True Fate (19 page)

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Authors: Shayna Varadeaux

BOOK: True Fate
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Dropping one hand he brushed his lips slowly
across her mouth then released her face.


Avery shivered at the loss of his warmth mixed
with the fear that lingered on her skin. He embraced her and held her close.
"It's going to work out, you'll see.” he reassured her smoothing her hair.
Avery reached up and traced the scar on his cheek.


"I just got you back and I don't want to
lose you is all.” she said with a shaky voice.


He squeezed her waist one more time and grabbed
her by the hand, "Let's go back."


He reached out and touched the bubble and it made
a popping noise causing Avery to laugh and he smiled a broad smile with his
dimple digging into his cheek.


Inside Aaron was seated on the couch next to Nia
who was drinking greedily from the mug.


"What is this?” she inquired.


"Old family recipe, can't reveal the secrets
but it should help you get back to normal quick.” Eric said with a wink.


Aaron was shifting uncomfortably, "So what
the heck happened out there. Or in here! How did she do that?” he asked.


Nia's eyes went wide as she remembered what she
had wanted, this house. She held a hand to her mouth.


"How did I do this?” she asked shakily.
Avery and Eric both settled in on the loveseat across from Aaron and Nia.


Eric let out a deep breath and began, "You
know you are special, we've told you that. But you are far stronger than anyone
anticipated. What you did out there or in here was amazing. Your tattoos
lighting up gold and blue took even me off guard. That's something I've only
heard of what my people consider ancient myths. I was going to teach you to
control the dreamscape but you moved to graduation in one day. Although there
are still things you need to learn so you don't expend so much energy, control
and things like that. Aaron can do what you did too, only not on such an
extreme scale I'm sure.” he paused giving it a chance to sink in.


"Seriously?” was the first thing to come out
of Aaron's mouth as he looked at Eric like he had two heads.


"Let's go outside and I can show you what I
mean.” Eric suggested getting up and walking towards the door followed by a
smiling Avery.


Looking at Aaron Nia put her palm on his cheek
and kissed his forehead gently trying her best to keep it together and lend him
some comfort but Aaron just huffed and got up and Nia followed close behind
with their fingers intertwined.


Outside had changed a little. There was lush
grass and it was slightly windy. There were four yoga mats on the grass and the
sky had changed to a multi colored beautiful scene with rolling clouds and blue
skies combined. It was the most relaxing atmosphere Nia could've imagined.


Avery sat in a lotus position on the mat next to
Eric's and Nia smiled again at Aaron and made her way over to be next to Avery
while Aaron sat Indian style on the mat next to her.


"Now,” Eric began. "Get in the most
comfortable position possible. We're going to be trying to block our thoughts
from each other."


"Avery will use her part of the
dreamscape to make our dialogue purely internal. Our goal will be to send
through what you want and block what you don't. Try to imagine your mind in a
bubble and only push through what you want. Does that make sense?” Eric asked.


Aaron grimaced, "It makes sense I'm just not
too sure about doing it," he sighed. Nia reached out her hand and sent him
calming feelings. He was grateful for them too.


"So I need to take this necklace off then?”
she asked Eric.


"Yes, now relax and try to clear your mind.
At first, everything will be heard then you need to push out the bubble.” Eric
said with a mischievous grin.


'I hope this doesn't take a long time I really
need to rest.’ Avery thought with a yawn. 'It shouldn't be long', Eric answered
patting her hand and making her cheeks burn.


'Okay you two bubble up already! Gag!’ Nia
thought laughing.


Aaron yawned and was looking at them. Nia pressed
out her bubble and thought, 'I want to kiss Aaron right now!’ she looked around
and no one had reacted although Avery and Eric seemed to be in their own
bubble. “Good now let something through.” Eric said out loud so they all could


They all took turns letting things through
keeping things in and projecting to the group. Everyone did great especially


"That was great Aaron, you are honing in on
your Guardian skills quickly,’ Eric said clapping Aaron on the shoulder.


