Trust Me (42 page)

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Authors: Kristin Mayer

Tags: #Contemporary Romance

BOOK: Trust Me
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Oh double shit!
That silver object is a gun. My body freezes as if I’m stuck to the floor. I can’t move even though my brain is shouting,
The blood pounds in my ears. The fear is trying to consume me, and I fight to keep it at bay.
How in the world did he make it past security? If I scream, they’ll come in a heartbeat.

“I wouldn’t think of screaming if I were you.” He taps the butt of the revolver as a silent threat.

I gulp, and my throat tightens.

Think. Think. Think
. My brain feels as if it’s weighed down, making it hard for me to form rational thoughts.
Maybe if I keep him talking, I can buy some time until someone arrives.
My palms are sweaty as my eyes dart around the room, trying to come up with something…anything.

“Okay, Martin, I’m not going to scream.”

“I don’t have much time. I’m being framed for Rebecca’s murder. I don’t want to hurt you, Allison. I just need to use you right now to deliver a message and to keep Damien rational when he shows up.”

My voice is a little shaky as I respond, “Okay, why not just call Damien and tell him? Why hold me hostage with a gun? That doesn’t scream, ‘I’m innocent.’” After thinking about my bold statement, I softly add, “Sorry.”

He’s not even affected by my jab. It doesn’t seem to have irritated him.

Thank goodness.

“It’s the only way I know I’ll get out of here alive. He will not take a chance of hurting you. This was the only way I could get close to talk to either one of you.”

He’s too calm, and that scares me even more. Either, he’s not going to hurt me, or he’s going to flip out on me all of a sudden.

After taking a stuttering breath in, I respond, “Damien’s not going to let you take me from here.”

“I don’t plan on taking you, Allison. I just need you to listen to me for a couple of minutes.” His stance is casual, but his hand is still on the gun.

It’s hard for me to take my eyes off of it.
I just need to keep him talking.
“How did you get past security? You’re supposed to be headed overseas.”

“Didn’t get on the plane. I have connections, and I arranged for this hotel to be offered to your magazine. I was hoping I’d be able to get to you this way. I knew it was a good place to stage a run-in since there’s a connecting door to this office. It was locked when security swept this morning, and since it was added after the hotel was built, it’s not included on the original blueprints. It’s hard to see since the door is just like the paneling in the room, and the tapestry obscures it. By the way, your boyfriend is going to be quite upset at that oversight.”

I turn to look at the opposite side of the room, and sure enough, there is a door at the end of the room with the tapestry pulled off to the side.
Why is he telling me all this?

Turning back, I scoot away just a hair. “Okay, who killed Rebecca then?”

“Don’t move any farther back.” He taps the gun again, and I immediately stop. “If I give up all my information right now, you guys will go straight to the cops, and you won’t be inclined to help me. The real killer arranged it, so I’ll still go down as the murderer because of the current evidence against me. He’s a smart, sick bastard. We are going to have to build trust first, my dear, for both our sakes.”

Just keep the crazy-nut bag talking.
“How long have you known the identity of the actual killer?” My eyes continue to dart around the room to see if I can find anything useful to defend myself or make my escape.

Anger flashes over his face as his jaw pops. “Let’s just say I’ve known for a few months, but I had to unwillingly remain silent.”

I know I shouldn’t argue with him, but I don’t know what else to say. Hopefully, as long as I keep my voice calm and non-aggressive, he’ll stay as he is. “You slept with Damien’s exes. That makes it hard for me to believe that you suddenly want to help me.”

“Yes, I did do that. Cassandra came on to me, and I figured, what the hell? If he’s not satisfying her, she’s more than welcome to play the field with me. The others also approached me. Who am I to deny them a good time? They were great quick fucks. Damien is not as innocent as you think he is. He has a past, too.”

Oh, I think I’m going to puke. He’s beyond disgusting.

