Read Trusting God Day by Day: 365 Daily Devotions Online
Authors: Joyce Meyer
Tags: #Religion / Christian Life - Inspirational, #Religion / Christian Life - Devotional, #Religion / Christian Life - Prayer, #Religion / Devotional
Trust in Him
God cares about you so much that He prepares you for the things to come. The next time you have a sense in your spirit about things to come, thank God for preparing you and trust His promise that He will never give you more than you can bear.
But the house of Israel will not listen to you and obey you since they will not listen to Me and obey Me, for all the house of Israel are impudent and stubborn of heart.
od has taught me that when we are
to hear in one area, it may render us
to hear in other areas. Sometimes we choose to turn a deaf ear to what we know the Lord is clearly saying to us. We only hear what we want to hear; it’s called “selective hearing.”
A woman once shared with me that she asked God to give her direction concerning what He wanted her to do. He clearly put in her heart that He wanted her to forgive her sister for an offense that had happened between them months earlier.
Because this woman wasn’t willing to do so, she pulled away from her prayer time. When she did seek the Lord again for something, He responded,
“Forgive your sister first.”
Over a period of
two years
, every time she asked the Lord for guidance about something new, He gently reminded her,
“I want you to forgive your sister.”
Finally, she realized that she would never grow spiritually if she didn’t do the thing God had told her to do.
She got on her knees and prayed,
“Lord, give me the power to forgive my sister.”
Instantly she understood many things from her sibling’s perspective she hadn’t considered before, and within a short time their relationship was healed and made stronger than it had ever been before.
If we really want to hear from God, we can’t approach Him with selective hearing, hoping to narrow the topics down to only what we want to hear. People want God’s direction when they have issues
want solved. But, don’t just go to God and talk to Him when you want or need something; spend time with Him just listening. He will open up many issues if you will be still before Him and simply listen.
Trust in Him
Is there anything God has spoken to you that you have not yet obeyed? Why are you hesitating? Trust God to give you the strength to do whatever He has asked of you, knowing that He always has your best interest in mind. Your obedience will lead to your blessing.
For My yoke is wholesome (useful, good—not harsh, hard, sharp, or pressing, but comfortable, gracious, and pleasant), and My burden is light and easy to be borne.
sat down at my computer today and was ready to begin working when I sensed that the Lord wanted me to
“take a few minutes and just wait on Him.”
I waited very briefly, then started to make a phone call.
The Lord gently prompted me not to make a phone call, but to wait on Him as He had directed me to. Our flesh is so full of energy it is difficult for us to just be still, but it is very important to learn to be promptly obedient to God, even when He is asking us to be still.
You might ask,
“Joyce, how do you know for sure God was leading you—that your mind was not just making it up?”
The answer is that I had peace about what I was receiving. It felt right inside me. My spirit confirmed it as being truly from the Lord. We know things about God by the Spirit, not necessarily by the head. In my mind I wanted to get to work, but in my spirit I knew I was to wait. Are you following your own mind most of the time, or discerning what God is leading you spiritually to do?
Satan will try to deceive us and lead us in the wrong direction, but if we know God’s character, we will recognize any voice or leading that is not from God. When I sensed I was not to make the phone call, I didn’t feel guilt or condemnation because that is not God’s nature. I sensed a gentle reminder from God that I was not following His instructions. He is not harsh, hard, sharp, or pressing, but He is gentle and loving.
There are many facets of God’s character, and each one of them seems to be more wonderful than the next. He is faithful, true, loving, kind, long-suffering, just, and honest—among many other wonderful attributes. Know God, know His character, and you will not be led astray, for God’s Word says that His sheep know His voice, and they will not follow the voice of a stranger.
Trust in Him
As you grow in the Word and study the character of God, you will come to intuitively know His voice. Trust the voice that you know is His.
But as for you, the anointing (the sacred appointment, the unction) which you received from Him abides [permanently] in you; [so] then you have no need that anyone should instruct you. But just as His anointing teaches you concerning everything and is true and is no falsehood, so you must abide in (live in, never depart from) Him [being rooted in Him, knit to Him], just as [His anointing] has taught you [to do].
1 JOHN 2:27
his Scripture isn’t saying that we don’t need anybody to teach us the Word. Otherwise, God wouldn’t appoint some to teach in the body of Christ. But it does say that if we are in Christ, we have an anointing that abides inside of us to guide and direct our lives. We might occasionally ask somebody for their wisdom, but we need not go constantly to other people to ask them about decisions we need to make for our lives.
Sometimes we give more consideration to what people tell us than to what God has said to us. If we pray diligently, get direction from God, but then start asking everybody else what they think, we are honoring people’s opinions above the Word of God. This attitude will
prevent us from developing a relationship in which we are consistently led by the Holy Spirit.
We need to have an attitude that says,
“God, no matter what anybody else is telling me, no matter what I think myself, no matter what my own plan is, if I clearly hear You say something to me, and I know it’s You, I am going to honor You and what You say above anything else.”
When people ask me for advice I am willing to help them, but I also want them to have confidence that they can be led by God’s Spirit themselves. If we are ever going to develop an ability to hear from God and be led by His Spirit, we have to start making our own decisions and trust the wisdom God has deposited in our hearts.
Trust in Him
Jeremiah 17:7 says, “Blessed is the man who believes in, trusts in, and relies on the Lord.”
