Truth Is Found (22 page)

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Authors: Morgan Kelley

BOOK: Truth Is Found
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He laughed. The woman beside him was funny, sweet, and he was falling fast.

“Care to join me?”

Why the hell not?

So, he did the same, but to his waffles.

“If you’re dead, you might as well have company.”

Nyx smiled at him.

The way her eyes sparkled nearly took him to his knees. He was sinking fast, and he knew it. He liked her.

A lot.

“How about we talk about us?” he asked as he ate. “We’ll go question for question to be fair.”

She lost a little of her smile. “Are you sure you want to know about me?”

“Well, if your ‘being dead’ theory is right, what do you have to lose?”

He had a point.

“Okay. You first.”

He loved that she was brave. There was no doubt that what was coming was going to hurt, and she had to know he was going to get personal.

“How long have you had this gift?”

Her body tensed, so he gently ran his fingers over her leg to soothe her. “Truth, Nyx.”

She did make that promise.

“I’ve been cursed since I was sixteen.”

He heard it in her voice, so he opted to distract her. “Try my waffle,” he stated, cutting her off a piece. When she accepted it, and then did the same to her pancakes for him, his heart skipped.

It was so…couple-like.

“Your turn,” he offered, trying not to let the heat flush his body.

She swallowed and thought about what she wanted to ask. “Your brother said you were a soldier, and you have the tattoos, so were you?”

He nodded. “Yes, I was. I was a Ranger in the Army for almost ten years. I just got out a couple weeks ago. I opted not to reenlist.”

She sipped her coffee. “Why?”

Technically, it was his turn, but he wanted her to get to know him. Beau wanted her to learn everything because later, he was going to need that connection with her.

He wasn’t a fool.

They were going to sleep together. His body was already awake, and only for her.

“Ironically, I never knew I had a family other than my mother. I served not far from my sister, and never crossed her path. When I got out, my mother told me about her.”

She opened her mouth, and he shoved more waffle into it. “That was two questions. It’s my turn.”

She smiled and chewed. “Okay. Shoot.”

“When you channel, does it always hurt like it does with Trey?”

She didn't seem offended by his question. In fact, she was happily answering him. Apparently, copious amounts of butter broke the ice.

Who knew?

“No. This is the most determined spirit I’ve ever seen in my life. I mean heard. He can’t manifest in our world, so he’s angry.”

“What do you mean?”

“That’s two questions.”

“Now we’re even.”

Nyx laughed. “True. Okay, some spirits can make things move or break to get your attention. They’ve been around a long time, and they learn. Trey is newly dead. I’m betting five or six years at the most. The more violent the death, and if they suff….”

She stopped, closing her mouth.

He stared at her.

Well Hell’s bells!

She just outed her dead spirit, and to the man’s brother. This couldn’t be good.

“You promised truth, Nyx. I can take it. I’ve never met him in my life. I hear I look like him, but that’s the only connection, next to Tori, that I have to him. You can be honest with me. I won’t hold it against you.”

She thought about it.

He was right.

“Trey suffered as he died.”

“But you said…”

“No, he said it. When I channel, it’s my voice, but his words. He didn't want your sister to know the truth. He was giving her peace from the beyond.”

“So he lied.”

“Yes. I know what his death was like, and he opted to let your sister believe that when he went, it was fast. It was anything but that.”

“What happened?”

She knew it was her turn, but he deserved the truth. “An IED went off, and he burned to death. He felt every second of it.”

Beau closed his eyes.

It turned his stomach.

“I need a favor,” he asked, staring into her eyes.

“What?” she asked.

“You can’t tell Tori that. I’ve seen soldiers go that way, and so has she. If she finds out, it’s going to hurt her. I don’t want my sister to suffer more over this.”

She was well aware, and she understood. “I won’t tell her. You can trust me. I don’t want anyone to live through that kind of horror. They’ll never be the same again.”

He was grateful she had a soul and compassion.

“Your turn.”

“Your sister has a really powerful gift. I haven’t met many mediums who have a guide like Bethany. Can her spirit manifest?”

He thought about it.

Beau was weirded out by what his sister could do, but fortunately, he never saw it happen. “From what I hear, yes. Bethany saved her life on a case. She can rattle things, blow curtains, and play music.”


“Yeah, it really is. How’s your breakfast?” he asked, sipping his coffee.

“You know that’s your question, right?”

He started laughing. “Yeah, you got me.”

“Good. It’s about time. This is my heaven. I’m convinced. Why did you leave the military?”

She saw the shadows in his eyes. “It’s a tough life. You never know if you’re going to live or die. I was contemplating staying for another tour, but then I found out about my sister. When she came into my life, I wanted to be near her. I lost thirty odd years with her, and it seemed like a good opportunity to catch up. Her husband offered me a PI job, and I took it. It’s been one hell of an adventure, that’s for sure.”

