Trenton's Terms (2 page)

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Authors: Kelley Nyrae

BOOK: Trenton's Terms
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"You.” Trenton leaned forward, his lips capturing hers. She melted on the spot, his tongue pushing past her lips demanding entrance. Her body complied automatically letting him in. He tasted like the scotch he'd drank. She couldn't remember the waitress bringing them their drinks, but she obviously had.

His masculine, spicy scent enveloped her making a sigh emerge from the back of her throat. God she wanted this man. It was as if he'd cast a spell on her.

"Come to my room with me?” Trenton asked against her lips.

The word yes tried to break free from her lips. Just as she was about to reply she heard Abby's laughter coming from somewhere in the distance. Sid pulled away sharply. She couldn't do it. She couldn't spend one anonymous night with this man. Sex meant more to her than that. She'd promised herself a long time ago next time she was with a man it would be someone she knew she'd have a future with.

Jumping up, Sidney ran for the door.

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Chapter Two

Sidney rolled over in her hotel bed. The mattress was one of the most comfortable she'd ever slept on, but it hadn't help her get any sleep last night. Trenton's sexy voice echoed through her head all night making her body primed for the pleasure she knew he'd be able to give her. She ached in places she'd almost forgotten existed. How long had it been since she'd been with a man? When you can't remember, it's been too damn long. That's what Abby would say if she asked her.

The thing was, she usually didn't give it a second thought. She had her friends, her job, and her family. That's all that really mattered. Most of the men she knew either jumped from woman to woman or she'd known them her whole life and just couldn't see them as anything more than a friend. The one time she'd thought she really found someone he proved her wrong and broke her heart.

Since then she hadn't found anyone who made her want to recant what Abby called her vow of celibacy. Until now. Her achy body pulsed just thinking about him.

Sidney sat up rising from the bed slowly. Yesterday had been the last day of the fair and she wanted to get up and checkout early. The later she stayed the bigger chance that she might run into Trenton again. He didn't strike her as the type to give up easily. With the way she'd run out on him last night, he'd want answers. She could feel it. The man had probably never been turned down by a woman in his life.

"Abbs. Wake up,” Sidney said, walking over to her friend's bed to rouse her.

A groan escaped Abby's lips as she rolled over in the bed, one eye cracked open to look at Sidney. “Too early."

Sidney poked her in the side. “Get up sleepy head. We need to get out of here early. I have a few things I need to take care of back home.” First thing on her list was clearing Trenton Stone out of her mind.
Yeah. Right.

Abby got out of the bed slowly walking over to her suitcase. She grabbed her bag before heading into the bathroom. “You met him, didn't you?” she asked, standing in the doorway. “You met him and now we're escaping so you don't risk running into him again. What happened?"

Damn her.
Sometimes Sid hated the fact that Abby was psychic. At times she could read her like an open book. Right now, she wasn't in the mood. She already knew how the conversation would go. She'd tell Abby about meeting the most gorgeous, sexiest man she'd ever seen. How he'd asked her up to his room, for what would no doubt be a night of hot sex, and how she'd taken off running like a scared child.

Abby would tell her how she needed to lighten up. That as long as she was safe it wouldn't hurt to have a little fun from time to time. She'd even throw in the fact that the cards read that she'd meet him and that you should never argue fate.

No, she wasn't in the mood to fight with her about it. What would be the point? Sid wasn't looking for a quick roll in the Marriot's posh sheets. Especially, with a man who captured her so intensely from the start. “I have no idea what you're talking about. Now hurry up with your shower. I still need to jump in before we head out."

* * * *

Trenton pulled on his blue jeans before throwing a white polo shirt over his head. His eyes, heavy, rubbed like sandpaper each time he opened or closed his lids.
Damn feisty woman.
Sidney Clark hadn't left his mind since their brief run in the night before. Every time he closed his eyes he pictured her sexy blond curls bouncing around as she spoke, or the light dust of freckles that danced across the bridge of her nose.

