TRI-SEXUAL (30 page)

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Authors: Girly G.

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The next morning his wife announced that she was making us breakfast. She told us she would let us know when it was ready. I heard her downstairs preparing the breakfast so I knew she was occupied if only for a few minutes. I walked down to their room in my boy cut underwear. I was about to sneak me in some good morning dick. I was going to take advantage of my trip. He owed me six months back pay worth of dick. I planned to cash in on it all. I jumped in the bed, rolled him around on his back, and climbed on top of him.


I pulled my boy shorts to the side, grabbed his semi hard cock in my hand and slid it inside my pussy walls. Once it registered in his mind what I was about to do it was already too late. It was hard, stiff, and inside of me. I inched down on it and started going up and down on him hard and fast. He looked at me crazy like he didn’t know what I was doing. He tried talking “My wife is downstairs are you insane?” he asked. I just put my finger over his lips and told him that it would only take a second. I held onto his headboard while I bounced up and down on him.


The thrill of fucking him while his wife was downstairs was unbelievable it was an adrenaline rush. I was hitting my spot I felt myself about to let go. After I got my orgasm then I started to focus on his needs. James couldn’t believe what he had allowed to happen, but once it was in there was no taking it out. I heard Cyndi call out that breakfast was ready, but neither of us responded. Then I heard her walking towards the stairs. I wasn’t about to stop until he got his nut even if it meant us getting caught.


Cyndi had to walk up three flights of stairs before she got to us so we had plenty of time. I gyrated my hips like I was trying to have his baby. I knew he was very close to his peak and so was she. I whispered in his ear “Cum for me daddy give it to me.” He grabbed a tight grip onto me as he released his nut. Before it was all inside of me it sounded as if she was just at the top of the stairs. James threw me off of him and fixed himself putting the covers over him. I sat down at the edge of the bed and looked at him as if we were talking about something important.


She walked into the room “Breakfast is ready. What’s going on? She asked. “Nothing honey we were just talking we’ll be down in a minute” James replied. She said “Ok hurry before your food gets cold.” My boy shorts were soaking wet with his juices and mine. I wasn’t about to change I walked downstairs just like that. She was a little intimidated by our relationship, but she wasn’t bold enough to ask me to put on any clothes. He didn’t say anything either we just sat down at the table and ate our breakfast.


I was looking across the table at him and I could still see the lust in his eyes. He tried hard to cover it up, but it was very obvious to me. She was the only blind one to not see what was going on right under her nose. I teased him under the table and I’m quite sure it put him in an uncomfortable position, but I didn’t give a fuck.


Cyndi excused herself from the table and went upstairs. She had just gotten home from work and needed to shower and prepare herself for bed. Once was she was upstairs and out of sight James started with the bullshit. He expressed that he didn’t like the way that things were going. He thought it would be best if I weren’t there. He cut my vacation short because he felt as if I was a threat. He knew that we were going to be fucking for the whole trip had I not left. He felt that we were on the brink of possibly getting discovered and he didn’t want to risk that. He drove me to the airport and sent my ass back home. I wasn’t ready to leave, but I didn’t have a choice. I was upset that he dismissed me like that and then cut me off afterwards.


Now that James was moving back that was a blessing to me. Fate had once again brought us together at least I thought so. I was desperate and us not being together this time was not an option for me. I believe in the old saying (If you love something let it go and if it comes back then it must mean it’s meant to be). I wasn’t about to let him get away from me this time. Now was my time to structure something to where we could end up alone to rekindle our old flame. James knew that being alone in a room with me was a danger zone. I knew all of his hot spots and could seduce the hell out of his ass in a matter of seconds. All day he tried to keep a safe distance and avoid confrontation. He had a soft spot for me and I planned to squeeze it.


It was around 4:00 am when I heard James bedroom door open. That sound was all too familiar from all the nights he snuck in my room to fuck me over the years. I woke up instantly. I had been waiting on the opportunity to present itself and it had. I had my own house, but I wanted to stay at my parents to be closer to James. I waited a few moments to see where he was going. I saw that he had turned on the bathroom light just down the hall. It was right in the middle of his room and mine.