“I understand you think I don’t have many endearing qualities, so we are going to start small. I’m going to give you a piece of information that Damien has no clue about. I’ve known about it for a year. When he figures it out, he’ll want to hear more from me, and he’ll be willing to work with me. I’ll only communicate through you because I know he won’t risk your life. Once you figure out the answer, we’ll go from there.”

“How will you know when he’s figured the clue out?” I silently pray that security is going to be here any minute. They’re always speaking into their earpieces. By now, someone has to know that I’m missing.

“I’m not worried about that. Damien will know how to get in touch with me, just like he did in college.”

There’s still so much that doesn’t make sense. “Why’d you send me the texts, notes, and flowers?”

He shifts his weight toward me. His T-shirt and jeans look old and ratty. “I only sent you flowers to spring Damien into action to protect you. I saw the article about your incident with that college boy. I’m sure that caused the flowers at your apartment to be forgotten. I needed to get the ball rolling, so I sent them a second time. You and I have a problem much larger than me, my dear. This guy is smart, and he’s way ahead of us. At first, when I saw you with Damien in Vegas, I just wanted to fuck with him. Then, I happened upon the information that’s gotten me into this mess. We are running out of time, Allison.”

My body starts tingling with fear at his words.

Just then, banging starts on the door. Suddenly, he lunges for me and grabs me. He points the gun to my head, and he wrenches me so close in front of him that I’m nearly immobile.

I scream, “Ahhh!”
I wish I knew some self-defense moves.
My heart is thudding so loudly in my chest that I’m not sure it can stay contained there with how hard it’s pounding.

This could be the end. This could really be it.
I just keep thinking that over and over in my head.

As Martin starts backing us up toward the secret door, I try to remain calm. In a low voice, I say, “This isn’t helping your cause.” My voice hitches on the last word.

“I just need to keep you in front of me until I get to the door, and then you’ll be free. They won’t shoot as long as you are blocking me.”

Just then, the door bursts open with Bane at the forefront and Damien right behind him. Bane’s gun is drawn to the side. He is ready to shoot. Martin angles my body between Bane’s gun and him as he continues to walk backward while tsking at Bane.

Damien steps in front of Bane. “Bane, keeping Alli safe and unharmed is your priority.”

I can hear the panic in his voice. He then turns to Martin with his hands up in the air.

“Martin, please let her go. This has nothing to do with her. Take me instead.”

I sob, “No.” I know Martin might just kill Damien if we were to switch spots.

“Wales, I don’t think so. Just stay where you are, and no one will get hurt. Your goon needs to drop his gun and lie down on the floor.”

At his last command, he yanks me a little, and I whimper at the pressure of his grip.

Damien blanches at the sound. He extends his hand backward toward Bane as he keeps his eyes on me. “Bane, do as he asks.”

Bane hesitates for just a moment.

“Damn it! Drop your fucking gun now and lie down!” Damien yells.

Finally, Bane obeys him as Damien continues his conversation with Martin. “You can have anything you want. I’ll give you everything I have. Just don’t hurt her.”

Damien is outright terrified as Martin and I keep approaching the back door.

Tears are endlessly streaming down my face.
This could be the last time I see him.
I have to tell him how I feel one more time.
“I love you, Damien.”

My words visibly tear through him. He knows I’m preparing for the worst. His body is ready to strike at a moment’s notice as soon as the gun isn’t pointed at my temple.

“Alli, baby, I love you, too. You are going to be okay. Martin, please don’t hurt her.”

He’s trying to keep his voice calm, but I can hear the panic and fear loud and clear.

Leaning in, Martin whispers into my ear, “Here’s your juicy little tidbit. Cassandra has slept with more than just me in her recent years. I’ll be in touch, Allison. I suggest you only tell people you really trust because the real killer is out there, and he wants you. You don’t want him to know that you’re going to find him.”

I stiffen at his words. My mind is a molten mess right now.