"Thanks." He said as the girls walked




"Yeah.", she replied to Nia.


"Do you believe in love at first sight or
touch or whatever?”


Avery looked at her for a moment then over her
shoulder at the guys then lowered her voice to a whisper.


"I think anything is possible. Although I
know beyond a shadow of a doubt it exists.” she answered solemnly. Nia smiled
and giggled.


"I look forward to more of this. I mean I
have Rhea but once I figure all this out I'll need someone who really
understands it. Ya know?”


Avery smiled. "Sure, I get it," was her


The four laughed and enjoyed each other’s company
seemingly jealousy free for a change. They were done working out their brains
for the night. Aaron and Nia stood by the oak tree while they waited for Eric
and Avery who had gone into the house again to get something.


Aaron held Nia to him, "Goodnight beautiful,”
he told her while rubbing her back.


"Goodnight my Guardian, Call me tomorrow,
okay? As soon as you’re ready.” she said looking up at him fondly.


"Of course. I am going to call Leo in the
morning and make up car trouble. He won't really care though,” he said smiling.


"I'm going to go in so my dad is satisfied and
maybe you can pick me up at ten?” she asked him placing her palms on his chest.


"That'll work.” he said kissing the top of
her head. "I miss you already.” he whispered in her ear causing shivers to
jolt down her spine.


Avery stood in the kitchen looking at Eric.
"Are you sure about this?” she asked with worry clearly etched on her


"Ave, it's going to be okay. I have to see
if it's true and she is who we think. I'm not going to risk everything on a
maybe. And if she is, she could be my ticket out of the dreamscape permanently.”
he said with hope in his eyes. “I won't give her the book just yet. I’ll keep
it safe. I just want to take it out of this realm.” he explained.


Avery took a deep breath. "Okay let's do
this.” she said almost wincing but then he leaned in and kissed her sweetly.


"Thank you for trusting me Avery. It means a
lot.” he said brushing her lips once more then taking her hand and moving out
the door.


As he walked away from the house it began to
evaporate like it was being erased from top to bottom. They walked to where
Aaron and Nia were lost in their own world.


"Nia I have something I need you to try on.”
Eric said with what sounded like reverence as she turned towards him and saw
the black box.


She blinked a couple of times. "That looks
just like my Aunt Amarie's jewelry box!” she exclaimed with a hand to her
throat. "All my life I have been shooed away from it,” she added.


Eric and Avery exchanged a knowing glance and the
corner of Eric's mouth turned up. Standing next to Nia Aaron held her around
her waist while Eric opened the box in Nia's direction and held it out to her.


reached for the ring nestled inside. It's crimson garnet the color of blood. As
she grabbed the ring her blue tattoo began to dimly glow and so did the garnet.
She went to slip it on and Eric stopped her, "Wait!” he shouted abruptly.


Avery's eyes were wide and Aaron narrowed his
eyes at Eric while Nia's eyes glowed slightly but her vision stayed clear.
'That was new.’ she thought.


"Nia you have to know that if you put that
ring on you seal your fate. I have seen enough to know you are who I... well who
we,” he said pulling Avery to his side, "thought you are. I can't wait for
you to know it too."


Nia looked at the ring and the box and the people
around her. She needed to know more before committing to something she knew
nothing about.


"Can I keep it until then?” she asked Eric
placing the ring back inside carefully. Thinking for a moment Eric grabbed at
the necklace that blocked her thoughts for her.


"Yes but it will be hidden until I unhide
it. That will be when you are ready to accept your fate... or deny it. The
choice will always be yours, at least until you seal it," Eric explained.


He touched the box to the necklace and the entire
thing began to glow bright gold then the box disappeared altogether and it
glowed a second more than dimmed and went out. Aaron blew out a breath he had
been holding.


"Okay, it’s time for you two to go.” Avery
told them with a smile.


"See you tomorrow.” Aaron said to all of them
slowly fading and Nia waved until she faded.


