Turn It On: Turner Twins, Book 1 (11 page)

Read Turn It On: Turner Twins, Book 1 Online

Authors: Vivian Arend

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Turn It On: Turner Twins, Book 1
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He showed her how to work the access for the main door and together they set up the codes on the internal panel.

“I have one other addition I want to show you.” He took her by the hand and led her up the stairs to the master bathroom. After listening to Maxine chat for the last couple of weeks about how much she loved the house, inspiration had hit hard. She would appreciate this as much as knowing she was secure at night.

“You put a security system in the bathroom? What in heaven’s name?”

He shook his head. “It’s a part of the system, but it’s a water sensor. I put at least one on each floor next to the main water source and wired it in as a secondary alarm. If you had a water-main break, or a pipe bursts and the contact gets wet for an extended period of time, it will trigger the rest of the system with a special code. You’d know quick enough to be able to stop extensive damage from ever occurring again.”

He knelt and showed her the sensor location. “It’s not on a hair trigger, you don’t have to worry about it going off if you happen to splash it or get it wet while cleaning. The liquid has to be in contact for at least a minute. And you can turn it off at the main panel if you did happen to accidentally set it off having a water fight or something.” He stood and gestured toward the floor. “Take a look. It’s not very noticeable—I didn’t want it to stick out. There’s one in every bathroom plus in the basement behind the washer and in the kitchen.”

Maxine’s eyes were moist and she hugged him tightly, burying her face against his chest. Her voice was muffled when she spoke. “Thank you.” There was a volume of gratitude in the simple statement.

He kissed the top of her head. His guess had been right. “You’re welcome. I know how much sentimental value this house has for you. It’s just a little thing to help you be able to relax more completely.”

She slipped her hands under his shirt and stroked his bare skin. He froze. Was that her tongue on his neck? He stood stock still as she nuzzled closer, yanking his shirt free and pushing it up his body. “Max, what are you doing?”

Her eyes twinkled at him and she laid a finger on his lips briefly before dropping her hands and tugging on his jeans. “We’re done with the system checks, right? I thought we could relax for a while. If you’re interested.”

He clasped her fingers to still them. “Relax? Sweetheart, what you’re doing is not calming me down.”

Max leaned against him, rubbing like a cat. “Good.”

Ryan eyed her suspiciously. “Are you hoping I’ll let you have a shower since we’re already in the bathroom? Because it’s not happening.”

“I wanted to…” She hesitated.

He stepped closer, running his hands up the sides of her torso to cup her breasts through the cotton fabric of her dress. “Want to what?”

Barely above a whisper her voice rose to his ears. “Make love in the shower.”

He laughed. “Now that’s an interesting twist on the issue.”

“I’ve never done it before and it sounds like fun. I’ve got a good shower for it.” She gestured to the wall-to-wall enclosure and his libido rocked off the charts. She wanted to try it in the shower?
Hell, yeah.

But under his rules. He took his wallet from his back pocket and pulled out a condom, dropping both items on the counter. Her eyes widened to the size of saucers. Lifting her chin, he leered at her. “Take off your undies.” She reached for the buttons of her dress and he shook his head. “Leave it on. Panties, off.” He held out his hand, waiting expectantly.

The adorable red flushing her skin reached her hairline in mere seconds, but she obediently reached under her dress and wiggled her hips. His groin tightened, his cock fighting against the confining material of his jeans. She dropped a flimsy bit of blue lace into his palm before stepping back, hiding her hands behind her back like a demure maiden.

She was absolutely delectable and he fought to stop from coming right then and there. Unzipping his jeans with caution to avoid damaging anything, he released his already throbbing erection. She stared in wide-eyed wonder. It was ego-stroking how fascinated she was with his dick. The urge to command her to her knees to get an up-close and personal view was strong, but he hid the need from her. With her lack of experience what he had planned would be enough of a challenge already. He stood back and crossed his arms, his cock thrust out in front of him. “Cover me.”

She blinked in confusion. “What?”

He reached around her, his erection poking her in the belly. She shivered and he couldn’t resist dropping a kiss on the racing pulse point in her neck. Tucking the condom packet in her palm he stepped back half a foot. “Cover me.”

