Read Turn Towards the Sun Online

Authors: Jennifer Domenico

Turn Towards the Sun (43 page)

BOOK: Turn Towards the Sun
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“I loved it. It was emotional and pure.”

“We need to take care of you.” He grins.

“Enzo really, I’m fine and happy.” I don’t need anymore. I’m oversaturated with emotion as it is.

“Come on, shower.” He grabs my hand and leads me to the bathroom.

I step into the hot water and sit on the stone bench in the back of the shower. Enzo comes in behind me and grabs a bottle of body wash. I watch as he pours it into his hands rubbing the soap sensuously between
. He sits beside me and immediately places his hands between my legs, gently washing me. I lean back against the smooth tile
and enjoy
the sensation. He reaches for the
held shower and rinses the soap away. My body tingles with anticipation of what’s next. He slides between my legs and pushes my knees apart giving him ample room. I watch as he presses his tongue against my sex, grinding his face into my body, keeping eye contact with me the entire time.

I tilt my body to give him full access. Intense pleasure shoots through my body as he begins sucking on my clitoris, his fingers plunged deep within me, pumping me to orgasm
My hands tangle in his thick hair as I press into his mouth, desperate for release.

his head.
“Come on Ava, come for me.” His voice is raspy and deep. That’s enough to push me over the edge.

“Oh yes!”
xquisite pleasure melts over my body.

“Yes baby, keep going.” Enzo continues pumping his fingers
in me
as my body convulses through my climax. I slump against the wall, my body weakened from the intensity of my orgasm. Enzo lifts me up and carries me out to the bedroom, laying me on the bed. He returns quickly and wraps me in a fluffy towel.

“Sleep now amore.” He whispers.

I will do just that.


“May I speak with Genevieve please? This is Ava Bradshaw.” The wedding planner goes solely by her first name. You know you’ve made it when last names are no longer necessary.

“Miss Bradshaw.” Genevieve comes on the line quickly. “Thank you for returning my call.”

“Of course. Thank you for calling.”

“I’d love to represent you and Mr. Milano for your big day. I know you must have so many
but I assure you I can make any dream you have a reality.”

I can’t help but think that her enthusiasm for my wedding is related to my high profile
formerly notorious bachelor

“I’m sure you can. We have the location and caterer so far but there are many more details. It’s going to be very
and we are aiming for October 20
. Can you pull that off?

“I can pull off whatever you desire.

Her tone is
and I wonder how many
plans will be derailed to accommodate me.

Where is your location?”


of course. Okay,
let’s talk about your vision and go from there.”

My vision? I don’t have one. I never saw this coming.
here is only one obvious choice.

“I want it to look like we’re sitting in Tuscany. I want sunflowers everywhere.
And i
t should be very authentically Italian.
Nothing cliché.

Of course
. It will be lovely Miss Bradshaw. I want you to trust
and I will give my all to your special day.”

“I do trust you Genevieve.
And p
lease call me Ava.”

“Okay. I will get to work on the plans and call you soon to meet and discuss. Does that work for you?”

“Yes, thank you.”

okay. That’s taken care of. Now onto Cassie.

Hey Cass.
How soon can you be here? The wedding is October 20

“Are you kidding me?”

“Not kidding.
You won’t believe this.
I have the best wedding pla
nner in the city working for me.
I need to get busy with the details girl. I need you here.”

“Okay I’ll get all my regular clients taken care of and set up with my partner while I’m gone. I can be there in a few days probably.”

“Chris can come too if he can get away. We have the space for both of you.”

Chris works from home designing
so I know he has a flexible
and it would make Cassie happy to have him here.

“Seriously? That’s great. Okay. Wow Ava. This is all happening so fast. For once, I’m almost speechless. Are you handling all of this alright?”

“Honestly, I think I’m on autopilot right now. I have a lot to
but I’m doing fine. I’m excited of course.”

You better be.
If you weren’t I’d come over there and punch you in the throat.”

I laugh. “No need to resort to violence Cass. I’m good. Call me when you can
and we’ll book your tickets.”

“Sounds good. Oh Ava this is so exciting!”

“I know. See you soon Cass.”

One more call to make.

“Hey Gabs, what are you doing October 20

“I don’t know yet. Whatcha

“A wedding.”

She squeals. “I’m definitely available.”

“Great. I’ll let you know what’s going on later. You’re a bridesmaid you know.”

“Wouldn’t miss it.”

Enzo is working diligently on the sofa when I finish all my calls. I snuggle up next to him and bury my face in his chest.

“Am I bothering you?”

“You never bother me
.” He plants a kiss on top of my head.

“Thank you.” I whisper.

?” He reaches down and pulls my chin up so my eyes meet his.

“For loving me.”

