Twice the Love (3 page)

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Authors: Berengaria Brown

BOOK: Twice the Love
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“Your breasts are beautiful. Full and firm and
lush,” he gasped.

When she’d seen Lee and Harry in the shower last
night she’d remembered reading that most Chinese men weren’t circumcised, and
she was glad to have a closer look at his cock. His cockhead just peeking out
of his foreskin was enticing. Like a gift just waiting for her to unwrap it.

Meanwhile Harry’s mouth was pressed hard against
her cunt, licking and sucking her clit, nibbling on her labia, and swiping his
tongue deep inside her channel by turns.

“Oh, oh,” she gasped, feeling the familiar coils
of heat growing and spiraling in her core.

Lee’s fingers pressed and tweaked her nipples as
he continued to thrust his penis between her breasts, while Harry sucked hard
on her clit then scraped his teeth across it.

Cherry curved her legs up and dug her heels into
Harry’s taut, muscular butt to hold him hard against her pussy. She reached up
for Lee’s cock as he thrust forward and pulled it into her mouth, sucking as
hard as she could. The two men redoubled their efforts and in moments she was
rippling with a climax.

They rolled her over and Lee squirted lube into
her rectum. He slid his finger inside and said, “So hot, so ready for me. Still
nice and stretched from last night. You’re a joy and a delight to us both.” He
bent and kissed the base of her spine, licking along the globes of Cherry’s ass
as Harry reached out to the nightstand and grabbed them each a condom.

Harry lay on his side and pulled Cherry against
him, sliding his cock into her hot, wet sheath, and lifting her top leg over
his leg for easier access.

Lee moved in behind Cherry, holding the globes
of her ass wide apart as he pushed his cock through the ring of tight muscles,
then pressed firmly into her ass. As he sank deeper and deeper inside her
rectum, he put his top leg over her hip and rested his foot on Harry’s side.

Harry held Cherry’s hips, and Lee held Harry’s
shoulders and the men quickly developed a hard, fast rhythm, thrusting
simultaneously as deep into Cherry as they could, the position giving them
added penetration.

The force of the men’s thrusts and the slick
sliding of their bodies against hers was driving Cherry’s response higher and
higher. Her nerves were firing and her belly clenched with need. Honey was
pouring from her pussy, coating Harry’s cock and dripping onto their entangled

The men were thrusting incredibly deep and hard.
She’d never before felt so full, so possessed, so totally claimed.

With a mighty thrust, Harry’s cock scraped
against her cervix. The intense pleasure/pain ripped through Cherry sending her
into an orgasm that shook her from head to toe. Her muscles clenched and every
limb shook with the force of her release. Her rippling, massaging cunt grabbed
Harry’s cock like a vise and sent him into climax too and the added sensations
were all it took for Lee to find release as well.

The three of them lay in a heaving tangle of
limbs for long moments as Cherry’s body continued to ripple and shake much to
the enjoyment of the men, making their cocks twitch inside her, thereby adding
to her pleasure, too.

“Thank you, sweet Cherry,” said Harry, kissing
her softly on the forehead.

The men grabbed their towels and went into the kitchen
to wash up, leaving the bathroom for Cherry, but it was many minutes before she
could make her shaking limbs support her body strongly enough so she could take
a shower.

By the time she was dried and dressed and able
to stagger into the kitchen Harry had set the table up and was placing a pot of
Chinese tea and hot rice on it for their breakfast.

“You must tell us what you like to eat. The
shops here have almost anything you want, Western or Chinese. We generally eat
our lunches at work and there are many good restaurants around here, so we
usually eat out a several times each week. The other nights we can take turns
at cooking,” said Lee.

“I’m happy to cook and keep house for you. You
just need to teach me your favorite recipes. And maybe I’ll prepare some
Western dishes too, and we can see if you like them as much as I do.”

The three settled happily around the table,
eating their meal and planning shopping lists. Cherry copied down recipes,
pleased that she recognized the names of most of the items mentioned.

“Chinese do not kiss in public,” Harry said
hesitantly as they got ready to leave the house.

“I know. It is all right, really. This is a
business arrangement. You wanted a woman and I wanted a fresh start. You’ll
need to help me understand the culture. I’m committed to giving this
relationship my best efforts.”

Cherry’s family had been no more dysfunctional
than that of many of her friends. When her parents divorced neither of them
really wanted their new lives complicated by a child. All three of them heaved
large sighs of relief when she was old enough to go away to camp for the entire
summer, and by the time she went to college she was used to being left alone in
an apartment for weeks on end as the parent she was supposed to be living with
at the time “slept over” with their current partner.

At college she chose subjects she found
interesting, only to discover she either wasn’t much good at them, or else
needed other prerequisite subjects she hadn’t done to continue with them. In
the end she had graduated with a mish-mash of classes that hadn’t really
prepared her for anything, and no clear idea about what field she wanted to
work in.

It was the same with her friendships. She made
friends easily and always had plenty of casual acquaintances and boyfriends,
but she never developed a deep, meaningful relationship with anyone of either
gender. Cherry had begun to think she was lacking in some gene or personality
trait needed to really “belong” to another person, or to build a family for

The only thing she was really sure about was
that she wanted to travel and live overseas for an extended time.

So when she found the message board and got to
know Lee and Harry, two Chinese-American bisexuals living together and looking
to find a woman willing to build an ongoing relationship, it seemed a good
answer to all her problems. They were honest and genuine. They wanted a partner
to build a triad. She wanted to belong somewhere with someone. So here she was.