The tentative touch that followed was torture beyond anything he’d experienced for years. He forced himself to watch her, to make sure she was comfortable with each new sexual experience they shared. Seeing nothing but delight in her eyes, he smiled and promised his dick relief very soon.

The instant she finished rolling down the latex he picked her up around the waist and dragged her into the stall.

“Ryan, what are you doing?” she protested.

He spun her around, spooning her ass against his cock. He reached out and flicked on the taps. The cold water hit his back and he swore it instantly turned to steam, his body so overheated with the burning desire to bury himself in her. Wrapping an arm around her torso, he dropped one hand between her legs, the other sliding up to cover her breasts. The water warmed slowly and he turned them to soak their clothing. He tore open the top buttons on her dress and thrust a hand under the fabric to clutch one nipple between thumb and forefinger. The nub hardened instantly and he groaned into her hair. He rocked his hips against her ass, unable to stay still.

Moisture flowed from between her legs as he rubbed at her slit. Maxine moaned and squeezed his hand between her thighs, and he saw stars. Increasing the pace of his questing fingers, he continued stroking until she cried out, shaking in his embrace. Unable to wait any longer he twirled her, yanked up the soaking material and cupped her ass cheeks in both hands. He lifted her, pressed her shoulders into the tiles and rammed his cock home in one thrust. They both shouted, her in surprise, and him in relief at being finally surrounded by the scalding heat of her sheath.

“Wrap your legs around me,” he ordered, and when she complied he slipped another inch farther into her tight channel. She gasped and he swallowed the sound, taking her mouth under his control. He slammed his cock in again and again, the hot slick of her body welcoming him as their tongues tangled, frantic, desperate.

Water streamed down, material sticking to their bodies. The skirt of her dress clung to the wall behind her, her gorgeous hair hung in strands over her shoulders. He’d never seen anything as beautiful as the expression on her face as he pulled back to watch. He thrust harder, dragging his abdominal muscles along her clit until he felt her fingers tremble where she clutched his shoulders.

“Oh Lord, Ryan, yes!” Her head fell back and her sheath squeezed around him so hard he lost all semblance of control, fucking into her body like a madman. When his climax hit he cried out her name, struggled to stay on his feet as his cock pulsed within her. Somehow he supported them against the tile until they both could breathe again.

He carefully lowered her, cradling her against his body as she rocked on unsteady legs. He was shocked at the depth of emotion racing through him. Every challenge he made she met with enthusiasm. They fit together perfectly, sexually, as well as interests outside the bedroom. Maxine was everything he’d dreamed of in a partner.

Ryan stripped off their wet clothing then took his time drying her. He carried her to the giant bed and tucked her into his arms for a nap. She rolled and snuggled in tighter before giving a happy sigh. She pressed a sleepy kiss on his chest. He stroked her hair and put aside the rest of his concerns, at least for now. Tomorrow would be soon enough to deal with the issue of where this was headed.

Chapter Eleven

She wandered down the wide staircase, an apple in one hand and her novel in the other. Crawling into the overstuffed chair in front of the fireplace, Maxine got lost in a world of fantasy. An hour later she sighed in satisfaction, dropped the book to the floor and stared into space. Her thoughts drifted from the book to the fantasy she was enjoying right there in the real world. Ryan. Just imagining him made her toes curl, her body wet, and brought a smile to her face. It wasn’t only the physical attraction they had for each other. In the weeks since she and Ryan had become lovers, she’d learned a lot about the man. About his wicked sense of humor, his strong sense of responsibility. His imaginative lovemaking. Some nights he stayed with her, a couple she’d remained with him at the apartment, but they had also enjoyed simply talking on the phone and going out on dates.

And did he ever know how to make dating fun. In comparison to her relationship to Jamie—there was no comparison. Ryan’s intensity carried through in the way he dealt with everything in his life. She was back in her own house, security system at full alert. The mysterious caller was gone, although she now had an unlisted number for her home and a separate cell phone for her business calls. Except for the silly mouse issue, problems around the house seemed to have slowed.

