Turn It On: Turner Twins, Book 1 (14 page)

Read Turn It On: Turner Twins, Book 1 Online

Authors: Vivian Arend

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Turn It On: Turner Twins, Book 1
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She wiggled but his grasp remained firm. “You go ahead and do your job and I’ll do mine. I won’t get in your way,” he promised. He licked her earlobe and she smiled in spite of it all. She had her hands full of savory bread and raisins, and her belly was tight with waking desire. Ryan stroked her breasts before sliding his hands down her belly to bury his fingers in her crotch and lightly massage her slit.

“You’re a bad boy, and if you keep this up you’re getting nothing but a lump of coal for Christmas. Oh my God, what are you doing?”

He had slipped his hand around to her butt, his fingers slick with moisture as he prodded the rosette of her anus. “It’s Thanksgiving. It’s time for stuffing, right? I have a little present for you.”

She had no way to stop him, no way to protest unless she took her sticky, stuffing-covered hands out of the turkey to defend herself. “You’re not really going to… Ryan, I know I told you the other day I was willing for you to teach me about anal sex, but not now. Oh God!”

He suckled on her neck as he slipped his finger in. Her heart pounded. It felt far better than she wished, because she really wanted a reason to get angry.

“We’re not going to have sex,” he said reasonably. “You’re just going to wear a plug for a little while to start getting you ready.”


“You’re not doing your job, sweetheart,” Ryan pointed out. “Stuffing, right?”

“Bastard.” She finished the first bird and shuffled to the second, his one arm holding her tight to his torso, the other doing wicked, wicked things to her body. She slammed a fistful of stuffing into the avian and cried out with pleasure as he brought both hands into play, one in front, one back. “I’m going to kill you when this is over, you know that, don’t you?”

He laughed and rubbed her clit, rolling it gently between his fingers. Her legs started to shake. Something cold and hard poked at her butt, and she sucked in a quick breath.

“It’s okay, Maxine, keep breathing. Feel and enjoy.” He increased his fingers’ tempo against her clit, and warmth pooled in her belly. The stretching sensation in her anus dropped to a pleasurable…presence. And then the distraction of her breaking climax made everything else fade away.

He held her as she came, the waves of release slow and drawn out, his continued touch lightening as her body grew more sensitive. Then he kissed her cheek and walked to the sink, washing his hands thoroughly before coming to lift the heavy roasting pans into the ovens.

Maxine walked gingerly until she grew used to the plug. It didn’t hurt, but she was wet and excited, and he was driving her crazy. Only Ryan would think of such a trick.

“You still plotting to kill me?” he asked, handing her a coffee mug across the island. He tried to look apologetic, but there was too much delight in his eyes for the innocent expression to work.

She shook her head. “It’s a good thing you’re cute. A bastard, but cute.”

Ryan frowned at her. “Cute? What kind of compliment is that? I’m old, ugly as sin, bossy, and all kinds of other grievous sins, including devious.” He patted her lightly on the butt and she sucked in air as the plug shifted.

“I’m not wearing this all day,” Maxine warned. She couldn’t imagine what disasters would happen if the sexual fever building inside distracted her while her family descended on the house.

“Of course not. Only for the morning.” He nibbled her lips, rubbing small circles on her lower back. “Can we go back to bed? I have a few things I want to try while you’re wearing that thing.”

Her mouth went dry. She gulped a mouthful of her drink in defense as his expression turned wicked. “I need my coffee.”

“I need you.” He pointed at her mug. “Drink up. You’ll want to be awake for this.”

Ryan wrapped himself around her, keeping their bodies in full contact even as he consumed her. Her sweet flavor mixed with the after taste of their coffee, creating an exotic blend. The sensual touch of her fingers as she clutched his shoulders made him forget exactly what he had planned. He guided them blindly through the house, his thoughts jangling together in a heap of desire and obsession. There wasn’t an inch of her body he hadn’t explored, and he still couldn’t get enough of her.

They paused at the doorway to the main dining room and he dropped to his knees, opening her robe to press kisses across the smooth slope of her belly. When she instinctively opened her legs wider, he ran his hands up her thighs, massaging her silky skin. He used his thumbs to tease the pale red curls hiding her pussy, pausing to stroke one finger the length of her wet slit.

