Turn Towards the Sun: Book Three- Forever in Bloom (The Sunflower Trilogy) (12 page)

BOOK: Turn Towards the Sun: Book Three- Forever in Bloom (The Sunflower Trilogy)
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“Your husband’s attention is always on you, my love.”

“Oh gag me with a spoon, you two!” Cassie exclaims.

Enzo laughs which causes me to smile. He has the best laugh. I’m continually amazed at how his laughter transforms him from serious businessman to regular guy; even if it is for just a moment.

A knock at the door signals Grayson’s arrival. We say goodbye to Cassie and the pup and head out.

“Morning, Mrs. Milano, um, Ava,” Grayson says.

Smiling, I reply, “Morning, Grayson. How’s it going?”

“Pretty good. How are you?”

There’s a sweetness to his voice that reflects his genuine concern for me. It warms my heart knowing this big, tough looking guy is really a softie underneath it all. “I’m doing well, thank you for asking.”

He nods and holds the door open for me. Enzo climbs in the opposite side and we both settle in for the morning drive to downtown Phoenix. Enzo pulls out his phone and answers a few emails before turning slightly to face me.

“I’d like your opinion, Ava. Do you think I should announce the tentative date for La Bellissima today? Or wait until we get a little closer?”

I cock my head at him. Enzo has never asked me to help him with any decisions on this level. I am almost too surprised to answer.

“What are you leaning towards?” is my tentative response.

He shakes his head. “I’m not sure. Part of me wants to put it out there and generate some excitement, but there are still so many things that could delay the opening. I just don’t know if the timing is right.”

“Who helped you with these types of decisions before?”

Enzo looks up at me, his blue eyes shimmering in the sun, and smiles warmly. “No one.” He brushes my cheek with the back of his hand. “But now I have you, my partner in all things. I want your opinion.”

This simple gesture nearly causes my heart to burst. “Thank you for trusting me.”

“I always have.”

“My honest feeling is that it is too soon to announce a date. To your point, we still have a lot to accomplish. I think you can start talking about how it’s several months ahead of schedule and maybe even share some of the features and amenities of the hotel. That should generate the excitement and interest you want.”

Staring at me for a moment, Enzo simply lifts my hand to his lips, and presses a gentle kiss against it. “Perfetto. As soon as I heard your words, I knew that was the right thing to do. I think I am just getting excited. I love unveiling a new hotel, Ava. It’s like…” he stops suddenly and I think I realize what he almost said.

“It’s like a baby?” I ask. “It’s okay, babe. I understand what you mean.”

“Well, yes. Watching something I created from nothing, become something. It’s the closest analogy I can think of.”

“I get that. It’s very exciting.” I smile and rub his hand, then twist my fingers in his. “You know something?” Enzo looks over at me. “I adore you. You always tell me that, but I need to say it back to you. I absolutely adore you.”

Enzo chuckles softly. “I know this but I do love hearing it. Your words have always been precious to me.”

My eyes shift to the front seat where Grayson sits, appearing to focus on the road, but the smile on his lips gives away that he was listening to us. Pulling up in front of the building where the news station is, I’m reminded of our press conferences related to that horrible book scandal. At least we’re here to talk about something positive.

We walk inside and up an escalator to the studio where the interview will take place. As soon as we enter the room, a receptionist greets us and a young man named Eric comes out to meet us right away. He ushers us to another room where we are told to wait for a just a few minutes until the anchor is ready for us. Never in my life did I think I would be going on a morning show for any reason. Even though the interview isn’t about me, it’s still very exciting.

Moments later, Eric returns, talking in a headset, and leads us to the set where the anchor, Jasmin Taylor, waits in a seat for us. Two women stand over her, fixing her hair and makeup while she sips a cup of coffee and stares at her phone. Her eyes shift up at us briefly, but she makes no attempt to address us or even smile.

Before I know it, an army of women come at me and Enzo, patting us with powder and picking at my hair. Now I really know how it feels to be a celebrity. I look over at Enzo who is obviously used to this treatment. He winks and smiles while a woman moves his hair into just the right position, in her opinion.

After several minutes of this, we are led to our seats. Jasmin sits in her seat across from us and has yet to even acknowledge our presence. She hardly seems like the right choice for perky morning television. I watch her as she gets her thick black hair brushed one more time. She is very lovely, with dark caramel colored skin and hazel eyes. I imagine she grew up competing in beauty competitions and having every boy in her presence fall at her feet. A producer comes over to us and quickly tells us the interview will last about ten minutes including a commercial break.

A camera starts calling out the cues and right before my eyes, Jasmin Taylor’s face lights up. A gorgeous, albeit plastic, smile graces her lips and she is suddenly extremely attentive to us.

“Tape rolling!” the camera man calls out.

“Rise and shine, Arizona. It’s time for your morning break with Jasmin,” the now bubbly host says. “Today we are thrilled to have local architect, Enzo Milano, and his drop-dead gorgeous wife Ava with us.” She turns to face us. “Mr. and Mrs. Milano, thank you so much for being here with us today. Mr. Milano, congratulations on your newest award. Does it still excite you to win awards?”

Enzo flashes that amazing but reserved smile he uses in professional situations. “Please, call me Enzo and yes, I am always excited and appreciative of any acknowledgement of my work.”

“But this one…” she glances down at her papers, “is an international award recognizing your global contributions to architecture. That’s amazing.”

Enzo nods. “Yes. I feel very fortunate.”

“Mrs. Milano, I’d like to ask you a few questions too.”

I do my best to hide my surprise. I wasn’t expecting to be addressed directly. I glance over at Enzo who nods slightly.

“What would you like to know?” I ask.

Jasmin grins. “Okay, so we hear that you have an active role in designing the new downtown hotel.”

