story between
Mary and Matthew takes a long time to grow, but they eventually get
past all their troubles to be together. Lizzie’s favorite episode
is the Christmas special, when Matthew finally proposes to Mary,
and she says yes.


8) The Vampire Diaries – Elena and Damon (TV


Lizzie has read the original four books, but
she prefers the television series. She wishes Elena would let
things happen with Damon, though, instead of continuously pining
for Stefan. (And vampire Elena ROCKS.)


9) William and Kate (Real Life Love


Lizzie adores William and Kate’s love story,
and loved watching the royal wedding on TV. It’s a fairy tale come
to life.


10) The OC – Ryan and Marissa AND Seth and
Summer (TV series)


Lizzie and Drew have been watching the DVD’s
of The OC together, and Lizzie is loving it! She especially loves
the first episode, when Ryan and Marissa first meet.

Lizzie’s Top Five Favorite Books


Pride and
by Jane Austen


Lizzie was assigned to read
Pride and
in the beginning of her junior year for her AP
English class. It was also her favorite book in her past life, and
reading it helped her start to remember the life she lived in
Regency Era, England. The love story between Lizzie and Mr. Darcy
is one of her favorites.


The Luxe
Anna Godbersen


Lizzie loves historical romance, and she
adored all the books in this series. She loves how the lives of the
main characters are intertwined. Her favorite character is Diana,
and she wishes Diana had a happier ending with Henry. Also, the
covers of these books are gorgeous!


The Other Boleyn
by Philippa Gregory


Again, Lizzie loves historical fiction. This
story of Anne and Mary Boleyn was wonderfully told! She loves all
the books in the Tudors series by Philippa Gregory. The series does
a fantastic job of bringing the wives of Henry VIII to life.


Harry Potter
by J.K. Rowling


Because this is one of the best book series
of all time.


Stephenie Meyer


Lizzie loves the love story between Bella and
Edward. She read the first book in 2005, and has been a huge fan
since. She kept trying to convince Chelsea to read it, but Chelsea
waited until before the movie came out when the series became more

Lizzie’s Junior Year Class Schedule


A: AP European History (8:30-9:25)

Class shared with: Drew, Chelsea

Teacher: Mrs. Wilder


B: AP French (9:30-10:25)

Class shared with: Drew, Jeremy

Teacher: Mrs. Evans


C: Advanced Genetics

Class shared with: None of the main

Teacher: Mr. Roberts


D: English: Late British Literature

Class shared with: None of the main


LUNCH (12:30-1:15)


E: Drawing

Class shared with: Hannah


F: Trigonometry

Class shared with: Chelsea

Teacher: Mr. Barton



Drew’s Character Biography


Full Name:
Andrew James Carmichael




December 28, 1993


Place of Birth:
New York City (Lived
on the Upper East Side)


Lakeside Circle in
Pembrooke, NH




Mother: Mary Carmichael.
Father: Peter Carmichael -- lawyer (Parent divorced.)


Lizzie Davenport. Luxury Cars.
Breaking the rules. The City. Driving fast. Girls (before Lizzie).
Being spontaneous. Sunglasses.


Being told what to do. Anyone
who does anything mean to Lizzie (Jeremy). Staying in one place for
a long time. People who think they're better than him, especially
the jocks from NH who think they're cool but would never make it in
The City. At first he hated the flashes of the past and did
anything to forget them.


Doing anything that could
result in Lizzie's death.


Junior in high school.


Views on Love/Death:
didn't believe in love. Post-Lizzie: soulmates. Will do anything to
stop Lizzie's death. Distances himself from death. (Unless it's


Favorite Place in the World:
At first
he hated the idea of moving to NH and wanted to stay in NYC. Once
he met Lizzie, he started liking NH more. Had no more interest in
New York because he realized he was using the bustling city as an
escape since it helped him forget the flashes of his past life.


Least Favorite Place in the World:
middle of nowhere. Places that are too hot.


Driving. Mechanics/building
things. Electric guitar.


The new city guy who
thinks he's better than everyone else, but really the people from
NH think he's cool. Kind of quiet, but people still want to talk to
him. Breaks rules and gets away with it easily.


General Viewpoints of Importance:
Lizzie. Intelligence. European History. Confidence.


What makes the character tick:
who suck up to him too much. Girls who follow him around. Anyone
being mean to Lizzie.


What makes the character likable:
watches out for Lizzie and truly loves her. Can be charming. Sees
importance in education. Understands how people think.


What makes the character detestable:
Isn't very nice to a lot of people; thinks he's better than most
people. Sometimes says mean things about people.


