Read Turn Towards the Sun Online

Authors: Jennifer Domenico

Turn Towards the Sun (21 page)

BOOK: Turn Towards the Sun
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I look up and feel my eyes filling with tears again. He pulls me to him and kisses me fully on the mouth.

“I can’t bear the thought of hurting you.”
He smothers
my face in kisses. “You mean so much
to me in such a short time.” I
hold him as tight as I can.

“Look at me. I won’t lie to you now or ever. I know what it feels
and I would never do that to you. I won’t cheat on you. If I didn’t want to be with you and only
I would just leave. Do you understand? But I’m not leaving. I want you. No one else.”

“Why would someone take this picture and give it

“I don’t
know. Just to cause problems I suppose. A juicy story to report.
I can’t promise that my name will never be in the local gossip column again.”

I throw my arms around his neck and pull him to me. He squeezes me
in return. His kiss is filled with such passion and
I feel lightheaded. How is all of this happening? This hurricane of a man has come in and rocked my world. And now
I’m a hopeless mess.

“Come on.”
He stands me
we walk
to the bathroom.
e starts the bathtub water.
I could use a relaxing bath after all of that. 

“You stay here and I’ll be right back.” He leaves and returns moments later with two glasses.

“Prosecco amore?” He smiles. I return the smile. He pours bath oil in the
and the room fills with the scent of magnolia. I drop my robe. He reaches behind me and unhooks my bra then removes it. He kneels down in front of me
and removes
my panties. I step out balancing myself on his shoulders. He holds my hand as I step into the steamy
bath water.
music plays in the background.
Enzo stands and removes his clothes
climbing in to face me. Grabbing the Prosecco from the bathtub edge, he hands me one of the glasses.

“Thank you for listening to me.” He holds his glass in the air.

“Thank you for telling me.”

We drink slowly in silence, the coolness of the drink contrasting with the hot
soapy water. He lifts my foot to his mouth and sweetly kisses each toe, then repeats this pleasure on my other foot
He massages my feet and
and all the day’s tensions melt into oblivion.

How did I get this guy? I still don’t quite believe it. And thirty minutes ago I thought I was
him. Now I’m neck deep in bubbles with him.

Enzo is definitely going to make me fal
l in love with him. I already
have. I shake the thought away.
There’s so much to know still.

Doesn’t mean you can’t love him. I wish I had an off switch for my brain.

“What are you thinking bella?”

“I was really afraid it was going to be over for us. I’ve already been cheated on and lied
and I know I just couldn’t take it again.”

“What kind of fool would cheat on you?”

I shake my head. “This really isn’t a good story.”

“I told you mine.” He
but I know he wants to hear.

“Alright. I met my ex-boyfriend Steve at an outing with friends. At
we hit it off really well and spent a lot of time together. Within a
we moved in
and I thought we would get married. I sold all my stuff and bought everything new with him. Over
I started to dress how he wanted, speak like he wanted, and do the things he liked to do. I thought I was in love. I didn’t realize how much I compromised for him.” I shake my head again.

“There were warning signs. He couldn’t keep a
and we were always struggling with
plus he drank too much
I went to Vegas for the weekend with some girlfriends. Our trip ended up not working out like we planned so I
home early. I thought I would surprise him and just be home when he got home from work. I’m sure you can see where this is going.”

Enzo nods.

“So it’s the middle of the
and I walk
our apartment to see a mess. There had obviously been a party. I walk in the
and my boyfriend is sleeping butt naked with a woman lying next to him.”

“What did you do?”

“I left.”

“I know but what did you do at that moment.”

“That is what I did at that exact moment. I turned around and left. I drove to my parent’s house and cried on their shoulders for a week. Steve called twenty times a
I threatened him with a restraining order. My dad and his friend went and collected my clothes and books. I left everything else.” I sink deeper into the water, my legs up around Enzo’s neck.

“Did he try to get you back?”

“Tons of times. My dad must have said something to him because Steve never called me after my dad went and got my things. He knows I moved and as far as I’m
he can fuck off.”

“Now I understand.” He caresses my leg.

“Understand what?”

“Why you need to feel independent. You gave up too much for
and he hurt you. We’ve both been hurt Ava.”

I nod. “Yea and it sucks.”

“But no more.”

“Don’t make promises you don’t know if you can keep Enzo.”  

He stands and steps out of the tub silently, wrapping a towel around his waist. He helps me out and into a waiting towel,
and pulls
me into a deep kiss.

“I thought you were going to leave me.” He murmurs between kisses.

“I’m not leaving Enzo.”

We fall into bed removing the barrier of our towels. The intensity of our kissing increases, his mouth devours me. My body is burning with desire. I don’t know if I can handle The Big Tease tonight. I’m emotionally and physically drained.

“Ava.” My name falls from his mouth in a heavy breath. He lifts his head and looks intently into my eyes, his eyes sparkling pools of blue.


