Trying to Score (25 page)

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Authors: Toni Aleo

BOOK: Trying to Score
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Fuck that.

“No I gotta get home, have fun,” she said before throwing Aiden’s bag on her arm. She leaned up to kiss Aiden and he met her half way, giving her a sticky kiss. “Bye,” she said with nothing more than a wave as she headed towards the car. Fallon was almost to the car when she heard someone running behind her. She looked over her shoulder to see Lucas jogging towards her.

Fallon stopped turning to him. “Aren’t y’all leaving?”
“Yeah, but I needed to say something to you. Audrey is gonna put Aiden in the car.”
“What?” Fallon asked.
“Pull Aiden from his shit-ass sport. He doesn’t like it.”
Fallon rolled her eyes. “He likes it. He’s been playing since he was four.”
“And I bet he’s sucked. He doesn’t want to play.”

“I don’t care, Parkers don’t quit,” Fallon said before turning back around and walking towards her car. As far as she was concerned this conversation was over, but Lucas didn’t seem to think so.

is a Brooks, and
don’t suck at things. Pull him.”

“No,” she said, throwing her things in the back on her car.
“Fallon, I’ll find another sport for him,” he pleaded.
“Like what? Hockey?”
“Yes!” he yelled as his arms went up in the air. “I’m glad you’re finally seeing the light here.”

“I’m not and I’ll be damned if my child is gonna skate around on the ice running into people and slapping a rubber disk with a stick.”

“For your information, hockey is the greatest sport ever, and my boy will play.”

“Listen here Lucas Brooks,” she said getting right into his face. She could feel his breath on her lips, and she begged her body not to react, but when did it ever listen to her when it came to Lucas? She pushed past her lust for him and poked him square in the chest. “Just cause you are playing daddy right now doesn’t mean you get to start making decisions. I’m not pulling him. He started this damn sport, he’ll finish it.”

A slow sly smirk formed on Lucas’ lips and Fallon took in a sharp breath. “I’m not playing daddy. I
Daddy and you are Mommy. Shouldn’t we be making out instead of fighting?”

Fallon rolled her eyes, poking him harder in the chest. “Get your mind out of the gutter Lucas!”

She poked him again, and he took her finger in his hand as he grinned down at her. “Poke me one more time Fallon Parker, and I’ll poke you back, and not with my finger.”

Fallon’s mouth dropped in complete shock at his blunt statement; she didn’t even realize he was coming in for a kiss until his lips were on hers, moving ever so lightly. She froze under the heat of his lips. She didn’t even have time to push him away or smack him before he was walking away, his laughter the only sound as she leaned against the car trying to catch her breath.

Damn it!


Lucas’ mouth tingled from his kiss with Fallon the whole time he sat with her family and Aiden at Ben and Jerry’s. He didn’t plan the kiss. He honestly wanted to talk to her about the baseball thing. But this whole argumentative Fallon thing drove him insane and he couldn’t help himself, he had to have her. There was something about her pretty little mouth saying such mean things to him that had him almost on his knees begging for her. Lucas licked his lip as he thought of that sweet mouth on his. He wasn’t sure how much longer he could take of them arguing and not getting naked.

He needed her.


“I wish Mommy would have come,” Aiden said as he ate around at his strawberry shortcake. Lucas heart stopped at the sound of Aiden’s sadness. He hadn’t seen Aiden sad yet. He had always been happy. Why couldn’t Fallon put aside her issues with him and her father to come? Nora put her hand on his back as Audrey leaned over whispering something in his ear. A warm smile came across his beautiful face and they jumped up, going to the cashier.

“They are gonna get something for Fallon,” Nora said as Lucas watched them to see what they were doing.
“Oh, okay,” Lucas said with a grin before going back to his ice cream.
“You know it’s hard not to like you Lucas,” Nora said. Lucas chuckled.

“So I’ve been told. My mom says I could charm my way out of anything,” Lucas laughed, causing Nora to smile and William to chuckle. Lucas didn’t know what Fallon’s issues were with her dad, but Lucas thought he was a good guy. He was scary as hell, but still a nice guy.

Lucas looked over to check on Aiden and saw that Audrey was taking him to the bathroom. It surprised Lucas how protective he was over Aiden already. He always had an eye on him, making sure the kid was okay.

