True Love (Volume 4) (Now and Forever) (4 page)

BOOK: True Love (Volume 4) (Now and Forever)
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“Alex, you need to come down to the club tonight!” Paul yelled into the phone. He was a longtime friend of Alex’s and stepped up to the plate after
their friend, Steve slept with his longtime girlfriend, Amy. He was even there to try and help mend his heart after Emily.

“I’m tired and had a
very long day. You need to fly solo tonight,” Alex explained.

“You don’t have a choice. I need help landing this girl from work and I will be at your house in five minutes.” Paul hung up before Alex could respond.

He sighed as he put his phone on the table. He heard Paul’s truck in the driveway and his footsteps as he walked up the sidewalk.

“Go away,” Alex
shouted out.

“Man, you look like crap.
It's my lucky night the girls will finally look at me instead of you!”

Alex couldn’t help but laugh. “They would still choose

“Cheap shot g
o get dressed. They opened the outer deck at Summerset and the girl from work will be there.”

I need to go because you want a wingman?”

“Yep, let’s go.”

Alex didn’t have the energy to fight with him so he got up and headed into his house. “Go use the game room, I need to shower first.”

Alex went into his bedroom and started to strip off his work clothes. He threw his button down shirt onto the bed and unbuckled his suit pants.
He ran his fingers through his hair as he closed his eyes and thought about Emily.

He was thrilled that he was able to see her early in the day but he finally felt th
at sad feeling deep in his heart, it was over. He wasn't a stupid man, he knew that she had chosen Eric and started a family with him but Alex was so in love with her from the first time he saw her.

He held onto those feelings
for far too long and now it was time to grab life by the horns and have some fun. His thoughts immediately went to Eve as he walked naked across his bedroom and into his large shower. She was beautiful in every connotation of the word. He closed his eyes as he imaged what her perfect full lips would feel like against his.

He quickly came to his senses as
he realized that Paul was downstairs waiting for him. He finished washing the soap from his body and wrapped a towel around himself to dry off.

Alex changed into a pair of khaki shorts and a polo shirt
. He grabbed a pair of his comfortable flip flops and headed downstairs to find Paul. As he entered the game room, Paul was talking on his phone as he played the newest football game. He sighed and took a deep breath as he realized that Paul was playing as Eric Mason in the game. He rounded the couch and hit him upside the head. “Let’s go, I refuse to be out all night, Idiot.”

Paul dropped his phone. “Let’s go then, I’m ready. Why are you in a bad mood?”

“Just a lot on my mind today and watching you play that game is only going to make me more upset.”

Alex locked up his house as
Paul hopped into his truck and started towards the club. “Please tell me it’s not about Emily. I can’t listen to that story anymore.”

Alex watched out his window. “She was in town today.”

Paul sighed. “She’s your kryptonite, man. Don’t get sucked back in. I’m finding you a girl tonight.”

Alex laughed. “Not interested.” His thou
ghts immediately went to Eve. He was excited to see her in the morning.

, you are getting some tonight,” Paul said as he pulled into the parking lot. They jumped out of the truck and made their way into the bar.

It was packed with barely dressed women who made it their point to smile at him. He couldn’t care less as he ordered his drink. Paul ditched him
immediately to find his sexy coworker. Alex leaned his back against the bar as he scanned the room. He noticed that the patio bar was opened and decided to get fresh air. He grabbed his drink and headed into the night air.

As he passed through the crowd, he heard inappropriate things about his body from the mouths of the young ladies. He shook his head and continued to the railing that overlooked the boardwalk and the

“Alex, come here! I want you to meet
Brooklyn,” Paul hollered at him.

Alex couldn’t help but laugh at her name. What kind of name was
Brooklyn? He walked towards his friend and shook her hand.

“Wow, you are hotter than Paul.” She laughed.

Paul pretended to be wounded. “Are you kidding me?”

Alex took a sip of his drink. “I like her already. She has good taste.”

Brooklyn grinned. She was attractive and in any other circumstance Alex would be interested but he couldn’t get his mind off of Eve. “Paul is a good guy, give my boy a chance.”

Paul puffed out his chest. “Yeah, give me a chance.”

Brooklyn laughed. “He has to work harder than that but I can tell you one thing Alex has an admirer.”