Chapter Three


Cherry enjoyed her shopping expedition. There
was a block of shops only a few streets away and, as promised, they held
everything she could imagine needing: foodstuffs, groceries, hardware and
clothes, household appliances and bicycle parts. The buildings were tiny, with
a single door, and the proprietor usually sitting on a chair on the sidewalk
outside the store, where he or she could talk to everyone who went past, or
maybe offer them a cup of tea.

All the shopkeepers and local people were
incredibly polite and helpful, and once again Cherry noticed there was never so
much as a fallen leaf left lying in the street—someone with a broom would come
along and ensure the environment remained permanently pristine. She liked that.
She hated streets back home where there was trash everywhere. These people
evidently had a lot of pride in their neighborhood, keeping it nice, and she
loved that attitude.

She also noticed many families out
shopping—mother and father, maybe a grandparent or two, and one child.

She looked closely, but to her it seemed there
were a goodly number of girls, although probably still more boys. She also
noticed an occasional group with two children, and wondered if these were
people from Hong Kong or
where there was no one-child policy, or if the parents were both only children
who had been given special permission to have a second child.

As they walked home Lee explained the meaning
surrounding things Cherry noticed and commented on. The “step” at the courtyard
gates was a threshold designed to prevent evil spirits from entering. It was
believed that spirits could not bend their knees to jump, so as long as the
threshold was a foot or so high, the spirits couldn’t get over the barrier.
Every gate had a threshold. The idea entranced Cherry. How fascinating to see
the way the people had solved the problems their traditions had given them.
Every problem has a solution if you are
clever and imaginative,
she reasoned.

The number of stairs up to each door had
meaning. Odd numbers were better luck than even numbers and the more steps
there were, the more important the original owner had been, although no one
could have more than nine steps, as nine was the emperor’s number.

Cherry amused herself by counting the steps at
the various homes and other buildings as they passed by, wondering whose
ancestors had been important enough to have extra steps up to their door.
What an imaginative way of displaying your
status for everyone to see. How clever! I love how intelligently these people
have arranged their culture.

Harry, Lee and Cherry took their shopping home
and put it away, then Harry and Lee took her out for a quick tour of some of
the tourist icons—Tiananmen Square, the Bird’s Nest Stadium, the Forbidden
City. They both knew how much she wanted to see the places she’d heard about,
and tried to squeeze as much sightseeing as they could into the rest of the

Once again Cherry was struck by how polite all
the people were.
Tiananmen Square
unbelievably huge—the largest city square in the world Harry said—but there were
still crowds of people everywhere. When they walked down the underpass under
the road they saw a young man pushing an elderly gentleman in a wheelchair. As
they came to the incline up to street level, half a dozen other young men
rushed from the crowd to help push and call encouragement to each other. The
other walkers simply stood to the side of the underpass and the wheelchair was
back out to street level in no time at all.

might have helped him back home, but I can’t imagine everyone just standing
aside for him to go first. People here have much better manners. I’m glad I had
the courage to come here. It looks like a wonderful place to live. I love their
cleanliness and respect for each other. Back home respect is something that
seems to have gone out of fashion.

In the
Forbidden City
Cherry’s mind was soon reeling over the Hall of Supreme Harmony, the Hall of
Complete Harmony and the Hall of Preserving Harmony. They were all in the

Outer Court
, where
the emperors held ceremonies and rituals. All the inside walls of the
rectangular buildings were richly decorated with intricate wooden carvings.

When they reached the

Inner Court
, Cherry stopped to admire the
, where the placing
and type of every plant was filled with meaning. Once again, she was excited at
the thought and preparation the people had put into designing everything.
Everything was done with purpose and intention. To be attractive, symmetrical,
meaningful. Cherry’s mind and heart opened wide to appreciate everything she
was seeing.

“It’s all very beautiful. I’d like to come back
one day and spend a long time just looking at everything slowly. And also visit
Mao’s Tomb,” she said.

“The Mausoleum of Mao Zedong: The final resting
place of our honored Chairman. He was a wise leader, from 1943 until he died in
1976,” Lee corrected her gently.

“Yes. I need to learn all these things. And the
flowers. So many beautiful flowers everywhere. I like the way they’re in pots,
not in bunches of cut flowers. So the plant lives on after the flower dies.”

They had a delicious meal at a street stall
where Cherry enjoyed sampling various dumplings and rice dishes, then returned
home quite early, as the men both had to work the next day.

“Oh yeah, tomorrow is Monday. I’ve sort of lost
track with the time zone changes. But wait. That means today was Sunday and all
the shops, even the bank, were open. How is that?”

“Offices close for the weekend but most
commercial premises are open. The workers are allocated two other days off
instead, so the places are always open, always staffed. Now, will you be all
right at home by yourself? We have gotten you a cell phone and programmed our
cell numbers into it so you can always reach us,” said Harry.

“Yes, of course. I want to learn to cook your favorite
meals, so I’ll need to practice that for a while. And I need to learn to find
my way around by myself, too.”

“Excellent. We’ll enjoy tasting your efforts,”
said Lee. “And if you get lost, or are worried or concerned, be sure to call
us. Remember, any time you need us, any time at all, just phone. Your peace of
mind is very important to us.”




“Cherry is everything I’ve ever dreamed of, and
everything I could ever want. I can still hardly believe she’s agreed to come
all the way from
to live with us,” said Harry very softly in English, so that other diners in
the crowded lunchroom couldn’t overhear.

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