Eric turned to Avery and put his arms around her,
"Wanna wake up?” he asked her nuzzling her ear.


"Yes,” she whispered tugging on his earlobe.


Yawning Avery stretched feeling relaxed and rested.
Eric’s hand snaked around her waist pulling her closer. He took in the smell of
her strawberry shampoo and savored it as she leaned into him and then picked up
his marked hand that matched her own.


Moving her hair he kissed her neck sweetly,
"Ave?” he said.


"Yeah?” she replied.


"Are you sure you want this.” he asked with
a gravelly voice.


She turned in his arms to face him. "I know
that this is what I was born for. If I'm being honest these aren't new feelings
for me. I have loved you for so long. God,” she gasped burying her head in his
chest embarrassed, "I can't believe I'm telling you this,” she groaned and
he laughed at that.


"Come on silly girl let's get out of this
bed before I really show you how much I care.” he said tickling her playfully.


They finally got up and got dressed going down to
the living room where everything was dark. He grabbed the remote and sat on the
couch patting the spot next to him. Avery sat beside him leaning on his
shoulder with her feet up the she wrapped an arm through his as he flipped
through the movie channels.


They decided to watch Red it was one of her
favorites he hadn't seen yet. "Oh you have a lot to catch up on don't you.”
she said teasing him then regretting bringing up his banishment even though he
didn't mind it.


They sat in comfortable silence laughing and
enjoying being there together, movie after movie, after movie.


'The less sleep the more time with her', he
thought to himself. He still wasn't sure how he would obtain his freedom but
for now he'd enjoy every second with Avery, his Avery




Chapter 10


Nia woke up and looked at the curtains not an
ounce of sunlight was coming through
. 'Dang, still night time.’
thought. She checked the time on her phone and it said two thirty a.m. She had
a message waiting from a few minutes ago, it was


Aaron: Can't sleep, bored. Text or call when you
wake up. I won't be sleeping anymore tonight.


Nia smiled in the dark and chewed on her lip.


Nia: I'm up, want me to call?


Aaron: Wanna come over?


Thinking about it for only a minute she does have
a lot to catch Rhea up on but it could wait until they were at work. She typed
her reply before she let her reasonable-self chime in.


Nia: Be there in twenty.


Aaron: K. Be careful =)


Nia got up quietly and grabbed her bags.
"Bye Rae.” she whispered on her way out the door. She was still in her
pajamas but just sighed.


'Well he has already seen them...’
she mused on her way to the car.


Aaron was excited that she was on her way and he
knows they just met but doesn't seem to feel right without her. He was determined
to put her fears at ease and make her understand that he may be a stranger but
she's most definitely safe with him, her heart included. He’d been hearing more
of her thoughts than he let on and he knew everything. Like how she'd been hurt
before and that the quickness of all of this, even him, was just overwhelming


Rapidly he was falling for this girl he just met
and he knew she was feeling it too. Getting up from his recliner where he'd
been flipping through infomercials wishing he could talk to her or just look at
her or hold her, he went to brush his teeth and put on a clean shirt.


Nia stopped at a gas station hoping no one would
see her in flip flops and p.j.'s when Darragh walked up to her and scared her
half to death.


"Nia. It really isn't the safest time to be
out and about.” he said taking in her outfit.


"Darragh you scared the crap outta me!” she
replied with a hand clutched to her chest. "I'm going to Aaron's."
she said finally.


"Oh, that's fine then but please next time
do give one of us a call. We can't protect you if we can't find you.” he said
simply then melded back into the shadows.


'Now that was creepy.’
Nia thought. She hurriedly got back in her car and headed the two blocks to
Aaron's, parking in the garage, she made her way up to his apartment and
knocked softly, on the third knock the door opened to a wide eyed Aaron.


"You look great,” he teased noticing her


"Yeah I kind of snuck out on Rhea. I'll text
her at seven.” she said.