Martin pushes me so forcefully that I stumble into Damien. He immediately takes me roughly to the floor and lies on top of me. Instinctively, my eyes squeeze shut as I hear the door slam. The noise causes me to flinch, and Damien presses me tighter to the hard floor, protecting me from anything that might come my way. His body on top of mine is making it hard for me to breathe. I have never been so scared in my life.

He yells, “Bane!”

“On it, sir.”

I can hear Bane’s footsteps echoing through the room, and then I hear a door opening. Everything is happening so fast that I can barely process it all.

The other security guard arrives. “Mr. Wales, we need to get you both to a secure location.”

Damien pulls me off the floor, keeping me in front of him, as we practically run out of the room. My feet falter, and without missing a step, Damien lifts me up into his arms as we continue to make our way to another room. He’s got me in a death clutch as I hear the security team talking into the earpieces about getting the magazine personnel to a safer location. My head is so messed up with all that has happened that I’m just about hyperventilating.

Damien sits me down on a bed. Kneeling in front of me, he methodically looks me over. I wince when he touches my head and my elbow.

“Where else do you hurt, baby?”

I can’t get my mind to connect with my body. I was nearly shot, and I almost lost Damien for the rest of my life. When he gives me a slight shake, it jolts me into speaking.

“Other than what you saw, he didn’t hurt me.” My need for Damien takes over as I slide onto his lap.

He sits us on the floor, and I hold him tightly, realizing how close I came to losing him. A sob erupts from me as I grasp on to the man I love more than anything in this world.

“Shh, I’ve got you. Baby, you’ve got a bump on your head, when I pushed you to the ground. I’m so sorry.”

All I can manage to say through the tears is, “We’re together. That’s all that matters.” I am going to turn into a hysterical mess. Taking deep, calming breaths, I try to bring my emotions under control. I whisper into his side, “I thought he was out of the country.”

“We did, too, baby. As soon as I found out he wasn’t on the plane, we came straight to you. We couldn’t get through to security. Lines have been down. You’re safe now.”

Two guys are standing near the entrance of the room. They are poised and ready for anything.

Mumbling against Damien’s chest, I say, “He set this all up. He said all sorts of…” I cannot finish. I start to have a breakdown as I sob into his neck again. It’s just too much for me to handle right now, and I cannot keep my emotions at bay.

“Shh, baby. We will talk about this later. Let’s wait for Bane, and then we’ll make a plan. I swear that you’re safe now, Alli.”

I shiver. Things could have turned out so differently.

He’s clutching me so tightly against him. His shirt is bunched up in my grip as I clutch myself to him.

“I love you.”

He gives me a gentle, reverent kiss on my head, and I can feel his love. It is that forever kind of love. I just need his touch right now. It’s something concrete to focus on.

“I love you, too, baby.”

Bane enters the room, and I immediately tense, hoping everyone is okay.

“Miss Scott, are you all right?”

I nod.

“Mr. Wales, Martin Mills has disappeared. He had a vehicle waiting outside of the exit. We are currently working on tracking him.”

Damien pulls me closer to him. “Fucking find him, Bane. We’ll need a doctor waiting for us at the house. Alli will need her head looked at. I took her down too hard with all the commotion. I want to get back to the house now. The police can meet us there if they want a statement. Have someone contact Ben and let him know our meeting is canceled this afternoon.”

“Yes, sir. I suggest we head that way immediately before the cops get here.”

I shudder, thinking about having to relive that moment by retelling it to Bane or anyone for that matter. Damien brings me closer to him.

We leave the room surrounded by security and make our way out of the hotel and into the waiting car. Once inside the vehicle, I lay my head on Damien’s chest. I close my eyes, trying to calm down.

“Miss Scott, all looks good. Take some aspirin for your head.”

We are sitting in the formal living room as Dr. Ferguson finishes his examination. Damien is right beside me, watching my every move, not letting any distance in between us.

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