Twin Ties 1: My Brother's Lover (19 page)

BOOK: Twin Ties 1: My Brother's Lover
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Brennan gave Luka’s tall body a good long look, from his tousled bed hair to his insanely broad, thick shoulders to his tight stomach and tapered waist, down to his bulging crotch. “Maybe first I should check exactly how
your dick is. Maybe provide some relief for that.”

“Stop it,” Luka scolded, trying to shake off the words like they were a physical thing lingering on his skin.

“Why? What’re you gonna do? Spank me?”

Luka whimpered, closing his eyes tightly. His lips moved silently in supplication.

“Would this be a good time to ask if you’re doing anything later?” Brennan said in a mock-serious and overly polite tone, “Because I had a fantastic time last night on our date and if you’re
at all
interested in a second....”

Luka pursed his lips. His eyes opened narrowly. “Gimme this. Thank you,” he said too quietly, too calmly as he took the backpack from Brennan and hooked it over his own left shoulder. Then he proceeded to take hold of Brennan’s bicep, turned him around toward the door and delivered a loud, stinging smack to his backside.

In mild shock, Brennan gasped loudly and clenched up. His mouth clapped shut to stifle any further exclamations.

Luka sighed happily, adjusting the pack. “Mm. Yeah, I feel much better now.”

Brennan gazed back at him, lips pressed together, jaw set, eyes blazing, ass tingling and throbbing. The punishment had not worked very well since Brennan was still horny and willing as ever, but he did at least stop verbally torturing Luka.

His eyes flicked downward towards Luka’s crotch.

“Don’t. Don’t even think about it,” Luka warned, talking to him like he would a child.

The corners of Brennan’s lips curled up.

“Okay, we’re leaving. C’mon,” Luka decided, grabbing Brennan’s arm again and partially dragging him from the room.

Alek passed the bathroom where Evan was showering and continued on down the hallway, past Luka’s room to the steps leading downstairs. He headed through the downstairs hall, past Presley’s room, which was empty and the bed curiously un-slept-in, and past Carter’s room on the other side of the hall. That door was shut tight, so Alek had no idea what might be going on inside. His feet kept him moving toward the kitchen and the scent of freshly brewed coffee.

Carter was there by the counter, wearing only a pair of boxers. There were a few dirty dishes by the sink, including a cup of coffee and a cereal bowl. The coffee pot was not quite full, like a single cup’s worth had already been drunk. Alek bit at the inside of his cheek, trying to puzzle it all out.

Carter peeked up, half of his mane of hair tied back to keep it out of his eyes. “Mornin’! How’s the kid? He enjoy himself?”

Alek gave him a sharp look, then decided to let it go. He didn’t appreciate the ‘kid’ comment, but whatever. The skillet on the stove sizzled. Carter flipped over the ham, cheese and egg omelet and slid the plate closer to him, opening up a freshly toasted bagel. Scooping up the steaming pocket, he set it carefully on the bagel and went for a mug, taking it over to the coffee pot.

“Morning,” Alek replied. “Yeah, Evan’s fine. He’s getting washed up. I’m gonna take him home in a little bit.”

“So that’s his Chevy outside? Nice. I am kinda surprised he’s still here.”

“Of course he’s still here. You think I’d kick him out in the middle of the night?”

Carter shrugged and made a non-committal grunt. “Why can’t he drive himself home?”

“Why isn’t Pres in his room?” Alek countered, steering the course of the conversation away from himself in order to protect his and Evan’s privacy.

“He got up early for a run,” Carter said, adding extra sugar to the coffee he’d just poured. Alek noted this since Carter drank his coffee with only cream, no sugar, just like he didn’t eat egg sandwiches either. But Presley sure did.

“Huh. So he’s not here then?”


“Who’s that for?” Alek asked, nodding at the food.

“A friend,” Carter said shortly, mug and plate in hand. Alek was in his way, blocking the path back to the bedrooms, so Carter gestured past him and asked, “You mind?”

“Not at all,” Alek replied, stepping aside.

With Carter gone, Alek went about fixing breakfast for two.

Up in the bathroom accessible from both Alek’s room and the hallway, Evan reveled in the, albeit temporary, solitude. Bracing his hands against the tile and staring out into space, he let the lukewarm spray of water wash down his back, trickling down his spine to the crease of his backside, through it and down the insides of his legs. He was sore and aching. He felt empty and strangely vulnerable. Only one of the two doors to the bathroom was locked, the one leading to the hallway, so he was secluded enough for the time being. An uncertain amount of time passed. The water grew cooler.

There was a knock at the door. He couldn’t tell which one.



“You okay? I made some breakfast if you’re interested. We can eat in here when you’re done with your shower.”

Evan opened his mouth to speak and at first no sound came out. He cleared his throat and tried again. “Thanks! Yeah, I’ll be out in a minute!”

“No rush. Take your time.”

“What am I doing?” Evan said quietly to himself. The whisper echoed off the porcelain walls and faded away. “What did I do? Why the hell am I still here? He probably thinks I’m the biggest idiot on the planet. A stupid love-struck kid. He probably only said that stuff ’cause I put out and now he feels like he’s gotta make me breakfast as, like, payment.”

He shut off the water and grabbed a towel from the small stack on the shelf above the toilet. Patting himself dry, he pulled open the shower curtain and buried his face in the terrycloth.

There was another knock on the door leading to the bedroom. Evan froze.


“Can I come in?”

At first he couldn’t answer. His mind drew a blank. “Sure? One sec.”

He wrapped the towel around his waist, holding it closed with one hand.