She had brought up her bags just in case because
she swore she would be ready for anything from now on. Nia noticed Aaron eyeing
the bags so she spoke quickly.


"Oh this is my new policy. It's my get the
hell outta dodge bag.” she said smiling.


"Ah, that's a great idea I should pack one
too.” he replied.


"Come in, sorry.” he said realizing they
hadn't left the doorway. "You thirsty, hungry?” he asked motioning to the
kitchen. "I have sandwich stuff, frozen food and Coke-a-cola.", he
said with a smile.


"Not right now.” she responded. He snatched
up her bags and took them to his room laying them on the bed.


"So, what should I pack in this bag?"
He asked her as she leaned on the doorframe.


He was looking in the closet and reaching for the
top shelf. He pulled down a duffle bag as Nia rattled off a list of items.


"Clothes. Comfortable, any weather, do not
iron clothes, a spare pair of shoes and a lot of socks and underwear.” she
giggled. "At least that's what's in mine along with a family pic, an
address book, extra phone charger and a first aid kit.” she grimaced.


Aaron laughed, "Okay, sounds good.” he told


"Oh and toiletries of course! Maybe spare
toothbrush and emergency toilet paper?” she was turning red clearly embarrassed.


"You’re a smart girl," he said coming
to stand directly in front of her, her breath caught as his breath hit her


He rubbed his nose on hers gently then settled
his hands on her hips, "Nia... I really wanna kiss you.” he whispered. She
felt her pulse racing, her cheeks flush and her mind went hazy at his touch.


"Mmhm.", was her breathy response.


He chuckled, "Is that a yes?” he asked
lifting her chin, eliciting excited goose bumps from beneath his fingertips.


"Mmhm.", she mumbled, already lost in
his shimmering blue eyes that made her heart flutter wildly.


Thinking of everything he felt for her Aaron
hoped he could convey it in this kiss. He covered her mouth with his, gently
and slowly kissing her like it was all he was meant to do on the planet, he was
overwhelmed by the need to be closer and pulled her tight to his chest.


Nia's head swam with overwhelming emotions, she
could almost taste the affection in his kiss and she could definitely tell that
what he felt for her was strong.


'I want this, always...’
she thought uncontrollably.


"Nia.", he breathed. "Stay with
me?’ he asked picking her up off her feet.


She deepened the kiss wanting to meld to his
chest, no longer hesitant and permanently affixed herself to him. All she could
do was kiss him back, her mind was filled with Aaron and nothing else. He was
all she saw and felt and heard, he was hers and she knew it.


He slowly lowered her feet down to the ground and
pulled away with his lips throbbing.


"Wow.", he whispered out of breath.


Nia smiled biting her lip, she wanted more, as a
matter of fact, she was sure the need for him would never be satisfied. Looking
down at her hands embarrassed by her sudden lack of control she froze and the
world tilted.

"Aaron...” she gasped, snatching his
hands from around her and looked at them in wonder.


They matched, exactly, there on their left wrists
were delicate, beautiful, lightly glowing designs. Markings etched on their
flesh hummed as they stared at each other for a moment.


"What... what does it mean?” she asked


"I don't know, but I know who will.” he
replied flexing his jaw.


"Call Eric.” he told Nia.


Nodding she put her hand on the blue stone.
"Eric?" she whispered out loud.


He answered in her mind
. 'Nia are you


She whispered back,
'I don't know. Can you
come to Aaron's please?’
his response was simple and immediate.


'Yes. I'll bring Avery too.'


Nia nodded to Aaron, "They'll be here soon.”
she explained.


He just kissed her on the nose and began to pace.


"Aaron, are you okay?” she asked.


He realized he was probably freaking her out with
his silence.


"Nia.", he said placing his hand to her
cheek. "It will be okay. I know I have been saying that a lot but I really
do mean it and no matter what we find out. We’re okay Nia. I think we can
handle this.", he said sincerely.


