Read Triple Threat Online

Authors: Bella Jeanisse

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Action & Adventure, #Romantic Erotica

Triple Threat (18 page)

BOOK: Triple Threat
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I wanted Giovanni to love me. To be in love with me. If that didn’t happen, it would be nice if I fell in love with Chad. We were already sleeping together. It couldn’t be too much different.

Instead of getting in bed naked, I put pajamas on. I put on the black ones that I knew Giovanni liked. Then I locked the bedroom door, just in case. By then, I was exhausted. I got in the bed and put the blanket over both of us. Chad didn’t move a muscle.


I was ripped out of a sound sleep by the feeling of pain. I found Chad on top of me. He must have driven into me pretty hard when he started, but the pain didn’t continue. He had my legs up. I was almost positive he was asleep.

I smiled at first, liking that he wanted me so much. But then it dawned on me that Giovanni was in the house and so were a lot of other people. Chad was rarely quiet as we made love and sometimes louder when he did it in his sleep.

Then the moaning started. He did it softly, though. I tried not to get into it, but he was so good, I couldn’t help it. I moaned along with him. I loved how his huge cock felt as it almost came out of me entirely and then drove back in.


I grabbed him as his hips started to move faster. I had to close my eyes from the extreme pleasure that began to surface. I heard him whisper my name and was glad he was being quiet. Then he went back to moaning, a little louder. With that, he was shoving into me harder, grunting every time our hips met.

I clutched him tightly as my insides exploded with rapture. I was afraid to scream. I just thrashed a bit, trying to hold it in, as tears fell. He was truly the best I had ever been with. No one could ever be better. I was sure of it at that moment.

After just a few more thrusts, Chad gasped my name and pulled out. I waited a few minutes then pushed him off of me. He rolled onto his back and was most definitely asleep.

I got up and saw light coming in the bedroom window. Chad had taken off my pajama bottom and panties somehow. I found them across the room. Then I went into the bathroom to get cleaned up.

When I was done, I looked at Chad. He was on his back. The sheet under where I had been sleeping was stained, but not the blanket. I covered Chad, because I didn’t want anyone to see he was naked. Then I left the room.

I looked around the house. Everyone else was still dead to the world. That made me happy because it meant no-one heard Chad. I was very tired, but didn’t want to go back to sleep with Chad. I worried he would do it again and then someone
hear him.

I peeked in the bedroom where Giovanni was asleep. Mark and Phil were gone. I hoped they got home OK. I moved closer to the bed. Giovanni was sleeping fitfully. It looked like he was having a bad dream.

I got on the bed and touched his shoulder. “Giovanni, wake up. It’s just a dream.”

He suddenly opened his eyes. A look a relief washed over his face. “You’re here,” he said. “I thought you would never come back.”

“Huh?” I figured he was talking about the dream.

He touched my face. “I was so worried I pushed you away. I didn’t mean to do that.”

“Do what?”

“Kiss that other girl.”

“What other girl? Giovanni, I think you were dreaming. You didn’t kiss any of the girls last night.”

“I did. In the hallway. Rosario ruined it, though.”

He remembered kissing me, but was confused about it. “Giovanni, that was me. You were so drunk.”

“Really? Last night is fuzzy.” He closed his eyes. “I’m sorry I did that again. I know I told you I wouldn’t.” He looked at me again.

I closed my eyes, remembering all that happened between us at the party. I wished he wasn’t drunk. There was no way to know if it was the alcohol or how he really felt. “It’s no big deal.”

Then he pulled me down and hugged me. “Lay here with me for a while, please.”

I was happy to be in his arms again. He had his whole body against mine from behind, and it felt so good. I always loved feeling his hard cock against me when I woke up in that position with him and it felt just right at that moment. I sighed. “Are you sure you’re OK, Giovanni?”

“Yeah, I just need
this time,” he whispered. “Will you turn around and let me hold you that way? I had a dream that freaked me out, please.”

I smiled, glad he needed me. “If that’s what you need, then sure.” I turned over and put my arms around him.

“Thank you.” He wrapped his around me and held me really close. “I dreamed you stopped talking to me. I never want that to happen.”

I started getting sleepy. “It won’t happen.” I assured him as my eyelids got heavy. Sleepily I added, “I like you too much.” I felt his lips on mine as I drifted off.