Here was his proof.

She was sitting beside him, her leg touching his. Beau was grateful fate had led him to her.

“She’s lucky. You’re a really good person. I can tell, since you’ve saddled yourself with a complete stranger.”

“We all have good and bad in us, Nyx, even me. I’ve done things in the military that would make your blood curdle. I’m not a saint. No one is.”

She got quiet.

“It’s my turn. Did my brother’s emotions cause you to try to commit suicide?”

“I am dead, remember?” she corrected.

“That’s a question, so I get two in a row.” He grinned triumphantly when she stared over at him. “Yes, I do. I was there and jumped in after you. Maybe we’re both dead, and this is

She wished that was true.

Already, Nyx could tell that she’d love to spend eternity kissing him.

She shrugged. “True. It’s only fair.”

“Answer me about his emotions.”

“Yes, they did. I can feel what he’s feeling when he’s in me. When you channel, it’s like they possess you. He takes over, and in here,” she said, tapping her head, “he’s causing havoc.”

“So it’s all his fault?”

She wanted to say yes, but they’d agreed to truth. He was keeping his brother at bay, so she owed him that much.

“No. I’ve had a very long, difficult life. It wasn’t all his pain. Some was definitely mine. They came together, and the shit hit the proverbial fan.”

He stared at her. She couldn’t be more than thirty. How long and hard could it have been?

“What happened?”

She cut him off. “That was two questions, my friend. You’re not up anymore.”

It appeared she was trying to outmaneuver him. There was a punishment for that. Leaning over, he brought his lips very close to hers. “I know what you’re doing, Nyx, but since you’re dead and this my heaven too…”

He slowly kissed her again, his hand finding the back of her black hair as he held her trapped against him.

She didn't fight it.

Why would she?

For once in her life, it was nice to be possessed by something warm, living, and desirable. This man was turning her inside out, and she never wanted to escape.

When he pulled back, she licked her lips. That simple motion made his body flush with want. In all his life, he’d never craved anyone quite like this.

“Go ahead, Nyx. You’re up.”

It wasn’t easy to think, but she tried. “How do you get him to stop like you do, Beau? When you’re near, he backs off. I need to know what you’re doing to silence him. When you leave, I’ll need to figure out how to do that. You know…in case this isn't our heaven, and I’m actually alive.”

The idea that she’d substitute someone else in his place pissed him off. He didn't want to believe anyone else could do the job.

She was meant to be his.

Beau believed it.

Still, he answered her, “I have no clue. I’m not doing anything intentional or different, Nyxie. This is who I am.”

She stared at him. “What?”

“I said…”

Nyx cut him off. “I meant the nickname. Where did that come from?”

“It feels right, so I’m using it. Now, it’s my turn, since you asked two questions in a row.”


He laughed as the waitress filled up their coffee cups. When she was gone, he became serious. “What happened to break you, Nyxie?”

She didn't reply. Instead, tears filled her eyes. She lowered her head to avoid looking at him.

Beau didn't let her hide.

He couldn’t.

Lifting her chin, he stared into her eyes. Even as the tears fell, dropping onto her jeans, he didn't look away. “It’s okay. It was bad, wasn’t it?”

She nodded. “It was beyond the worst thing that could ever destroy someone. I don’t know why I survived. That’s all that I can say about it. I’m not ready yet. I need time, Beau.”

Well, at least she was prepared to have the conversation with him at a later time.

“Okay, that was my second question.” For now, he’d back off. He’d seen people who were hurt, and she was broken by her past. It was clearly on her face.

“Where to now?”

She looked surprised. He wasn’t going to push, and he was changing the subject. She definitely had to be dead.

“What do you mean?”

Beau pointed at their plates. “We’re done, and I’m stuck to you like glue the next couple of days, so we’re spending some time together. What do you want to do?”

“I don’t know. I should go to work and open my shop. I have to make a living. Plus, lately, I can’t think. I don’t usually plan, because the last few months, Trey hasn’t let me.”

“Okay, I’ll pick.”

She stared over at him. “What?”

He grinned wickedly. “Just leave this one up to me, Nyxie, and I’ll show you a damn good time.”


Yeah, that was what she was afraid of…




Wednesday Afternoon



It was always interesting when you searched someone’s room because you never knew what you were going to find. In Julian’s case, he was turning up lots of interesting things. Most of them set his nerves on edge. In Pearlie’s room, he noticed that her bed hadn’t been slept in, and she had left her electronic equipment there.

For an eighteen year old, that was odd and he knew it.

No self-respected teenager was leaving the house without her cell, a tablet, purse, and ton of girly things. Everything she’d call necessities were left behind.

This was worrisome.

