Trust in Advertising (56 page)

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Authors: Victoria Michaels

BOOK: Trust in Advertising
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He rolled his eyes. “Get in my office, now.”

“Yes, boss.” Lexi saluted and turned off her computer. She slipped any important files into her drawer and locked them up tight, then followed him into his office.

Vincent sat down behind his desk, Lexi taking her usual spot on the couch.

“Did you have a chance to look at anything Tony brought up or did you just spend your time verbally abusing him?”

“Are you serious? Do you know what he said to me?” Lexi jumped to her feet, furious that he would accuse her of that until she saw his satisfied grin.


Trust in Advertising

She stalked over to his desk and snatched up the boards. “Don’t make me have to hurt you today, pal. What am I looking at? Oh God, more pictures of me? I bet my face is on the dart board down in productions.”

“If it wasn’t before, I’m sure it is now,” Vincent teased.

“Shut it. Okay, what do you want me to see here?”

“I need to begin scripting the presentation with some inspiration from this picture. So, look at it and tell me what you see.”

“My hair is stringy, I hate the blouse I’m wearing, and, wow, Hope’s breasts look spectacular!”

“Really?” Vincent craned his neck to look at the picture, and Lexi smacked him on the head with the board.

“Such a man.”

“One hundred percent testosterone, baby.” Vincent grinned wickedly at her, his darkened eyes lingering on her lips just long enough to make her blush.

“Now that we’ve established my manliness, back to the picture.”

“Your hair looks nice.”

“Again, stay away from the obvious and look deeper. What’s there in the background of it all?”

“A really pissed off Jade.”

Vincent gave her a droll stare. “I need emotions. What does it evoke, what do you see?”

“A really pissed off Jade.”

“Okay, let’s start there. The woman in the background is pissed off. Why?”

Vincent started taking notes on his paper, watching Lexi’s head cock to the side as she examined the photo.

“Um, because she’s perfect yet isn’t the center of attention.” Lexi heard his pen scribble across the paper.

“Keep going. Who would you say
the center of attention in the picture?”

“Well, Ho—I mean, the two women in the foreground seem to be getting the most attention.

Vincent’s head popped up. “Really? Is that what you see?”

“Sure, look how they are the focus of the picture, front and center, shoulder to shoulder.” Lexi pointed to the two of them so Vincent could understand what she was talking about.

He thoughtfully ran his hand over his chin, then went over to the couch and sat down beside Lexi, taking the picture from her. She held her breath as 339

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she felt his arm slide around the back of the couch behind her. He leaned closer and held the picture between the two of them. “When I look at it, I only see one person as the center of attention in this photograph.” His voice was low, his warm breath caressing her cheek.

His body was everywhere, the warmth he generated blanketing her as she sat beside him. She felt strangely protected. “Well, you’re pretty central in the picture too, I’ll give you that, but I think—” She stopped speaking when she felt his free hand wrap around her shoulder and brush up and down her arm.

“Lexi,” His darkened eyes pierced hers. “Not the man. He’s completely secondary in this. The focus of the picture is the beautiful brunette, right here.”

She half expected so see his finger pointing at Jade, but when she saw her face as the one he was talking about, her eyes grew huge with surprise.


“She is the star of this photo. The man doesn’t even see anyone but her. Look at him. His eyes are fixated on her face. He’s watching her every movement, he probably has been from the moment he saw her by the pool.”

Lexi swallowed hard, goose bumps breaking out across her flesh as his thumb continued to caress her arm. She didn’t know what to do. Vincent had basically confessed to watching her all day at Anna’s. She was the one who held his attention. Her heart spasmed in her chest as if it was screaming for joy. It was now or never.

“Well, the brunette can feel his eyes on her, and she likes it. She loves the way he watches her, the secretive glances, and the playfulness between them.

If she’d turned her head just a little farther to the side she would have caught him looking and would have been captivated by him, unable to look away. His admiration makes her bolder than she ever thought she could be. That confidence you see in her is because of him.”

“Do you think she wants him?” he asked in a husky voice, moving closer to her.