“I have a small role. Francesca Milano designed the inside of the hotel. I am her assistant.”

“Mm hmm, and what’s it like working for your husband?” she asks.

“It’s very nice working for Enzo.”

Before we can continue, Enzo interjects. “She doesn’t work
me, she works

“Of course, Enzo,” Jasmin responds then turns her attention back to me. “Okay, Ava, you are quickly becoming a local fashion icon. Where do you get your fashion sense?”

I’m completely taken aback by this question. A fashion icon? Me? “Um, well, I just wear what I like.”

“Well, it’s fabulous. Love those shoes!” she exclaims. “We’ll be right back after this break.”

“Cut!” I hear the camera man’s voice again.

Just as quickly as she turned on, Jasmin shuts down again like a robot programmed only for a rolling camera. She picks up her phone and sips water while the primpers do their job on all of us again. We prepare for the cameras to roll again and I watch with a sick fascination as the anchor beams for the camera once more.

“We’re back with the fabulous Milano’s. Ava, we’re all just dying to hear who you plan to wear to the awards gala this weekend.”

“I won’t be attending, I’m afraid. I have some family business to attend to.”

“Oh dear. I’m surprised you’re willing to let your hunky husband out of your sight, especially in Vegas.” The anchor smiles and winks at both of us as she speaks.

I glance over at Enzo, who has clearly had enough with the girlishness of this interview. He starts to open his mouth but I decide I should be the one to handle this comment.

“I have no concerns about leaving my husband alone. One thing I’m sure of is that he only has eyes for me.” Enzo rubs my hand affectionately. “He’ll be attending with his sister. It’s unfortunate I have to miss this wonderful event for him, however, as talented as my husband is, I’m sure there will be many more accolades to celebrate in the future.”

I smile at Enzo and am rewarded with his own magnificent smile in return. I look back at Jasmin, daring her with my eyes to ask me another stupid question. She wisely chooses to change the subject.

“Okay, Enzo, let’s talk about your new project.”

Enzo talks for a few minutes about La Bellissima, his hands and body getting in on the conversation. I love watching him talk about his work and witnessing his excitement as he discusses his latest masterpiece. Jasmin has the good sense to act interested, whether she is or not is anyone’s guess. As the interview closes, she provides information to the viewers about our website and pleasantly invites us back anytime we want. We hear the cameraman call cut and watch once more as Jasmin Taylor returns to her disinterested self. We stand as Eric comes back to join us.

“You guys were terrific,” Eric says. Glancing over at Jasmin, he shrugs. “Sorry about her. She had a bad breakup last night, again, and she isn’t quite herself.”

“Oh, so normally she actually has a personality?” I ask.

Eric smiles and looks over his shoulder as we walk out. “A little bit, yeah.”

Jasmin doesn’t even bother to say goodbye to us and we leave after thanking Eric for his hospitality. “Well, that was ten minutes of my life I’ll never get back,” I say to Enzo.

He looks up and stops walking for a moment, before boisterously laughing. “That, amore, is a perfect way to sum up what just took place.”

I smile and rise up to kiss his cheek as Grayson pulls the car around to pick us up.

“You were great with her, Ava. The nerve of her to make such a ridiculous comment.”

“It was quite gossipy and honestly, asking who I’m going to wear? Like I’m going to a red carpet movie premier. Who cares what I’m wearing!”

“Clearly more people than you think.”

“Well, now that you have a wife, I think you may have to endure more fashion commentary and the like.”

“Small price to pay for such a treasure,” he whispers in my ear before kissing me softly.

“Mr. Romantic,” is my response.





“AMORE, CALL ME the moment you to get to Los Angeles,” Enzo says as he leaves me at my gate.

“Of course, Enzo.” I look over my shoulder to see Cassie and Chris saying goodbye. I’m really happy that Cass is coming with me. I haven’t seen my extended family in years and it always helps to have a friend in an unfamiliar situation. “We’ll be fine.”

“I know you will, bella.” He leans in and kisses me softly. “I’m going to miss you. Terribly.”

Wrapping my arms around his waist, I return his kiss before saying, “I’m going to miss you too. I hate when we’re apart. Sunday can’t come soon enough.”

We hear the boarding announcement for First Class passengers. Enzo quickly kisses me again and Cassie hurries towards me.

“Have fun, enjoy your accomplishment and tell Checca to take pictures for me,” I say as I kiss my handsome husband one more time.

“I will. I love you, Ava.”

“I love you too, my prince.” With that, Cassie and I board the plane for Los Angeles.

As we settle in our seats and prepare for takeoff, Cassie looks over to me. “This is kind of a bummer weekend, isn’t it? Are you sad to miss out on Enzo’s award show?”

My eyes glance across the aisle as a pregnant woman settles into her seat. I can’t tear my eyes from her bulging belly and my hand involuntarily goes to my own flat stomach. I wonder for just a moment how far along I would have been and would I feel my baby kick. Would I know if it was a boy or a girl or would we have waited to be surprised? The thought causes a painful tug on my heart before Cassie gets my attention again.


I glance back at my friend. “Yes, I’m bummed to miss it but I know there will be more. It’s not right of me to act put out when my mom’s dad died though.”

“I guess. You don’t seem like you really knew him. I never heard you talk about him.”

“He’s had dementia for years but his body was healthy so he managed to live a long life. I know my mom is sad but he didn’t know who I was since I was a teen.”

“Well, at least you’ll be there for your mom. That will make her happy.”

“I know. Besides, like I told Enzo, nothing can compare to our last trip to Vegas. Maybe it’s good I’m not there. I can keep that trip fresh in my mind.”

Laughing, Cassie agrees. “Epic!”



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