TRAPPED (Breaking Free Book 2) (4 page)

BOOK: TRAPPED (Breaking Free Book 2)
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I lie, unmoving, with a small smile on my lips and utter elation flowing through my veins from the love I have for my children.

I know i
s going to be hard, my ribs are making any small movements agonising, let alone the fact I have a sprained ankle tha
s sending shooting pains up and down my leg and several knocks to the head causing dizzy spells, this should be a fucking riot, but
ll suffer through it for them.

” My eyes snap to Hunter, and I practically groan from the look on his face. He has an opinion and
m about to hear it whether I like what he has to say or not.

You are
t going anywhere woman,
ve just got you back, no fucking way are you leaving me now
” He turns his face away from me and tugs at his hair. I do
t know what he has to be so exasperated about,
m the one holed up in bed, beaten, and going back to live in my frien
s apartment after having my heart broken
What condition are you in to move from that bed and look after two young children on your own? Yo
re not! Lottie has to work, and there is no way you can look after yourself or your children if you ca
t even lift your head without wincing in pain. Yo
re staying here, end of, and we are gonnahave a nice little chat about everything that has gone on, put a few things straight and get back to us

m not so sure about that. I feel ridiculously stubborn all of a sudden, yes, I may very well want to hear him out, but now he has barked orders at me I really want to tell him where to shove them. And with regards to him telling me I cannot go back to Lotti
s, who the bloody hell does he think he is?

Sorry, but no on all counts.
m tired, sore and want to go home and rest up for tomorrow, regardless of what you want to tell me
” I shift my eyes to the ceiling, refusing to give him eye contact. I know
m being petty, but I just cannot help myself, I have been through too much in such a short space of time, and this on top of everything is overkill for me.

The bed dips beside me, and Hunte
s face hovers over mine, a look of fury aimed directly at me
Are you for real right now? Na, you know what? Fuck it, say what you want, you ca
t get out of that bed without me, and I see no reason for me to help you do such a thing. So sit tight baby, causewe got a lot to hash out

I make the attempt to prove him wrong, and with a sudden burst of energy fuelled by my anger, I throw myself to a seated position, crying out and alternating between gripping my ribs and head. Fuck that hurts.

What the fuck are you doing woman? Lie your arse back down on that bed before you hurt yourself
” He pushes me back down, looking concerned and worried all of a sudden.

No shit Sherlock, I think I already did
” I grate out.

You know what I mean Connie, stop being a smart arse and do as yo
re told
” He jumps from the bed once
m lying down again, and spins away from me, his whole body shaking and heaving several deep breaths in and out.
Fuck, you can be so infuriating. Why ca
t you just understand that I am doing wha
s best for you? Yes I fucked up, but I had to stand there and watch Dan nearly escape with you thrown over his shoulder, as if you were a sack of fucking potatoes. I did
t know if you were alive, or seriously fucking injured. Do you have any idea what that was like for me? The pain I felt just watching you lie there and not being able to do a single fucking thing in case he hurt you more. It tore me apart woman. So stop, for the love of god STOP.FIGHTING.ME

I feel ashamed all of a sudden, I had no clue as to what lengths he went to get me back, or what he witnessed when he reached me. I have
t even thanked him, regardless of what went on between us, he found me, got me away from Dan and took me to safety.

I swallow back my wounded pride and turn to look at Hunter, taking in hisdishevelled and exhausted looking appearance more closely. He really has been run through the mill over me, and although a big part of his problems are not my fault, the others are
Thank you, for finding me, and getting me away. I ca
t ever thank you enough for that. No matter what happened between us, you deserve to know how much what you have done means to me

Hunter places himself on the bed beside me, careful not to touch the wire from my drip
You do
t ever have to thank me. When I realised that bastard had you, god I ca
t even begin to describe what I was feeling. I would have killed anyone who stood in my way, I was that incensed
” He pauses for a beat
I know you do
t want to hear this just yet, but please hear me out anyway. Ashley may be my wife on paper, but she is nothing to me. I was played from day one, taken for a fool by her, and sh
s done it again, tried to take the one person I have ever loved and wanted to be with. Do
t let her win Connie, please hear what I have to say before you make your judgement, and if you still want to leave after it all, then
ll help you move to Lotti
s without a seconds hesitation

I want to hear what he has to say, but
m too scared of being hurt by it all. And at the end of the day, h
s admitted the worst part of all of thi
… sh
s his wife, I was shacked up with a married man, no matter which way you look at it.