Paul turned towards the other side of the patio and hit Alex’s shoulder to turn around. “She’s hot, Alex!”

He turned around and spied the hottest blonde in the bar as she stared back at him. He grinned without saying a word as he left his friend with his nightly hook up and strolled towards the blonde bombshell.

“Good evening, Ms. Ma
tthews. What brings you to this part of town?”

“I asked some guy at my hotel where a good place
was to get a drink was and he recommended this place.”

“It’s a small world, huh?”
Alex grinned as he left his eyes roam up and down her body.

Eve smiled. “
Would you like to take a stroll down the boardwalk with me?”

“That sounds great
because this place is wearing thin on me. Just let me tell my friend, I’m leaving.”

Alex walked towards Paul
sensing Eve's presence behind him. She looked beautiful in her short jean shorts and dark blue tank top that tied around her neck. He noticed how perfect her breasts were as they strained against the fabric. Her legs were toned and were highlighted by the high heel strappy sandals. She was just perfect.

“Paul, I’m leaving. Brooklyn, it was my pleasure to meet you.”

“Aren’t you goi
ng to introduce me?” Paul asked as he looked around Alex to see Eve.

“Eve Matthews, I would like to introduce you to my friend, Paul and his friend,

Paul eyed her from top to bottom as Alex fought to hold his anger back.
Brooklyn quickly jumped in. “You are beautiful, Eve. I’m so jealous. Plus, you get to hang out with this stud.”

Eve chuckled. “Well thank you but you are beautiful also so don’t be
too jealous.” Brooklyn clearly liked her answer and went back to her drink.

Alex reached for Eve’s hand and led her through the crowd. When they walked down the stairc
ase and arrived at the boardwalk, Alex became more at ease.

Eve didn’t let go of his hand as she looked up at him. “You aren’t a bar person, are you?”

“How could you tell?”

“You were
clearly tense back there. Why would you come here?”

Alex laughed. “Paul n
eeded a wingman and didn’t leave me with much of a choice. He’s wanted me to get over Emily for a long time.”

ven though I’m new to the situation, I would have to agree with him.”

Alex loved how relaxed he felt around her. “I’ve been thinking about you since our lunch today.”

“I hope it was all good.”

“I feel very comfortable around you
, Eve. I haven’t had that feeling in quite awhile.”

Eve stopped him and placed her hand on his chest. “I’m happy to hear that. I have to be honest
also, I’m so afraid that you will think I’m being nice to you so that you will do a good job on my exhibit.”

Alex smirked and moved a piece of her hair that blew in wind behind her ear. He loved when she closed her eyes at his touch. “Why are you being nice to me then?”

Eve locked eyes with him. “Because I like you, God help me but you are the sexiest man I have ever met.”

Alex blushed as he traced his fingertips along the side of her face and down her neck. He felt
her take a step closer as she closed the space between them.

He leaned down and whispered. “I like you too, Eve. I hope you don’t think less of me.”

Eve looked quizzical, “For what?”

Alex brought his lips to hers for a
gentle kiss. Her lips were soft and felt perfect against his. He missed that intimate feeling. He decided to test the waters as he slightly increased the pressure against her lips. She moaned softly as he felt her hands wrap around his waist. She parted her lips and he quickly responded.

He spun
her around and pressed her back against the railing. His fingers traced over her bare back. Her skin was smooth and flawless. His body started to respond as he pushed against her.

She broke the kiss and looked up at him. Alex couldn’t catch his breath. She had a power over him already.

She looked up at him with her blazing blue eyes. “Not only are you the sexiest guy but you know how to properly kiss a woman.”

Alex lightly brushed her lips again before they were interrupted. “Mr. Smith, is that you?”

He turned to look at who spotted him and caught Becca looking at him. “Becca, I never would have imagined you being at a bar.”

She frowned at him and then noticed Eve. “Hello, Ms. Matthews. I didn’t know that you were getting together tonight.”

Alex moved away from Eve and nervously smiled at Becca. “We ran into each other tonight.”

Becca wasn’t buying
into it as Alex tried to change the subject. “Eve was telling me that she was grateful with all the work that you have put into her display.”

Eve nodded. “Yes, I love it!” She shot a look at Alex.

Becca sipped her drink and was visibly uncomfortable with the situation. “Thank you. Well, I’m going to go find my friends. See you both tomorrow.” She turned and walked away.