Nia knew he meant his words but she was afraid
this was a soul mate thing and she wasn't convinced that he was ready for that.
She already felt unbelievably close to him, sighing and leaning her cheek there
a second longer before she spoke.


"No matter what Eric tells us I think
they're beautiful.” she said smiling and looking at their matching tattoos. The
doorbell rang bringing them out of the haze that often settles when it's just
the two of them.


Aaron opened the door, Nia immediately noticed
similar markings on Eric and then grabbed a shocked Avery's hand.


"What does this mean?” she asked shoving
Avery's hand in Eric's face but she dropped it just as quickly and grabbed
Aaron's hand and shoved his hand along with hers where both Avery and he could


Avery gasped with a hand over her mouth and Eric
just stood there taking their hands and inspecting the new markings. He smiled
that mischievous smile of his.


"That’s easy, those are promise marks and
your promise marks match Aaron's.", he replied coolly.


"These....” he said lifting Avery's hand
and kissing her markings, "Match my own.” he explained lifting his sleeve
so Nia could better inspect it.


Nia was trying to make sense of it in her head
when Aaron asked, "Promise marks? What does that mean exactly? And do not
tell me you can't explain this one because I'll pummel you if you don't tell us
something.” Aaron spat at Eric.


Avery and Eric exchanged uncomfortable glances,
"Fine! Follow me.", Eric said walking quickly to Aaron's bedroom.
Placing a finger over his mouth indicating they should be quiet. He nodded at
Avery and a bubble expanded to fit all four of them as Eric began, "Those
marks mean that it’s your fate to be together.” he said slowly.


Nia stared at Eric and took a deep breath,
"Fate...?” she asked.


She turned to Aaron and a small smile full of
understanding crossed his features, she was glad someone was able to wrap their
heads around this.


He knew immediately what Eric meant having felt their souls intertwine
in that moment and he was sure she did too. He understood her shock, he really
did, but it didn't hurt any less that it sounded like she didn't want it. He
took a deep breath, and waited.


Avery took a step closer to them and spoke softly, "Nia, I know
that this, on top of everything else is a lot to grasp without a meltdown. What
this means,” she said grabbing Nia and Aaron's wrist, "is that he is your
other half. The missing part of you and if you've been feeling unexplainably drawn
to him quickly and strongly, well, that's why.” she let their hands fall back
to their sides. "I know it sounds crazy but you have the marks to prove its
true.” she said looking at them.


"Look guys it could be worse. I've seen people fated to someone
they hate or don't know at all. It's not a death sentence, you still have free
will, I swear." Eric interjected then smiled a tight smile and took a deep


"Okay, we will give you two a moment. We'll be in the living room.”
Eric said guiding Avery out of the privacy bubble.


Nia was happy about who she was fated to but it sounded like it was
forced on them or something. Always being independent and stubborn too, it did
explain at least some of her craziness lately though. Especially why she seemed
to turn to mush at his touch.


Aaron couldn't figure out what was going through that pretty little
head of hers but it was driving him mad, not knowing. He stepped directly in
front of her and tipped up her chin as tears spilled down her cheeks, she had
her eyes closed and his worry sky rocketed. He kissed each tear streaked cheek
tenderly followed by a soft caress from his thumbs.


"Nia?” he choked out, “Please tell me everything is okay.” He
said with a shaky voice as she opened her eyes and stared deep into his bright
blue eyes where his own forming tears shone like diamonds.


"Uh huh." was her
nearly inaudible response.


"Is it really so bad to think of forever with me?” he asked
gulping down the knot in his throat. "I mean I know that we've only known each
other for a few days, but to me it feels like it's been way longer.” he added
softly not fighting back his own tears any longer as his breath caressed Nia's
face with minty warmth.


Nia’s brow creased registering his words, "Oh no, Aaron, it's not
that. I just… everything is so crazy it's piled on a mile high. I don't even
know what to think anymore! I don't regret that it's you, not for one second.”
she said wiping the glistening streams from his face.

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