Twice the Love (6 page)

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Authors: Berengaria Brown

BOOK: Twice the Love
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“Yes, exactly. Romanized letters and phonetic
spelling. You should have no trouble travelling to well-known places like
Tiananmen Square
, or any of the major tourist

“And you can practice your Mandarin at the
shops, so you’ll soon make friends,” added Harry.

“Oh, thank you,” Cherry said, kissing them both
passionately. Unconsciously she rubbed her pussy, damp again already, against
their legs.

“I want you both, need you both, again now,” she
murmured, reaching down, grateful to discover their cocks were both already
standing to attention.

Harry rolled over to the nightstand, and grabbed
the lube and some condoms as Lee pushed Cherry onto her front and slid a finger
into her asshole.

“You’re always so hot, so ready for us,” he

“You make me that way. You’re so kind and caring
with me.”

Lee squirted lube into her ass and immediately
pressed two fingers inside her, scissoring them as she welcomed him into her

Harry slid his hands between her body and the
mattress and ran them over her breasts, her nipples already hard little points
and her breasts aching for his touch. He rolled a condom down his cock, then
pulled her onto his chest, sliding inside her in one quick thrust. “So
perfectly hot, and wet, and welcoming,” he whispered.

“Yes,” she whispered, lying flat on his chest so
Lee could broach her rear channel.

His cock easily popped past her tight sphincter
muscles and he pushed inside, filling her until she thought she would burst
from the two men inside her at once.

But once they were fully seated inside her it
wasn’t enough.

“More,” she urged, waggling her hips

The two men gripped her firmly between them,
then simultaneously withdrew until only the heads of their cocks remained in
her, then together pushed back in, dragging their cocks along her walls,
stretching her as wide as her channels would go.

In. Then out. In. Then out. Winding the tension
up tighter and tighter until she was desperate to come. Frantically she tried
to roll her hips, but their big, strong hands held her firmly as they dragged
their cocks in and out again.

Cherry pressed her aching breasts into Harry’s
chest, trying to drive him to move faster, but he only pushed into her harder
so she couldn’t get much friction.

“Please, I need more,” she begged.

“The longer you wait, the higher the tension
rises, the harder you’ll come,” promised Lee, as he and Harry slowly slid out
again, and just as slowly pushed in.

“Sheesh,” she muttered, digging her nails into
Harry and hanging on as the men continued their slow pace, driving her higher
and higher as Lee had promised.

Finally, when she thought she’d die if she
didn’t come soon, they started moving faster. Still together, still pulling
almost entirely out of her before sliding back in, but faster and harder.

“Yes, yes,” she said her nerve endings on fire
and her whole being burning to come.

Again the men moved faster, harder, thrusting
deep inside her with great power. Then suddenly all three exploded into the
hardest orgasm they’d ever shared, the men blasting spurt after spurt of hot
cum into their condoms, Cherry’s inner muscles clamping hard on their cocks,
their bodies straining and shaking as intense emotions accompanied the forceful
releases through them all.

Lee rolled the three of them onto their sides
and they lay panting and sweating together in a tangle of limbs, as their heart
rates returned to normal and their bodies stopped shaking.

“Thank you,” Cherry whispered, resting a hand on
each man’s hip as she sank into an exhausted sleep, overwhelmed by the passion and
emotion of the last few hours. Just as she fell asleep she thought, “I love
them. That’s why I was so upset yesterday. I love them and want them to be
happy too.”



Chapter Five


By the time Cherry woke up both men had already
left the bed. She listened carefully at the door, and upon hearing no one in
the bathroom, hurried in for her shower to get ready for the day.

I love
them, I really do. How amazing is that?
shampooed her shoulder-length, dark brown hair. Then she stood quite still
under the water, thinking,
They love me
too. They are endlessly caring and patient and have gone out of their way to
make me feel welcome and wanted and cherished. Yes, cherished. Always, always
they ensure I come—with their hands, their mouths, and their cocks. Never am I
left unfulfilled. And they’ve gone to so much trouble to help me feel at home
here. The Chinese may be an undemonstrative people, but Harry and Lee have made
it very clear I’m important and special to them. Even the whole language
barrier thing was just me being stupid and them being kind. Harry is so gentle,
thoughtful and perceptive. Lee is stronger, tougher, but just as caring and
with flashes of wicked humor. In fact, I haven’t been very nice to them at all.
But I
do better. I’ll start by
telling them I love them.

And she did love them. At first she’d treated
them almost as a single unit, “HarryandLee”. But the more she’d come to know
them, the more she appreciated their different personalities. Harry’s voice was
deeper, his skin softer, his hair silkier. And although Lee was more ‘alpha’,
he was also the one most likely to offer to cook, an interesting dichotomy.



When Cherry went out to the living room the
table was set up and Lee was putting the teapot and tiny cups on it. A dish of
noodles was keeping warm on the cooktop, and chopsticks and bowls were laid
out, ready for the three of them.

“Where’s Harry?” asked Cherry, looking around.

“He’s gone to Mr. Han’s shop to buy a children’s
Pinyin dictionary.”

“A Pinyin dictionary?”

“Yes, the ones the kindergarten children use.
They have pictures and the words in Pinyin. It’ll be perfect for you to start
learning to speak Chinese.”

“Oh, thank you. That does sound good.”