I crawled out of bed and tippy toed my ass down to that bathroom so fast. You would’ve thought I was running on my toes. I opened the door to the bathroom and he was standing over the toilet seat holding his dick peeing. He opened his eyes and saw me walking in with a huge smile. He was surprised, but he didn’t say a word. I closed the door behind me and locked it. I didn’t have on any underwear just a tank top. He said “Cyndi is down the hall.” “So what we’ll only be a minute” I replied. I didn’t care that she was down the hall shit the whole damn family was down the hall.


I walked up to him and whispered into his ear about how bad I missed him. “Damn I miss that big dick fucking the shit out of me” I moaned. I grabbed his dick in my hand and sucked on his neck and earlobe. “It seems like you feel the same as I do” I said being as though it was as hard as a rock. His mind and his heart may not have wanted me, but his dick surely did and I was going with the dick.


I massaged his erect penis stroking it gently. I put the toilet seat down quietly and sat down on top of it. I put his cock inside of my watery mouth and licked along the shaft working my way up to the head. He put his hands on the wall tossing his dick further and further down my throat. I couldn’t suck it as long as I would’ve liked too because it was supposed to be a quickie. He placed me on top of the sink and opened my legs up wide. He entered my pussy and started drilling me. We tried to keep quiet, but how could we when it was so good. Spontaneous sex is the best sex you could ever have. He pounded and pounded me until I climaxed.


After my orgasm was released he took me down from the sink and bent me over. I held onto the tub for support and threw my ass back against his dick. He picked up the pace and started fucking me faster and harder. Sweat dripped from his forehead and fell onto my back. I let go of the tub and grabbed my ankles. He held onto my waist to keep me in place. “Damn he was fucking me right” I said to myself. He had one hand on my back while he penetrated my pussy like a champion. He gripped onto me and let his cum fly inside of my walls. As soon as he pulled out there was a knock on the door.


What’s with these damn knocks on the door we are always about to get caught. “Shit” our lips formed at the same time. “James” Cyndi called out. I jumped up and into the shower and closed the curtain. He sat down on the toilet and opened the door “What’s wrong baby?” James asked. “Nothing I noticed you weren’t in bed” Cyndi replied. “I’m coming baby just give me a second” said James. She walked in to give him a kiss and left the restroom. He waited a few minutes before getting up from the toilet and going into his room.


Once I heard his door close I climbed out of the shower and made my way back to my room. I crawled in bed and went to sleep on cloud nine. It felt so good to have my baby back home with me. I was looking so forward to getting our lives back on track.


Now that he was back in town we were back at it with our love affair. It had gotten so intense being that it had been so long since we had a constant and active sex life. It was like a new relationship all over again. He and I started working together so he spent more and more time with me than his wife. Of course she started nagging and bitching driving him closer to me. Thank you is what I really wanted to tell the dumb bitch. She was actually helping me out. James and I obviously had a lot more in common than what he and her shared.


James and I started spending more and more time together outside of work as well. It wasn’t long before his wife eventually got suspicious about his whereabouts. He would spend nights at my house with me while she was at work. He always told her that we were helping each other out with cases. In her mind he was lying and wasn’t with me at all. She didn’t think that we were spending that much time together. Her woman’s intuition was kicking into second gear. She knew in her mind that he was sleeping with someone else, but she had no idea that it was me.


She didn’t like me, but she even called me to get dirt on him. She was asking me questions like I was really going to give her some answers. What I really wanted to tell her was to leave my fucking man alone so we could be together. That was what was really on my mind. She had her suspicions, but whatever we were innocent until proven guilty. I didn’t know that things were getting that bad in her household. She was to the point where she had to find out what the fuck he was doing and with whom. Little did she know she wasn’t ready for what she was about to discover.


