Truth vs Falsehood (44 page)

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Authors: David Hawkins

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From the presentation of even the crude raw data, rather profound implications are already apparent that, in practical use, require further refinement and application to the specifics of a situation, such as the disparity between populace, government, and officials, as well as its various departments and representatives. A country or society that calibrates in the 400s is already ruled by and operating under the principles of rationality, with their implied ethics, morality, accountability, and a sense of responsibility by the regime for the welfare of the populace. Such a country is also ruled by law and the principles of its founding constitution and governmental structure. Thus, such countries can be successfully approached through logic with their implied ethics and morality.

This overall approach, however, may be inappropriate and doomed to failure when applied to a country that calibrates below 200 and is thus operating under completely different principles, such as self-interest and gain, personal power, lack of obligation to the populace, and lack of ethics, morality, or even legality. Such countries operate primarily out of pride, arrogance, competition, vengeance, media image, and most seriously, the megalomania of its leaders, which expresses as paranoia, secrecy, and deception. Leaders have no compunctions at all about making completely fallacious statements to the point of absurdity. Dictatorial leaders tend toward pomposity and grandiosity, and some are actually psychotic (narcissistic, messianic egotism calibrates at 35-60), with delusions of grandeur. They seek to be actually worshipped and seen as saviors; thus, the ubiquitous display of their pictures and status. All must bow to the “Great Leader,” a telltale sign. An integrous leader is satisfied by simple respect.

An understanding of the elements and psychodynamics of megalomania is important. They do not differ in essence from that of recidivist criminality (the psychopathic personality of the chronic sociopath), which entails the incapacity to feel remorse, regret, or responsibility for others or to learn from experience. The other consequence of megalomania is the failure to pay attention to warnings and foresee consequences (and thus end up having to be dug out of a ‘spider hole’).

Historically, many messianic megalomaniacs end up in suicide rather than accepting personal responsibility. Because this degree of pathology is so far outside the reality of the average person, if it is not taken into account, there can be grave consequences to society. People who deal with such criminal personalities are not at all surprised by their flat denial of the execution of a crime that is actually documented on videotape.

Countries that calibrate below 200 are dominated by the principle of self-interest; therefore, political pretenses such as “seeking peace” are utilized as propaganda and manipulative slogans. Peace would result in the defeat of a ruling party, the loss of profits from the munitions industry, and the loss of support of the population and the power base. Such societies thrive on and are built on the foundation of war and conflict. They are adept at game playing, media manipulation, deception, and spurious diplomatic moves and pronouncements. They are also skilled at manipulating crowd hysteria and surreptitiously creating inflammatory incidents to keep the pot boiling, such as enraging the enemy by extreme maneuvers exemplified by blowing up busloads of innocent children. Each side then plays the deceptive game of an ‘innocent victim’ versus an ‘evil perpetrator’ in what is basically a blood sport that is totally foreign to a culture dominated by reason and the value of human life. The extremes are then ‘justified’ by right-wing religious fundamentalism, which is addicted to the ‘high’ of the glamour of war and the drama of the macabre and grotesque, such as slowly beheading helpless civilians with a saw on worldwide television.

The Dangerous Naïveté of America

America is repeatedly blindsided by its infatuation with the ‘holy grail’ of democracy and waving the flag of freedom. It repeatedly fails to grasp the underpinnings of its grave blindness and instead projects blame on militant aggressors who eventually attack the vulnerable, tempting target.

Foreign cultures do not play by the Marquis of Queensbury rules, and ‘fairness’, ‘honesty’, and all such values are deemed childish and ridiculous. The idea of ‘peace’ has no value at all to countries that calibrate below 200, nor are honesty, kindness, and quality even perceived as virtuous. America is envied, hated, and frankly seen as ‘stupid’. A country that “hat in hand” begs the blatantly anti-U. S. United Nations for ‘help’ or ‘approval’ is seen at best as ignominious. Whereas, in America, weakness calls forth compassion, in the major countries of the world that are overtly and strongly very, very macho, weakness brings forth
, not mercy. The same applies to America’s routine pathological disregard for intelligence operations necessary for survival. (Being blindsided and caught off guard calibrate at 180.)

