Twin Ties 1: My Brother's Lover (17 page)

BOOK: Twin Ties 1: My Brother's Lover
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Alek growled and pivoted his wrists, stroking around inside Evan. “Too late. You’re all mine now. Gonna fuck you wide open. Gonna watch you take my fat cock, and come so hard in your ass.”

As Alek triggered his prostate, Evan cried out, the sound shattered at the edges. He shuddered. Alek bore down on him, held him there and did it again.

. Alek, please.”

The muscles were looser and Evan was rocking back gently against Alek’s hand, so when Alek slipped in a third finger, it went in easily.

Evan moaned at the further stretch and rocked sharply against the bed.

“You wet? You wanna come? You wanna hump the bed and come just from having three of my fingers fuckin’ your sweet ass wide open?”

Evan’s eyes rolled back in his head and he spread his legs farther apart. His ass pushed up in invitation, accepting each pump of Alek’s fingers prying him wider.

“No. Not yet,” Evan murmured.

“You could though, couldn’t you?”


“’Cause you love it. Don’t you, Jailbait?”

“Fuck yes,” Evan begged, “Alek,

“You ready for my cock? It’s gonna be a hell of a lot more than this. You want it?”

Alek shifted and grabbed the condom, tearing it open with his teeth and rolling it on. Then he got up on his knees between Evan’s legs.

Evan grunted out a sound. It was muffled by the bed, though, so Alek growled, “I need to hear you say it. No messin’ around. Yes or no.”

“Yes,” Evan choked out, hating how close tears were. The salty, bitter wetness stung his eyes, flooded his vision as psychological pain ripped into him.

“Good, baby. Now get your knees under you again for me. This’ll be easier on you that way. Show me you want it.”

Questioning everything, sure of nothing, Evan’s heart raced. His blood surged in a raging tide under his skin. He was overheated, panting for air, as he slid his knees up under him. Then he pushed his ass up. Both of Alek’s hands instantly palmed his cheeks, pulling them apart. The warm air of the room kissed Evan’s wet, throbbing asshole and he started to clench up in embarrassment and nervousness when Alek just pulled harder.

“Relax. Don’t be ashamed of this. You’re so fucking beautiful. Every part of you, but especially this part of you. Now if you need me to stop, you say stop.”

“Okay,” Evan managed, trembling now.

One of Alek’s hands fell away. Then there was pressure. Something broad and unyielding pressed at him. Evan’s arms were circled loosely around his head on the bed and he stopped breathing, just waiting for it to happen, wanting to get it over with. Alek fit his body more snugly to Evan, leaning over to get closer to him, not entering him yet, just feeling him out. He caressed tenderly up and down Evan’s body, stroking along his sides, down his legs. He fondled between Evan’s legs, grasped his cock and tugged gently on it while simultaneously kissing behind Evan’s ear.

Evan sighed and some of the tension melted away. That’s when Alek increased the pressure and began to enter him, forcing the thickest part of his cock through the narrowest part of Evan as slowly as possible. Evan’s outer ring of muscle resisted at first, then yielded, letting Alek in. Alek’s crown popped through, producing a hurt little keening whine from Evan as ache flared in his body.

“Shh,” Alek soothed, nuzzling the side of Evan’s face, damp now not just from sweat but tears, too.

Evan hiccupped and let out a shaky breath to breathe through the pain. Alek waited and pushed again, sliding deeper, inch-by-inch. Evan’s mouth fell open widely. Gasping, lips quivering, Evan stayed as still as possible except for a hard shudder that tore through him.

Behind Evan, Alek let out a thunderous, gut-deep moan.

“Oh sweet Christ,

Evan could sense how restless Alek was, though he stayed still, giving Evan a moment to adjust.

Another teardrop slipped down Evan’s cheek when the pain didn’t fade or become easier to handle. Finality settled on him like a weight and a tiny sob slipped free. Hearing it, Alek pressed his lips against Evan’s temple.

“Did I hurt you?” he asked fearfully.

“No. It’s not that.”

“You promise?”

“I promise,” Evan grunted, sniffing and groaning out another low sound.

“Thank god. I’d never forgive myself if I hurt you.”

“Move, Alek, you gotta move. It’s too much,” Evan gasped weakly.

Alek didn’t answer, he just complied and moved, tugging back out until he caught on Evan’s rim.