While Julian would love to help Mr. Nelms figure out what happened to his daughter, there was no way he could do it. They had to find three dead girls, had to figure out who was trying to sabotage the winery, and it was only him and Tori on the job.

There just wasn’t time.

If Pearlie was abducted, the first forty-eight hours were paramount, and they were about halfway through them. There was no way they could pull this off.  

They were good, but they weren’t miracle workers.

Grabbing the girl’s cell, he flipped through her texts. When he got to one specific set, he was further alarmed.

Being a PI, Julian had seen a great deal of people in compromising situations. Only, this one set of messages between Pearlie and a person named ‘R’ were enough to make him blush and feel horrified at the same time.

Pearlie had been sexting someone.


The pictures were incredibly graphic, and immediately, Julian felt dirty. He’d need a shower and a gallon of body wash to get that feeling to go away.

They reinforced one thing.

Veronica, when she was a teenager, was never dating or having a phone.

Hell no!

Instead, Julian’s daughter would have to work for the business, and they’d make sure she was carefully watched over by every male he trusted.


Just seeing these made him want to go over the edge, and Pearlie wasn’t even his child. When Mr. Nelms saw these…

Holy crap!

Someone was going to lose his mind.

Julian copied the cell number into his phone, and he took a few photos of the pictures. Tori was going to need to see these. Then he couldn’t wait to erase them off his cell.

And then bleach his eyes.

Heading to the next room, he realized that Romeo must sleep there. It was arranged pretty much the same as his sister’s, but there was sports memorabilia all over the place. While Pearlie was interested in sex, the twenty year old looked like he enjoyed winning. There was a trophy for every sport on Earth, and a few he’d never heard of before.

It was overkill.

Anyone seeing this would get the point--Romeo was one hell of a jock.

Julian began digging around in drawers and spaces where anything could be hidden. Inside the closet, he was sure he was going to come up empty until he opened a shoebox.

Inside, there was cash.

Lots and lots of it too!

Either Romeo had saved every penny he’d ever earned over his life from allowance, or someone had their hands in something they shouldn’t.

Didn't Daniel Nelms say someone was stealing money? Could it be his own son?

Julian focused on the cash in question. It was neatly stacked, and there had to be around fifteen thousand dollars.

Now he had to figure out where it came from. How did a twenty year old find this much money?

This would take time to figure out. He knew that spending time in the man’s room for an extended period was a really bad idea. Julian began snapping pictures of the cash, and everything else. Hopefully, Tori might see something that he didn't.

After putting everything away--exactly like he found it-- Julian headed toward the owner’s suite. He was curious as to what he would find there.

At this rate, who knew?

With Sheila out catting around, anything at that point was possible.

Julian began with the woman’s things, and one thing became crystal clear. There wasn’t a lot of kinkery going on in this room.

The man in the hotel was the only one getting his bondage on with Sheila Nelms.

The place was pristine, and he wasn’t referring to cleanliness. The place was strewn with women’s clothes, but not a single stitch of lingerie.

There weren’t any toys either.


He couldn’t even find a bottle of lube.

For a woman who was flaunting her body like she was on the dinner menu, there wasn’t any fun going on in that room.

Not for the man who owned the buffet…

Julian couldn’t help but notice that he was having more excitement at home, and his wife was pregnant.

Since seeing this, Julian wasn’t shocked that Sheila was out getting her sex on with someone else. This was exactly why every month, he and Tori picked a hotel, made up some scenario, and had the world’s hottest sex.

It kept the sexy juices flowing.

Someone needed to breathe some life into Sheila and Daniel’s relationship.

He couldn’t wait to show his wife. She’d been a Fed, and they had well trained eyes. While Julian could track, he wasn’t always as astute when it came to seeing the small details. That was one of the jobs he left to his partner.

Once he was out of the Nelms’ private quarters, he texted Tori. He hadn’t heard from her in a while.  He could use some lunch and a plan.

When she replied, agreeing to meet up, he headed out.

Only, he wasn’t focused.

Julian never noticed that Sheila’s mystery hook up wasn’t the only one being followed.

So was he.





* * *
  L   i   t   t   l  e  m  o  o  n  * * *





Rosebud Café




They picked a little café not far from the vineyard. It was smack dab in the center of the touristy area, and Tori hoped they would fit in.

Since she was there first, she ordered them both some lunch. She and Veronica were starving, and if she didn't feed the growing child soon, she’d be cranky.

After she ordered Julian a burger and herself a BLT, Tori settled in to people watch. It was one of her favorite past times, and she couldn’t help it. The tourists were milling around her like ants from the hill, and she loved studying them. Some old FBI habits die hard, and this was one of them.

Her life was hectic. It was the moments like these that she loved best. Lunch, somewhere nice with Julian, was always a treasure. When she saw the cab pull up, dropping him off, she couldn’t help but ogle him.

She loved him more than anything in life.