This pattern preceded the attack on Pearl Harbor, the Bay of Pigs, the Korean War (‘surprised’ by a half million Chinese Communist troops!), the assassination of John F. Kennedy (open car), the 9/11 bombing, militant Islamic terrorism, uncontrolled borders and immigration (witness the consequences in Europe), trust in the United Nations, etc. This repetitive “Groundhog Day” type of pattern represents failure of responsibility as well as acumen, the inroads of relativistic political ideology, and the government’s stewardship of citizen survival. The same idealistic naïveté supported Communist sympathizers as well as the American Nazi party of the 1930s and 1940s. (It is fatal to trust positions that calibrate below 200.)

The United States strains in trying to maintain a saintly media image; in fact, image has become more important than winning a battle. Naively, America thinks that if it has a saintly image, the world will love the United States. Nothing could be farther from the truth. The result has actually been an international loss of face. The world is currently being bullied by very tough challengers who are calling the shots. The call to “wake up and get real” is getting louder on a daily basis, and the price of denial is escalating.

A vignette from the author’s childhood may be illustrative:

At age twelve or so, as a bespectacled, ectomorphic youth busy with reading Plato, the mesomorphic peers were into wrestling, football, and various sports and masculinities. By strict Christian upbringing, noncombativeness and “turning the other cheek” were inculcated mandatory values. Being bullied was tolerated, but noncombativeness did not solve the problem but seemed to make it worse. The consequence was bloody noses and getting beat up and ambushed on the way home from school, despite hopefully preventive, evasive maneuvers.
   Finally, grandfather declared, “Enough is enough,” and arranged for boxing lessons at a professional gym that thereby had to initiate a “mosquito weight” class. Learning the manful “art of self-defense” resulted in a diminution of being ‘picked on’ by fellow choirboys, which resulted in greater self-confidence and a feeling of safety. Then one day, alone in a rougher neighborhood, a “looking for a fight” type of bully approached menacingly. He was no boxing-class trainee but instead a “dirty street fighter” who played by entirely different “win at any cost” rules. His “below the belt” kick to the groin brought home the lesson—never depend on “Marquis of Queensbury” rules when you are ensnared by a seasoned, tough street fighter or you’ll end up on the pavement being jeered at by the street-smart crowd to whom gentility is a sign of weakness and an easy mark that brings contempt for what is perceived as effete.

Every member of street culture knows the above lessons, and that is why allowing oneself to be “dissed” in the “’hood” can be and often is fatal. Appeasement is viewed as cowardice, and vulnerability is viewed as invitational.

In contrast, calibrations above 200 indicate the emergence of sincerity, integrity, the capacity for honesty, and concern for the welfare of the population. They are comparably much more integrous than those below 200.

Countries that calibrate in the 300s have reached a real basis of successful survival, have mastered performance techniques, and have discovered enthusiasm, ambition, group solidarity, and the value of equitable rewards. Societies in the 300s can then be approached with appeal to rationality and the presentation of opportunities for their further development, such as support of their education, commerce, technology, science, and health needs. In the 300s, there is appreciation for the value of support itself.