She panted, her torso shaking under his caress. “Too much. I’m throbbing. Everywhere. Your touch is too much.” Maxine groaned in frustration and let her head fall back. It hit the doorframe with a
. “Shit!”

He smothered his laugh and stood to rub the sore spot. Her lashes fluttered as he stared into her eyes, her pupils dilated wide, drawing him in like a magnet. “Dangerous things, butt plugs.”

“Please, I need…something. It feels good, yet it burns.”

“That’s because you’re so hot you’re on fire, sweetheart.” And he lowered his head to her lips to continue his assault, stealing her breath away.

Making it up the stairs and back to her bedroom took a long, long time, as he got lost in her body again and again. At one point he carried her before lowering her to the top of the stairs and lapping at her pussy until she convulsed under him. He pressed her against the window in the master bedroom, her breasts in contact with the still cool glass. She cried out as he nibbled his way down her back, begging him to touch her, to give her what she needed.

When he peeled her off the windowpane and laid her on the bed her nipples had crinkled to tight buds of rosy pink. He admired them for a moment before warming them under his tongue, drawing another cry of delight from her lips.

He was staking his claim. The house would be filled with people in a few short hours, but for now there was only her. Only him. Together—and he reveled in it.

Then he couldn’t wait any longer. Maintaining eye contact, he slipped off his pants to stand naked over her where she sprawled on the oversized bed. His earlier vision, from when they first met, returned to him and he was tempted to grab some scarves and tie her to the bedposts. She dropped her gaze and licked her lips, her rosy cheeks flushed with arousal. His cock throbbed in response and he shifted her position, bringing her hips close to the edge of the bed, her knees wide to the side. He rubbed the aching head of his cock against her open pussy lips, spreading the sweet cream over his shaft. When he brushed her clit with his thumb she whimpered and he slowed, wanting to make the experience last as long as possible. Back and forth he dragged, touching the sensitive bud at the apex of her slit gently. He wiggled the butt plug and her eyes rolled back in her head, her belly tightening.

Then he slid into her welcoming body with one smooth glide, a long gasp of air escaping her lungs as if pressed from her body by his cock.

“Oh my.” She rocked with tiny motions against him. Her thighs remained wide open, supported by her hands and she slowly relaxed. Her eyes twinkled as she smiled up at him, a hesitant but happy smile. “I’m very full.”

“You’re very tight. And you feel wonderful.” He leaned forward to kiss her, the new angle drawing another gasp from her lips. “Okay?”

She nodded rapidly then grasped his shoulders and pressed her hips up. He pumped slowly at first, but Maxine arched into him hard, increasing their tempo and the pressure of his thrusts. The sounds of pleasure she made drove him crazy and when she cried out her release he went with her.

Somehow the next thing he knew they were cuddled together in the middle of the bed.

“Wow.” Maxine tucked her head under his chin and sighed happily.

He chuckled. Damn, the sex between them just got better and better. He stroked a hand down her hair, very content with his lot in life at that moment. “Glad you liked it. Hey, how about I take you out for a quick bite on our way over to visit Carl?”

She poked him in the chest and he glanced down to see her grinning face. “On one condition. I get to take this thing out of my…well, you know. I’m not going to wear it any longer.”

He kissed her, rolling her on top. She giggled and kissed him back eagerly. When they separated for air they were both smiling. “I guess we can take that thing out of your ‘you know’.” He patted her ass and she sucked in a quick breath, her eyes wide, and he laughed. “Come on, let’s hit the shower before I get distracted and we end up still in bed when your family arrives.”

Chapter Fourteen

Maxine bent to kiss the top of Carl’s head. He was busy at his desk and barely seemed to notice when they left.

“Happy Thanksgiving.” The nurses waved farewell, the scent of the special lunch meal hovering in the air of the nursing home.

“It feels strange to leave him there alone and go back to where all my family will gather.”

Ryan held the door open for her and they headed into the bright sunshine of the fall day. “He wouldn’t be happy joining us. Too many people, too much noise. Even if your family were smaller it wouldn’t work. He’s content where he is.”

She shrugged. It was all so different, trying to balance wanting to be with Ryan, meeting her family’s needs, and now learning more about Carl. She snuck her fingers into Ryan’s hand as they walked back to the car. “You’re a good brother to him.”

Ryan looked startled for a moment. “Thank you.”