James wanted to take me away for the weekend not far just away from our normal element. It was nothing to special just about two hours away from our home. I don’t know what he told his wife, but whatever it was she didn’t buy any of it. She thought he was just using me as a cover up to creep with other women. The funny thing was that had I not been fucking him then that may have actually been the case.


We got a suite at a nice hotel where no one knew who we were or our relationship to one another. We had planned to enjoy the Jacuzzi together and get our freak on kinky and buck wild just how I liked it. The first thing on our agenda was to eat at a restaurant and enjoy a private dinner. As I was taking a bite of my food I noticed that his aggravating ass wife was outside the restaurant spying on him. I don’t know if anything appeared strange about our date, but I practically didn’t give a fuck. I wasn’t about to say anything I pretended like I didn’t even see her.


I wanted her to know. I was tired of hiding behind closed doors. I was ready to come out of the closet. She was about to get more than her eyes could handle. She must have had a really strong feeling because her ass was supposed to be at work. She managed to follow us all the way up to our spot so I was about to give her ass just was she was looking for. I was about to confirm all of her countless suspicions. I hurried through dinner because I wanted to keep her entertained so she didn’t miss the best part.


Once we finished dinner and were on our way back to the hotel I suggested to him that we head straight to the Jacuzzi. We went upstairs just to change and then we were headed out to the Jacuzzi. All I kept saying in my head was I hope she is still there I hope she still there. I put in my mind that she was and prepared myself to perform for her. I was feeling so good and anxious to see her misery. James and I got into the Jacuzzi and I was all over him. I had on this extra sexy lingerie 2-piece bathing suit. We weren’t in there 60 seconds and my tongue was already down his throat.


I wasn’t trying to procrastinate I was on a mission. I slid my thongs to the side and pulled his dick out of his swimming trunks. I didn’t hesitate to slide it inside of my pussy. Just before I could get into my rhythm good that bitch came jumping out of the bushes like a mad woman. It was like cheaters without the camera crew the way she popped up on his ass when he least expected it. I was like good I’m glad you finally know after all these years now what bitch. I was thinking to myself you better tell her what’s up. James was shocked as hell he looked like he had seen a ghost and had pissed himself. “What the fuck is this James?” she said slapping the shock right off of his face.


“Y’all are sick. How the fuck could you do this James? You’re cheating on me with your own sister? That is really fucking sick. Y’all are just plain out disgusting. Oh my god I can’t believe I didn’t see what was going on from the beginning. I want a divorce. Here is your ring and don’t fucking call me no more. This shit is turning my stomach. Bitch you are pathetic” Cyndi said to me. That’s when I had to jump in. “Who the fuck you calling pathetic bitch? Don’t hold her back James she talking shit let her go” I said.


“You hated me because you couldn’t have him for yourself right? Come on bitch here I am” she said. “I got what I wanted already. You are out of the picture now right. It may have taken some time, but my mission has been accomplished” I screamed. I then lowered my voice to a confident and arrogant tone. “I just had some good as dick so there is nothing you can say or do to make me mad. I know it’s killing you isn’t it” I teased. She ran up on me with her fists balled up like she was about to do something. James tried to separate us, but with all the rage we had built up inside of us it was no use.


He couldn’t prevent the blows, kicks, bites, or patches of hair on the floor. We scuffled like two boxers, then wrestlers, then finally to down and dirty street fighters. I wanted to kill that bitch. I had been feeling like whooping her ass for years and now I finally got my chance. I wasn’t about to stop tearing a hole in that ass. I dish ragged that hoe all over the street moping and painting the concrete with her blood. “Bitch you been standing in the way of me and my man. You’ve been getting my dick” I yelled while I delivered her ass the beat down. James was eventually successful at separating us and ending the fight.


It hurt like hell that he took her side after all that we had been through together. He basically told her that I didn’t matter to him and I wasn’t shit. He acted like all that we had shared over the years was nothing to him. He left me right there where I stood to chase behind that beat up ass slut. He started explaining himself to that bitch and once again he made me feel like shit.

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