True Colours (The You Don't Know Me Trilogy Book 2) (16 page)

BOOK: True Colours (The You Don't Know Me Trilogy Book 2)
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‘Of course you do.’  He presses again, then circles his finger firmly, stirring me up into a storm of lust.  ‘Now let’s get something straight here.  I have my limits.  And one of those is using a whip on you.  Never ask me to do that again.’

Suddenly, he puts an end to the torment.  I’m released from his grip, left in a fuddle of disappointment.

‘Okay.’  Wrestling my breath back under control, I turn back to face him.  ‘No whipping.  Fine.  But I like the nipple stuff.’  I point at my breasts, as if I really need to remind him where my nipples are.  ‘And I sincerely hope you’re not going to stop the spanking thing.’  I glance up at a corner of his office, suddenly washed through with embarrassment.  I can barely believe what I’m saying here.  It sounded ridiculous enough when I was three sheets to the wind, but now I’m sober …  ‘Because I’m good with spanking,’ I witter on like an idiot.  ‘So you can spank me.’  I swallow hard and shrug.  ‘If you want to, that is.’

‘Of course I want to.’  I risk a look at him now, only to find that he’s grinning from ear to ear.  ‘In fact, I’d love to spank you right now.’

‘You would?’

‘Oh yes.  So long as we’re clear about the small print.  If I do spank you, you don’t go running for the hills.’

‘I won’t,’ I confirm.

‘Glad to hear it.’  Suddenly brusque and business-like, he straightens his jacket and tie.  ‘Lean over the desk.’

I open my mouth to speak.  I’m silenced immediately by a raised finger.

‘Ten,’ he says firmly.  ‘Good and hard.’

Oh, bloody hell.  A lunchtime spanking.  I wasn’t expecting that.  My heart judders like an old boiler and my legs threaten to give way beneath me.  I can barely believe it when I do as I’m told, steadying myself against the edge of the glass.  Immediately a warm hand comes to the small of my back, pinning me into position.  He urges my legs apart, pulls up the dress and arranges the material around my waist.  Leaving the massive knickers in place, he smooths a palm across my buttocks before moving his attention to my crotch.  His finger travels slowly, further down, across the ridge of the tampon string.  My mouth dries up.  My brain empties itself out.  I’m in total limbo as I wait.

‘Keep this quiet,’ he murmurs.

And then he begins.

The first smack lands on my right buttock, searing straight through me.  I choke back the urge to cry out.

‘This is for your terrible behaviour yesterday.’  The second slap lands on my left buttock, hard and unforgiving.  ‘And by that, I don’t mean downing enough champagne to floor a rugby team, or tormenting a personal shopper.’  I close my eyes, whimpering quietly, enjoying every moment of it.  The third slap follows quickly.  ‘I mean your drunken attempt at sexual negotiation.’  He smooths his hand across my buttocks, slowly, before landing the next slap.  ‘You gave me your submission, Maya.’  Another slap.  ‘In everything to do with sex.’  Another slap.  ‘Who’s in control here?’

‘You,’ I mutter.

Another slap.  ‘I can’t hear you, woman.’

‘You,’ I shout.


The next slaps come quickly.  Before I know it, he’s finished.  He tugs me up against his chest.  ‘Lesson learned?’

‘Yes,’ I breathe.

‘Good.’  He releases me.  ‘Now take off your dress.’


I swivel round to find him making his way to a sofa.  He pauses, beckoning me with a finger and pointing to a spot on the floor.  And then he settles himself down.  Crossing his legs and snaking his arms across the back, he watches as I sidle over to him.  Doing exactly as I’m told, I stand on the designated spot, lift the dress over my head and drop it to the floor.  He shakes his head.

‘That’s an expensive item of clothing.  You should treat your possessions with respect.’

‘Is that what you do?’

‘Always.’  He smiles for a second or two, and then he issues the next command.  ‘Get rid of the knickers.’

Excuse me, what?

‘But I’m on my period.’

Suddenly serious, he tips his head to one side.

‘Would you like another spanking, Miss Scotton?  Or are you simply going to take off those hideous pants?’

