Trust Me II (48 page)

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Authors: D. T. Jones

BOOK: Trust Me II
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“You really don’t give yourself much credit, do you?” he
frowned, wrapping her nearly naked body in his arms. “Do you remember when I met you in the boutique at the hotel? You were so shy about not having the money to afford the clothes you wanted, you were willing to ignore your desires to go with your common sense. What about when I asked you to marry me? I’m surprised you didn’t jump ship and try swimming back to shore. You thought I was crazy and even as much as I harassed you; you still kept your senses about you.

“Don’t you see, Sandra, business is exactly like that, especially mine. Do you have any idea how many times I could throw away my morals and just go
ne with a cheaper product that would make me more money, or invest in another alternative that cut corners? I needed a sense of right and wrong when I first started my company and that’s exactly what you have. Apply your instinct and your intuition and you’ll go much farther than you think you can.

Do you know how proud I was when you took Debbie Lankly into your hands and guided her through the daily process of what I expected out of her? All I had to do was tell you what I wanted and you ran with it; you took the first step toward making a successful investment in Kansas. I am quite certain when we return you’ll see more than a happy woman; you’ll find a farm that is fruitful and profitable.”

“You have a lot more faith in me than I ever will,” she said sadly. “Maybe I should just be content with staying barefoot and pregnant.”

“Never,” he said gently. “Not that I would mind it, at least the practicing side of creation, but I want more for you than that. You are a strong woman and a smart one. That day you confronted The Don in Milan, I was never more proud of anyone in my life. You stood up to a man that most people cower to and even when he showed his poker face, you stared him down and made him take another look at what was happening around him. That takes a very ingenious person to do that to a man like Donato Vigano. I can count the people who are not intimidated by him on one finger, me. Even my own father backs away from him, perhaps not as much as some other men I’ve seen, but he does.”

“Maybe it’s because he doesn’t intimidate me,” she said with a small smile. “I don’t back away from bullies, I never have.”

“Then think of business in the same way. Finances, technology, investment, they are all the same thing; big bullies waiting to be put in their places and controlled.” The timer on the microwave went off and Creighton drew a deep breath, kissing her lips briefly before turning around to take their lunch out of the silver box.

“Are you cold?” he asked with a wicked grin as they walked to the table. Sandra frowned; why would he ask her this now after two hours of having her sit naked… or at least half naked, while he tried to educate her on the world of eco-finance?

“No,” she answered hesitantly as he held the chair out for her, allowing her to sit down next to the toys that remained untouched on the table beside her.

“Do you know why I made you dress that way?”

“Because you’re a perverted stalker?”

“Yes, that and it has been very pleasurable, but it was more
of a lesson for you. Because of your attire, or lack thereof, you have overcome your obstacle of being embarrassed. I am very proud of you, not only were you able to concentrate, even though I was having a hell of a time with it, but you did it without the slightest indication that you were practically starkers. It’s like the old advise every teacher gives their students before going out for a debate, or speaking in front of the class;
envision your audience in their underwear and they are less intimidating
. The next time you have to concentrate on business, you’ll remember today and you’ll be less afraid of what lies ahead of you.”

“Is there a lesson in everything you do?” she asked with a smile as he sat across from her and began dishing up the chicken and rice dish. Creighton laughed then handed her a plate.

“Not always, but you’re such a damned good student, I find myself relishing in the instructions; especially the darker, more intimate ones.”

“So, since my lack of clothing was simply another of your impeccable
training sessions, I suppose I can get dressed now?”

“Don’t even think about it,” he warned with a wicked grin. “I promised you a reward for your
diligence, or punishment as I recall. Which one would you like to start with?”

“Why should I
be punished or choose either one? I have been subjected to an afternoon of complete boredom and drudgery. I believe I should be rewarded to the height of praise for sitting still all that time and not falling asleep.” Creighton narrowed his eyes to her slightly, eating his lunch silently, thinking of all the erotic things he wanted to do to her.

He remembered their last night in Kansas and how she kept wiggling her bottom in front of him
as they packed for their trip back home, challenging him and daring him to spank her. He was afraid to try until last night when he finally found a website that gave him instructions on BDSM with pregnant women and how much they could take. He knew a great deal on the subject of torture and reward, but finding that site and the many videos provided, made him eager to return to their darker side of lovemaking.

“What are you thinking about?” she asked with a slight furrow of her brow.

“Oh, all the naughty things I plan on doing to you.” He smiled at the soft blush she offered him. “You must have been hungry,” he added, making her look down at the empty plate in front of her. Sandra was amazed; she barely remembered eating at all, but she felt full and content and ready for whatever he had in mind.

“Tell me about this surprise you mentioned last night,” she remarked, hoping to still the wild thumping of her heart.

“You mean besides the table in our room?” He smiled when her blush deepened.

“You said I would like it; that table is your perverted toy, not mine.”

“But you are the one who will benefit from it; in many perverted, dark ways.”

“So that was my surprise?”

“No,” he chuckled and stood, walking out of the room and into the den. He returned a few minutes later with an iPad and handed it to her, causing her to frown.

“What’s this?” she asked, taking it from him and watching as he walked around to the opposite side of the table.

“A gift. Turn it on.” She obeyed with a heavy sigh; as much as she liked gifts, she kept thinking about what else he planned on buying her. When was too much enough for a man like Creighton Ashford?

Sandra pushed the button and watched as the screen came alive, smiling at the background picture of them on the front steps of the church; their wedding photo.