Thankfully my drip had run empty and started beeping before I had the chance to answer Hunter.

The thing is, yes I do want to hear him out, but I do
t want to rush straight in to it. I need time to psyche myself up, and I do
t want to say something I do
t mean without thinking on a clear head.

I love him, of course I do, but what possible reasons could there be for not informing me he was married. Every scenario running through my mind is bad, and if they are half as bad as my imagination is conjuring up, then I quite frankly do
t want to know.
d rather he let me go, and I could attempt to heal my shattered heart without him around to make it harder.

But then the other side of me is wondering why on earth he would come after me, why my own mother would ensure I was going to listen to what he had to say before judging him. I am so head fucked, and I need to talk to him, to either say goodbye o
… I do
t even know, I just need some form of closure.

When can I get up and start moving about
” I need to pee, and I also hate being cooped up in bed.

You need to rest, the doctor is due back anyway, and Lottie has been blowing up my mobile with message after message insisting I let her up to see you

I stifle a laugh at my persistent friend, I can just imagine she has called him every name under the sun and probably wants to kick his arse for keeping her away.

Okay, can you let her up? I bet sh
s worrying like crazy
” At least if Lottie is here, I can ask her to help me manoeuvre myself into the toilet and do my business,
m busting and in no way am I asking Hunter.

Hunter goes to respond, and from the look on his face I can tell i
s not the way I want so I butt in before he has the opportunity to open his mouth
If you want me to listen to what you have to say later, then you will my let my friend up here, I kind of need a bit of girl time right now and after everything, you have no right to deny me that

I sound like a spoilt brat, but I honestly do
t care. I want to see Lottie and I need to use her too.

” He grumbles under his breath, his feet dragging as he walks away.

Not even five minutes pass before the bedroom door barges up, ever so close to bouncing back and hitting Lottie in the face.

She appears frantic, her eyes locating me in the bed and tearing up immediately. I want to comfort her, but I ca
t get out of this poxybed to do that, so instead I settle for telling her
Hey, wha
s with the water works you freak? Dry your eyes and come and help me up

She giggles, wiping her eyes with the back of her hand and shaking her head at me
You gave me a thousand deaths woman,
ve been going out of mind and tha
s all you have to say. Look at you all banged up and useless stuck in bed
” The smirk on her face suggests our banter has worked to calm her some, but I can still see the apprehension written clearly in her eyes, sh
s unsure of how to treat me, worried
ll break.

Lottie close the door and get your arse in here, seriously, wher
s the love

She closes the door as
ve asked and promptly rushes to my side, leaning down to hug me ever so gently.

I need your help. I am busting for a wee, but there was no way I was letting Hunter take me to the toilet, so can you kindahelp me get there please? As if this is
t embarrassing enough

She snorts a small laugh, evidently enjoying the awkward position I have found myself in, but moves to my side to do as
ve requested. After some painful shifting about on the bed, and her finally pulling me up so my legs dangle off the side of the bed, we start to make our way across the room.

The pain is agonising, and I bite the inside of my lip to stifle crying out. My ribs are throbbing so bad that my initial reaction is to lean down slightly, alleviating the pressure on them, my leg has shooting pains making their way up and down it, and my head is giving me dizzy spells that keep hitting me in waves. Fuck, Dan really did a number on me. Hunte
s right, how on earth am I going to be able to look after Alex and Lily if I ca
t even stand up?

You okay? You look a bit green, and like yo
re gonnafall over at any second

Really? Is it that obvious?

” Is all I can manage, I just want to get to the toilet and get back to bed. This is too much too soon.

After what feels like an eternity, we eventually make it to the bathroom and I make Lottie leave the room so I can do my business. I can hear Hunter distantly on the phone, but ca
t work out what h
s saying or who he is talking to. Not that It is any of my business anymore I suppose.

I do
t know why it has taken me so long, but it all of sudden hits me like a ton of bricks, that somehow I have ended up dressed in one of Hunte
s t-shirts and a pair of my dance shorts. I
s mortifying, he had to strip me down to clean me up and dress me.
m so lost in my own humiliation that my hand absently slips from the sink that I was holding myself up with and I fall to the floor in a heap.

” I screech.

Oh god that hurts, I have to close my eyes and try to breathe as deep as my ribs will allow me, to prevent myself from screaming out in agony.