“Damn, what did you two do last night?” I opened my eyes. I was still in Giovanni’s arms. I saw Rosario next to the bed. Then he said, “Wow, you wear hot pajamas too.”

I smiled at Giovanni and then looked up at Rosario again. “Did you have fun at your party?”

“It’s a bit patchy, but the two chicks in bed with me tell me I really did. Thanks for everything.” He smirked. “Did you fall asleep with my brother again?”

I sighed. “I didn’t sleep here all night, if that’s what you mean.”

“Who did you sleep with, then? There isn’t one place in this house without a body.”

Giovanni started moving. “Hey bro, stop harassing her. She’s not like that, and you know it.” He pulled me close to him. “Ignore him. He thinks everyone’s a player like him. He would screw any female that let him.”

“Hey, I gotta get it while I can.” His brother responded. “You two, on the other hand, need to get it over with.”

Giovanni turned onto his back. “Shut up! Why do you gotta say things like that? Go back and play with your tramps.”

I closed my eyes when Rosario was gone. I hoped he didn’t think I was that way because of what Chad and I did so often. I leaned my head on Giovanni’s chest.

“Hey, you all right?” He ran his fingers through my hair. “You’re upset aren’t you? He wasn’t saying you were like those girls. I know you don’t screw every guy you meet. You could never do that. Otherwise you and I would have done it a bunch of times already.”

I glanced at his pants and could see his stiff cock straining against the fabric. I thought about how it would feel inside of me. If only I wasn’t so worried about rejection, I would touch him and show him how much I wanted him. I looked up at him. “Is that what you want?”

“No. Sex is not something you just do because you need it.” He caressed my cheek. “I would never ask you to just do that without it meaning something to you. I never slept with anyone I didn’t care about and I don’t want you to either. It’s not worth it. My brother’s just an idiot. Don’t listen to him. You just stay the way you are. One day you’ll find the right guy and he’ll treat you like the princess you are. He’s out there. I’m sure.” He started to sound a little upset.

I touched his face. “Something wrong?”

“No.” He closed his eyes. “I just…” He pulled his bottom lip in. “I just want you to be happy.”

I moved up on the bed. I could feel he needed me somehow. I had no idea what was wrong. If he wanted me to know, he would tell me. I wasn’t going to pry.

I held him closer and kissed his lips. “I’m here. Let me help, please.”

He looked at me. “No-one can fix this. I’m sorry.” He turned to me and leaned his forehead on mine. “Just don’t leave yet, please.”

I wished he would tell me what was going on in his head. I cared so much about him, I felt his pain inside. It was almost like when Chad hurt. He looked like he wanted to cry, but I had never seen him do that. I thought about kissing him, to make it better. Chad did that for me and it worked wonders. What was the worst that could happen?

I kissed his lips a few times. He started to kiss me back. Then he ran his hands down my back and kissed me stronger. I really wanted him so badly by then. I knew I should tell him. He laid me on my back and got on top of me. Our kissing was so passionate, I felt us both losing control. I started pulling up his t-shirt and he let me get it off.

“These are my favorite pajamas you know,” he whispered before starting to kiss me again. His hand slid under my top and inched up slowly. “You want this too, don’t you?” He was breathing very heavily.

My heart was pounding, hoping it was finally going to happen. I couldn’t talk though. I felt him hesitantly touch my breast. His breathing sped up as he ran a fingertip over my nipple. His kisses had gotten almost desperate and our tongues seemed to be fighting for dominance.

“I want you so bad,” he said.

I opened my legs and let his hips rest against mine. He ground his eager cock against me and grabbed my breast. “Do you want this, too?” he asked, sounding out of breath.

I looked up at him, wanting him, but afraid to tell him. But he was turning me on so much. I ran my hands down his bare back and into his pants. “Giovanni…” I whispered. Hoping he would just take the hint, I moved my hands to his face so he wouldn’t stop kissing me.

“I need you,” he softly admitted. Then I felt him opening his pants. “Please let me…”

I didn’t know what to do. I didn’t want to seem too desperate. I wasn’t sure how he would react if I told him I loved him or asked him to fuck me. I kissed him hungrily, running my hands through his hair. I felt like I was about to explode from need.

