Trusting Bull: Savage Brothers MC (11 page)

Read Trusting Bull: Savage Brothers MC Online

Authors: Jordan Marie

Tags: #Romance, #MC, #Fiction

BOOK: Trusting Bull: Savage Brothers MC
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“I’m not waiting a fucking year to have you, Doc.”


I grab her hair, wrapping my fist in it, tightening my hold, so she can see how serious I am.

“I am not waiting a fucking year to have you, Skye. Woman, today was one of the best days of my life.”

“Mine too,” she says, simply.

“Then you have to know that I am not giving you up. I can do this Skye. Trust me. C’mon Doc, sometimes you have to live a little.” She studies me, but doesn’t respond. “Take a chance on me, Doc. I won’t let you regret it.”

I have never felt such relief in my life as I do when she nods yes. Then, I slam my lips back onto hers and kiss her until we both forget our names.

I pray I can just get her to see my club like I see it. Hell, I can’t remember praying, but I pray all of the way home. I need for Skye to give us a chance. I can’t imagine living my life without her or my brothers. I just hope like hell it doesn’t come to that.


She had her
chance. I watch as that man’s taillights disappear. He’s really starting to be annoying. I watched them through the window, I was sure Skye was going to do the right thing. She didn’t. I can’t keep waiting. I’m not ready to bring her home yet. There are still things to accomplish to make it perfect. I am going to have to step up my game though. I need to get my message across to Skye.

It is decided.

I will send her one more message, and then if she still refuses to fall into line, I will have to bring her to heel. I tighten my grip on the black silk panties I got from her house earlier. I bring them to my nose. Bile rolls in my stomach. It is not her pure scent now—it’s changed.
She has changed.

I must work faster, before she ruins it all.

Before she ruins things, just like the others did.

I have to hurry.

Chapter 20


oc? You okay?”
We’re sitting in the car outside of the club, and she’s barely said three words since we left. She’s definitely nervous, but I’m worried it’s something else.

“What if they hate me?”

“They won’t.”

“What if I hate them?”

I don’t really know how to answer that, since at this point it’s the biggest worry I have.

“Just give them a chance, Doc. That’s all I ask.”

She nods, and I get out of the car. She has the door opened by the time I get to her side, but I manage to be there in time to help her out. I hate driving a car. I want Skye on my bike. But until we see how today goes, I’m not going to put her on the back of it. I have a feeling that if this goes south, she’ll haunt everything around me. The last thing I need is to climb on the back of my girl, and remember Skye there.

I keep my hand on Skye’s back as I lead her to the club entrance. I try to imagine what the place looks like to someone who is just seeing it for the first time, but that’s impossible for me. The club is wrapped up in everything I am, and has been home for so long, just the sight of it calms me. I look down at Skye, to try and gage her reaction, but other than the way those perfect white teeth are gnawing into the corner of her bottom lip, there’s not a clue as to what she is thinking. Hopefully her nerves will calm. We pass by one of the new recruits guarding the door, I think I’ve heard the boys call him Circus. I really don’t want to know what shit earned him that road name.

He opens the door for us and Skye thanks him. He gives her a once over and I
elbow him as I pass—in the throat. He’s not getting my vote when the time comes, motherfucking little bitch. Skye is so wrapped up in her nerves that she doesn’t even notice the exchange.

The club is quiet today, and to be honest that might be why I picked it to begin with. I sure as hell wasn’t bringing her here during a party. Dragon and Nicole are in the back talking to Dancer. Carrie isn’t here, and I’m glad. Doc doesn’t need anything else to think about right now. I lead her over to the table, they look up and holy hell, this whole thing feels awkward as fuck.

“Hey Bull. Is this the Doctor we’ve been hearing about?” Nicole, bless her heart speaks up first to break the silence.

“Yeah, little Mama. Skye this is Nicole. For some reason she decided to marry Dragon there, and that other ugly fucker is Dancer.”

“Hi,” Skye responds. She has her hands clasped at her waist and the grip she has on them is turning her skin completely white.
This is not going well.

“You got a problem with Bull being a member of the club?” Dragon asks and I’d like to strangle him.

“Dragon, lay the fuck off.”