He crossed toward her, his brown hair kissing his shoulders as it moved back and forth when he turned his head. His beautiful eyes were covered by dark shades, but she knew he was watching her.

He was a watcher too, and she loved when she could hold his attention. It heated her blood and reminded Tori she was his. Sometimes, it was nice to feel that warm possession.

It was love.

It was lust.

It was their marriage.

Her focus swept downward from his handsome face to his body. He was hard, compact, and still lethal if it came down to a fight. She’d seen him take out a few men bigger without breaking a sweat. No one expected that power to explode from him, and that turned her on.

When he was in jeans, she always wanted to stare like a fool. She couldn’t help herself.

Tori loved her husband.

And he loved her…



Julian could feel her eyes on him, and it made him grin. There was nothing better than a smitten wife. He never had to worry that she’d be checking out someone else. His Tori only had eyes for him.

Thank God.

All his dating life, that’s what he always wanted. There was something sexy about having a woman’s full attention. He didn't have to do anything but be himself. That’s how Julian knew she was the one. When he’d walk into a room, she watched him. In this case, being prey was a damn good thing.

He found his feisty babe for life.

As he reached the table, he leaned down to drop a kiss to her mouth. Immediately, her hand moved into his loose hair and held on.

The kiss exploded around them. It didn't take long for everything to disappear but the two of them.

When the waitress cleared her throat, placing their food on the table, Julian reluctantly pulled free.

Tori was grinning wickedly at him.

“I missed you, honey.”

“Ditto, Mr. Littlemoon,” she replied, pointing at his lunch. “I hope you were in the mood for a burger. We don’t have all day to eat.”

He was well aware.

“You know me, Tor, I’ll eat anything as long as I’m dining with the feistiest woman this side of the Mississippi.”

She winked at him. “Yep. I’m here. Want to look at some pictures?”

They swapped phones as they began eating.

“You get to go first, sweetheart.”

Tori reported everything she saw to her partner. It was succinct, to the point, and much like a Fed would do in an oral report to the boss. You could take the woman out of the FBI, but you couldn’t take the FBI out of the woman.

Here was the proof.

Julian listened, and he offered up what he knew. “They had nothing sexy in their bedroom. It was more like some five star hotel room--bland, white, and pristine.”

Tori thought about it. “That’s interesting. She obviously likes to get her kink on. She was dressed like a dominatrix.”

“Yippee,” he teased, only to be kicked in the shin. “I was kidding,” he offered, rubbing his leg. “Touchy.”

“Pregnant. There’s a big difference. One will get you bruised, the other killed.”

He winked at his wife. No woman would ever catch his eye but her. She was his other half.

Julian flipped, and then whistled. “It appears that she’s really into this. She put a lot of time and planning in to this little rendezvous.”

“Yeah, and he left smiling. He wasn’t complaining that she wanted to play some games.”

“We need to find out who he is.”

Tori was well aware.

“I figured we can call Christina, and she’ll do some research. I know where he was heading,” she began, getting ready to drop the bomb.

“You followed him?”

Julian didn't look pleased.

“Yep, and you’re going to be glad I did. He returned to AngelCake vineyards after his midmorning delight.”

He stared up from the phone and his lunch. “What?”

Tori told him everything. “He’s not a guest. He’s part of that place. He parked in the back, keyed in a code at the side door, and headed in without even batting an eyelash. He’s an employee of some sort. From the vehicle, I’d say he’s upper management. Sheila wouldn’t waste her gold digging skills on a busboy.”

He agreed.

Even if Julian was irritated that she followed him alone, he had to admit it. “This is great work, Tor.”

She smiled. “Yeah, well, it’s in the blood.”

Julian waited until his wife was finished eating. “Wait until you see the photos I pulled. I hope you don’t puke.” He knew his wife, and they were going to put her over the edge. She got pissed when women, or in this case--girls--were objectified.

Tori flipped through the pictures, and when she stared up, her mouth was open in outrage.

At first, she simply sputtered.

Then she got it out.

“She’s just a child! Eighteen-year-old children shouldn’t be sending porn via their phones. Our daughter is grounded before she’s born!”

Julian laughed. At least they were on the same page with this one.

“I thought the same thing. I pulled the cell number out of her phone, and then I wiped it clean. I don’t want my fingerprints all over it. Now quick! Delete those pictures. I feel like a pervert having them in my cell. I only want naked pictures of my woman.”

Tori couldn’t help but bust his ass. “Jules, you lost your phone twice last year. I’m not sending you pictures that someone else will see when they happen across your cell. Dream on.”

She probably had a point.

“Let’s keep working then,” he offered.

So, they went over the rest of the pictures.

“I saw Beau at the motel.”

Julian finished eating his burger and slid his fries toward his wife. She picked one up and hesitantly ate it.

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