Favorite ice cream flavor
: Rocky road:
“You tend to be a balanced mixture of charm and practicality. While
you are outgoing in social situations, in the business world you
tend to be more aggressive and goal-oriented. You are most
compatible with other rocky-road fans.”


Eye Color:
Brown with gold flecks.


Hair Color:
Dark brown/black. A little
longer than short and spiky.





Apparent Age:


Skin Tone:
Lightly tanned.


Physical activities:
Goes running to
burn off steam because he tends to get angry easily.

This or That with Drew


Here is a collection of “This or That”
questions I’ve answered from Drew’s point of view for


Day or night?



Dog or cats?

I’ve never had a pet, but I guess I would
pick a cat.


Chocolate or vanilla?

Mixed. My favorite ice cream is Rocky


Hardback or paperback?

Hardback. They look nicer on my


Leather or lace?

Don’t you wish you knew ;)


New car smell or strawberry?

Nothing beats that new car smell.


Black ink or blue?



Earphones or stereo?

When hanging out in my room, I use my stereo
that hooks up to my iPod.


Pepsi or Coke?

Neither—I don’t like soda.


Steak or Salad?

Steak, no question. Cooked medium.


Beach or Mountain?

Mountain, because there’s skiing. The harder
the slope, the better.


SUV or Motorcycle?

Depends on the SUV. If it’s a cool one, then
SUV. If it’s a soccer mom one, then motorcycle.


Fruit or Veggies?



Dance or Concert?

Assuming the concert is for a band I like,
then concert, no contest. Just don’t drag me to a Britney Spears,
Lady Gaga, or whatever concert that middle school girls like going


Play or Watch Sports?



NYC or LA?

NYC is easily the best city in America.


Cake or Pie?

I rarely eat either, but I guess pie.


Past or Present?

Present. Because then there’s more control
over the future.


Lizzie or Chelsea?

Do you really need to ask?

Character Interview with Drew


This character interview was held by Becky
from Becky’s Barmy Book Blog. Drew’s answers are by Michelle


Becky: How old were you when you first
learned that you had been reincarnated and what was your first


Drew: I was 14 when I went on the trip to
England and met my Memory Guide, Misty, for the first time. That
ignited my memories from the past, but I didn’t realize the
memories were real until I saw Lizzie when I walked into the
European History classroom at Beech Tree. I don’t remember what my
exact first thought was, but the whole time I was sitting in class,
I was shocked that she existed.


Becky: When you realized Lizzie might be
reincarnated too, did you immediately want to find her or did you
try to put it out of your mind?


Drew: I didn’t realize Lizzie was real until
seeing her for the first time. I thought she was some made up
fantasy, and before I met her I was constantly searching for a girl
as good as the one in my dreams.


Becky: When did you first realize that
Lizzie was the one for you?


Drew: I knew the moment I first saw her. But
when I realized she was real, I also realized that the flashes I
had of us together in the past were real, too. I knew how that
ended, and I couldn’t allow the same thing to happen again.


Becky: If you loved Lizzie so much, why did
you start to date Chelsea?


Drew: It was a stupid decision—I should have
thought it through further. In the moment, I knew I wanted to be
near Lizzie, but that I could never allow us to truly be together,
because I didn’t want her to suffer the same end she did in the
past. She was persistent, though. I know how girls think—that it
goes against their “code” or whatever to go after your best
friend’s boyfriend, so I figured the best way to be around Lizzie
without her thinking there was a chance anything could happen
between us was to date her best friend.


Becky: If you felt being together or being
close to Lizzie was dangerous why did you choose Chelsea to date,
surely you knew that would cause trouble? Or did you genuinely like
Chelsea for a bit?


Drew: I knew that being in a relationship
with Lizzie was dangerous, and I thought being in a relationship
with Chelsea would prevent anything from happening with me and
Lizzie. In the end, it was too hard to fight the connection I felt
with her. Looking back, I probably should have stayed away from her
altogether, but that’s harder than it sounds. I’m just glad things
worked out like they did.


Becky: How many houses do you actually own
(or your family own)?


Drew: Four. There’s the house in Pembrooke,
New Hampshire, the one in Aspen, the one in Palm Beach, and the
condo in Manhattan. My dad’s currently living in the condo in
Manhattan, and my mom and I are in the house in Pembrooke. The Palm
Beach house was so we could have somewhere to go while visiting my
grandparents (we go there during winter break sometimes, too). The
house in Aspen is for ski vacations, which we go on every March
during spring break.

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