Alek opened the door the whole way and just stood in the doorway, blatantly looking at Evan’s bare chest. Evan swallowed thickly and turned away toward the mirror to make sure his hair wasn’t sticking up crazily. Fingering through the dripping-wet spikes, he didn’t expect it when Alek came up behind him, pressing flush to his back. The hardness in Alek’s pants pressed demandingly at Evan’s tender ass through the towel. Hot, soft lips closed up around Evan’s earlobe, tugging on it. He shivered violently and pulled tighter at the towel, afraid it would slip right off. Alek’s fingers tickled over Evan’s lower back, right above his ass.

“You know, you have the sexiest little dimples right here. And this golden peach fuzz that it’s taking all my willpower not to just get down on my knees and scrape my teeth over,” Alek rasped. “Drop the towel.”

,” Evan pleaded, his brow furrowing.

He looked up, watching Alek watching him in the mirror over the sink. Alek grasped the towel’s edge and Evan let it go. It fell away to the floor. Alek instantly started to eye-fuck Evan’s naked body in the mirror, so Evan looked away. A wide, strong hand rubbed over his chest. A thumb rolled over his left nipple just as another hand caressed over the side of his bare buttocks.

“I never got to see you in the light. I had to see you. Your body is just... sick. I’d fuck you again, right now. If I didn’t care about you as much as I do I’d be fucking you already, even though you’re sore and it’d hurt. That’s the kind of guy I used to be. Real nice, huh? I’d stuff you full of my cock and if you cried out or, hell, just plain cried, it’d just turn me on even more.”

Evan breathed heavily, gripping the sides of Alek’s hips behind him, getting dizzy, getting hard.

“Are you sore?”


“Bet your hole is really hot and throbbing. Bet if I licked it, it’d cool it off really nice, though.”

Evan moaned, almost too softly to hear.

Alek grabbed Evan’s chin, and tilted his head around for him to catch his lips in a soft kiss. Evan hummed and kissed him back, tasting minty toothpaste on Alek’s lips.

“I’ve been too careless with you, letting my libido obliterate common sense when it comes to safety, and I’m sorry about that. You should know I’ve always been really careful with my partners in the past, and I get tested regularly out of principle, but just in case, I want to go today to get tested for you, if you want to come with. After getting a taste of you last night, I need more. I want to have full access to all of you. No more condoms. No one else. Just you and me. Then I’ll drive you home.”

Confused, Evan blurted, “What? Well, you don’t have to worry. You really don’t have to do that, and like, go to the trouble. And I’m clean. Former virgin and all.”

“But there’s still a chance I might not be.”

“I don’t care.”

do,” Alek argued. “You really don’t care if we’re safe or not? If I give you something? Don’t you care if you get hurt because of me?”

Evan shrugged, dropping his chin to his chest, wishing he had the towel back.

It was all the answer Alek needed.

“Huh. Okay then. Guess I’ll have to make it my job to look out for your well-being then, if you don’t care enough to.” His hands were resting on Evan’s shoulders, heavy and firm, grounding him, trapping him.

Evan sniffed and tried to turn his face away from the mirror when tears stung his eyes. Self-respect was something that had eluded him for a long, long time. It was still hard to admit it to people who mattered to him, though. He angrily brushed away a fat teardrop that sprung from the corner of his right eye and avoided Alek’s gaze.

Alek sighed against the side of Evan’s face and kissed his temple, asking, “How do I fix this?”

“You can’t. And you don’t have to take care of me.”

“I’m sorry, but it seems I do.”

“How did I get here?” Evan murmured to himself as he detangled from Alek’s grasp.



Alek followed as Evan went to grab his pants, stepping into the legs and shimmying them into place on his hips. He knew he was moving awkwardly, and grimaced a little when he bent.

“Come and eat,” Alek urged. “I’ll drive you right home if you want to go.”

Evan hesitated in answering, pulling on his shirt. “I can drive myself. I’m not actually a child, you know.”

“Tough shit. I’m driving you home. I want to make sure you get there okay.”

Evan sneered and laughed bitterly. Alek stalked up to him and grabbed his wrist when he tried to twist away.

“Something is up with you, and I’m not going to make you talk about it if you don’t want to, but it scares me that you care so little about yourself. I’m not letting you take off on your own right now until I know you’re okay.”

Breathing roughly, Evan yanked at his arm. Alek just drew him closer. Evan stared at Alek’s mouth, feeling defiant and speechless and incredibly turned on. Pushing in suddenly, he stretched up on his toes and chased Alek’s mouth, dragging the swell of his bottom lip over the cupid’s bow of Alek’s stubborn pout. A small, soft, breathy fragment of a grunt escaped Evan as he licked with the point of his tongue, teasing up the center crease of Alek’s bottom lip and inside. Alek cupped the back of Evan’s head, forced his jaw open wide and licked over his tongue.

Eventually they separated, dizzy but calmer.

“Sit. Eat,” Alek commanded, pulling out a chair at the small table by the window, the platter of breakfast food laid out and ready.

“Okay,” Evan relented, not quite believing the submissive tone in his own voice.

Sitting down across from him, Alek grabbed one of the two cups of coffee and sipped. “Thank you.”

After their plates had been mostly emptied, Evan spoke up. “If we’re taking my car, how are you gonna get home?”

“I’ve got it covered. Don’t worry about it,” he assured Evan who eyed him warily but didn’t argue.

Alek asked, “What’s your brother’s name?”

“Brennan. He’s basically the new and improved version of me, better in every conceivable way. Smarter, cuter, healthier, more common sense, less of a push-over.”

Alek set down his napkin after wiping his mouth with it and rested his forearm on the table. “Don’t say things like that. You’re not allowed to berate yourself to me.”

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