True Colors

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Authors: Joyce Lamb

Tags: #Fiction, #Suspense, #Romance, #Paranormal

BOOK: True Colors
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Praise for the novels of Joyce Lamb
“Lamb knocks it out of the Chicago ballpark with this fast-paced romantic mystery. Combining paranormal elements, a carefully crafted mystery and a powerful romance,
True Vision
has something for everyone. Readers will be looking for the next book in the trilogy as soon as they finish reading this one.”

Romantic Times
“Impossible to put down! A spine-tingling whodunit constantly keeps you on the edge of your seat with scenes that will make your toes curl . . . Joyce Lamb is a highly talented writer who knows how to write a captivating suspense novel.”

Manic Readers
“Tension runs high throughout the entire story and the drama is terrific . . . Well crafted and intriguing.”

Huntress Book Reviews
“The interaction and emotion between the characters [are] very entertaining . . . This is a page-turner.”

Night Owl Reviews
(Top Pick)
“An enjoyable romantic police procedural.”

Midwest Book Review
“Top-notch suspense . . . Believable characters in an action-packed plot will enthrall readers. Like Tami Hoag and Iris Johansen, Lamb weaves the textures of romance and suspense together in a satisfying read.”

“This wonderfully written story is a must read for any fan of romantic suspense! Joyce Lamb is a master storyteller . . . Don’t miss out on one of the best novels ever written!”

Romance Junkies
“Fast-paced suspense, full of twists and turns and nonstop action . . . To find out the many other fabulous nuances of this story, you’ll just have to go and grab yourself a copy!”
“Page-turning suspense and a rewarding romance make for a riveting read.”

“Captures readers’ interest from the opening pages.”

Romance Reviews Today
“Lamb is back with another tale of murder, treachery and intrigue . . . Makes for good suspense reading.”

Romantic Times
“Full of shocking twists and turns . . . A wonderful novel that achieves the perfect balance between the romance and the mystery.”
“Lamb’s debut novel gets off to a fast and furious start . . .
Relative Strangers
is a rollicking ride full of blazing passion, nonstop suspense and heart-pounding action.”

“Intricate, transfixing and very intense, this is one thriller that will keep you on the edge of your seat. Author Joyce Lamb makes an excellent debut with this true page-turner.”

Romantic Times
Berkley Sensation Titles by Joyce Lamb
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A Berkley Sensation Book / published by arrangement with the author
Berkley Sensation mass-market edition / January 2011
Copyright © 2011 by Joyce Lamb.
Excerpt from
True Calling
by Joyce Lamb copyright © by Joyce Lamb.
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For Lisa Kiplinger, who works behind the scenes to make me a better writer, a better person and a better friend.
Thanks to:
• My awesome critique partners: Joan Goodman, Diane Amos, Linda Cutillo, Maggie Hoye, Susan Vaughan and Lina Gardiner. You guys are the BEST! You’re pretty awesome writers, too.
• Ruth Chamberlain, Lisa Hitt, Charlene Gunnells, Chantelle Mansfield and Karen Feldman McCracken, for reading and re-reading and still being so enthusiastic.
• Danielle, Michael, Nikole and Zach, for keeping me young and sorta, kinda hip. I think.
• Glenn and Di, for providing me with a bed-and-breakfast away from home.
• Julie Snider, for creating the best bookmarks ever, and always in record time.
• Rebecca Chastain, for saving my butt so many times, as great copy editors do.
• Grace Morgan, for your absolute wonderfulness as a literary agent.
• Wendy McCurdy and Katherine Pelz, for all your hard work on my behalf.
• And Mom, as always, for everything.

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