Trusting Bull: Savage Brothers MC (15 page)

Read Trusting Bull: Savage Brothers MC Online

Authors: Jordan Marie

Tags: #Romance, #MC, #Fiction

BOOK: Trusting Bull: Savage Brothers MC
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“I’ll get you some then. Did you have a good day?”

“It was actually really good. I mean it started when this man gave me a ride to work on his bike, and it just kept getting better.”

“No run-ins with Walter-boy or Melissa?” he asks, and I know he’s worried.

He told me a little about the scene with Melissa at the club, and to be honest I’ve been worried about her reaction too. I haven’t seen her though. She’s been MIA for the last three days. The head of the nursing staff said she didn’t give them any warning just left them a note on the hospital administrator’s desk that a family emergency came up and she was leaving the state.

I relay that information to Bull and he gets a puzzled look on his face.

“What?” I ask.

“Just didn’t figure she’d give up that easily. She was really mad. Did Judy mind giving you a ride home?”

“Me either, but I’m not going to complain about it. And no, she’s been really down since the house fire. Do you know they’re having trouble getting the insurance to pay?”

“Why’s that?”

“Apparently the Fire Marshal’s report came back and they’re saying it looks like the fire was purposely set.”

“You’re kidding?”

“Nope and since Judy and Tony were upside down on their mortgage, the insurance agent is being an ass.”

“Da……darn it,” he says with a wink. “Maybe the club could help them out?”

“She’s got a meeting with the insurance company tomorrow, which means no bike ride tomorrow morning—as fun as it was.”

“Does this mean I’m staying again tonight?” he asks in surprise.

“I was hoping you would. But sadly, I will drive my boring old Volvo, to work,” I tell him, trying to play down the nervous flutter in my stomach. The truth is…
I don’t want him to leave

“Jesus, I can’t believe I’m dating a woman who drives a Volvo.”

I stick my tongue out at him.

Bull laughs, before looking at Matty. “Okay, sport. Let’s stop for the night and get your Mama some food.”

“Aw! Man!”

Bull reaches over and ruffles Matty’s hair, and my heart flips over inside my chest.

“We can finish up tomorrow, buddy.”

“Now, go love on your mom,” he tells him and I fall for him, a little more.

Matty comes and hugs me and I hold him close, before letting him go. There’s times he rebels from being mom’s baby. Then there are times like now, when he reminds me of when he was three and I was his world.

I talk with my son while Bull warms up my food. I ask Matty how his sleepover went and smile as he tells me about all of the video games they played. It’s a big hint as to what he wants for Christmas, so I make a note somewhere inside my tired brain. Matty’s spent the day with Bull. He volunteered to be here today when Matty got off the bus. I worried how he would explain it to Matty. Apparently he told Matty he wanted to spend time with his favorite buddy. Matty’s chest puffs out in pride, when he tells me that. I look over his head at Bull, and he winks at me. I know I’m already half way in love with him. He comes back in with a tray that’s loaded with a drink, a bowl of chili and some crackers.

“Wow, I think you might be trying to spoil me, Mr. Kane.”

“You never know, Doc.

“Hey, Mom? I’m going to go play video games. I’m supposed to do an online battle with Greg.”

“Greg?” I ask, because that’s a new name.

“He’s a new guy at my school, just like me. I just met him today. He’s really cool.”

“Okay. Have fun. I’ll be in before bedtime to check on you.”

“He’s a good kid,” Bull says, when he leaves.

“He is, he’s growing too fast. I didn’t know you could cook,” I tell him, to distract my thoughts, the thought of Matty growing up and outgrowing me is a constant concern. It’s a worry that’s only gotten worse, since I don’t have a lot of time with him right now.

“There’s a lot of things you don’t know about me, Doc.”

“Such as?”

“Sweetheart, I can’t give away all my secrets. I have to tempt you with them slowly,” he jokes.

“Is that what you’re doing?” I ask leaning against the back of the couch, feeling completely relaxed.

“Unleashing my awesomeness a little at a time to get you addicted? Absolutely,” he says going down on his knees in front of me. He takes my shoes off, and then picks one foot up, tenderly massaging it.

“God, that feels better than sex,” I moan.

“Fucking hell, I must be doing something wrong,” he jokes, and I laugh as a yawn overtakes me. Bull takes my tray, and sets it on the coffee table, before continuing with his massage, concentrating on the balls of my feet.

I’ve almost dozed off, when the doorbell rings. I jerk and yawn again, but before I can get up, Bull waves me off.