Evan gasped audibly and twisted his clenched fists in the bedding as Alek pushed back in. His back arched. Eyes wide and mouth working soundlessly, Evan essentially shut down as Alek made love to him for the first time. He could feel Alek’s thickness splitting him open, dragging over his prostate and filling him up so full that Evan couldn’t help or even hear the small cries he made as their bodies slapped together faster and faster, chasing to a climax.

Alek’s hands moved restlessly over Evan’s body, scratching, grabbing, kneading, caressing. His hips pistoned and his dick was like a battering ram slamming home and jolting Evan forward each time. It continued to hurt but not enough to make him open his mouth to ask Alek to stop. There was pleasure, but not enough to keep Evan hard. He was overwhelmed by what was happening, what he was allowing Alek to do to him and how it felt to be so full and so intimately used.

Alek’s hand was on Evan’s cock, stroking him as they fucked, and it helped distract from the ache, but made Evan feel even more vulnerable, too. Thinking he was probably such a disappointment to Alek, unable even to stay erect, Evan was a little surprised when Alek’s thrusts quickened. Moaning like he was dying, Alek drove desperately into Evan, filling the condom with a few uncontrolled convulsions.

Overwhelmed, heart pounding, body throbbing, and breathless, Evan almost didn’t hear Alek’s aching whisper by his ear.

“I love you. It’s never been this way. Ever.”

Sighing, Alek didn’t pull out but wrapped Evan in his arms and rolled them onto their sides. They lay there like that, just breathing, joined so intimately, having both given away precious parts of themselves too fast. Alek’s hand shifted back to Evan’s dick, pumping so gently, and he was finally able to react to the stimulation. Fighting it at first, writhing slightly in Alek’s embrace, he was soothed by kisses along his shoulder and neck and careful, patient touches. It took a few minutes for Evan to become fully erect and begin to want to push into Alek’s hand. But, once he did, he couldn’t stop. Eyes closed, gasping softly, clenching up around Alek’s flesh nestled inside him, he rode out the good feelings, leaving the bad behind. Soon he was coming, shuddering, and letting Alek work him through it.

He didn’t let Alek know he heard what he’d said, as he was a little startled by the confession. He wasn’t sure if he believed it was true or how he felt about it until Alek leaned over to kiss Evan’s cheek, and Evan smiled—
smiled. Once he let himself open up to it, he could feel honest affection exuding from Alek. Alek saw Evan’s grin, propped up just enough on the pillow nestled under his head.

“You should smile more,” Alek told him. “You have possibly the best smile in the whole world, and it’s selfish of you not to share.”

Evan smiled wider and tried to turn away. Alek just snarled playfully and nipped at Evan’s earlobe.

And that was when Evan realized how happy he was. In that fleeting moment, he wasn’t regretful or sorry. He was just happy. Sure, his ass hurt, he was sticky with come, very sweaty and felt gross, but he was tangled up in Alek’s arms and

It was such a foreign feeling to him; he instantly tried to squelch it.

“I should probably get out of here. Let you have your bed back.”

“No way,” Alek frowned, tightening his hold. “I don’t want you to go.”


Alek hesitated, then said, “Because I haven’t really ever felt like this before. Everything just seems perfect, and that’s all because of you. I’m not ready to let you go.
stay, Evan.”

Evan’s face crumpled, the tears chasing up from his gut, taking him by surprise. He sobbed and quickly attempted to swallow back the sound, nuzzling against Alek’s arm and trying to make himself stop.

“Evan,” Alek sighed, kissing his jaw and hugging him tightly. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing. I’m fine. Just tired I guess. But I’ll stay if you want me to.”

“I want you to,” Alek insisted gently, sounding like he was getting choked up from Evan’s sudden, overpowering tears.

“Okay then.” Evan closed his eyes; his arms overlaid Alek’s which were wrapped possessively around him. He was asleep in seconds.

Chapter 13

Sometime just before dawn, Alek woke up to find he was still inside Evan and still wearing the soiled condom. Grimacing, he carefully tugged free, hoping not to wake Evan.

He wasn’t successful. Evan roused with a startled groan. “What the....”

“Sorry,” Alek apologized, pulling off the condom, tossing it in the trashcan and grabbing for a wet wipe to clean off a little. He did it as fast as he could before turning back to Evan. “I didn’t want to disturb you.”

“Yeah, well, you just pulled your massive cock out of my ass. That’s probably gonna wake me up.”

Alek grinned. “Probably. Unless you’re a heavy sleeper. My brother’s a heavy sleeper.”

“Okay,” Evan laughed. “Interesting context to mention your brother, but no, I’m not a heavy sleeper.”

