Read Trenton's Terms Online

Authors: Kelley Nyrae

Trenton's Terms (5 page)

BOOK: Trenton's Terms
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Picking her mind for some kind of conversation starter she remembered his words about escaping his small town. She'd seen something different in his eyes. He had wanted to escape something more than just the town she'd put money on it.
What is with me? I'm not Abby. She's the psychic one I'm just a dreamer.
Still the thought wouldn't shake from her mind.
Should I ask him?
She wanted to, but something told her that was a rough spot with Trenton. After what just happened beneath the table she wanted something light to talk about. Something they'd both enjoy and something that had nothing to do with sex.

Trenton moved his chair back over to the other side of the table taking his plate along with him. He watched her while he made his movements. His eyes entranced her, captured her. Her breasts began to feel heavy, the apex of her thighs ached.

"You better stop looking at me like that, Sidney, or you're going to be in a whole lot of trouble.” Calm as can be he cut into his steak and took a bite.

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Chapter Five

Sexual tension clouded the air around them. He could still feel her small hand on his cock. He'd pulsed and flexed beneath her wanting to break free from his confining jeans. If they hadn't been at the damn restaurant he knew they'd be in bed right now. The look of delight and need on her face when she touched him was too strong to ignore. He felt it. She felt it. The evidence blossomed in her bright green eyes.

Damn, if her hand felt that good he couldn't wait to feel her silky heat wrapped around him. He had to have her. He would have her. Nothing would get in his way, not now. For the first time he felt obsessed with someone. Was it because she kept turning him down? It had to be.
She's just a woman. No different than any of the others I've had in the past.
The words didn't ring true but damned if he wanted to think about that right now.

Cutting into his steak, Trenton took another bite before raising his eyes to Sidney. As soon as he made eye contact her orbs sharply diverted downward towards the food she'd hardly touched. Her hand absently pushed her fork in circles mixing the food on her plate. “Thinking about skipping the meal and heading straight home for dessert? Sounds like a hell of a plan to me.” He knew he goaded her, but couldn't help himself. Trenton found himself on edge waiting to hear her next witty reply.

"No thanks,” she replied. “I'm not much of a dessert person. It's usually a disappointment. I find it always looks much better than it actually is."

Trenton laughed. He couldn't help himself. She kept him on his toes and that felt damn good. Much different than what he was used to. “Sugar, if you think the package is good, you should taste what's inside. Nobody can eat just one."

"Well I guess its good I don't plan on having a taste."

Now she didn't seem so amusing. Why was she fighting their attraction so strongly? It bothered him that she seemed to have something against him. He wasn't so bad a guy. He spelled out to her up front what the score would be. Not all men would do that. It was hard for him to understand people who didn't just go for what they wanted. He'd never known any different.

* * * *

Sidney and Trenton finished their dinner making small talk. They ate and chatted about their lives getting to know more about each other. He learned so much about her life in River City. Coming from her mouth it sounded almost pleasant, like some kind of dream or old TV show where everyone one was happy and friendly. He half expected The Beav to go traipsing through the restaurant at any moment.

You had that once? Was it really as bad as you remember?

He watched her talk animatedly about her friend and her life only pausing to breathe. He couldn't turn away from her for the life of him.
This is happiness. She is truly happy with her life.
But then he was happy too. Maybe not as happy as she was, but that wasn't his style anyway. He didn't do giddy happy. She almost made him want to.

It's your dick, man.
He knew it wasn't the head on top of his neck doing the thinking where Sidney Clark was concerned. It couldn't be. He'd be in trouble if it was because he was thinking all sorts of crazy thoughts sitting here watching her talk. Thoughts that involved more than just the two of them burning up the sheets together. Thoughts that had no business sneaking their way into his head. Thoughts that surprised him, scared him.

"From the look on your face I can tell I'm boring you to death,” she said to him before taking a drink of her tea.

He could feel the worried expression on is face, but it hadn't been due to her boring him. Hell, she was the most interesting woman he'd ever known. It had to do with the way she made him feel, what she made him think. Not that he could peg what exactly she brought out in him, but he knew it was different than anything he'd experienced before.
This is about sex, Stone. Nothing more, nothing less.

