Transcendence (9 page)

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Authors: Michelle Madow

Tags: #Teen & Young Adult, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy, #Science Fiction, #Children's eBooks, #Science Fiction; Fantasy & Scary Stories, #Fantasy & Magic, #Paranormal & Urban, #Romance, #Friendship, #Reincarnation, #England, #love story, #Young Adult, #Witchcraft, #past lives, #teen, #high school, #Time Travel, #curse, #YA, #Regency, #spells, #regression, #New Hampshire, #past life, #regency era, #travel abroad, #regression past life, #regression past lives, #taylor swift, #england 1800s

BOOK: Transcendence
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Becky: If you could give Lizzie one gift,
what would it be?


Drew: To know that she is 100% safe in her
current life.


Becky: If you could change one thing about
your past (current life) what would it be and why?


Drew: I’m happy with where I am now, so I
wouldn’t change anything. I wouldn’t want to risk not being where I
am today.


Becky: Do you believe in Fairytale endings
and Happily Ever Afters? Will you and Lizzie get yours?


Drew: I wouldn’t put it quite as “fairytale
endings and happily ever afters,” but after my experiences I
believe that we’re responsible for shaping our own destiny. If I
want my life to end well, it’s up to me to make it happen. I will
make sure that everything works out well between me and Lizzie.


Becky: If you could choose to live either in
1815 Regency England or in the Present Day, which you prefer and


Drew: Present day. There are too many
formalities and rules in 1815 England. It was also a hassle to do
anything—especially getting from place to place—without modern day

Drew’s Top Ten Favorite Books


As you might recall from
, Drew has a large bookshelf in his loft
full of lots of different books. Here are some of his favorites
from his collection.


1) The
Harry Potter
series by J.K. Rowling


Because this is clearly one of the best book
series of all time.


2) The
Song of Ice and
series by George R. R. Martin


Drew stated reading these books after
watching Game of Thrones on HBO, and it quickly became one of his
favorite series’.


Along Came a
by James Patterson


Drew has read all the books in the Alex Cross
series. This is the first one, and it is still his favorite in the


Hunger Games
by Suzanne Collins


A friend recommended he read this before the
movie came out. He did, and ended up loving the entire trilogy.


series by R.L. Stine


This was Drew’s favorite series when he was
in elementary school, and he still has his collection. He
specifically loved
Say Cheese and Die


Deception Point
by Dan Brown


This book isn’t as well known as
Angels and Demons
, but it’s Drew’s favorite book
by Dan Brown. (He has read all of Dan Brown’s books).


The Stand
Stephen King


Drew has read many of King’s books, but this
is his favorite. He liked the end of the world aspect of it.


Michael Crichton


This is a time travel book, and Drew really
enjoyed it. He liked seeing how what happened in the past affected
the future.


Bringing Down the
by Ben Mezrich


This is a great book based off the real life
MIT students who figured out a mathematical way of playing
blackjack that allowed them to “beat” Vegas. Drew also loved the
Busting Vegas


The Five People You
Meet in Heaven
by Mitch Albom


Drew read this book in middle school, and it
has always stuck with him.


Drew reads mainly adult fiction, although he
will read the occasional YA book if it is highly recommended to
him. When choosing a book to read, he veers toward thrillers. His
favorite authors are Dan Brown, James Patterson, and Stephen

Drew’s Top Five Favorite Songs


Drew loves music, especially alternative and
classic rock. One of his favorite things to do to relax is play
guitar, or listen to music. Here is a list of his top five favorite


1) “Minuet” by Mozart


Drew danced with Lizzie to this song in their
past life, and it reminds him of her. This song is very special to
both of them!


2) “Wonderwall” by Oasis


This is the first song Drew learned to play
on guitar. A counselor at his camp taught him how to play it, and
when he got home that summer he asked his parents for a guitar so
he could continue to play.


3) “Fire and Rain” by James Taylor


Whenever Drew needs to chill out and relax,
this is one of his go-to songs. James Taylor is one of his favorite
musicians because of his incredible guitar playing and soothing


4) “When the Stars Go Blue” by Ryan


This song reminds Drew of being with Lizzie
on the lake outside his house.


5) “Revolution” by the Beatles


Drew’s favorite song when he just wants to
jam out!

Drew’s Junior Year Class Schedule


A: AP European History

Class shared with: Lizzie, Chelsea

Teacher: Mrs. Wilder


B: AP French (9:30-10:25)

Class shared with: Lizzie, Jeremy

Teacher: Mrs. Evans


C: AP English (10:30-11:25)

Class shared with: Chelsea


D: Set Design (11:30-12:25)

Class shared with: None of the main


LUNCH (12:30-1:15)


E: Chemistry (1:20-2:15)

Class shared with: Chelsea

Teacher: Mrs. Baker


F: Calculus (2:20-3:15)

Class shared with: Jeremy, Hannah



Chelsea’s Character Biography


Full Name:
Chelsea Elise Givens




June 8, 1994


Place of Birth:
Pembrooke, NH


Glendale Drive in
Pembrooke, NH




Mother: Sarah Givens. (Died of
breast cancer when Chelsea was in second grade). Father: Tyler
Givens -- attorney. Sister: Tiffany Givens (19, in college).


Boys. Gossip. Shopping. Getting
what she wants. Diet soda. Standing up for people she cares


People who betray her. Outdoor
activities/anything involving getting messy.


People turning their backs on
her. Insects.


Junior in high school.