Lexi shyly peeked up at him from under her eyelashes and took the chance of her lifetime. “I know she wants him. She has for a very long time.” She held her breath and waited for his response.

A second passed … two. Just when Lexi was about to panic that she’d crossed the line with their little game, Vincent took a deep breath, and she waited.

“He wants her more than he has ever wanted anyone in his life.”


Trust in Advertising

Lexi turned away, the honesty in his eyes nearly stopping her heart. It was all too real now. Him sitting beside her, her face inches from his. The hardness of his body, the ease with which she could throw her arms around his shoulders and get lost in him completely. She immediately fixated on the picture and Jade’s snarling face snapped her back into reality.

“An il usion. That’s what the story of this photograph is, Vincent—something that will never be. Until there’s no angry harpy looming in the background, these two can never be together. She won’t allow it. He has to want her and only her, free and clear. Until then, they can see each other every day and pretend, pretend to be friends and colleagues, but nothing more.”

Knowing she was right, Vincent leaned closer, his forehead coming to rest against hers. They stayed that way for a minute, maybe ten. Lexi lost track of time and just let herself be swept up in the moment, in Vincent. He held her gaze, his eyes full of longing and want, hers reflecting the same deep emotions.

Finally, she felt just the slightest of shifts and heard Vincent whisper, “I don’t want to pretend any longer.” The next thing she knew, Vincent’s lips crashed into hers.

There was a possessive fire in his kiss that took Lexi’s breath away. His tongue swept past her lips, penetrating her mouth and claiming it as his. Her heart exploded in her chest, and instinctively her arms wrapped tightly around his neck as she held him to her. Pouring her heart into it, all the years of longing and waiting, she kissed him back with just as much fervor, possibly even more.

The growl of pleasure that came from deep in Vincent’s chest made Lexi’s entire body flush with heat. She kept kissing him, even if it meant depriving herself of oxygen. Nothing was more important at that moment than him.

Vincent’s hands eagerly explored her body, seeking out her curves and gently ghosting his fingers over her flesh. When she started to pull away, he tried to hold on tighter, but she slipped through his fingers and jumped to her feet, breathless.

“Lexi, I—” He stood up and went to her, his chest heaving as he tried to calm his breathing and speak. Instead of being welcomed into her awaiting arms, he was met by a hard slap to the face.

Lexi picked up the picture that had fallen to their feet. Her eyes were on fire as she pointed at Jade’s face in the photo. “Until she’s out of the picture,
can never happen again.”

Dumbfounded, Vincent watched her walk away.


∙ 28 ∙

Show me what you got, girl,” Hope caled from the doorway of Lexi’s bedroom.

Lexi strode out and gave a slow spin to show all the detail of the elegant knee-length dress she wore. It was black with a white strap that wrapped over one shoulder. The beading detail and workmanship of the dress were impeccable.

“It’s spectacular. You look stunning. Where did you get it?” Hope gushed.

“It’s a present from Julian. An original Stone design.” Lexi went to the mirror and gave her hair one final touchup, then she sat down beside Hope and slipped her heels on. “You look gorgeous too, by the way.”

Hope checked her watch and smiled. “Thanks. Wait, Julian doesn’t design women’s clothing.”

“Not in his line, but he does privately for Christina. This is one of those gowns.”

“Good thing the two of you are the same size,” Hope said as she ran her fingers over the black satin of Lexi’s skirt. “I’m kinda nervous to be going to this event tonight. This party is a long way from the garage.” Hope checked her makeup and hair again, suddenly frantic.

Her nerves caught Lexi completely off guard. Hope was always so together; nothing fazed her. She tried to put her friend’s mind at ease. “It’s just a fashion show. We sit, we look at the clothes, ooh and ahh, and then go to the after party where we make small talk with a bunch of people we’ll never see again. What’s Trust in Advertising

the big deal? Sean won’t be letting you out of his sight looking as gorgeous as you do tonight.” Lexi turned off the light and went to get her purse off the kitchen table.