"Naw, you're not boring me. I was just trying to see the town through your eyes. I don't see what you do when I look around."

"That's because you're not really looking. You don't want to see it.” A light wind brushed across them making Sidney bury herself in Trenton's shirt. “It's getting cold, Sugar. We better get going.” He signaled the waitress over who brought their check. After paying for the meal, Trenton helped Sidney from her chair and they made their way around front to the road.

"I have a nice, comfortable room right across the street. What do you say,” he raised his hand and began drawing circles on her soft cheek with the pad of this thumb. His body burned with need. She felt so soft, so sweet that he couldn't stop himself from leaning forward and placing a light kiss on her pouty lips.

He didn't rush her, didn't push his way inside, just placed gentle kisses one after another enjoying the feel of her mouth against his. As she always did she responded her body molded against his as their lips found a rhythm. She tasted sweet and sugary. A slight strawberry scent tickled his nose.

"You smell sweet and taste even better,” he said against her lips. “I want to devour you, Sidney. Are you going to let me?” If she didn't he'd fucking explode. He struggled to contain himself just waiting for her to answer. “What do you say, Sid? Come to my room with me."

* * * *

Hearing her nickname whispered from his lips almost did her in. Everyone called her Sid. She'd grown up with the name so why did it sound so much different coming from Trenton? Why did if feel like that name was meant to be uttered from his lips for only her? It made her want to say yes.
made her want to say yes, but she couldn't do it.

If there'd been the slightest bit of doubt before it disappeared with the nickname, with the kisses. She knew now that if they did ever make love it would be anything but casual sex. For her at least. Not for Trenton. He made that perfectly clear to her. No matter how much she wanted to say yes she couldn't. Why open herself up to be hurt like that?

Peeling herself apart from Trenton's strong, warm body, Sidney looked up and into his eyes. “I can't. I'm sorry.”
Why can't I? Why can't I be strong enough to give into what my body wants and then be able to say goodbye afterward?

He looked pained, but let her pull away. “Don't be sorry, Sugar. Come on, let's get you back to your car."

Part of her stood there in shock because of Trenton's words, but the other part of her wasn't surprised. No matter what, she knew he was a good guy. He may flirt endlessly, but he would never pressure her into something unless he knew it's what she wanted.

They turned and started their walk back to Mystic Boutique where her car waited. This time Trenton didn't reach out to grab her hand. Foolishly she missed his touch.
Stupid, stupid, stupid.
What was it about this guy? She couldn't put her finger on it and she feared that she'd never have the chance to find out. This would probably be the last time she saw him. Why would a man like him waste his time here, waiting on her when he could go back to Los Angeles and have any woman he wanted?

Though they walked slowly the trip back to her car seemed to happen in three seconds flat. With each step they took she knew she was closer and closer to saying goodbye to Trenton Stone.
That's what you want, remember? Say goodbye now before you really get hurt.

"Here's my car,” Sidney told him as they came to a stop in front of her Toyota Corolla.

Trenton led her to the driver side. “So what else is there to do around this town?"

Sid thought for a moment a little taken back by his question. “Well, it depends on what you like to do. Rafting down the river is a big one for us. There's probably only a couple weeks left before it will be too cold to go."

"Perfect. Go rafting with me tomorrow."

Her automatic response was to tell him no, but she stopped herself. It's not like he really asked anyway. He more so ordered her to go with him. Not only that, but she knew it wasn't smart to spend more time with him. It opened her up for more hurt.

No matter how much of a mistake she knew it would be she couldn't say no. Never mind the fact that he only wanted her for sex, he was leaving very soon, and she technically should be at work tomorrow, she wanted to go, deserved to go. Her cousin Shelby helped her with Mystic Boutique when she needed it so her job wasn't a major concern. That spot was left for her heart.
Cross that bridge when I come to it.

"I haven't been down the river for a little while. Sounds good to me.”
More like great.