I stare at him, silenced by an expression that’s telling me he’s not going to take no for an answer.  Shivering with nerves, I slip my fingers into the top of the knickers and draw them down my legs.  Stepping out of them, I kick them to one side.

‘Legs apart.’

Suddenly flushed with embarrassment, I lower my head.

‘Do as you’re told, Maya.’

Biting back the urge to ask what the ruddy hell’s going on, I move my feet but not too far.  Slowly, his gaze moves from my face to my crotch, taking in everything in between.  I could shrink into a ball.  The tampon string must be in full view.

‘So, at this point,’ he says, ‘the dominant usually informs the submissive that she’s a good girl.’

My head flips up and suddenly, I understand: he’s giving me a dose of what I asked for … his way.

‘However, I wouldn’t dare call you a girl, because you’re a woman, which you’ve made perfectly clear to me on more than one occasion.’

I smile back at him, coyly.

‘Now touch yourself.’


He raises an index finger.  A warning not to speak.

‘I said touch yourself.  I’m going to watch you.’  He pauses, his eyes darkening.  His own smile has disappeared now behind the mask.  ‘And you’re going to make yourself come.’

Oh, Lord above.  He wants me to put on a show for him.  And bugger it.  I’ve never done anything like this before.  Glancing down at my dress, I wonder if I should just make a run for it, but seeing as I’ve agreed to put an end to the running, that really wouldn’t be cricket.

‘I’m off to Whitehall in an hour.’  He checks his watch.  ‘A meeting with the Housing Minister.  So, if you wouldn’t mind …’  He waves at my crotch.

Closing my eyes, I reach down and begin, slowly circling my left index finger over my clitoris.  It doesn’t take long for the warmth to spark into life between my legs.

‘Look at me, Maya.’

Obeying his instruction, I stare at him, noting the smile that plays across his mouth as he watches me intently, sometimes focussing on the movement of my finger, sometimes on my face.  I’m a quivering wreck now, breaths faltering, growing ever more shallow by the second, but I’m determined to see this through.  Summoning every last bit of willpower, I carry on, circling slowly, and the warmth grows.

‘Now this is beautiful,’ he says quietly.  ‘Play with your nipples.’

It’s fruitless to complain.  Raising my free hand, I touch my left nipple, running a finger across the areola, groaning at the sensations that shimmer through me.  And then I take the nipple between my thumb and forefinger, working at it gently, elongating it, suddenly aware that the warmth in my vagina has transformed into a full-on heat.  There’s a ball of pressure right between my thighs, waiting to implode at any minute.  But through it all, I keep up the circling motion, keep my eyes secured on his.  Lips parted, he watches me closely as I take myself to the hilt.  Finally, after what seems like an age, I’m there.  Without an order, I squeeze my nipple, pushing myself over the edge.  Muscles contract.  The ball of heat scatters through my flesh.

‘Oh God.’  Closing my eyes, I groan as an orgasm ripples right through me.  And then I shake, judder, fold in on myself.  I’m half way to collapsing in a heap on the floor when I sense a movement.  His arms embrace me, propping me up.

‘Nicely done,’

I open my eyes to find his face next to mine.  And he’s smiling proudly.

‘You’re an excellent executive toy.  Much better than a stress ball.’

‘Glad to hear it.’

A hand trails its way from the nape of my neck to my spine, and I’m on fire again.  Just fuck me now, I want to scream.  Just do it.  And I don’t care if I am on my period.  Get your old fella out and crack on!  I’m slightly suspicious that he will when he moves back, takes off his jacket and lays it on the floor.

‘I thought you looked after your possessions,’ I remark tartly.

‘I do.’  He points at the jacket.  ‘Down.’

Suddenly I get it.  He’s looking after me, making sure that I’m comfortable.

‘I’m not your possession.’

‘Just do as you’re told.’

With a huff, I sink to my knees, watching as he unfastens his trousers, eases down his pants and reveals his cock.  And good God, he’s aroused, fully erect, ready to go.  With one swift movement, he slides a hand round to the back of my head, and grabs hold of his cock with the other.

‘I’d love to blindfold you.’  His eyes gleam.  ‘Maybe tie your hands behind your back.  But we haven’t got time.’  He rubs the end of his cock against my lips.  ‘I seriously want to fuck your mouth, Miss Scotton.  In fact, that’s what I’m going to do.’  He pauses, smiles.  ‘And when I come, you’re going to swallow the whole lot.’