“Did you know Fallon long, before…you know?” Nora asked bring Lucas’ attention back to them.
“Yeah, we dated for two years.”
“Two years?” Nora asked as her mouth fell open.
“Two years, and we never knew,” William said with a shake of his head.

“Did you guys break up?” Nora asked. “Or did she just run? Do you know why she ran? It was all just so crazy. Fallon was such a good girl and next thing we know she was pregnant and wouldn’t tell us anything about the father.”

Lucas nodded and took a moment before answering. “I messed up and she broke up with me. I never saw her again.”
“You messed up?” Nora asked.
“I cheated,” Lucas said not looking the two in the eyes. “It was the biggest mistake of my life.”

Nothing was said for a moment as the three sat collecting their thoughts. Lucas felt their eyes on him, but he refused to look up to see the judgment or hate in their eyes. When he finally did look up, they weren’t judging him, they looked sad.

“So we probably shouldn’t like you?” William asked. Lucas smiled.
“I’m not that person anymore,” Lucas said as he looked up into William’s eyes. “If I could, I would take it all back.”
Nora smiled. “We learn from our past. The only thing I ask is for you not to hurt our baby.”
Was she talking about Aiden or Fallon?
“He doesn’t know anything yet. You could still go on as if you never had a kid,” William added.
Lucas shook his head. “No, I couldn’t. I love him.”


Lucas’ ears bled the whole way to Fallon’s house because not only did Aiden like that poor excuse for a boy band, but so did Audrey. They sang the whole way to Fallon’s and Lucas swore if he had to endure anymore of that music, he was going to bash his head in with a hockey stick. He pulled into Fallon’s driveway, and got out, letting Aiden out.

“Wanna come in?”

Lucas shook his head, “Not tonight bud, I gotta get up early. I have practice in the morning and then me and you are going to spend the day together again. If you want,” he added. He wanted to make sure Aiden still wanted, too. When the little boy nodded his head quickly with a wide grin on his face, Lucas felt like the world had been lifted off his shoulders. It was a great feeling knowing that his son wanted to spend the day with him.

“Yeah, I do!”
“Great, so I’ll see you tomorrow,” Lucas said.
“Ok, thanks for the ice cream. I’ll see you tomorrow,” Aiden gushed.
“No problem bud, I’ll see you later.”

“Bye Lucas,” Aiden said as his grin stayed in place. He waved before turning to run off towards the front door. Lucas watched him until he was safely inside.

“Bye Lucas. Thanks for ice cream,” Audrey said with a grin as she walked down the walkway.

“Bye Audrey.”

Lucas got into his car and waited for the front porch light to go out before he back out the driveway and headed home. Once on the main road, he called Levi.

“Hey bro,” Levi answered. Lucas smiled. He had been so busy lately with Aiden and hockey that he hadn’t got to spend much time with Levi, plus Levi had been really busy with the paperwork concerning Aiden.

“Hey, do me a favor,” Lucas said as he turned on the road that would take him to the house.
“Sure,” Levi answered. Lucas heard him moving something around, probably his computer so he could write down something.
“Find me a date for tomorrow and make me reservations at the Wildhorse for 6:30.”
“When did you start needing someone to find you dates?”

Lucas laughed. “I don’t feel like looking for one. I don’t care who it is, just make sure they know that this isn’t really a date. We’re just going as friends.”

“Okay weirdo, what’s going on?”
Lucas smiled as he said. “Fallon’s got date with some dweeb there tomorrow. I’m trying to make her jealous.”
“Say no more. I’ll get it done.”

Lucas hung up the phone and smiled. Since Fallon wouldn’t fall for his other advances, he was going to pull out his big guns. Fallon was crazy jealous before, and he hoped she still was because he was running out of ideas on how to get her back.


Fallon was in no shape or form attracted to Chase Rodin.

Not only did he eat like a horse, but who takes someone out on a date in jean shorts?! Yes, it’s getting hotter, but they were on a date! He also didn’t know how to shut up and if Fallon had to hear one more thing about his pet rabbit, Earl, she was going to act as if she was choking on the fried pickles that sat between them, and run.


“So you work a lot, right?”