“That was uncomfortable,” Alex responded as he watched Becca leave.

Eve chuckled. “Alex, why are men are so blind? She likes you. I noticed it earlier at the gallery. When Emily was in your office, she was pacing around trying not to be noticed. I guarantee you that she saw the kiss with Emily and now with me.”

Alex shook his head. “No way, she has never been inappropriate a
round me. That’s why I like her. She’s different than the others.”

“She’s just better at hiding it. If you were my boss, God help me!”

Alex snickered, “Oh yeah? What would you do to me?” He pulled her back close to his body.

She licked her lips as his body instantly responded. Her lips glistened under the boardwalk lights as his thoughts drifted to
an uncivilized behavior. “I will leave that to your imagination.”

I really want to be alone with you.” Alex grabbed her hand and led her back towards the parking lot. “Crap, I didn’t drive tonight.”

Eve smirked. “Rides don’t come cheap.”

Alex laughed wholeheartedly. “What’s it going to cost me?”

Eve leaned against her car and pondered the ideas. She reached for his hips and pulled him closer to her. “Kiss me.”

He leaned down and came within inches of her lips. He watched as she bit her lower lip. “I want to do that,” he whispered.

“What’s stopping you?” she whispered back.

Alex growled as he captured her lips again. He didn’t wait to part them. He took her mouth with every desire that he had inside of him. He ground his hips tight against her as he felt her nails dig into his upper arms. She released a soft moan as they broke away without moving from each other.

“Are you going to give me a lift now?” he asked.

“Come on sexy, show me the way.”

Alex pointed out all the roads to take and
gave her an impromptu tour of the city. As they arrived at his house she gasped. “Wow, this place is incredible!”

“Thank you, I ta
ke great pride in it,” Alex said as he exited the car and walked around to open her door.

They walked up the
sidewalk and stopped at the front door. Alex lifted Eve’s chin and lightly kissed her. The kiss was soft and gentle. He knew he had to end it before he reached the point of no return.

He slowly backed away. “Are we still on for tomorrow?”

“Absolutely, pick me up around seven?”

“Sure, sounds like a plan.” Alex grinned.







As Alex pulled into the parking lot of Eve’s hotel, he found himself excited to see her again. He was dressed in his running gear as he stepped from the car and entered the lobby. He punched the number of her floor as the doors closed in front of him. He leaned against the back wall as he watched the numbers flash on the screen.

He smiled because he knew he liked her already. He needed that positive
energy that she had, in his life. He couldn’t wait to dive deeper and see where the relationship could go. He stepped from the elevator and headed towards her room.

He knocked softly as the door opened. Eve smiled at him, looking gorgeous in her running entire. “Good Morning.”

“Good Morning, Alex. How are you?” She asked as she waved him into the room.

“I’m doing great, looking forward to our run this morning. It’s been way too long since I was able to do this.”

“I’m ready when you are. Where are you taking me?”

“I thought we could drive
over to the local park and use the bike path.”

“Sounds great, let’s go.”

They approached the elevator and waited for it to arrive. Alex leaned against the wall and look at her. “Where are you heading when you are done in Buffalo?”

“My next show is in the
Midwest but Steve was trying to get us something in between here and there. After I close at your gallery, I will hop on a plane the next morning and start the process all over again,” Eve paused. “At some point, I need to actually work on new pieces.”

“I would love to offer you my home if you wanted to work on something while you are in town. I had a room designed
just for that purpose and it’s sitting vacant right now. All the supplies are already there.”

Eve smiled at him. “That’s such a nice offer. Thank you.”

The elevator arrived and Alex let her enter first as he joined her and pressed the button for the lobby. He could hear a soft laugh as he looked across the car at her. “What’s so funny?”

“Just thinking of
those romance books when the characters are in an elevator and the door closes how the sexual tension becomes too much that they can’t stand to be apart from each other.”

Alex laughed wholeheartedly. “I can’t say I read those kinds of books but I know the scene. Doesn’t the couple normally get caught when the doors open and boarding passengers decide to take the next car?”

Eve’s eyes lit up when she laughed. “Yes!”

Alex looked at her and
paused. He found himself thinking of that situation and what would happen if he allowed it to play out but he stayed to his side of the elevator. He smirked as the bell rang and the doors opened into the lobby.