Trenton took down her phone number so he could call to get directions to her house in the morning. Sidney thought it silly for him to drive down to pick her up when his hotel was closer to the river than her house, but Trenton wouldn't have it any other way. She learned quickly that this man always got what he wanted.

When she sat tucked away in her car, the engine softly rumbling, Trenton finally leaned toward her for a kiss.
I should not want this so badly.
But she did. For a second she feared he wouldn't give her the pleasure, maybe nervous about how she would react, not wanting to push her.

After placing a swift, soft kiss on her cheek he stood up, patted the top of her car, and walked away. Damn, that hadn't been quite what she expected.

* * * *

Trenton pulled his rental Mustang into the parking lot, Sidney's strawberry scent still surrounding him. He lifted his shirt to inhale the scent she'd left on him. Sweet. Perfect. He couldn't believe it when she turned him down again. At first, it annoyed him. Why wouldn't she give in to what they both wanted? But then he looked in her eyes and saw fear. Not fear of him, that much he knew, but there was something she was afraid of. He just didn't know what it was.

The last thing he wanted to see in her sexy, green eyes was fear. Even the fear mixed with want that filled her eyes wasn't enough. When he did have her he wanted pleasure and desire to be the only emotions on her mind.

Jumping out of his car, Trenton headed towards his hotel room. He couldn't wait for tomorrow, couldn't wait to spend more time with Sidney. And when was the last time he'd been rafting? He couldn't even remember. Tomorrow would be a perfect day: Sunshine, water, and Sidney in a bikini. What more could he ask for?

* * * *

"I don't care if Shelby comes in or not. You will not be at work tomorrow, Sid."

Sidney rotated positions on the couch, curling her pajama clad legs under herself. Foolishly she'd called Abby when her attempts at settling down for the night failed. Thoughts of Trenton and their coming date wouldn't clear from her mind. More than ever she was confused, doubting her decision to accompany him rafting, but also knowing that no matter what, she would go. She wanted to go.

"I don't know, Abbs. I really want to go. That's the part that scares me. I shouldn't want to go this badly."

Abby sat silent for a minute before replying. “Why not? What's wrong with wanting to enjoy yourself with an extremely sexy man? Hell, every woman I know would kill to be in your place."

"Yeah, who wouldn't want to fall for a man who only wants to get you into bed before he splits out of your life forever? Sounds like every woman's dream to me.” She knew she sounded bitter, but did care. She was bitter. The only man to touch her, to really move her would only be a temporary fixture in her life and there wasn't a damn thing she could do about it.

"Don't be so dramatic, Sid. Take life as it comes. You never know, it just might turn out better than you think it will."

Easy for her to say. Abby didn't fear anything. Never had. She knew how to cut off her emotions when she needed too, something Sid herself never learned. Where Sidney took more things to heart, Abby lived more freely. She didn't fear letting her heart get involved because she just didn't work that way. Not that she slept around, but Abby would have no problem indulging in a quickie and then sending Trenton on his way.

"I know I need to lighten up, Abbs. That's why I'm going tomorrow. I want to have a good time with Trenton, I'm just scared about how it will turn out."

"Don't be. It will all work out in the end."

She only wished she could be so sure.

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Chapter Six

Trenton flipped his cell phone closed after getting directions to Sidney's house. He threw a black t-shirt over his head before running a hand through his short black hair, still wet from the shower. Grabbing his keys off the bedside table, Trenton slipped them into his blue jean shorts pocket and headed out to pick up his date.

His date. Damn, who'd have thought? First he stalked a woman he didn't even know to her hometown insisting that she bed him, now here he was picking her up for their second date.
What the hell am I doing here?
Having sex was never this much work. He didn't like complicated women. He wanted someone who was out to have a good time and that's it.

If that's true, why can't I get Sidney out of my head?

Trenton turned his car down Oak Street watching all the little children run and play as he went. Husbands stood in their yards doing work, fixing cars, women gardened and fed cats on their porches. His neighborhood in Los Angeles wasn't anything like this. Georgia was. For the first time since he left, he missed it.

BOOK: Trenton's Terms
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