Favorite ice cream flavor:
Chunk: “You are lively, creative and the life of the party. You
charm everyone with your enthusiasm and sense of style. You love
excitement in your romantic relationships and require a lot of
attention from your mate. You are most romantically compatible with
those who prefer butter pecan or chocolate chip.”


Views on Love/Death:
Believes there
are many people out there to love. Believes those who died (such as
her mom) are watching out for her. Believes in an afterlife; not
necessarily heaven, but that people don't disappear.


Favorite Place in the World:
Specifically New York. (Which is what she likes talking with Drew


Least Favorite Place in the World:
Pembrooke. She wants to move to a warm place when she graduates
high school.


Snow skiing. Shopping.
Tennis. Mock Trial. Debate Team.


Snobby. Semi-slutty.
Bouncing from one boyfriend to the next.


General Viewpoints of Importance:
Social status. Trust.


What makes the character tick:
people tell her she's wrong. People who talk about her.


What makes the character likable:
Stands up for her friends. Keeps to her word. Does favors for


What makes the character detestable:
Can be shallow. Gossips a lot. Goes behind Lizzie's back.


Eye Color:


Hair Color:
Dark brown with a red


Body Type:
Skinny and also curvy.




Apparent Age:


Skin Tone:


Physical activities:


Diet Coke

This or That with Chelsea


Here is a collection of “This or That”
questions I’ve answered from Chelsea’s point of view for


Hardcopy or E-Book?

E-book. I read everything on my iPad—it’s
much easier!


Bookmark or Dog-Ear?

Bookmark. I like to keep things neat, and dog
ears look messy.


Book or Movie?

Movie. Not that I don’t like to read—I do
enjoy reading on occasion—but movies are more fun because I can
watch them with friends.


Chocolate or Vanilla?

Like any girl (well, excluding Lizzie),


Summer or Winter?

Summer, no question. I can’t wait to get out
of New Hampshire after graduation and not have to deal with frigid
winters anymore!


Ice-Cream or Cake?

Ice cream.


Coffee or Tea?

Coffee—I’ve never gotten into tea. Tea tastes
so bland compared to a good, strong coffee.


Nice guy or bad boy?

Bad boy. I like a guy with spunk—he needs it
to handle me!


Popularity or Friendships?

At the start of junior year, I would have
said popularity (because doesn’t being popular mean you have lots
of friends?!) But after everything I went through with Lizzie in
the past few months, I learned that true friendship is more
important than sitting with the “cool kids” at lunch.

Character Interview with Chelsea


This character interview was held by Tiffany
from For Those About to Read. Chelsea’s answers are by Michelle


Tiffany: What is the biggest thing you have
learned after everything you have been through with Lizzie?


Chelsea: The biggest thing I learned was the
importance of finding out all the facts about a situation before
taking action. When people hurt me, I act out without thinking
about the consequences. I got caught up in my emotions, and acted
in ways I shouldn’t have. I never would have done what I did if I
understood what it really meant. If Lizzie, Drew, and I hadn’t been
able to fix my mistake, I never would have forgiven myself. I’m
glad everything worked out, and I will always try to be more aware
of the consequences of my actions in the future.


Tiffany: Describe yourself Twitter


Chelsea: @_ChelseaGivens: High school junior
in the middle of nowhere, NH. Loves to go out and have fun with
friends. Can’t wait to graduate and get out of this town!


Tiffany: Describe your ideal man.


Chelsea: A few weeks ago I would have said
Drew. But after what happened over the holiday season, I saw that
he loves Lizzie, so I’m over him now. Besides the obvious necessity
of my ideal man being attractive, I want him to love me more than
anyone else. He should also be smart, driven to succeed, and
sophisticated. Does that sound like you? Tweet me ;)


Tiffany: We have found out about Lizzie's
talents through Remembrance, but we don't know about your talents.
What do you excel at?


Chelsea: Most people who don’t know me are
shocked when they hear this answer—I excel in academics. I take
many advanced classes, and I’m organized, which is useful when it
comes to note-taking and study habits. I excel in history, English,
and the sciences, and plan on being pre-law in college. I am on the
mock trial and debate teams, which meet after school on alternating
days. I’m hoping to be captain of the debate team in my senior


Tiffany: Our male readers would love to hear
your idea of the perfect date, can you share?


Chelsea: To start, he would pick me up. (Guys
should always pick up the girl—even if she’s not on his way—because
it’s the right thing to do.) We would go out to dinner at an
upscale restaurant on the lake with a table overlooking the water,
and he should pay, of course. Then we would go on a walk, and the
conversation should flow so easily that neither of us should
realize how much time has passed.


Tiffany: What makes Lizzie such an awesome
friend (pre-Drew drama)?


Chelsea: Lizzie is a great person—she listens
to what people say, she offers advice (but not in a forceful way),
she doesn’t judge, and she’s fun to hang out with. She’s also
smart, and values doing well in school as much as I do. I never
feel like I have to try to be someone I’m not around Lizzie, which
makes it easy to spend time with her.


Tiffany: What is your number one rule of


Chelsea: Don’t make moves on your friends
boyfriend. It never ends well.


Other books

Hair of the Wolf by Peter J. Wacks
Forbidden Broadway: Behind the Mylar Curtain by Gerard Alessandrini, Michael Portantiere
The Time of Our Lives by Tom Brokaw
Swept Up by Holly Jacobs
Cheat by Kristen Butcher
A Woman Gone Mad by Kimber S. Dawn
Seduce by Buchanan, Lexi