“I got it, Doc,” he says, already going to the door.

I’m close to being out again when Bull comes back. He’s holding a white envelope, the kind you get with a greeting card, and reaches it to me.

“No one was there, but they slid this under the storm door,” he says, handing it to me, before returning to work on my foot.

“That’s weird,” I say, looking at the envelope. It’s addressed Dr. Skye Walker. That’s it, no further writing.

“I thought so. It better not be another man trying to make a move on you.”

I shake my head, because he’s being foolish. It’s nice he thinks I’m someone other men would notice. I’ve never had a self-confidence issue—it’s just really nice to feel valued. I take the envelope with heavy eyes. It’s going to take all I have to stay awake to kiss Matty goodnight.

I yawn, then grip the card. I look at Bull on impulse and reach down to kiss him quickly on the lips.

“I’m pretty sure I’m ruined for other men after last night,” I tell him, not even caring that I’m blushing.

“Damn straight,” he says, coming up to sit beside me. He takes me in his arms and kisses the side of my neck. “Could you feel me when you walked today, Doc? Did you feel empty?”

His wicked words send goosebumps over my skin, and I’m instantly aching for him. He was right last night.
He did brand me

“If I say yes, will you do something about it?” My tired body is instantly ready for him.

“Absolutely, sweetheart.”

“Then, yes times infinity,” I tell him, as I open the envelope. I pull out a folded, thick piece of paper inside. It’s not a card as I thought. Just a note, that’s folded in half. I recognize the handwriting immediately.

Every sin must have a just recompense. You made me do it.—AW

Chapter 29


ill you quit

“Do you not get that some sick fuck is out there toying with you! This is the wrong fucking time for Dragon and Dance to be gone!”

“You said they went to spend Thanksgiving with Crusher and Dani and to celebrate them adopting a little boy. Will you relax? It’s probably just some kid trying to scare me, or playing a very sick joke.”

“You’re being naïve, Doc. There are some twisted people out there, and I’m not sitting around on my ass while they target my woman. Fucking hell! Why didn’t you tell me, you’ve been getting these notes?”

He’s been going on like that for the last hour. I got Matty in bed and he called his club, then yelled and growled. He threw a pillow across the room, cursed some more, then called the club again.
Rinse and repeat, even

All this was kind of sexy for the first thirty minutes. The last thirty however, it has become annoying. When he picks up the phone to talk to Freak—
yet again
, I’ve decided I’ve had enough. I get up, and walk to the door that leads into the hallway. He’s not even paying attention to me. I could be in California right now for all he knows. I mean, I know I’ve had a long day at work, still, shouldn’t I be able to get my man’s attention when I leave a damn room? I pull my shirt over my head and throw it down. Next, I pull off my scrubs, and then kick them out of the way. I might have kicked them a little harder than I needed to, because they land against a picture on the coffee table. The frame falls and slams on the coffee table with a loud ‘

“Yeah, Freak. I want a prospect here watching over the property. Until we determine what this is, we need to treat it as serious. I’ll be here the majority of the time, but I can’t be here 24/7 I need to make sure my….” he stops mid-sentence, jerking his head up at the sound. “Skye?”

“I’ll be in the bedroom if you’re interested,” I tell him, unlatching my bra and throwing it at him. I count it as a win, when it lands on his head and then slides down. He grabs the bright white cups with his free hand and tightens his hand on it. I make sure he gets a good view of my chest, then shimmy out of my panties, throwing them to the side. When I’m standing in the room completely naked, I stare at him, daring him to do something.

“Bedroom, Skye. I want you by the bed on your knees,” he growls and chills run over my body. I think I’ve won. So I smile in agreement and head towards the bedroom.

“Freak man, I’m going to have to go….” I hear him in the background, so I pick up my pace, practically running to my room.

I kneel down by the bed, anticipation is running through my system. All it took was his order and my nipples pebbled like hard stones. Heat swamps my system, and desire coats the inside of my thighs. This man has my body on fire and he hasn’t even touched me.

“Skye this isn’t some damn joke. Some asshole has targeted you here,” he growls.

He’d be more convincing if he wasn’t undressing. I guess I should be more worried. But really, this has been going on for a while now and nothing has really happened. If the police or hospital security were more concerned, maybe I would be too. They’re not, so I can’t bring myself to be. Instead my eyes are glued to this amazing man in front of me.