The door flies open, but i
s not Lotti
s soft, friendly filled face I am met with, i
s Hunte
s fury filled one, and he looks just about ready to kill whatever has caused me harm
What the fuck are you doing? I told you to rest and wait until the doctor had been. For fucks sake woman, do
t scare me like that

My cheeks flush a deep crimson as I try to explain myself
I, uh, I needed to use the toilet and did
t want to cause you any hassle. It was easier to get Lottie to help me
” I suddenly feel like a child being reprimanded, not a full grown, totally capable woman using the bathroom facilities.

Please just ask me next time. Yo
re injured enough, you should
t be up and moving about. Not to mention that I bet that leg is
t even able to carry a fraction of your weight and you have a dripped attached
” His features soften and he makes his way towards me, removing me from the floor gently and lifting me into his arms. He moves to grab the pole for the drip, but Lottie makes her way towards us and takes it before he is able to.

I feel like a juvenile. I need to get up and moving about and learn what I can do with ease and what causes me pain. I
sbetter I find out now, rather than wait for my kids to get home and find out the hard way. Even though I am feeling thoroughly put out by Hunter, I still ca
t help but appreciate just how yummy it feels to be cradled in his arms, against his muscular body. Butterflies flutter their way across my lower tummy, and I close my eyes briefly to fend off any wayward thoughts. Now really is
t the time.

I am placed back on the bed, and Lottie picks up on my silent signal to prop my pillows up so
m able to sit up. Hunter frowns at her, but thankfully refrains from arguing over this.

s phone rings again, and he answers without removing his eyes from me.

Yes, come on up
” He steps towards the bedroom door
s the doctor,
ll be back in a second
” He seems so abrupt towards me, harsh even.

Lottie, does Hunter seem off to you? I mean, I know he has been through a bit the last couple of days, but he seems really sharp with me, edgy at times
” I ask on a whisper.

Lottie is silent for a few moments, before leaning towards me and whispering in my ear
He is on edge chick, he has honestly been run through the mill. Harry said he did
t sleep. He tried to stop Dan from taking you but was a few seconds too late, it gutted him. I think h
s more pissed at himself than you, do
t be too hard on him okay. I know what happened between you, and I kindathink you need to brush it under the rug and realise you both had a shit time of it before you found one another
” Seriously, I get the Hunter appeal, trust me, I really do, but how can they all be so forgiving of him? He still kept the fact that he had a wife from me, how did people expect me to react? Cause I can guarantee they would not have been so accepting of the truth, especially if they found out the same way I did.

The door opens before I can open my mouth to let out a snarky comment and in walks Hunter, followed by a small Asian woman in her late fifties. She has a friendly smile, and I immediately feel at ease in her presence.

Hello Miss Curtis. Please call me Audrey. Now, you gave this young man here quite a scare. Do you mind if I check some vitals and see about getting this drip of yours removed, yourcolour is looking a lot better and Hunter has been informing me you are quite desperate to be up and about

I offer her a brief friendly smile
Yes that would be fine. Thank you

The doctor goes about her business for the next fifteen minutes, checking my blood pressure, asking me to pinpoint any areas of pain and finally removes my drip.

Much to my dismay, the doctor requests I be on bed rest for the next few days, until I can get my strength up I need torest. Of course, Hunte
s smug smile did
t help the effect her words had, and he was quick to point out I have asked my children to come home tomorrow. It was my turn to offer him a smug smile when she kindly informed him that although she did
t recommend having young children jump all over me, after what I had been through, my children are a great comfort for me, and as long as I have somebody to help look after them then she did
t see a problem with it. My comfort and well-being was the important thing, and the added stress of not having them around and letting them down would only add to my stress levels.

So here we are, I am sat up on the bed with a fresh prescription for pain killers beside me, and Lottie and Hunter are sitting on the bed beside me quietly, unsure of what to say. My head is aching, and the awkward silence and pain is pissing me off.

Are you both going to sit here all day and just pick at your finger nails? Or do you think one of you could get me something to eat and, I do
t know, maybe crack a joke or something, the pair of you are so depressing
” I close my eyes and try to calm myself down. This is
t their fault,
m in pain, and
m being a bitch.

Lottie jumps up, muttering something about food as she runs from the room. I
s like she was seeking any excuse to escape, and I ca
t really blame her, i
s bloody awkward in here.

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