“Good to know,” Alek smirked. “Did I tell you I have an identical twin brother?”

“No, you did not,” Evan said, matter-of-factly. “Brother, yes. Twin, no.”

“I could be wrong here, but you don’t seem overly surprised by that.”

“That’s because I met him yesterday.”

“You met Luka?! How? Where?”

“Well, he was with
twin brother.”

“Okay, now you’re just making shit up. Are you making fun of me?”

“No!” Evan laughed, wriggling when Alek started tickling him. It was quite easy for Alek to do, as naked as they were.

“You can’t have a twin brother, too! You didn’t tell me you have a twin brother!”

“Well, neither did you!” Evan yelped. Alek eased up on the tickling. They’d rolled so that Alek was lying on top of Evan and he held Evan’s arms down, caressing along them.

“So you really have a twin brother?”

“Yes. So I’ve been told. It’s kind of new information for me, too.”


“I never knew about him. We were raised separately, without any knowledge of each other’s existence and just met a handful of days ago. Long story. Basically my parents are psycho. Did you know our twins are dating?”

“They’re dating?!”

“Huh. They didn’t tell you they’re dating either?”

“Okay, you really have to be making this shit up. Is this weird payback for mentioning my brother in bizarre context?”

“Why do you think I’m lying to you? I’m being serious,” Evan laughed.

“Well, because it’s ridiculous.”

“You know what’s ridiculous? Trying to take a nap only to wake up and find
mirror image and
freshly-fucked brother wandering the halls.

Alek gasped. “He told me he had a date with the, um, pescatarian, but that’s all he told me, he... wow. And they were fucking
? It was their first date!”

“I know!” Evan exclaimed in mock horror. “The sluts.”

“How are you feeling? Sore?”

Evan’s gaze darted away. He bit his lip and shrugged. Alek wondered if he should back off, give Evan time and space to recover or at least sleep it off a little more, but when he brushed his hand down the side of Evan’s slim, nude body, Evan’s lips parted. His eyes slipped closed and he reached up to pull Alek in for a kiss.

A moment later, Alek backed off a little to say, “We can talk about it, you know. There’s no reason to be embarrassed.”

“Don’t wanna talk,” Evan murmured, breathing heavier against Alek’s skin, arching into every touch. Experimentally, Alek rolled to lay more on top of Evan and felt Evan’s dick nudging him. He rocked against it and Evan sighed with pleasure. It was the same reaction Evan had that night in the field, on the blanket out on Cedar Mill Road. He was shy about talking and embarrassed by the come on his stomach but reacted readily to Alek’s continued attention. Now here he was after having sex for the first time, unsure what to say or do, but willing to let Alek be with him and showing every sign of enjoying himself. Trying to puzzle it out, to do the right thing and not take advantage, Alek tried to tread carefully.

Evan said softly, “Hey, since we’re up, and since

“You noticed that, huh?”

“It’s jabbing my balls. Yes, I noticed. Anyway, so, you wanna?”


“Just kiss me,” Evan pleaded, sounding so young and out of his element.

Alek response was to dive in and start sucking on Evan’s Adam’s apple.

The last thing Alek wanted to do was take advantage of Evan. He knew the right thing to do was say they should go back to sleep, but his willpower was about nil. Evan spread and wrapped his legs around Alek’s waist without prompting, making it even harder for Alek to put on the brakes. Alek’s fingers went right for Evan’s hole, needing to feel how stretched he was. Evan exhaled sharply through his opened mouth when Alek made contact with his opening. It was slightly swollen and sticky from the lube, but he parted around three fingers easily enough, undulating up into Alek’s body with a soft gasp at the probing touch.

“This okay?” Alek asked.

“Yeah,” Evan nodded, closing his eyes again. He wasn’t frowning, which Alek took as a good sign. He looked for signs of pain in Evan’s expression and found none.

“You want this?” Alek asked again, to make sure.

“Come on. Yeah. Yes.” Thrusting lightly against Evan’s erection, Alek watched him react. His lower lip quivered, he threw his head back, stretching his neck and moaned.

“Damn, I wanna do you bareback. We need to get tested or something, ’cause
.” Alek lunged for another condom, rifling in the nightstand for a minute before finding one. He had it rolled on in seconds, impatiently fisting on a palm-full of lube and, before Evan could think to get resituated, Alek bent Evan’s legs back until his knees were in his armpits, lining up and pressing very slowly in.

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