His lips find mine and smother me in their warmth.

“It’s easy Ava. Loving you has been my greatest joy in life. The fact that you love me back is my greatest accomplishment.”

What can you say to that?


“Right this way Miss Bradshaw.” A svelte young woman directs me into Genevieve’s office.

I’m surprised that the commanding voice I heard on the phone came from the petite blond
rises from the desk to greet me.

“Ava, how wonderful to meet you in person.” She extends her hand. “Please sit down.”

must be only five feet
and I would guess she weighs about a hundred pounds
Her p
latinum blond hair is a tousled mess, like she rolled out of bed, but it looks great on her. Her
sheath dress hugs her tiny
she teeters on incredibly high stilettos. I’m not sure what I was
but it wasn’t her. She leans against her desk across from me and folds her arms.

“So Ava, I have ten dresses for you to try from all the best designers. I thought it
would be
easier for you if I brought them here to avoid publicity.”

“People are interested in my dress choice?”

“Oh yes. And the longer it’s a secret the more fun it is for me.” She laughs. “My office gets about five call
s a day trying to find out if I’
m covering your wedding. We’ll make an official announcement in one week.”

I shake my head. I can’t believe I’m a news item.

he dresses will be here next week. We’ll have you come here and try things on. Also, I would start getting Mr. Milano’s driver to take you places. Once they figure out what kind of car you have, you’ll likely be followed.”


Genevieve show
me her plans. She’s designed an elaborate Tuscan theme
on the
Girasole. The wedding will be
and the reception will be in the two large ballrooms. Her drawings are amazing. She’s even drawn me and the wedding party in what she envisions. The wedding party is dressed in a soft yellow and dark brown palette, emulating the sunflowers I love so much.

“It’s beautiful Genevieve.”

She beams. “You like it? You’re sure?”

very much.

She shows me
her idea for centerpieces
. Each table has a very tall glass vase filled with clear marbles. An elaborate flower arrangement juts from the top.
It reminds me of the photo spread in the magazine.
It’s beautiful but feels overbearing.

“I’d rather have something smaller here.”

She smiles and shows me her second drawing. This one is of glass bowls with a single floating sunflower in the middle surrounded by smaller white roses. Creamy yellow candles
sit on each table and
sweet and
romantic mood.

“Yes. This is it.”

“Perfect. Now I know more about what you want.
legance, romance, and intimacy.”

As intimate as a party with five hundred people can be I suppose.

“You’d be surprised Ava. I’ll make it work.”

“I’m sure you will.”

“Okay I’ll call you next week when the dresses are in.”

“I look forward to it.”

I walk back to my car in a daze. This is the same woman
works with
and she’s planning my wedding. I don’t even want to know what this is costing Enzo.

I need to head to Girasole to meet Enzo for cake tasting. I
t’s so sweet that
he wants to be involved in the details.

I pull up into valet. Enzo is waiting for me just inside the doors.

“Ciao amore.” He kisses my cheek.

“Ciao tesoro.”

“Andiamo. We’re going to Milano. Paolo has five cakes for us to taste.”

“Are we going to taste the whole reception menu?” I really don’t want to. I know it will all be
this is the one time I would like to lose a few pounds so I look as good as I can on my day.

“No. Just cake. I told Paolo to do whatever he likes for the reception. We’re going to have an antipasto station then a sit down dinner. Is that good for you?”

“Yes. Of course.”

“Ciao fratello.” Paolo welcomes us
as we enter the restaurant
and hugs his brother.

“Ava.” He kisses me on both cheeks. “Welcome to la famiglia.”

“Grazie Paolo. Sono contenta

Paolo’s eyes light up. “You learned Italian?”

“Well some at least.” I offer a shy smile.

“She learned a lot. She speaks very well.” Enzo smiles with pride.

Brava.” Paolo praises my efforts. “
Come. I have the cake for you.”

We sit at Enzo’s table. Paolo rolls a cart ov
er with several trays set out.

“This is vanilla bean cake with
buttercream.” Paolo cuts two thin slices and sets them on a plate.

“You taste
first.” Enzo hands me the plate.

I take a bite and let the moist cake settle on my palette. It’s luscious, rich,
and not
overly sweet. The prosecco in the buttercream is
subtle. I
can just taste it as I swallow it down.

“Very good.” I smile at Paolo.

Enzo takes a bite and nods in approval.

The next cake is chocolate with a chocolate mousse filling and chocolate hazelnut buttercream. It’s freaking divine.

“I love this one Paolo.”

“Yes, it came out very well.”

Next, we taste a strawberry cake, then a carrot cake, and
a pistachio cake.
All of them are amazing. I don’t know how I can pick.

BOOK: Turn Towards the Sun
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