“What? I’ve got a right to ask the question. You’ve been worrying like a motherfucker hoping this chick fits in. Hell, it’s all you talked about last night. It’s my club, so I want to know what in the hell the problem is.”

“Would it matter if I did?”

“It would to him.”

“Then I guess that’s between Bull and me to work out.”

“Do you know who I am?”

“Other than your name is apparently Dragon, no, I don’t.”

“Let me ask you something, why do you think you’re good enough for my boy?”

“Dragon, man…” I try again to stop him. I can understand why he’s questioning Skye, but I don’t need more strikes against me.

“It’s okay, Bull. Let him have his say.”

“Yeah Bull, let me have my say,” Dragon chimes mockingly, and I flip him off.

“Are you an ass to everyone? Or am I just lucky, Dragon?” Skye asks, and everyone stops moving.

“Skye, you can’t…” I interrupt the exchange. I need to try and stop this before it gets out of hand. Dragon might be out of line, but he is the club president, and you just can’t talk to him like that.

Dragon waves me off, and leans on the table, looking at Skye intently.

“I’m an ass to anyone who thinks one of my brothers isn’t good enough for them.”

“I never once said that. Bull is an amazing person.”

“Then why you making my boy jump through hoops?”

“Bull is a grown man, I doubt anyone could make him do anything he didn’t want to do.”

“You like my boy?”

“Jesus, Dragon. Let it go. Skye and I got this,” I interject, because I’m about to step out of line even more than Skye, and I
what that means.

“Very much,” Skye says, and when I turn to her, I notice she’s looking at
this time—not Dragon. Hell, that’s enough to do something to a man.

“Then what’s your deal?” Dragon prods,
yet again

“You have a child, right?”

“Dom, yeah.”

“Then I’d lay odds that whatever you do in the future, you will go slow and worry about how your decisions will affect him. Or maybe I’m wrong. Will you just jump in with both feet and let him live with the consequences?”

“What happens if you decide to take a chance, Skye?”

I hold my head down when Nicole asks her that. This is a fucking nightmare. I’m one step away from grabbing Skye and taking her the hell out of here.

“Then I will jump in with both feet and fight like hell to make it work.”

Dragon, seems to consider her answer.

“You’re mouthier than Bull’s regular type.”

“Since I’ve met some of his past playthings, I’ll take that as a compliment.”

“Playthings?” Dancer asks, and before he can even begin to think she’s talking about Carrie, I answer.

“She works with that fucking bitch, Melissa.”

“Fuck a duck, and you’re still here with him?” Dance asks.

“Someone told me I need to live a little,” Skye answers, and the tension inside of me lets go. I squeeze her side and kiss the top of her head.

“I think there’s too much damn testosterone in here. Would you like to meet baby Dragon, Skye?” Nicole asks.

“I’d love too.”

Nicole gets up and kisses Dragon quickly on the lips, but pulls away before he can grab her—like I know he wants to.

“He’s just like big Dragon, but not as bitchy. Well except when it’s dinner time.”


“Hush, sweetheart. You can spank me later.”

“Always busting my balls,” Dragon grumbles.

The women walk off, and I sit down. The prospect I elbowed earlier brings me a beer. I rarely drink now. But hell, after watching Dragon lay into Skye, I need one.

“You really think this chick is the one?” Dancer asks, but I can feel both his and Dragon’s eyes on me.

“I know it,” I say easily, taking a sip, and staring them head on. “Zero doubt.”

Dancer nods. Dragon seems to be considering something and then sighs.

“She’s got gumption. I’ll give her that. And if she’s still here after dealing with a club hanger-on as fucked up as Melissa, she has staying power.”

“That bitch put a bug in her ear about the Twinkies, Drag. Even went so far as to call herself a member of the club,” I tell him.

“I’ll bring that fucking shit up at our next Church meeting. I’ll let the boys know she’s not allowed in the club from here out.”

“Good. Hell, with the shit she keeps pulling, I’m surprised Skye will even talk to me.”

“You’re keeping her?”

“Absolutely. She’s a hell of a woman,” I answer honestly.

“I hope it works for you man, but if you keep her, you need to explain how things work. I can’t have her disrespecting me again.”