“Alex, are you smirking?” she asked.

“Just a little bit, you can’t put thoughts like that into a man’s head.”

She chuckled as they walked through the lobby and to his car. He opened the door for her and she slid in.

As they drove towards the bike path, Alex admired her long legs. “Do you work out a lot?”

She nodded quickly. “I normally use the hotel gyms so I’m excited for a change of pace.”

“I’m going to look really bad out there, aren’t I?” Alex laughed.

“No, I won’t laugh, I promise. Well, maybe a little bit but I swear I won’t say anything to anyone if you run like a girl.”

Alex couldn’t help but smile again as he pulled into the parking space. She hopped out of his car and started to stretch in front of him. He groaned softly as he approached her.

She turned her head towards him and looked up from her squatting position. “Was that a groan, Mr. Smith?”

He blushed and shook his head. “No comment.”

She smiled. “Are you ready?”

“Let’s start this train wreck.” Alex said as he followed her onto the bike path and set his pace with hers.

“I will take it
easy on you. If you need to rest, let me know,” Eve said as she winked at him.

“Oh no, you aren’t going to show me up. I will keep pace with you.”
Alex said.

Eve grinned. “Alright old man, let’s go.”

“Old man! You better watch it, sweetheart.”

“Why, what are you going to do to me?” she asked innocently.

“Oh, that’s my secret.”

Eve grinned as she picked up the pace and headed towards
a small pond. “I love this view. Buffalo is really beautiful.”

“You sound surprised.”

“I am all you ever hear about is the snow and mass exodus of people leaving.”

“It has changed, a lot. People are coming back home and companies are building here. Yes, the lake causes problems in the winter but if you are an ice fisherman, it’s perfect for you.” Alex laughed.

“I wish I had more time to explore.”

“You can always come back. I would love to show you the downtown art museum. I used to run it.”

“You were a curator?”

“Youngest in its history,” Alex explained with a smile.

“That’s amazing, Alex. Your family must be so proud of you.”

He continued to jog as he grinned. “My father passed away awhile back from cancer but he did have a chance to see his influences develop in me.”

Eve stopped suddenly and grabbed his arm. “I’m sorry, Alex. That’s so sad.”

Alex smiled and nodded. “He’s my inspiration to keep my art gallery up to date with all the modern exhibits as well as
display the classics. He would be proud to see the interest that I have stirred within people in the art masterpieces.”

“Of course he would.”

Alex couldn’t help but see the sadness in her eyes as he leaned down and lightly kissed her sweaty lips. His fingers traced the side of her face as he quickly felt lost. He felt her pull back slightly. “You seriously are the best kisser.”

“Yeah, I’ve been told that,” Alex smirked. She lightly hit his arm and started jogging again.

“Tell me about your mother,” she asked.

“She’s great. She can sometimes
seem threatening but she’s not. She’s just very protective of her children.”

You have a sister also, correct?”

Alex nodded as he suddenly felt winded
. He didn’t realize how out of shape he was. “Yes, Patty. She’s wonderful. She recently got engaged to her long time boyfriend. I’m happy for them. They are one of those cute couples that you want to hate but can’t.”

“I have a couple of friends like that too.”

“Tell me about your parents,” Alex asked as he slowed down but fought to keep up with her.

“They are wonderful. My dad is a police
officer and my mom is a school teacher. I have three older brothers who are very protective of me.”

Alex whispered. “I will keep that in mind.”

“Are you planning on seeing more of me?”

“I hope so, Ms. Matthews.” Alex stopped and grabbed his knees.
He was happy to see his car again as he felt himself hit the wall.

“You did great, Alex. You should be proud of yourself.”

He was about to respond when his cell phone rang, he quickly set his Bluetooth to on and excused himself. “Hello?”

“Mr. Smith,
it’s Becca. I’m sorry that I had to call you so early but there is a problem at the gallery, can you come in?”

“What’s the problem, Becca?”

“Are you ok, you sound winded?”

“I was out for a morning run.
What’s wrong, Becca?”

“There was a break in last night. Some of the paintings have been destroyed.”

Alex gasped. “I will be right there!”

Eve noticed his reaction right away and came over to him. “What happened?”

“Eve, I need to go. There was a break in last night and I need to see what happened.”

