Trickle Up Poverty (43 page)

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Authors: Michael Savage

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Which is to say I’m encouraged to see fresh signs that a revolution is brewing.

No doubt the Tea Party movement of today has drawn some of its inspiration from the Boston Tea Party protest, which pre-figured the American Revolution. In my case, I drew inspiration from Paul Revere, the simple craftsman who rode through the night in 1775 to let sleeping Americans know that the British were coming. I’ve been warning that the enemy was coming for sixteen years, and I will continue to raise the alarm every day until this cancer has been expunged from the soul of America.

Each president puts his own stamp on the White House. This president seems to stamp on the White House!

When the natural love of country is repressed, or lost, pan-Leninism emerges. Without nationalism, pan-Leninism appears. Not a “New world order” of harmony. But a new world tyranny managed by a few invisible hands.

If I have to be the last angry man who speaks out, so be it. Then I shall go out with a roar because I will fight against trickle up poverty and for the American middle class that I represent. The America that I speak to. The America that speaks to me. The Savage Nation.

Trickle Up Poverty

From Trickle Up Poverty to Trickle Up Oil

The left wing has turned on Barack Obama—not because of his Marxist agenda, not because of his socialist czars and advisors, not because he’s causing trickle up poverty. No. The left wing has finally turned on Obama because he failed their nature religion.

On April 20, 2010, the Deepwater Horizon oil rig blew and spewed oil into the Gulf of Mexico. Clear thinking Americans knew that quick action was required if there would be any hope of saving 40% of America’s most fragile wetlands as well as the fishing industries whose livelihood and existence were immediately threatened.

In a stunning display of ineptitude, Obama did nothing—except to go on a spring vacation to Asheville, North Carolina, even as the oil barreled into the Gulf of Mexico.

It took Obama twelve days before he visited the site of the worst oil spill catastrophe in our history and provided no immediate leadership or action. At first the compliant press gave him a pass—the same press which had blasted George W. Bush for waiting four days before he visited New Orleans in the aftermath of Katrina. But then Obama took a second vacation while the oil continued to destroy the environment.

That’s when the Gulf oil spill became Obama’s Katrina. Why?

Because Barack Obama failed his core followers in their religion of the environment. You must understand the mind of progressive socialists and many on the left. To them the environment is their religion. Their religion isn’t that of Abraham, Moses, or Jesus Christ. Their religion is the religion of Gaia. Fundamentally, they’re nature worshippers and Barack Obama was their messiah who could not only walk on water but part the Red Sea.

However, due to Obama’s feckless leadership, their sacred idols—the birds, the clams, the fish, the shrimp, and every mollusk in the bay—were threatened. Many of their sacred icons were dying in record numbers because the government under Obama did nothing except play the blame game. While Obama insisted this catastrophe was BP’s problem, everyone knew Obama could have immediately called on the US Army Corps of Engineers to plug the leak and contain the spill.

Making matters worse was Obama’s failure to immediately authorize barrier berms to block the oil from reaching the coastline. When Louisiana officials requested permission to build them, the Obama administration was silent for weeks on end. Nor did Obama request assistance from Japan, France, Russia or China, all of whom have deep sea submarines and robots with the capacity of working as deep as a mile below the surface of the ocean.

That’s when it became apparent to even the most ardent Democrat Obama worshipper that their messiah had abandoned them. The scales finally fell from their eyes and they saw that Obama was mortal. They were forced to admit there was no excuse for Obama to take 38 days before making a speech regarding the biggest environmental disaster since the Three Mile Island nuclear meltdown.

That’s when they attacked.

At first the backlash was contained to small newspaper columns and a few talk shows. Then, at the first news conference which the messiah had held in over 10 months, as if a dam had burst the formally fawning press acknowledged that not only could Obama not part the Red Sea and lead them to Nirvana, but he couldn’t even part the black sea of sludge that decimated hundreds of miles of the Gulf Coast and the ocean for decades to come.