“This is Julian Stone’s fashion show, Lexi. We’re talking paparazzi and red carpets. I’m a grease monkey. I don’t
red carpets.” Hope tapped her foot nervously on the hardwood floor, the loud clicks echoing through the room.

A knowing grin crept onto Lexi’s face. “You really like him, don’t you? And I mean
like him … don’t you?”

Hope nodded her head and bit her lip nervously. “He’s dated actresses, models, and heiresses, Lex. They know how to act at these things. I don’t.”

“So follow his lead. He’ll never let you fall.” Lexi made it all sound so simple when she was talking about someone else. Her life, however, was as complicated as the plans for the space shuttle.

“God, I’m turning into one of those whiny women I hate.” Hope took a deep breath and gave her long hair a shake. After applying a fresh coat of lipstick, confident, sexy Hope was back. She glanced at the clock. “He better here and pick us up soon. And I swear, if one of those rags makes me a ‘fashion don’t’

with a black bar across my eyes, I’m breaking someone’s neck.”

“There’s my girl.” Lexi laughed and opened the door when she heard loud banging. “Sean, look at you.”

“Hey, Lexi,” he said, shyly tugging at the lapels of his suit and glancing over her shoulder to take a peek at Hope.

“You clean up nice,” Lexi whispered in his ear as she wrapped her arms around his neck and hugged him. “She’s nervous about tonight. Go tell her how gorgeous she looks.”

“Hope!” Sean boomed. “Holy hell, woman, you’re smokin’.” He let out a low whistle as his eyes raked down her body, taking in every detail of the black dress, which hugged her womanly curves.

She swatted his chest. “Laying it on a bit thick, don’t you think?”

“Fine.” Sean grinned. “How about ‘You look so good all I can think about is dragging you across the hall and worshiping your magnificent body all night long’?” He nibbled down her neck and along her shoulder.

“Better.” Hope gasped as his lips made their way up toward her ear lobe.

“Much better.”

“Um, excuse me? Hi, I’m standing right here. Can you not molest her in front of me?”


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Sean grinned mischievously. “Sorry, Lexi. My bad. By the way, you look hot too. All eyes are going to be on you tonight … well, I know a pair of green peepers that will be glued to you, for sure.”

Lexi shook her head and tucked a tube of lipstick in her purse. “You two gossip like old women.”

“I hear you have a mean right hook too.” Sean winked when Lexi’s mouth fell open. “Come on, ladies. We gotta hustle so we can get there before the big rush.” He propped the door open, then held out both arms to escort the two women down the hall.

“You know, I had a dream like this once or twice,” Sean snickered as they waited for the elevator.

“Keep dreaming.” Lexi let go of his arm and stepped inside the elevator, laughing. “And I definitely don’t want to hear about any of your dreams with two women that take place in elevators.”

“Those are some of my personal favorites.” His eyes darkened as he whispered something in Hope’s ear that made her giggle.

“Seriously, I’m right here!” Lexi pretended to be annoyed, but really she was happy for Hope. She was a wonderful woman who deserved every bit of the happiness she was finding with Sean. He was a good man, and he adored her.

As Lexi watched them together, she knew they were the real thing. The passing glances, the little touches, the secretive smiles shared between them warmed her heart and gave her … hope. “You two are sickeningly cute.”

The bell dinged, and the doors of the elevator opened at the ground floor.

When Lexi saw the car that was waiting for them, she froze in place. “What the hell is that?”

“A limo? Technically it’s called a super limo or something like that. Or are you talking about the guy? He’s our driver. His name’s Bernard. Nice guy, except he’s a Raiders fan.” When neither of the girls budged, he shrugged. “What’s the big deal? Everyone’s in there waiting for us. We better get moving.”

Lexi’s face paled. “Who’s everyone?”

She and Vincent had spent the end of the week being all business after their incredibly intense kiss in his office and her subsequent slap to his face. Neither one of them had brought it up the next day, or any day for that matter, both acting as if it had never happened. Of course, every time Vincent walked past her, Lexi was reminded of the softness of his lips, his possessive kisses, and the strength of his body as it had wrapped around hers. The scent of his cologne now 344

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