“I’ll explain things to her once we get settled,” I tell him, because in my eyes there is no
There is nothing to consider. As far as I’m concerned, Skye and I are a done deal. I just need to make sure I give her every reason to hold on and keep trying.

Chapter 21


survived. That’s
all I can think. Once I got through Dragon’s unnerving interrogation, I had a really good time. It’s definitely not what I expected. Though, Nicole did warn me it gets wild during parties. She pretty much confirmed everything Bull said. As well as, tell me things about Bull that I was starting to suspect, but still, it was nice having confirmation. She told me how he took care of her when everyone thought Dragon had died, and how he was always there to depend on. Later, I got to see him with Little Dom and that helped even more. The man who is slowly unraveling before my eyes is not the Bull I had painted in my mind.

The question remains, where do I go from here? I told Nicole if I jumped it would be with both feet and I would fight like hell to make it work. I meant that, and I want it….

“Skye?” I look up to notice that we’ve pulled in my driveway and the car is off. I didn’t even realize we had stopped.


“You’re awful quiet. Care to clue me in on what you’re thinking?”

“Just going through everything that happened today.”

“Doc, I know Dragon was rough on you, but he’s just being a fucking busybody. He wouldn’t…”

“He was worried about you. He and Nicole care a lot about you.”


“It’s okay Bull, honestly. I really liked them. They’re your family.”

“They’re the only family I’ve ever known,” he says and I can see that. You can tell they are close.

“We don’t really make sense, do we Bull?” I ask him, looking out of the passenger window at my house. Matty is somewhere inside with Blair and probably her husband. I have rounds tomorrow, my life is this tight little ball of organization and Bull…
Bull just doesn’t really fit into any of it

“Not on paper, I guess Doc. But everywhere else, I think we make perfect sense.”

“The house is full inside, or I’d invite you in,” I tell him and I’m telling the truth. I don’t really want him to leave just yet.

“I know, Doc. When’s the next time you have off?”

“Who knows? Dr. Eldridge and Walter have been working overtime to make sure I’m miserable.”

“I need to have a talk with Walter-boy again,” he says and I sigh.

“No, you don’t. I think you made a big enough mess the first time around. It’ll die down eventually.”

“Doc, that’s not who I am. Someone or something bothers my woman, I fix it. End of the fucking story.”

“Real life isn’t solved that easily.”

“It is for me, Doc.”

“Let’s just see if it gets better on its own. If it gets worse, I’ll tell you.”

Bull sighs. He doesn’t answer. I take that as his agreement.

Then, we’re left in an awkward silence. And everything about it feels wrong.

I take a big breath and let it out slowly.

“Bull? I don’t want this.”

Chapter 22


don’t want

Her words slam into me, and damn, they hit me harder than any punch I’ve ever taken in my life.
She’s mine.
I know I said I would walk away, but I didn’t really think it would come to this.

“Damn it, Doc, I know we come from different worlds, but…”

“No! I mean… I don’t want us to be awkward with each other, and talking everything to death. I want to keep seeing you. I want you to spend time with me…with Matty.”

Talk about a gamut of emotions—from one extreme to the other. She’s definitely sent me into a tailspin here.

“So, we’re going to do this? I ask her, because I need the words.”

“I think we should.”

“No backing out, Doc.”

“No backing out. Where do we go from here?”

“Well, if your house wasn’t full of people, and Matty wasn’t going to be awake for hours, I would take you inside and fuck you hard.”

She lets out an audible breath, it’s shaky, and she shifts in her seat. “Yeah,” she says, and it makes me feel good that she is definitely not happy about waiting. “That’s probably not going to happen today.”

“Soon though, Doc, because I’m hanging on by a thread here.”

She turns those blue eyes on me and gives me a nervous smile, “Soon, Bull.”

“I’m going to need a kiss to tide me over.” I click the lever on the car seat and scoot it back as far as it will go. I adjust the steering wheel and then recline the back. “Come over here and get in my lap woman,” I tell her, waiting to see if she will.

She looks at me, and then back to my lap, like I’m crazy. She shrugs, before unlatching her seat belt, and sliding next to me.

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