“God Ava. I can’t wait anymore. I have to tell you.
I’m in love with you.” The words rush from his mouth.

I’m stunned. He loves me? Oh my God, he loves me.
My heart races
the sound of his words.
Is it true?
Tears stream down his face.
It’s the sweetest thing I’ve ever seen.

“Enzo, I…”

“Tell me. Tell me how you feel Ava.”

Ava. Tell him.

“I’m in
you too.” Great now we’re both crying.

He buries his head in my neck. “
Don’t say it because I did. You need to mean it.
Do you mean it?”
His vulnerability shows.

“Yes.” It’s a
but he hears me.

He kisses me again
pressing the full length of his body on mine. I open my legs to let him move closer to me.

“I’m going to make love to you now Ava.” His words pierce me, filling me with desire.

Confident Enzo has returned. Hallelujah!

I’m giddy
with anticipation.
I watch his naked body while he lights two candles. I can’t tear my eyes away from his sinewy muscles and olive
and I cannot wait to get all of him inside me. Finally!

He climbs on the bed and hovers over me. “I’ve wanted you
since the moment I saw you Ava
and now your body is mine.”

ers course through my body as his
words glide over me.

He starts kissing up my neck until his mouth encases mine, intensely hot, owning m
e, making me completely his. He moves
painfully slow to my breasts, nibbling my hardened nipples back and forth. He opens his mouth and sucks the flesh of my heaving breast into his mouth, swirling his tongue around my aroused nipples, giving equal attention to both. This. Feels. So. Good.

I tangle my hands in his thick hair, moaning softly as encouragement.
I finally get to have all of him.
I’m overwhelmed with emotion and passion.

“Ava, your body is so beautiful.”

His tongue moves down my stomach and stops to dip in my belly button, swirling slowly. Strong hands knead my breasts as he continues this amazing pleasure. I might explode. My skin burns at every touch.

I feel his mouth moving lower and part my legs instinctively. He presses his face against my
and I feel the soft pokiness of his stubble. I tense in anticipation.

I close my eyes and revel in the sensation of his warm breath between my legs. He stops and boldly inhales my scent, causing me to squirm with desire. “Oh God Enzo.”

aby you smell so good. Let’s see how you taste.”

He spreads my legs further and buries his face in the hot wetness that was a barren wasteland just days ago. I groan and grind my hips into his face. He responds by going deeper, his tongue flicking around my clitoris. He definitely knows what he’s doing. His hand presses down on my stomach, holding me in place, as his other hand meets his tongue between my legs. He slides a finger inside
and I cry out.

“Oh, God yes!”

“Mmm Ava, you’re so wet.”

My hips move rapidly seeking the sweet release from the buildup leading to this point. He pulls away and shakes his head no. I gasp at the sudden release of pressure.

“No! Oh please baby, don’t stop.”
I want him more than anyone or anything at this moment. I can’t get enough.

“Patience Ava.”

“I don’t think so.” I grin and p
ush him forcefully onto the bed. His eyes fill with surprise. I straddle him and plant my lips on his neck moving my way down. Oh the moment I’ve wanted for so long. I firmly grasp his cock in my hands and lower my mouth onto him. I suck slowly, sliding my tongue up and down his shaft.
His breath catches

“Damn Ava.” He whispers
wrapping his hands in my hair.

I couldn’t wait to get this in my mouth
.” I continue making work of his erection swirling my tongue up and over the tip, moving my hands up and down the shaft, and doing my best to drive him crazy. If I know I’m good at anything in bed, I know I can give one hell of a blow job. His head is thrown back as he repeats my name over and over.

“Ava. Ava. Ava. Fuck, Ava.”
he pulls me u
p and flips me over on the bed.
“I want to come inside you, not in your mouth.”

His lips press to
and I taste the faint saltiness of my wetness on his lips. He moves between my legs and sits up on his knees, preparing to enter. I move my hips
but he presses me down with one hand.

“Be patient.

He commands.

I lock eyes with him. He reaches down and strokes my cheek.

“You are so beautiful Ava.”

“So are you Enzo.”

“Tell me you want me.”

ore than anything. I want you. Now. Please.”

Ava.” He pushes into
and I cry out.

He doesn’t move at first, letting us both enjoy the sensation. Slowly, he begins pumping in and out of me, his sizable girth filling me completely. I move my hips trying to match his rhythm. He lea
ns forward and kisses my mouth then my neck.
I try to push him into me even deeper, wrapping my legs around him to pull him closer.

“Fuck Ava, you’re so tight. I want you to come. Can you come for me?” He’s moving faster now, pumping into me harder and harder.

“Yes.” I moan.

He reaches down and expertly rubs my clit.

“Ah yes, yes.” I writhe around un
derneath him, my insides beg
for release. My intense need for him amazes me.

BOOK: Turn Towards the Sun
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