She grabbed him by the sleeve. “No, I mean it. I understand more why you hesitated to tell me about him. He’s a very special person, and I do have a hard time remembering he can’t just jump in and join us in the family events.” She leaned against him and kissed him, lingering over the now-familiar flavor of his lips. “You’ve done your best to care for him. He doesn’t say thank you, but I know he would if he understood all you’ve done.”

Ryan held her close, his hands tight on her torso. She rested her cheek on his chest and drew in a long slow breath. The day so far had given her plenty to be thankful about.

They made it back to the house barely thirty minutes before the first of the horde arrived. She hugged her cousins, kissed her aunties and avoided Uncle Maxible, whose aftershave made her nose twitch. Gramma was taken on a thorough inspection of the house, clinging all the while to Ryan’s arm as she admired the changes Maxine had made. After the initial questioning glances at Ryan were over, murmurs of approval rose as he plied his charm on all the relatives. A warm feeling built inside Maxine’s heart.

Wandering toward the front door, she jerked to a stop.

He couldn’t. He wouldn’t.

She stared in disbelief as Jamie Daultry made his way up the stairs in the company of her cousin Maximilian. While Jamie’s impressive good looks hadn’t changed, she wondered why she’d continued to see him after their first date. Looks were all he had going for him because he was obviously lacking brains. What kind of jerk would show up at a Thanksgiving dinner with his ex-girlfriend’s family?

Scads of relatives wandered the house, children shrieking with delight as they raced around outside on the porch. Maxine glanced to see where Ryan had disappeared to before approaching to cut Jamie off at the pass.

“Maxine! So nice of you to offer to host this year.” Maximilian dropped an air kiss by her cheek and stepped around her into the house.

He was not one of her favorite cousins to start with. She’d always found his boastful mannerisms over the top, and having seen him escort Jamie up the walk eliminated any positive familial sentiment she might have had before this moment. She jerked his sleeve, pulling him to face her. “Mill, what the hell is going on?”

“You know Jamie, right? We’re doing some business together and I discovered he was planning on spending Thanksgiving alone. I didn’t think you’d mind, so I invited him to join us. You know the clan motto—the maximum the merrier.” Her cousin winked at Jamie over her shoulder and Maxine heated with anger.

She didn’t want to have anything to do with either of them, especially Jamie. Lowering her voice she spoke directly at her cousin. “You should have asked, Mill. This is going to be awkward as hell.” She dragged a hand through her hair and took a deep breath.

“Maxi, you look wonderful.” She found her hand clasped in Jamie’s as he approached closer. She took a fast step backward to avoid his embrace.

Something solid hit her and she gave a startled cry. Familiar arms caught her around the waist and the spicy scent of Ryan’s presence eased her anxiety. He twirled her around and planted a firm kiss on her lips as he molded their bodies together. Forgetting where she was for a moment, she responded eagerly. She relaxed, drinking in his flavor, enjoying the possessive stroke of his hands. He was all she was aware of, all she could focus on. With a final lingering touch he stepped away, brushed a finger over her kiss-swollen lips and winked at her. “We need to take out the turkeys soon. The stuffing is more than ready.”

She cleared her throat in embarrassment. The glint in his eyes said he was remembering their morning interlude. The heat of her blush covered her face and he smiled lazily. She hit his chest lightly. “Be nice,” she murmured.

He raised a brow. “I thought I was more than nice.” Glancing over her shoulder, he tilted his head at the newcomers as if he’d just spotted them. “Hello. More family?” he asked as he tucked her under his arm.

Maxine fought the urge to roll her eyes, instantly reminded of dogs marking their territory. She clamped a lid on her laughter before it burst out. Leaning back comfortably, she settled against Ryan’s torso before making introductions. “Ryan, this is Maximilian and Jamie. Guys, meet Ryan Claymore, my…”
What should she call him—boyfriend? Lover? One was too juvenile, the other too risqué for this crowd, no matter how much truth there was in the statement.

Ryan reached around her to clasp Jamie’s hand in his firm grip. Jamie’s eyes almost popped out his head, a grimace appearing on his perfect brow. Maxine nudged Ryan in the side. “Hey, stop the pissing match. You don’t need to break anything,” she whispered. He released his hold slowly, making a show of placing his now free hand casually on Maxine’s hip, his thumb caressing under the edge of her blouse.

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