His body is like a work of art. He’s tall and hard chiseled perfection. His dark skin calls to me. I love the way the light caresses it. I want to follow it with my tongue. For so long, I ignored anything that made me feel like a woman. Bull not only brings that back to life, with him everything is more intense that it ever was with anyone else. I lick my lips as he palms his hard cock and strokes it. Moisture gathers on the tip and I instinctively lean towards him.

“See something you want, Doc?”

Nervous butterflies flutter in my stomach.
I do.
I absolutely do. I worry for a second, but he’s clean now. I’ve seen the reports and I’ve been imagining his taste for days.

“Bull, please.”

He sits on the bed and I lean up, bracing myself on his knees, thinking
—I’m going to get what I want.

“Don’t touch me, Skye. Sit back down,” he barks. I look up at him confused, but I do it.
I do it automatically
. I don’t even think to argue with him.

His hand holds his balls, rolling them, and then he gives his cock one
stroke. I can’t stop the whimper that breaks free at the sight.

“Bull, please.”

“You see something you want, Doc?” he asks, and he tugs hard on his dick so the tip is almost at my mouth and I think he’s going to give it to me. I want to stretch to get it, but I’m afraid he’ll stop after his last reprimand. My tongue though, comes out and curls, silently begging. At the last minute he points the tip down and I feel his heated pre-cum caress just under my collar bone. I wait for more, but instead he reaches beside him and produces a bottle of lotion. I hadn’t seen him grab it, I was too engrossed in his body. It’s my vanilla and sugar lotion that I use all the time. He looks at the bottle with a leer. “Have I ever told you Doc, how much I love the way you smell? I dream of it. I’ve jerked off to it a hundred times. It reminds me of sugar cookies and that only makes me want to eat you up.”

“Fuck, yes…” I moan, purposely giving him the word he loves to hear out of my mouth the most.

“Hold them perfect tits out for me, Doc and get up on your knees.

I do as he orders. When he commands me in that tone, my whole body convulses in need. He holds the bottle over me and a thick creamy strand creeps out, catches the side of my breast and then runs slowly down the deep valley I’ve created. He makes sure to do that several more times, my body shivers from the mixture of the cold lotion and the way I’m needing him.

“Move over here woman and get between my knees, then wrap them tits around my cock.”

Who knew I could get so turned on by this? I do as he tells me, loving the way his dick lays against my skin, so big and warm. My eyes trace the veins, and the way his pre-cum already has him slick, before I envelope him in my breasts. I never really understood why men went crazy, because I had larger breasts, but now I’m thankful, because they wrap his cock tight, and I hold him into my body. He uses my shoulders to guide me, and shows me the motion he wants. Slowly, I follow his lead, letting his strong, hard member tunnel through. At the end of each thrust the tip of his dick pokes out.

My eyes are drawn to Bull. His gaze is intense, watching as he fucks my breasts. Every muscle on his face is tight—so rigid and precise. I’m dying to see him lose control. Make him go over the edge, like he makes me. With that in mind, I lick the tip of his cock every time it peeks through. I flatten my tongue and gather the pre-cum from the tip. When the salty liquid hits detonates on my taste-buds, I moan.

Bull’s uncircumcised and while the foreskin is covered with a mixture of him and the lotion, the head of his cock is all him and it’s delicious. When my tongue licks his head, his body shakes. I look up to see his scorching gaze on me. His hands overlap mine as he grabs my breasts. His thrusts get firmer, more intense, jarring my whole body and I love every minute of it.

“Did you like the way I taste, Doc?” he asks, and his voice is guttural, animal-like in nature, his eyes are glued to my chest and the way my tongue licks the crevice of his head, every time he finishes a thrust to expose it.

“Yes, honey. I want more. I need to be covered in you,” I tell him and I don’t know where the words come from, but I know
I want it

My words seem to be exactly what he wants, he tunnels faster and I can see his balls literally pulse. He lets go of my breasts to pull his dick out from the valley we created. He strokes himself. Once…twice and then jets of creamy, white cum bursts forth and lands on my breasts, stomach, my thighs, and then across my chin and lips. When he finally finishes giving it all to me, a giant shudder rakes through his body. This time when he looks at me, he’s still intent, but gone is the cocky Bull that normally comes out to play. In his place is a man who looks as if he is going to eat me alive.
The thought alone is thrilling
. I lick the stream of cum that landed on my lips, using my finger to gather it off my chin too. I’m doing it to further tempt him, to tease him—because I can.

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