She rose and wandered the room, tracing a finger around a favorite antique plate hanging on the wall beside the fireplace. The matching teacup and saucer were absent from their usual spot on the mantle and she frowned. Someone must have moved them, but she didn’t remember anyone mention touching the valuable set. Turning a slow circle she eyed the other familiar objects in the room, but nothing else seemed out of place.

She twirled a lock of hair between her fingers. Another thing she’d appreciated was Ryan’s guidance in learning to deal with her family. He wasn’t bossy, just listened and occasionally made suggestions that allowed her to participate with her family without letting them take over her life. Watching his example helped her keep a firm backbone when it was time to say no to the more outrageous demands. Ryan was almost frighteningly decisive, and there was no mistaking his take-charge attitude. In contrast, his leadership in the bedroom, with his patient attention to her needs, thrilled her. It felt like he treasured their time together. A few times she’d caught him staring at her with a sad expression in his eyes. He always became sexually aggressive following these moments, wiping away the opportunity to question him further.

The phone rang and she ran to answer it, a warm sensation filling her with pleasure when the call signature identified Ryan’s landline.

“Hi.” She never knew what else to say. He made her feel as giddy as a schoolgirl.

“You ready for tonight?”

“Ready? You still haven’t told me what we’re doing.” She sat again, staring out the window across the water. The weather promised to be fabulous for next week’s Thanksgiving celebration.

“What?” He feigned disbelief. “I never told you what we’re doing? Are you sure?”

“Ryan, stop teasing. Please, I want to know. At least tell me what kind of clothes I should wear.”

“Something like that pretty blue dress you had on the other day.” He lowered his voice and the deep tone made her heartbeat race. “Don’t wear anything underneath.”

She choked.

His chuckle did nothing to relieve the tight sensation in her chest. It only increased the flood of moisture to her pussy. Every day he challenged her sexually in some new way, starting with leaving the lights on and curtains open to last night’s demand she masturbate in front of him. It had turned out to be an incredibly sensual experience and the perfect start to the heated lovemaking that had followed. She trembled slightly at the realization that the next time they made love they wouldn’t need protection—all their records had finally cleared.

“Did we get cut off, Max, or are you simply blushing too hard to speak?”

“Stop laughing at me. Yes, I’m blushing, as you well know. You say the most outrageous things.” He intended to make her pulse increase, she was sure of it.

“Hmmm, outrageous or not, I’m serious, and I’ll be checking. I’ll pick you up at six. I have an emergency meeting to attend, so I’ll be unavailable for the afternoon. I can’t find my damn cell phone, and I didn’t want you to try calling me and wonder why you couldn’t get a hold of me.”

She laughed this time. “You? You lost your cell phone? That’s so…bizarre.”

“Yeah, I guess even organizational freaks lose things occasionally. See you later, sweetheart.”

Max put the phone down and stretched lazily. With the home office she’d arranged, it felt like she was playing hooky half the time, but since she was contracted on a per-project basis she was done work for the day. A whole lazy afternoon to wander the finished house and appreciate the beautiful fall weather. On an impulse, she changed into her workout gear and took a run around the property. She was barely back in the door when the phone rang again, this time with Ryan’s cell phone tone.

She was still breathless from her run as she answered. “You found it!”

It sounded like him, but there was a slight tonal variation. “I need Ryan.”

“He’s not here. Who is this?” She tried to push down her rising panic. Who else had access to this line and this phone?

“It’s Carl. I want my brother. They took Jackson away. I told them not to.” The male voice trembled. “I want Jackson back and they say I can’t have him.”

Maxine’s mind raced. Ryan’s brother? He hadn’t mentioned a brother. Carl sounded about twelve and on the verge of bursting into tears. “Ryan is busy. Is there someone with you I can talk to?”

“I want Jackson…” Carl whined, his volume increasing, his breathing rapid and panic filled.

“Carl, are you on Ryan’s cell phone?” Maxine tried to think of how to calm the boy and get in touch with Ryan at the same time.

“He left it here yesterday. I want Jackson…” and the sobbing began.

Max called into the phone to get his attention, but it was clear Carl was far too upset. An extended period of time passed before other voices joined in the background and a female spoke on the line.

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