Love never fails [never fades out or becomes obsolete or comes to an end].
uman love depends on feelings. We love people because they have been good to us, they helped us, or they loved us first. They make us feel good about ourselves, or they make our lives easier, so we say we love them. Or we love them because we want them to love us. But that type of love is based on what they are doing, and if they stop doing it we will probably stop loving them.
That kind of love comes and goes; it is hot and then cold. That is the kind of love we experience in the world. Many marriages and other personal relationships are based on that kind of love. We love ice cream because it tastes good, and we love people because they give us nice Christmas gifts.
God’s love is totally different—it is not based on anything except God Himself. And when we receive Christ as our Savior, the love of God is poured into our hearts by the Holy Spirit (see Rom. 5:5). As God’s partners on the earth, He expects us to be His representatives. And He equips us with the love that we need to do the job He asks us to do. When human love ends, which it often does, God’s love is in us and available to finish what needs to be done.
The God-kind of love cannot be grasped with the mind; it is a matter of the heart. Human love always comes to an end, but thankfully the love of God does not. God promises us that His love never fails!
Trust in Him
If you trust the love that God has poured into your heart, you can love with the God-kind of love—unconditionally and without end.
For God [does reveal His will; He] speaks not only once, but more than once.
JOB 33:14
od speaks to us in many ways, including through an audible voice. Hearing the audible voice of God is rare for most people and nonexistent for many. I have heard the audible voice of God three or four times in my life.
Two of those times were at night when I was awakened by His voice simply calling my name. All I heard was,
but I knew it was God calling me. He did not say what He wanted, but I knew instinctively it had something to do with a ministry call on my life, although clarity did not come in that area for several more years.
I heard the audible voice of God the day I was filled with the Holy Spirit in February 1976. That morning I cried out to God about how
awful my life was, telling Him something was missing in my relationship with Him. I felt I was at the end of my rope, so to speak. His voice seemed to fill my entire car, and He simply said,
“Joyce, I have been teaching you patience.”
Since that was my first time to hear anything of that magnitude, it both thrilled and shocked me.
I instinctively knew what He meant. Several months prior to that time I had asked God to teach me patience, not realizing the lesson would include a lengthy period of feeling my life was on hold. The frustration of that feeling peaked that morning in February when I cried out to God in desperation, asking Him to do something and give me whatever it was I was missing.
When I heard God’s voice, I was suddenly filled with faith that He was going to do something wonderful in my life. That event was the beginning of a new level in my relationship with God. I think it is safe to say that every new level in God is preceded by Him speaking to us in some way. He may not speak audibly; it may be through revelation in His Word or a divine circumstance that only God could arrange. His voice may be simply a whisper in your soul, but I urge you to believe that God does speak to His people still today.
Trust in Him
Ask God to help you be sensitive to His voice. He wants to talk to you. It is your privilege and right as a born-again believer in Jesus Christ to fellowship daily with God the Father, Jesus Christ His Son, and the Holy Spirit.
Be assured and understand that the trial and proving of your faith bring out endurance and steadfastness and patience.
rials “try” us, and tests “test” us. Most of the time, the purpose of them is to show us who we really are, to reveal character in us.
We can think all kinds of good thoughts about ourselves, but until we are put to the test, we don’t know whether those things have become realities in us or not. We may consider ourselves generous, honest, or deeply committed to a particular truth or ideal, but the depth of these dynamics only reveals itself when we’re under pressure. When we go through trials, we learn whether or not we really have the character and commitment we think we have.
I believe it’s very important for us to really know ourselves; tests are good for us because they affirm strengths and reveal weaknesses. Don’t be afraid to face your weaknesses. God’s strength is available to you specifically for them.
I must say that before my trials worked steadfastness and patience into my life, they brought out many other negative qualities, mind-sets, and attitudes I didn’t know I had. One reason God allows us to go through tests and trials is so the hidden things in our hearts can be exposed. Until they are exposed, we cannot do anything about them. But once we see them, we can begin to face them and ask God to help us.
God does not allow us to go through difficult times because He likes to see us suffer; He uses them for us to recognize our need for Him. Everything you go through ultimately does work out for your good because it makes you stronger and builds your endurance; it develops godly character; it helps you to know yourself and to be able to deal with things at an honest level with God and take care of those things so you can reach spiritual maturity.
Trust in Him
How do you behave under pressure? The next time you encounter some sort of trial or test, decide to believe it is for your good. Placing your trust in God opens the door for Him to work miracles out of messes—transforming your weaknesses into godly character.
Sacrifice and offering You do not desire, nor have You delight in them; You have given me the capacity to hear and obey [Your law, a more valuable service than] burnt offerings and sin offerings [which] You do not require.
PSALM 40:6
od delights in our obedience. Naturally, it doesn’t do God any good to instruct us if we aren’t going to listen and obey.
I was moved by a story from a pastor of a very large church who spoke at a pastors’ conference in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Hundreds of pastors came from all over the nation to hear this man tell what he did to build his church. He told them simply,
“I pray, and I obey. I pray, and I obey.”
One of the ministers who attended this meeting expressed to me his disappointment in the pastor’s message. He said,
“I spent all that money and went all that distance to hear this world-renowned leader tell me how his ministry grew to the point it is. For three hours, in various ways, he said the same thing, ‘I pray; I obey. I pray; I obey. I pray; I obey. I pray; I obey.’ I kept thinking, Surely there’s something else.”