“I should go with you just in case any of my items were damaged.”

Alex reassured her. “We have insurance but let’s see if we can’t get this straightened out.”

They drove in silence and noticed the police cars as soon as they pulled into the parking lot. “I really wish I had time to shower.” Alex groaned.

“Yeah, me too but business comes first.”

They raced inside
as Alex was greeted by Becca at the front door. He noticed her glare at Eve but brushed it off as he slid by her and grabbed one of the officers.

“I’m Alex Smith, the owner of this gallery. Please explain to me what happened!”

“Sir, it looks like they were able to break into one of the backrooms and gain entrance into the main gallery. Your alarms didn’t trigger and we are looking into that right now as to why. Most of your damage is contained to your office and some portraits upstairs.”

Alex groaned as he raced up the stairs and into his office. He looked around and saw his paperwork scattered everywhere and his furniture overturned. He heard an officer come up behind him. “Please don’t touch anything,
sir. We are still investigating and looking for fingerprints.”

“Of course, what can I do to help?”

“We will need a list of items that are missing. Please contact your insurance company so we can start the paperwork. I need to show you the damage to your artwork.”

Alex nodded and turned to see Eve standing at the stairs. “Nothing of mine was touched. The door was locked so they couldn’t get in.”

Alex sighed. “That’s because I locked up last night and I have the key. I’m happy about that Eve.”

She nodded. “
Me too but I feel horrible about all of this.”

Alex turned his attention to far wall and groaned. Eve follow
ed his line of sight and gasped, “Oh Alex!”

He made his way over to the portrait of Emma, Emily’s daughter and noticed that the painting had been slashed. “Who would do that?”

The officer spoke up behind him. “A bunch of kids, I’m sure. They don’t have respect for anything.”

Alex closed his eyes and wanted to cry. He didn’t have the heart of tell Emily that the painting was ruined. Eve came over and grabbed his arm gently.
“Do you want to sit down?”

“No, I really should have this officer show me around the rest of the damage.” Alex explained as he reached into his pocket and pulled out his car keys. “Here, take my car back to
the hotel. Shower, change and come back later and we will do lunch before your opening.”

“Do you think
the show will go on as planned?” Eve asked.

Alex turned his attention back to the police officer. “Ms. Matthews has an exhibit
opening tonight and we need to be back open by seven tonight. How do we make that happen?”

“As long as we can get through the paperwork and get the investigators out of here, you will be ok. We will just need to keep the backroom
and your office closed for now. I don’t want anything tampered with.”

Alex nodded. “Thank you, officer.”

Eve reached for his keys and gave him a hug. “It will be ok, Alex. I will be back shortly.”

He nodded as she walked passed Becca on her way out. Alex could see Becca smile as she approached Alex.

“What can I do to help, Mr. Smith?”

“Why don’t you
call the insurance company so we can start the claim? I need to make a phone call,” Alex said as he disappeared out at the front doors.

He quickly dialed the number for Henry’s gallery. “Good morning, Alex. How are you?”

“Not good Henry, my gallery was broken into last night.”

Henry gasped. “Oh my, that’s horrible. What did they do?”

“Broke into a back window and vandalized the place. They destroyed Emily’s portrait of Emma.”

“Alex, I’m so sorry to hear that. What can Barbara and I do?”

“I wanted to make sure that your place wasn’t hit as well.”

“No, we
are fine. Have the police started their investigation?” he asked.

“Yes, they are here now. I should get back to them. Will we see you tonight for the new exhibit?”

“Yes, we will be in attendance. Will everything be good to go?”

“I hope so. I will see you tonight, Henry. I’m glad that everything is safe and sound down the road.” Alex hung up the phone and headed back into the gallery.

“Mr. Smith, can we have a word?” one of the officers asked as he entered the main gallery.

“Of course, did you find anything new?”

The officer walked over to a side room so they were away from all the commotion. “We talked with your security company. We asked why the alarm was never triggered when the window broke. They claim the alarm was set around five last night.”

Alex quickly interrupted. “Yes, that was by me when I left for the evening.”

He nodded in agreement. “Around ten o’ clock last night, your alarm was disabled.”

Alex looked dumbfounded, “By whom?”

“That’s what we don’t know yet. We need a list of who has access to your security codes.”

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