You may wonder why Obama took so long to respond.

The answer is really quite simple and it reveals much about what he thinks of middle America. The reason Obama finally called the press conference and reluctantly squeezed in a three hour visit to the state (which is less time than he spends on the golf course) wasn’t because he cared about the people of Louisiana. After all, Louisiana voted for John McCain in 2008. Obama knew they didn’t support his socialist policies so in his mind he had little to gain by making their plight his priority. In short, he could care less since there was nothing to gain politically.

Look at it this way. If a pregnant whale was about to give birth in San Francisco Bay and someone had spilled one gallon of used motor oil in the water, I can guarantee that there would have been hysteria in the White House. Obama would have been out there in Air Force One within several hours. He would have brought with him a specialized team from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to cordon off the oil spill.

There would be no way Obama would allow that one gallon of oil to either poison the whale or to wash ashore in San Francisco—the liberal Mecca of America. That’s his core audience. That’s the crowd he plays to. To Obama, Louisiana isn’t liberal country. It’s Deliverance Country. It’s a bunch of toothless guys wandering around down there. Why should he bother with them?

That was a gross miscalculation on Obama’s part. When the oil continued to desecrate the sacred idols of Gaia, and as he continued to betray the religion of his gullible followers, even his minions were forced to cry out against their false messiah and demand that he do something.

I believe this represents a historic turning point. The sheeple on the left and in the press are finally waking up. They’re asking the hard questions and writing the probing columns which should have been done by them long before Obama was ushered into the seat of power. They’re even publicly admitting that they were wrong to have backed Obama, as columnist Daniel Hannan has done. He writes:

I was wrong … none of [Obama’s] advantages, however, can make up for the single most important fact of Obama’s presidency, namely that the federal government is 30 percent larger than it was two years ago. This is not entirely Obama’s fault, of course. The credit crunch occurred during the dying days of the Bush administration, and it was the 43rd president who began the baleful policy of bail-outs and pork-barrel stimulus packages.12

He’s right about that. I’ve been critical of the way Bush broke the system. That said, Bush is a piker when compared to what Obama has done—and is doing—to trash our economy. He continues:

But it was Obama who massively extended that policy against united Republican opposition. It was he who chose, in defiance of public opinion, to establish a state-run healthcare system. It was he who presumed to tell private sector employees what they could earn, he who adopted the asinine cap-and-trade rules, and he who re-federalised social security, thereby reversing the single most beneficial reform of the Clinton years.13

As I said at the outset of this book, Obama is a pan-Leninist. He’s operating on a global level and, as Hannan points out, the future Obama envision isn’t pretty:

These errors [by Obama] are not random. They amount to a comprehensive strategy of Europeanisation: Euro-carbon taxes, Euro-disarmament, Euro-healthcare, Euro-welfare, Euro-spending levels, Euro-tax levels and, inevitably, Euro-unemployment levels. Any American reader who wants to know where Obamification will lead should spend a week with me in the European Parliament. I’m working in your future and, believe me, you won’t like it.14

In that respect, Obama is proving to be one of the most dangerously inexperienced presidents to occupy the Oval Office. He knew how to run a campaign, but he has no idea how to run a government. Yet his incompetence hasn’t stopped—or even slowed—him from pursuing his radical agenda to fundamentally transform America. However, I believe this mishandling of the Gulf oil spill could be the downfall, not only of Obama, but the entire left wing of the Democrat party. For the sake of the country and for the benefit of the entire world, let’s hope this is the beginning of the end of the reign of Obama the Destroyer.

Trickle Up Poverty

I want to acknowledge Bob DeMoss for helping make this the book that it is; Matthew Benjamin, my editor at Harper Collins, for knowing when to say “No”; Greg Lewis for his insights and research regarding the Wall Street mess; and Ian Kleinert, my literary agent with Objective Entertainment, for bringing together all the working elements.

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