To governments below 200, true democracy is obviously a threat to which they may give lip service if, in so doing, it subserves some goal, such as profit or gain of political power. Thus, pseudo democracies appear but their performance belies their name and they continue to operate intrinsically on the same nonintegrous principles as before, but now, nonintegrous operations are disguised within the operations of the political structure itself, e.g., the government is formally a democracy but operationally, it is corrupt. Upon inspection, it would seem that America’s over idealization of democracy as the purported “one size fits all” magical resolution of the inadequate infrastructure of countries is not realistic, and America’s aggressive proselytization is often seen to result in resentment rather than in appreciation. As a review article states, “America seems to lack a basic conception of how its collective attitude, culture, and general ignorance of the world affect other nations.”
(Philadelphia Trumpet
, 2/04)

Countries in the low 100s or below are faced with the realities of basic survival and can therefore only be realistically approached with the realization of where they are in a survival crisis. In barren lands, it is far more important to own a gun, a cow, a water pump, or a vehicle. Literacy is absent and governments are run by cronyism, payoffs, tribal warfare, and contentious fiefdoms that are still tribal and pre-feudal. In these societies, it is accepted that the strong ravage and abuse the weak. Rule is by gun power and treachery, which are accepted as the norm.

As an example, Afghanistan is the home of the poppy and thus is the primary source of the world’s heroin, out of which comes money, guns, and political power. At the end of the Afghanistan conflict, the poppy fields were left standing. When one considers America’s ostensible “war against drugs,” this compromise curiously produced almost no public discussion although it is capable of explanation if one looks at the elements involved in the process of triage. Without an endemic source of money (from the poppy fields), the United States would have been faced with the cost of feeding the entire starving population, accompanied by attack from adverse propaganda. This had to be weighed against the cost, however, to societies of heroin addiction, which also runs into billions of dollars. Allowing poppy fields to stand (after paying al-Qaeda $40 million to destroy them) also brought cooperation from tribal chieftains.

Consciousness research data and techniques have actually been validated by specific application to a previous critical world conflict in which failure would have had grave consequences. In the specific application, all factors were calibrated, including intentions that would prevail under different conditions. By so doing with exactitude, the precise, successful moves that were necessary to prevent ballistic-missile war were revealed. In this application of the principles described, the resolution was swift and successful.

In a world that now includes the possibilities of nuclear war, the margin for error has narrowed and thus demands increasing precision, knowledge, and wisdom. It is unrealistic to expect other cultures to incorporate our values; instead, those cultures need to be approached with an understanding of what their values are.

Developing a Science of Diplomacy and International Relations

The fate of entire nations depends on diplomatic and political expertise. When it is defective or miscalculated, the cost is often devastating and is paid for by the death of millions of people. Even a single major miscalculation can throw and has thrown the whole world into war (e.g., Neville Chamberlain’s miscalculation of Adolf Hitler prior to World War II), or Secretary of War Stimson’s disdain for intelligence reports about the war plans of Japan prior to Pearl Harbor. Such grave error has been recurrent throughout the history of civilization in which whole empires were under the capricious control of megalomaniacs. In view of the overriding importance of international diplomacy, there is no higher priority for mankind than the development of a fact-based science upon which even the very survival of human life itself now depends in a nuclear age.

After the devastation of World War I, it was hoped that a League of Nations would be a means to resolve international conflict but, like the United Nations that replaced it, such organizations proved to be futile. Both organizations were idealistic in theory but inept in practice. (The League of Nations calibrates at 185; the UN calibrates overall at 190, and the International Criminal Court calibrates at 195.)

Although the United Nations has proven to be a successful humanitarian aid organization, it has primarily produced rhetoric (cal. 185) rather than resolution. (The United Nations’ Political Affairs Committee calibrates at 180.) Its overall position is anti-American. (America pays approximately twenty-five percent of U. N. expenses, plus provides the building on the East River, a choice location in Manhattan.) Mankind cannot place its fate in the hands of an organization that calibrates at the ineffective level of 185-190. (Who would want a brain surgeon or pilot at that level of incompetence?) To survive, mankind has to put aside sentimentalism (cal. 190), rhetoric, and its mainstay of sophistry (cal. 195). Every hardheaded businessman knows that the way to most diplomatically handle an unrealistic proposition is to kill it by assigning it to a committee. The United Nations is the ultimate committee.

Map 1 - Distribution of Prevailing Consciousness Levels-Western Hemisphere

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