Fallon nodded as she sipped her beer. She really should look into selling here. The only wine brand the restaurant carried was nasty as all hell, so she was stuck drinking beer. Not something she enjoyed but really, she had no choice. There was no way she could stay sober and deal with Chase.

“I do. It’s hard juggling being a mommy and working full time, but I manage,” she said.
“So Aiden’s father is not in the picture?”
Fallon bit her lip. She didn’t know how to answer that so she just said, “Not in my picture.”
Chase nodded as he smiled over at her. “You’re amazing Fallon, do you know that?”
Fallon smiled shyly as she took another drink of her beer. “Thanks, lately I haven’t thought so, but thank you.”
“Everything okay?” Chase asked with concern filling his face. He was a nice guy, just not sexy….not Lucas.
“Nothing, I can’t handle,” she said taking another swig of her beer.

Fallon figured if she was drunk that the date would go quicker and easier. Fallon was also on edge. Ever since yesterday when Lucas kissed her, he had been on her mind nonstop, and no matter what she did, he stayed there. She thanked the heavens above that Audrey met Lucas to drop Aiden off and to pick him up because Fallon wasn’t sure if she could handle seeing him today.

Music started and people filled the dance floor to line dance. Fallon loved dancing but hated line dancing. She didn’t like that everyone did the same thing; she liked to just dance. Chase was talking about his job as a groomer while Fallon watched everyone on the dance floor. When the song changed to a slow one, all the couple paired off, holding each other close as Katy Perry sang about thinking of someone.

Fallon hated that song.

It did nothing but make her think of Lucas and she hated when that happened. It was one of the main reasons she listened to such hard rap music, because they never rapped about the girl they lost. They were too hard for that, and when they had a girly moment, she just changed the song. Fallon looked over at Chase and tried to focus on what he was saying but she couldn’t. He did not interest her at all.

Fallon brought her beer to her lips as she looked towards the door, wondering how fast she could get there before Chase could catch her. But when the doors open and Lucas came through with a blonde, Fallon choked on her beer.

“Are you okay?” Chase asked.

“Oh, God,” she gasped. She tried to catch her breath while watching Lucas hold the blonde close to him. “Yeah I’m fine,” she said once she caught her breath.

Lucas and his date stood at the hostess podium hand in hand, and Fallon thought she was gonna scream. He, of course, came dressed to impress in his tailored black suit. The light gray of his tie made him look delectable. His hair was messy and God help her, he still hadn’t shaved! Lucas’ beautiful date wore a gorgeous purple dress that hung off her shoulders. Her heels were high and made her legs look hot, while Fallon was sure her legs look like tree trunks and her dress wasn’t that pretty. Hell, Fallon wasn’t even as pretty as the blonde!

Jealously ate at Fallon as she watched Lucas and his date follow behind the hostess to a table that was only feet away from Fallon and Chase. She then watched as he pulled the blonde’s chair out before sitting across from her. They opened their menus, laughing and talking about God knows what as Fallon wanted nothing more than to go over there and beat the crap out of Lucas. How dare he!? She knew he was there to make her jealous and what bothered her most was that he succeeded!

Why did she let him do this to her?

Her hands shook as she watched him laugh and joke with the gorgeous blonde. Poor Chase, she had no clue what he was saying and he didn’t seem to care, because he kept talking as she watched Lucas and the blonde. A waitress came over to get their orders and Lucas looked down at menu. She watched as his eyebrows drew together as the blonde ordered. He must have said he wanted the same thing she got because the girl laughed and he shrugged his shoulders. She must have ordered a salad.

Fallon hated that Lucas was still struggling with the dyslexia and wished that he would get help but she knew he wouldn’t. Fallon felt like a stalker as she watched the two and felt horrible when Chase just kept talking. Didn’t the man ever shut up?

When Fallon’s and Chase’s food appeared, Fallon made herself stop watching Lucas and his date so that she could eat. She hadn’t eaten all day and was starving, but it didn’t seem to matter. Her eyes kept drifting towards Lucas’ table. As she stuffed a French fry in her mouth, the blonde got up and headed to the bathroom, leaving Lucas by himself. Lucas looked around and when his eyes met hers, his mouth pulled up at one side as he slowly nodded at her. Fallon’s blood boiled and before she knew it she was out of her seat and stomping her way towards him. She heard Chase say something but ignored him as she made her way to Lucas.

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