She had the sexiest, sea green eyes he'd ever seen and a body to die for. Curvy in all the right places. At least from what he could tell as she sprinted away in the ankle length skirt she'd been wearing. Usually the woman who attracted him wore skimpy skirts and tight shirts. With Sidney, he only caught a glimpse of her behind as she ran away from him. But it had wiggled just the way he liked.

Damn, he wanted to see how it looked without that damn skirt. Even better he wanted to see her legs, he'd imagined what they would look like wrapped around his waist all night long.

And damn she could kiss. He'd only had a brief taste of her, but he already felt addicted. He craved more. Running a hand through his hair, Trenton stalked into the bathroom to throw some cold water on his face.

Something had him off his game. He never let himself dwell on a woman like he was now. He'd also never been so blatantly shut down by one either. That had to be what got to him about her. He knew women and Sidney wanted him just as much as he wanted her. The sexual tension between them sat like a heavy fog in the air. She felt it too. He knew it.

So why did she sprint away from him the way she had? Why'd she shut him down? He never got denied from a woman but she sure as hell did exactly that.

After splashing one more handful of water on his face, Trenton grabbed the standard white hotel towel and dried his face before heading back into the main room. Picking up all his belongings he started to pack his suitcase. Today was his last day in town. In a couple hours he'd be on a plane back home to Los Angeles and he'd forget about his sexy little spitfire.

The thought didn't sit right with him. Hell, he didn't know why he wanted her so bad, but he did, and Trenton was used to getting what he wanted. More than just that, she intrigued him. He found himself wanting to know more about her. He couldn't put a finger on what it was about her in particular but he planned to find out. Now. Stalking to the phone he dialed zero for the hotel desk.

"Sidney Clark's room,” he said gruffly into the phone before the clerk even had a chance to spit out the whole, “thank you for calling” spiel.

"I'm sorry but that guest has already checked out,” the clerk replied to him.

Shit. So she'd already taken off. Little did she know that Trenton Stone didn't give up when he wanted something, or someone. Hanging up the hotel phone without another word he pulled his sleek, black cell phone out of his pocket. It couldn't be that hard to find The Mystic Boutique.

* * * *

Sidney lit a vanilla incense then turned to place it on the counter behind her register. About five feet away Abby sat in her reading room with the door cracked pouting because Sid still didn't want to talk to her about Trenton. Not that there was much to tell. She'd made sure of that when she ran away from him.

Walking around the counter she started rearranging a candle display. The scents of fruit mixed with her and Abby's homemade relaxation creations making her crave a snack and a nap. The couple days since they'd been back from the fair were slow around Mystic Boutique. Not scary slow but slow enough that it wasn't providing her enough to keep her mind occupied from her thoughts about Trenton and what she'd missed.

In her twenty eight years she'd never thought about sex as much as she did in the past three days. She never craved it like she did since she met the cocky, gorgeous man that wouldn't leave her dreams.

A bell jingled in the distance jerking Sid out of her daydream. “Hi. Welcome to Mys—” the words died on her tongue. Standing in her doorway stood Trenton looking sexy as sin in a pair of loose fitting jeans and a blue button up shirt. His sleeves were again rolled up to his elbows showing off his muscular forearms.

This couldn't be a coincidence. He had to be here looking for her and while the thought sent explosions of excitement shooting through her body it also put her on edge. What could he want from her? Why travel all the way to River City to see an eccentric, small town girl like herself?

Only one way to find out.

Sid took a deep breath gathering her wits before she took small steps down the plank towards Trenton.

"Hello, Sidney,” Trenton's voice came out smooth as honey. He stood there looking Mr. Cool, Calm, and Collected while she felt like she wanted to trample him over while making another running escape out the door. Why did he affect her like this? Men never made her feel like she'd downed three shots of caffeine the way he did. He made her jittery in a way she wasn't used to.

"Hi. Long time no see.”
Well that sounded real intelligent. It's only been a couple days since I saw him last.

"What did you expect with the way you sprinted away from me the other night? I had a name and place of employment to go off, but I still had to make arrangements to get here."