“And next weekend we’ll choose a quiet time and
ride the buses for a while to familiarize you with how and where to catch them.
With a few weeks of practicing you should be feeling ready to try by yourself.
Or maybe we’ll ask someone to go with you. It all depends how confident you
feel by then.”

“Thank you. I’m feeling quite excited about all
this. I think once I can get around by myself, and expand my borders beyond
these few streets I’ll feel much more at home in
. It’ll be wonderful talking to people
I meet, even if it’s only a little bit at first.”

Harry returned then and, bowing slightly, handed
Cherry the glossy hardcover book in his hands. They all sat at the table and
began to eat, Cherry turning the pages of her book and attempting to pronounce
various words. The men carefully corrected her pronunciation and she jumped up
from her chair to get her notepad and write some hints to herself about the
tonal sounds. By the time they left for work she was proudly able to say
several of the words exactly right.

After they left she sat at the table and
systematically read her dictionary, practicing words she was fairly confident
of the sounds for, writing notes about the rest.

By mid-afternoon she was starting to feel
encouraged about learning the language, although well aware she would need some
verbs as well as these nouns before she was able to go out and about alone.




Each night the men helped her with her language
study and pronunciation, adding several more children’s textbooks to her
“language library”. At the weekends, as promised, they took her riding on the
buses and she soon understood the system and felt capable of finding her way
around the city. She was surprised how quickly she understood where the various
gates were and how the ring road system worked.

had originally been two walled cities—the northern “inner” city,
Forbidden City
, and the southern “outer”
city. During the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the outer city had seven gates, the
inner city had nine and the
had four. All these
gates stood either on the central axis or bilateral symmetrically so the main
streets in both inner and outer cities seemed to form a big chessboard in
appearance from a bird’s-eye view. Most of the streets ran from north to south,
and narrow streets, called hutongs, mostly ran from east to west. The ring roads
spread out in circles from this inner core.

As soon as Cherry could visualize this,
everything fell into place and she understood how to travel around the city.
She felt like a cartoon character with a tiny light bulb flashing above her
head. It was as though she’d been standing in the dark and someone had opened
the drapes for her. Everything made sense. She finally grasped the geography of
her new hometown.

One day she was sitting in the courtyard with
her language books practicing making up sentences. She had managed, “The sky is
blue today” and “There are three pomegranates on the tree”, when a soft old
voice said in Mandarin, “Well done, Granddaughter. What else have you learned?”

Something Cherry had learned was always to
respond in kind, so she bobbed her head in a respectful bow and replied, “Thank
you, Grandfather Wang. I can say many words, but my sentences are not good

The old man pointed to various items around the
courtyard and Cherry carefully said the words she knew. He corrected her
pronunciation, and at times, taught her a few new words, which she wrote in her
notebook. But mostly he nodded happily at her attempts.

“Let me see your book.”

Cherry handed him the children’s Pinyin
dictionary and he helped her first to say the words, then string them into
simple sentences. Before Cherry was aware of it, more than an hour had passed,
and she felt much more confident about her Mandarin skills. It also seemed
she’d made a friend as the old man said, “Tomorrow, at this time, you will come
to my house and we will have tea.”

“Thank you, Grandfather. I will be honored.”




Cherry had made her birthday her goal, and when
that day arrived she set out along on the now-familiar walk to the bus stop,
and caught a bus to the
. Once there she
bought a guidebook, read the map and directions—which were fortunately mostly
pictures—and managed to find her way to the front lake area to see the
Empress’s marble dragon boat. The lake was enormous, stretching almost to the
horizon, the water blue-gray, but smooth and calm. The boat was made of big
pale stones and a two-story, white superstructure. At thirty-six yards long it
was huge, and ornamented with four dragon heads.

“Ahh, lovely. I can see why Empress Dowager Cixi
liked to sit in it,” she said softly to herself, unable to resist snapping a
photo of it on her cell phone. It was so pretty, the elegantly carved white
stone boat sitting on the blue-gray water. Cherry stood and just looked at it,
absorbing everything for long moments, once again appreciating the Chinese
ability to make everything much more beautiful through balance and symmetry.

She walked through the Long Corridor
appreciating the delicately painted ceiling in blue, yellow and green, then
bought a ticket on a tourist dragon boat for a trip across the lake, which took
her to the exit.

Deciding she’d had a big enough adventure for
one day she located the bus stop, found the correct bus and went home very
pleased with herself and her brand new independence.




Li Chang and Song Hao had told her they would
take her out for a Peking duck dinner to celebrate her birthday, so Cherry
showered and put on a pretty dress when she arrived home. They’d gone to local
restaurants many times but this time were booked for a meal across the other
side of
at a restaurant that specialized in the traditional celebratory meal.

Cherry loved it when the waiter stood beside
their table, carving their duck into wafer-thin slices and rolling them into
tiny dumplings. And the duck was delicious.

In fact, the entire restaurant was fascinating,
with a fishpond as a central feature, a tiny bridge crossing over the water
where patrons could stand to watch the golden carp swimming under their feet.

“Thank you for bringing me here. It’s all very
exciting. I’ve really enjoyed myself. The duck was delightfully tender and very
different from home—a much more enticing flavor. All the dishes here are
prepared with so much thought and attention to detail. I love your meals.”

“I’m glad—we’re glad—you liked it. We both
wanted to take you somewhere special to celebrate your birthday. In
three is
a lucky number, so your thirtieth birthday is quite special,” said Harry.

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