“Do it now,” I finally demanded.

He lifted his hips a bit and started to pull my bottoms down, while still kissing me. Once they were down to my knees I opened my legs again. He lay back on top of me and I felt his hot, rigid cock between my thighs. Finally!

“I lo…” Giovanni stopped mid-word. “I mean…”

“Just fuck me, please,” I urged him. “I can’t take it anymore.”

He suddenly sat up and quickly shoved his dick back into his pants, before I could see it. “Shit! I’m doing what I just said I wouldn’t.” He looked at me. “I’m sorry. Why can’t I control myself?”

Then he got off of the bed and closed up his pants. I pulled my panties and pajamas up, sorely disappointed and really frustrated.

“What’s wrong with me?” he shouted.

“You’re a pussy, for starters.” Rosario told him from the hallway. We had forgotten about the open door. “Just fuck her already! How can you guys sleep in the same bed and stay dressed?”

Then Chad appeared in the doorway. “Hey, what’s going on? Why’re you guys yelling?”

“We’re not yelling,” Giovanni told him. “That’s your hangover. Come on. I’ll make you some coffee.”

Then they were all gone. I was left in the room alone. I was confused again. Giovanni mixed me up so much. He wanted me, and then he didn’t. He seemed really into me but pulled back. I had no clue at all how he felt, or if he felt anything for me.

I took a deep breath and got out of bed and followed the guys. They were all in the kitchen. Giovanni was obviously furious with himself. He was standing against a wall facing it and punching his fist into it.

I came up behind him and touched his back. “It’s not your fault. I started it. Please, Giovanni, don’t shut me out again.”

Then he turned around, smiled and touched my face. “I thought you were pissed at me. You’re the best. Do you know that?” He kissed my forehead.

I hugged him and buried my head in his chest. Then I whispered, too softly for him to hear, “I love you.”


I was at work the Sunday night after the party. My second shift of the day was almost over. After getting an order for a customer, I noticed Giovanni sitting at a table, looking pretty lost. I felt bad for him. Rosario had left that morning, and he was so close to his older brother.

“Hey there,” I said to him as I rubbed his back.

He looked up at me. “I need you again,” he whispered.

“I get off in 15 minutes. Then you can have me all to yourself.” I loved when he said things like that to me.

When I was ready, he picked up my hand and led me to his van. We walked in silence. I knew he hated to talk about feelings. The ride was quiet too. I sat next to him and kept a hand on his thigh, trying to help.

It was late at night, but he didn’t take me home or his place. We ended up at a park. After lifting me out of the van, we walked hand in hand again. I wasn’t sure how to get him to tell me what was going on in his head.

When we reached the playground within it, Giovanni stopped at the swings. He told me to sit and joined me. We just sat there for a while, swinging together. It was fun, but I knew that was not the reason we were there. I watched him and saw the pain in his expression.

After a few minutes, he blurted out. “My dad used to take me and Rosario here when we were kids.”

I looked at him. He had a few tears falling down his cheeks. I took a deep breath and asked, “Where
your dad?”

“Gone,” he replied.

That word could mean so many things, but I didn’t know what exactly. “Gone where?”

“Just gone.” I didn’t think he could say more because of the tears.

More tears were falling, so I dropped the subject. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you.”

“Can you stay at my place tonight?” He reached his hand out to me and I took it in mine. “I just really wanna hold you.”

“You’re always there for me. Of course I’ll do it.”

It wasn’t often I was able to return the favor. He had done so much for me; it was the least I could do. We stayed there for a while longer then took a silent walk.

Soon, he took me to his apartment. He let me change into one of his T-shirts, which I appreciated. I didn’t like sleeping in my clothes.

When I was done, he was watching television on his new couch, in only pajama pants. He didn’t look tired, but I was. I sat next to him and took his hand in mine. We looked at each other for a minute.

Then he pulled me into his arms and lay my head on his chest. “Thanks for doing this. It’s means a lot to me.”

“I’m always here for you, too,” I reminded him.

He took a deep breath. “Are you and Chad more than friends?”

“What do you mean?” I had to make him clarify what he wanted to know. I didn’t want to lie if I could help it.

BOOK: Triple Threat
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