Still breathing heavily from my orgasm, I gaze up at him.  My heart seems to have launched into a quickstep, and I’d seriously like to inform the big kahuna that I’m not entirely sure about the whole swallowing thing, seeing as I’ve never done it before.  But, as ever, he’s far too quick.  As soon as I open my mouth to complain, it’s filled by his cock.

Taking it half way into my mouth, I raise my right hand, grip the shaft and begin to ease the skin slowly, backwards and forwards, looking up throughout, watching for every reaction.  Raising my left hand, I caress his balls, amazed at how full and hard they are, and my tactics seem to have the desired effect.  He tips his head back, closing his eyes and letting out a groan as he begins to sway, gently probing my mouth, edging further each time until he’s sliding his cock right to the back of my throat.  And then the hand tightens on my hair.  I clamp my lips around the shaft, sucking harder now.  And the rhythm picks up.

Before long, his thrusts become urgent.  Plunging all the way in, again and again, he keeps it going while I take him completely.  Breathing through my nose, I massage his balls with greater force, waiting nervously for the moment when I get my first proper taste of him.  And it’s not long in coming.  With a judder, he ejaculates into my mouth, releasing a violent flood against the back of my throat.  And in a moment of panic, I swallow quickly, eager to avoid choking or gagging … pleasantly surprised to find that it tastes just fine.  Still twitching his way down from the orgasm, he withdraws his cock, leaving sperm to dribble from the side of my mouth.  With a grin, he wipes it away with a forefinger, and treats himself to an amuse bouche.

‘Salty.’  He slaps his lips. ‘Fancy a shower?’  Unfastening his tie, he throws it onto the sofa.


‘Why not?’  He unbuttons his shirt and drops it to the floor.

‘But what about your meeting?’

‘What about it?’

‘You’re going to be creased.’

‘You worry too much.’  He shrugs off his shoes, removes his trousers, pants and socks.  ‘I’ve got a spare outfit.  Chill out.’

Still on my knees, I gaze up at the man I love.  Standing right in front of me, in all his perfect, naked glory, he holds out a hand to me.

‘Jesus,’ I breathe.  ‘The first time I ever came into this office, I never thought I’d see you like this.’

I put my hand in his and he helps me to my feet.

‘You’re covered in spunk,’ he remarks.

‘You say the nicest things.’

‘Stick around, kid.  There’s plenty more where that came from.’

Without another word, he leads me into the bathroom.  Leaving me to stand by the counter, he steps into the shower, turns it on and tests the water for the right temperature.  When he’s finally satisfied, he motions towards my crotch.

‘You can take that thing out.  I take it you’ve got more in your handbag?’

‘Yes, but …’

‘I told you we’d work around it, Maya.  Just because you’re on your period, it doesn’t mean I’m living like a monk.  You might as well ask me to stop breathing.’

‘But …’

He shakes his head, and I do as I’m told, silently mortified as he watches me pull out the tampon and drop it in the bin.

‘This is …’

Whatever I’d been about to say flies straight out of my head.  It all happens in a flash.  I’m grabbed by an arm, dragged into the shower and pushed back against the tiles.  Sealing his lips around mine, he sweeps his tongue into my mouth, launching into a furious kiss while he nudges my legs apart, presses his cock against me, and moves inside.  Taking his time, he holds me firmly under the buttocks, sliding my body up against the tiles and letting me fall back down into his grip.  I clasp my hands around his back, enjoying those now-familiar contours, the firmness of his muscles, the smoothness of his skin.  At last, when he finally breaks the kiss, his eyes meet mine as he thrusts inwards, withdrawing to the edge, over and over again.  Running right across my spot, he’s working me up into another mindless fuddle.

‘Feel it,’ he murmurs, water streaming down his face.  ‘This thing between us … it makes everything different.’

I groan incoherently.

‘I had no feelings for Claudine, not for any of those women.’  His eyes search mine for understanding.  ‘And what I did with them is in the past.’

BOOK: True Colours (The You Don't Know Me Trilogy Book 2)
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