He spoke a little too loudly for comfort. Abby was the only person here, but she'd rather her friend stayed in her reading room until she could get Trenton out of here. “Sh, someone will hear you."

"Yeah, with all the people in your store right now I guess I better keep my voice down."

"My friend Abby is here."

"And she doesn't allow men in your store or what?"

What a jerk!
“No, she allows men in here. Just not the cocky ones."

Trenton leaned toward her, his masculinity invading her space in the most welcomed way. “Now that's a shame, Sugar, because I'm very
I would have liked to show you the other night before you ran out on me. Of course, I'd be willing to give it another try. I promise you'll like what you see.” He pulled away and gave her a sexy wink that turned her legs to Jell-O.

Oh yeah, she wanted to see alright.

"What do you say, Sidney? I didn't get to see nearly enough of you the other night. But what I did see intrigued me. I haven't been able to get you out of my mind since Sunday night."

Sidney could tell he was just trying to get a rise out of her. It almost worked but she made herself find her tongue. He wouldn't turn her into a giggling school girl. “You weren't as memorable. I'd almost completely forgotten we'd met until you walked into my store.” It was a bold faced lie, but the look on his face made it worth it. She doubted anyone would find Trenton Stone forgettable. She sure didn't, but it would be a cold day in hell before she let him know it.

The fact was, she wanted him and he knew it. What she couldn't figure out is why he wanted her so much? Why did he come all the way here to find her? Not knowing made her want him more. That scared her. She never reacted to a man this way. It wasn't smart to start now. Especially with one who lived God only knew where. It's not like they could have more than a night together.

In the blink of an eye the shocked expression on his face turned into one of amusement. The left side of his mouth raised in a crooked smile that almost had her jumping him right there. This man had way too much control over her body for someone she didn't even know.

"I haven't given you anything to remember yet, Sugar. Once I have, I promise you, you'll never forget it.” His voice wrapped around her, tickling her bare arms, leaving goose bumps in its wake.

The space between them became less and less as Sid felt herself moving towards him. She couldn't have stopped if she tried. She wanted him to make good on his promise. It wasn't smart, but in this moment she didn't care.

"Um, am I interrupting something?” Sid spun around to see Abby peaking her head out of the door watching them. Shit, how did she forget Abby was here? She'd never hear the end of this one. And damned if she didn't feel a wave of disappointment wash over her that Abby interrupted what she knew would have been one hot kiss.

Stepping back out of arms reach from Trenton, Sidney focused her attention on Abby. “Of course you aren't."

Abby smiled a knowing smile. “Are you sure? I planned to come out and stretch my legs, but if you need any privacy I could—"


"Yes,” Trenton added at the same time.

Sid heard him groan as Abby walked out the door. Sidney came forward meeting her friend halfway at the register. Even though she'd been the one who had initiated their almost kiss she was glad for the distraction. One kiss would no doubt lead to another and even though she craved this man, she knew she couldn't let herself get that close to him.

"Abby, this is Trenton Stone. We met briefly in Portland and now he's passing through and stopped to say hi.” Turning to Trenton as he stepped up beside her, Sid continued, “Trenton this is my best friend and business partner, Abby Gold."

Abby looked like she knew a little too much for comfort. Trenton reached out and grabbed her hand in a firm shake. “Nice to meet you, Abby."

"It's nice to meet you too. How long will you be in town?"

Trenton's eyes landed on Sidney when he replied. “I'm not sure yet. I came to town with a goal in mind and I don't plan on leaving until I accomplish it."

So not what she wanted to hear. “What about work? Don't you have to be back to work any time soon?” Sid asked him.

"As long as I have my lap top and my wireless, I can work from anywhere.” Sidney could tell he enjoyed every minute of this. He liked watching her squirm and reach for straws on how to get him out of town.

"You'll love it here,” Abby cut in. “It's a great place for a vacation. I'm sure Sid would love to show you around some time."

Sidney jabbed her in the ribs. Her
-best friend would get it when Trenton left.

"I'm counting on Sidney showing me a lot of things while I'm in town.” Trenton again directed his reply to Abby at Sidney.

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