“See the icon on the top?” he asked her watching her search the screen. “Open it.” Sandra touched the small icon that said SEA and found a number of items inside; her music, her books, the few games she liked to play on her Kindle. There was a folder of photos including the ones they had taken at Chang’s the first time they were in France and the
pictures he had taken a few weeks ago at his office; the ones where he had photographed his initials on her delicate body, her breasts and a few of her labia.

“What if someone sees these?” she asked in an alarmed tone, staring at the man who smiled back at her.

“That’s why you put a password on your devices. I for one am not ashamed of a single one of those pictures. They represent your love for me and your trust. You have no idea how rare those two items are in this world.”

“Even if I wanted to be angry with you, you just deflated my ire,” she argued with a shy smile causing him to laugh.

“So no make-up sex?” he asked with a wink.

“Sorry not this time.”

“Damn,” he grunted, his lips curling in a broad smile.

“So what do you
have planned to do to me, my brave knight?”

“My queen, I plan on making you scream with
such pleasure even the bravest of dragon slayers dare not rescue you. If you’re finished, then I want you to go upstairs and wait for me in the master’s chambers. Don’t change, just sit on the edge of the bed and fold your hands in your lap. I’ll be along shortly.”

Sandra tried to hide her smile, but failed miserably. She had wanted to play for days, but he kept her at arm’s length while making vanilla-love to her. Now she knew things were going to get spicy and she was eager for all
of it.

“What if
I fail to obey?” she challenged him.

“Then the consequences will be much harsher than you would like. I wouldn’t want to spend the rest of the day
enduring your pouting. Now go, I’m running out of patience.” Sandra drew an exaggerated sigh, pushed away from the table while rolling her eyes and sauntered toward the stairs, wiggling her bottom behind her.

Creighton watched
her walk slowly up the stairs before he gathered the plates and dish of leftover casserole Bess had made and took them into the kitchen. He glanced at the clock on the stove and smiled. Taking his time, he washed the dishes, sealed the food back in the plastic container and put it away, then took the orange juice from the fridge and poured two glasses. He glanced at the clock again, five minutes had passed by. Was that all? His eagerness was beginning to get the better of him, but he had to prolong his arrival. She needed to be properly prepared and eager for his approach.

He gathered the toys he had set out for her to look at and smiled; he had no intention
of using them earlier, but every intention of using them now. The images of the videos he had watched for hours last night as she slept continued to play in his mind. They had been much hotter than he thought they would be; he never had a desire to see a pregnant woman get shagged before, but the idea of Sandra’s belly growing bigger with his child as he continued to play with her, made his already firm erection grow stronger. He slipped the toys back into the black bag that had remained hidden under the table and glanced at the clock once more.

Fifteen minutes
; that’s better, he thought. He swung the back pack across his shoulder, adjusted his pants around the throbbing bulge and picked up the glasses of juice. The walk up the stairs was much longer than he had ever remembered them to be, but he continued slowly, just for good measure, smiling as he considered her waiting for him. When he opened the door to find her sitting on the end of the bed, completely starkers, he smiled. He knew she would challenge him in some way and was quite happy she had. He knew what she wanted; he had created an orgasm-crazed female as she termed it, and he was more than willing to help her continue carrying the title.

“I thought I told you to remain dressed?” he snarled as much as he could, considering he was smiling. Sandra looked up at him and batted her long eyelashes
, making him fight the urge to laugh when he thought of how this simple act was a family trait. If only she knew what that did to him and his overly active libido.

“I decided I had worn those clothes long enough,” she answered
in a simple tone.

“Since you rarely wear knickers anymore, I should make you keep them on while I shag the hell out of you.”

“But that would defeat your purpose,” she smiled. “Admit it, you want me naked as much as I enjoy being naked around you. So stop chastising me and get on with it.”

“Demanding little thing aren’t you?” he teased, setting the bag down next to her on the floor then turned and placed the glasses on the bedside table.

“Listen Ashford,” she snapped, hands on her hips as she sat there staring at him. “I’ve been patient far too long. If you don’t start playing with me right now, I’m going to…I don’t know what I’ll do, but you won’t like it.” Creighton’s resistance was lost as he laughed, walking back to her and wrapped his arm around her waist, lifting her to her feet.

“I like everything you do or can think of doing,
and I won’t keep you waiting much longer. I want that beautiful little arse of yours up on that table. I plan on taking full advantage of you and your incredible assets, starting with this,” he said, his hand cupping her groin. Sandra gasped and smiled, her eyes wide but without another word uttered, she quickly did as he told her. Creighton smiled, watching her stretch out onto her back; remembering the first time she was on a table like this; she wasn’t this eager. Strange how hormones could make a normal person feel wanton and crazed.

took the bag Rochelle had given to him and stepped into the bathroom. He was sure she was going to be mad at him, but he didn’t care. A few moments of grooming and hours of playing would make up for it; besides, hearing her scream her release made his blood hotter than lava. He quickly filled the small metal bowl his friend had given him with hot tap water and read through the instructions before placing the jar of wax in the bowl. He smiled wickedly as it became as soft and pliable as butter, thinking of how much fun he had the first time he did this to her. He then removed the sash from her robe hanging on the bathroom door and returned to the bedroom to find her still lying across the table.

“Good girl,” he told her as he sat the wax and bag of supplies on the dresser. “That’s exactly how I want you; starkers and ready
for me. But first things first.” He walked to the head of the table, trailing the tail of the sash up her body and smiling as she bit her lip to keep from giggling.

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